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Millennial Day Theory

If we cannot not know the season, then why are there signs for us to look for and what do these verses mean?

1 Thessalonians 5:1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
1 Thessalonians 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
1 Thessalonians 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
1 Thessalonians 5:5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
1 Thessalonians 5:6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
I don't think you will ever get a satisfactory answer because I don't think anyone actually knows what a 'season' is. You'll just keep hearing "it could be tomorrow or it could be 15 years from now but we know it's close." No one knows what 'close' is either. 😆
I hear old sermons from Adrian Rogers from the mid-90's saying we "are in the season."

Most of the time I see people explaining it as "God just put those verses there to help us to not fall into sinful living and always be prepared just in case it is the time." 🤔
from Mattfivefour above ... "If my understanding of the feasts is correct --and I believe it is-- the Rapture will occur on a Feast of Trumpets. How soon that particular feast may occur depends first of all on whether we are in "the season" or not. I believe we are. Second of all, it depends on when ”the fullness of the gentiles” (Romans 11:25) occurs; and THAT no one knows, except God. But surely we are close."

The Feast of Trumpets makes sense but how does it fit in with imminency? The Feast is a 2-day event, but if the first day passes, then we would "know" when the rapture would occur, it would be on the second day. You could change the year but it's the same issue. Also, if the rapture is on that feast day, or any feast day, that means that the other 363 days of the year are not possible thus no imminency. If the rapture has to be on any particular day, then it destroys imminency. Right? What are I not seeing?
Brother, this is the thing that keeps me from 100% certainty. Yet everything seems to fit, except imminency. So I have to ask a question as I study: Is our understanding of the doctrine of imminency correct? It is something of which I'm making a study now. I'm aware of the skilled arguments made by Dr John Walvoord and Dr Thomas Ice. They make very sound points. But I did notice that in both cases and in the cases of others whom I've read on the subject, their arguments are based on certain presuppositions. They're based on the fact that when Jesus says "I'm coming as a thief in the night" that that means He could be coming at any night, when it could just simply mean unexpectedly. Now the word unexpectedly would seem to preclude a specific time frame such as the 48 hours of the feast of Trumpets; but does it necessarily? For example, let's say that one year the Feast of Trumpets starts, but the one who comes as a "thief" does not come. Nothing happens, and we go well yes it didn't happen, it's not this year. But somewhere in that 48 hours suddenly there we are in heaven. He came, after all; indeed unexpectedly!

You see my point? I'm not saying that this is correct, I am merely questioning our presuppositions regarding imminence. I think it's a subject that needs further exploration and a much deeper exploration than just taking words at what we presume are their meaning when we may be imposing our own interpretations of what those words really mean. I'm sorry If this makes your brain hurt; it makes mine hurt just to talk about it! But when we come up against two parts of Scripture that seem to contradict each other, then my hermeneutical rule is that there is no contradiction in the Scripture, the contradiction arises from our misinterpretation of one part of Scripture. I and many others could be misinterpreting the significance of the Feast of Trumpets. And others could be misinterpreting the Scripture's meaning in passages that would seem to indicate imminence-- specifically that Jesus could appear at any moment of any day of any year.

So, my brother, I look with eagerness to every Feast of Trumpets going forward, but at the same time I try to live as though I could be face to face with Jesus at any minute. I suggest this latter is a good idea. Because it is not just the Rapture that will bring us face-to-face with Jesus. Death will do that, too. And as much as we may not like to face it, death may come for us at any minute, of any hour, of any day, of any month, of any year. So, in that sense, our coming face-to-face with Jesus is indeed imminent every moment we live. That should certainly have an impact on the way we live our lives each day.

Sorry that I cannot give you a better answer, a solid scriptural answer regarding the Rapture and its imminence, at this time; but it is a subject I am examining and praying about.
I don't really see a point in having a "gap" between the Rapture and the Trib.
As soon as Noah shut the ark, the rains came.
And as soon as Lot was out of Sodom, destruction fell.
If the Church via Holy Spirit is who is restraining evil, then it seems immediately evil would follow after we are taken away.
Not taking several months or more hem hawing around.
I don't really see a point in having a "gap" between the Rapture and the Trib.
As soon as Noah shut the ark, the rains came.
And as soon as Lot was out of Sodom, destruction fell.
If the Church via Holy Spirit is who is restraining evil, then it seems immediately evil would follow after we are taken away.
Not taking several months or more hem hawing around.
I think the "gap", while it's not mentioned specifically in Scripture, comes from "reasoning" to understand how and when Ezekiel 38 unfolds.
God is The One Who intervenes for Israel in that war. This most likely has to happen after the Rapture of the church. Then there's the burning of the weapons for seven years.
The reasoning of timing between God making all the nations know He is The Lord and burning of the weapons for 7 years cause some to believe that there must be a gap between the Rapture and The Tribulation.
But then one may say that Ezekiel 38 begins during the Tribulation and the burning of weapons could go into the Millennium.
This is one of those situations where there's a difference in interpretation of scenarios in prophecy.
We do ourselves good to not get overly concerned about what may not be fully understood.
The prophet Daniel was told that in the time of the end the wise will understand.
But does the end apply to today, because we are so close to The Day of The Lord, or could it apply to those who are in the time of Jacob's Trouble when the prophecies of The Day of The Lord will be completely understood as they see them unfold before them?
I don't really see a point in having a "gap" between the Rapture and the Trib.
As soon as Noah shut the ark, the rains came.
And as soon as Lot was out of Sodom, destruction fell.
If the Church via Holy Spirit is who is restraining evil, then it seems i
mmediately evil would follow after we are taken away.
Not taking several months or more hem hawing around.
There will be no gap!

We know we are in the grace age and after the Rapture all who are left will be in the Tribulation where they cannot take the mark. So after the Rapture is no longer the grace age. If there was a gap which there is not, what age would that be? Those in the so called gap, would surely end up in the Tribulation. Well if the gap and the tribulation are basically the same, I say they are exactly the same. You either get saved before the Rapture or you end up in the Tribulation. What purpose would a gap serve? :noidea:

There is no gap!!!
There will be no gap!

We know we are in the grace age and after the Rapture all who are left will be in the Tribulation where they cannot take the mark. So after the Rapture is no longer the grace age. If there was a gap which there is not, what age would that be? Those in the so called gap, would surely end up in the Tribulation. Well if the gap and the tribulation are basically the same, I say they are exactly the same. You either get saved before the Rapture or you end up in the Tribulation. What purpose would a gap serve? :noidea:

There is no gap!!!
Perhaps, but show me one scripture that shows immediately after the rapture, the tribulation begins. As I have stated before, scripture is quite clear the rapture does not trigger the start of the tribulation.

So, is there any lengthy gap…only He knows. Could be a gap of mere minutes, days, months, or sadly, years.
YEars doesnt make sense to me at all.
We will be kept from the hour of trial, or wrath. The Trib is considered his judgment, not before the Trib.
I also dont think it would be years, more like a few months to get the OWG up and running.

I obviously lean towards a gap, but Im also open to there may not be one at all. We cant really know, all we can do is learn from what is in the Bible, and nowhere does it state one event immediately follows the other. Thus, we all speculate. Personally I don't really care as I will be gone and not have to worry if I was right or wrong.:rapture:
If there is absolutely no gap, the Rapture loses any degree of imminence. In that case, it can only happen the exact moment the agreement is signed (or made stronger), as Scripture is clear that's when the Tribulation starts.
So the way you get saved in the grace age is to accept Jesus free gift of salvation and absolutely nothing else! During the Tribulation you must accept Jesus free gift of salvation but also not take the mark which will make ones life horrible.

In your so called gap how do people get saved? Won't they also have to refuse the mark after the gap is over? Makes no sense. 👎

There is no gap!!! If there was a gap we would have been told about it in the Bible and what we had to do or not do during that time.
The Bible says the end times will be like the great flood! Was there a gap there?

Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Matthew 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
Matthew 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

There is no gap!!!
I don't really see a point in having a "gap" between the Rapture and the Trib.
As soon as Noah shut the ark, the rains came.
And as soon as Lot was out of Sodom, destruction fell.
If the Church via Holy Spirit is who is restraining evil, then it seems immediately evil would follow after we are taken away.
Not taking several months or more hem hawing around.
David Jeremiah is one minister who has said that he doesn't believe there is a "gap." So, as you say, maybe not.
David Jeremiah is one minister who has said that he doesn't believe there is a "gap." So, as you say, maybe not.
Not that this proves anything, but I have yet to hear any sound doctrinal Pastor that I respect teach that there is a gap.

In fact, is there a gap doctrine? I tried to look it up but all I got was a Gap Theory. Reminds me of the Theory of Evolution something that man made up!
I don't really see a point in having a "gap" between the Rapture and the Trib.
As soon as Noah shut the ark, the rains came.
And as soon as Lot was out of Sodom, destruction fell.
If the Church via Holy Spirit is who is restraining evil, then it seems immediately evil would follow after we are taken away.
Not taking several months or more hem hawing around.

Once satan is pretty much given free reign to ultimately do what God will have him do during Tribulation, it may take a while for satan to get rolling with the things he'll need to do. satan's light bulb going off during the Rapture, "oh wow, my time is now!"

It could happen of course, but the signing of the covenant that starts Tribulation right after or during the Rapture would definitely be a miracle. What I'm saying is, if there is a gap, it could be minutes, hours, days, or years.
So the bottom line is, this theory has got great possibilities, and I sincerely hope it's true

BUT the closer we get to that time window closing the more I worry that we had it wrong.

Just like those who worked out a generation as 40 years and tied it to the rebirth of Israel as a nation and got very excited about 1988. The fig tree generation.

I am feeling the same, actually.

There is just so much more that needs to happen. And I think He will wait until the vey last minute to take us out.

I am honestly kind of wondering if I should never have started this thread topic to begin with.
Not that this proves anything, but I have yet to hear any sound doctrinal Pastor that I respect teach that there is a gap.

In fact, is there a gap doctrine? I tried to look it up but all I got was a Gap Theory. Reminds me of the Theory of Evolution something that man made up!
I don't think that there is any 'official' gap doctrine, it's just our human understanding of how things work. It's hard to see how all of the political maneuvering, power grabbing, etc. can happen actually overnight following the chaos of the rapture. So many things have to be in place during the present age and it's again hard to see how Christians would miss those things, like the rise of the AC, the regional alliances, etc. We're certainly seeing the start of those things now but for them to come to fruition literally overnight? That's a hard thing to see. But, then again, it's God, so yeah, could happen.
FWIW, I don't believe there's a gap because God always has one way of redemption in every dispensation.

So, I think the rapture, the first sacrifice in the third temple, and the covenant will happen simultaneously. Who knows, perhaps one combined/linked ceremony for the first sacrifice and covenant. A modern precedent for linking political with the third temple is the Temple coin linking Trump/Cyrus with the rebuilding/temple.

The only way I see a gap would be momentarily: the Rapture removes the Restrainer, which allows the sacrifice and covenant the next moment.
Question: How does the Rapture terminate the Age of Grace? During this dispensation, we're not to reject Christ. During the tribulation, people are not to reject Christ, and to take the mark is to reject Christ and/or the sign to the world that the person has rejected Christ. People, who don't take the mark and don't accept Christ still go to Hell simply because they reject Christ. A lot of people are going to die during The Tribulation, and I bet not all of them, who have not taken the mark, will be Christians. Those people are still dead in their sins.