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What if the Rapture Window theory goes Belly up?

Tyler and Lee parted ways. They were good friends but Tyler took exception when Lee posted a video about 18 months ago just around the time Tyler posted a video collaborating with Dr Barry Awe who at the time was getting all excited about Aug of 23 being a "high watch" for sure it's gonna happen date, complete with some weird stuff about a completely new date for Pentecost in late summer as the feast of New Wine.

Lee wasn't aiming it specifically at Barry Awe but he was dealing with the uptick of date setting and did call out the whole Pentecost isn't Pentecost, in late spring anymore but being as Barry parked it - in late summer.

Tyler got mad, his followers really got mad and Lee was shut out. Pete Garcia didn't dump Lee and quite a few good prophecy teachers took notice of Lee so it all worked out for Lee.

But I've always thought Lee's warnings would have been really good for Tyler, providing a better balance for his teachings. Tyler was working well with Pete Garcia and still is, but he has gone more towards the extremes of Dr Barry Awe, Scarborough and that other guy that I can't remember.
Yeah i wish Pete would not collab with Tyler but understand that Pete likes discussing hypotheticals but making it clear that his ideas are merely just hypotheticals
Yeah i hate those "coincidences" too in relation to the Trunp stuff 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yes I agree with Amethyst. Comic book sales should be way up right now. I totally get that. BUT and its a big one. Come. Have some of this pixie dust with me. I promise, you will see colors you never knew existed, i tell ya...lol

But seriously folks. What is the art of story? Who is THE story teller? How do the rules of poetry, grammar, and those ingredients that make story, story...work? If we think about it...what if we place the emphasis not on silly or non-silly but on the heart of God? He needs to reach a lot of people today. There is a freight train coming. And no one escapes. As a good Father, He might have to speak to the children in their own language. He might have to help those with pride and no religion to see climate change to end the world so they can get a grip from where they are thinking of their temporality. And in hopes, come to a wiser conclusion than climate change.

He can come to those who have no interest in church or God. And drop a forbidden commercial at Superbowl halftime and show them "He Gets Us." Which no doubt got the attention of some who would never step foot into a church. To a website. With the gospel. Yes with avenues to Catholicism too should one want that brand. But before then, they got the gospel. The church is right to have concern on seeker friendly avenues and churchianity. But does it not make sense that for those not seeking He would still find a way to them? Even in the most water downed church disapproved ways?

Even more so, I believe it is of healthy concern, that we not equate Trump with Christ. O b v i o u s l y !!! BUT if a Trump bible has some consider, "What the heck is going on?" Or read that bible. And His spirit speak to them in either that bible or in the strange world that worships Trump....causing a scratching of the head so as to perhaps think, "This world is so loopy, maybe seeking a God that is not like this crazy place might make sense right about now. What i am saying is, that God is humble in spirit. When He came in the 1st century, it was the established religion that had the biggest problem. Not that the church = Israeli 1st century clergy. But God having liberty to transcend perhaps some church approved ways...could...on its face....on some levels...be a thing, perhaps.

So although it sound strange to do comic book theory for prophecy, if some themes we might put into play be off, they may be off to some perhaps greater degree. If the God of the universe transcend and condescend beyond perhaps what we might be open to...maybe. Well this is something that strikes me along the way. What if God transcends in condescension toward an age right at hells doorstep? What might that look like?

Might it look like Joe Rogan saying Goerge Soros looks like a batman comic book villain? Might it look like Newsom as a comic book level villain? Might it look like Weekend at Burnies as President for four years? The most powerful country in the world a geriatric to the world? Might it look like a brazen man who tattoos his face in red-white-and blue and post the most outrageous themes America has ever heard from a political figure from Truth Social? And calling it "Truth Social?" For we have entered the matrix of sorts, have we not? And if we were a matrix, what grammar would we speak? What language do matrixians speak? And how might matrixians be spoken to? What story line might help them get a sense though?

I believe there just might be a grammar of authority that pierces our norms. Reaching far beyond our grammar rules. And upends our logic with children's rhymes and lullabies. Ladies and gentle, welcome to the grand Areopagus Theater of a time Squid Game is the rage of many countries. This 21st Century Uprising. Well thought to end it in dramatic effect...lol. But hope it makes sense on some level. Blesssings.
Yes I agree with Amethyst. Comic book sales should be way up right now. I totally get that. BUT and its a big one. Come. Have some of this pixie dust with me. I promise, you will see colors you never knew existed, i tell ya...lol

But seriously folks. What is the art of story? Who is THE story teller? How do the rules of poetry, grammar, and those ingredients that make story, story...work? If we think about it...what if we place the emphasis not on silly or non-silly but on the heart of God? He needs to reach a lot of people today. There is a freight train coming. And no one escapes. As a good Father, He might have to speak to the children in their own language. He might have to help those with pride and no religion to see climate change to end the world so they can get a grip from where they are thinking of their temporality. And in hopes, come to a wiser conclusion than climate change.

He can come to those who have no interest in church or God. And drop a forbidden commercial at Superbowl halftime and show them "He Gets Us." Which no doubt got the attention of some who would never step foot into a church. To a website. With the gospel. Yes with avenues to Catholicism too should one want that brand. But before then, they got the gospel. The church is right to have concern on seeker friendly avenues and churchianity. But does it not make sense that for those not seeking He would still find a way to them? Even in the most water downed church disapproved ways?

Even more so, I believe it is of healthy concern, that we not equate Trump with Christ. O b v i o u s l y !!! BUT if a Trump bible has some consider, "What the heck is going on?" Or read that bible. And His spirit speak to them in either that bible or in the strange world that worships Trump....causing a scratching of the head so as to perhaps think, "This world is so loopy, maybe seeking a God that is not like this crazy place might make sense right about now. What i am saying is, that God is humble in spirit. When He came in the 1st century, it was the established religion that had the biggest problem. Not that the church = Israeli 1st century clergy. But God having liberty to transcend perhaps some church approved ways...could...on its face....on some levels...be a thing, perhaps.

So although it sound strange to do comic book theory for prophecy, if some themes we might put into play be off, they may be off to some perhaps greater degree. If the God of the universe transcend and condescend beyond perhaps what we might be open to...maybe. Well this is something that strikes me along the way. What if God transcends in condescension toward an age right at hells doorstep? What might that look like?

Might it look like Joe Rogan saying Goerge Soros looks like a batman comic book villain? Mike it look like Newsom a comic book level villain? Might it look like Weekend at Burnies as President for four years? The most powerful country in the world a geriatric to the world? Might it look like a brazen man who tattoos his face in red-white-and blue and post the most outrageous themes America has ever heard from a political figure from Truth Social? And calling it "Truth Social?" For we have entered the matrix of sorts, have we not? And if we were a matrix, what grammar would we speak? What language do matrixians speak? And how might matrixians be spoken to? What story line might help them get a sense though?

I believe there just might be a grammar of authority that pierces our norms. Reaching far beyond our grammar rules. And upends our logic with children's rhymes and lullabies. Ladies and gentle, welcome to the grand Areopagus Theater of a time Squid Game is the rage of many countries. This 21st Century Uprising. Well thought to end it in dramatic effect...lol. But hope it makes sense on some level. Blesssings.
I don't know where you pixies came from but i sure like your pixie drink🤣🤣🤣🤣