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Who Is Your Favorite End Times Teacher/Pastor?

I understand that there is a fine distinction regarding repentance, and why Pastor Woods is careful to describe it as a change of mind. But, you'd never hear Pastor Woods using the 'ABCs' of salvation.

Another razor fine distinction that I have (not Pastor Woods) is a minority view of John 6:44 "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day." and that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, not sins, but sin. He convicts us of only one sin which is unbelief in Jesus.

I'll give my view: We have to do one repentance, we need to turn from not believing in Jesus to believing. Our personal sins/behaviors are not a primary issue. It's the Holy Spirit's conviction for us to turn to Jesus that matters.

The 'C' confessing isn't really an issue in my perspective because nothing but turning from unbelief to: We begin trusting Jesus is truth, salvation, and God's Only Son (and that is all that matters). My reaction to that was humble, I merely acknowledged it. My confession of that truth came out of joy, not a need to affirm my salvation.

It's kind of a work to put 'confess' from myself as part of my totally unconditional gift of salvation. I never felt compelled to confess anything, it simply flowed out.

So I don't agree with the ABCs. Becoming a Christian is simply a response to God's appeal to all mankind -- that the Holy Spirit convicts us of the single sin of unbelief. Once anyone believes in God, our Savior Jesus; they are saved. In my case, months later I began recognizing my sinful pagan behaviors and those were dealt with in His discipline. My behavior, good or bad, never affected my salvation; it does affect my sanctification.

Calvinists hold to a different view of the Holy Spirit's conviction and God's drawing. I think all people are convicted/drawn. They suggest that humans are so deprived that it takes a miraculous 'effectual' call from God. In reality ordinary people can respond to God's conviction and drawing. Calvinists think that only the 'elect' can respond because God gives them a special recipe of pre-chosen status. Calvinists view that most of us could never freely respond to the Holy Spirit's conviction that we were in unbelief, that we could not because of Total Depravity (Calvinist legalistic doctrine that leads to allowing the 'elect' to be, well, better than others; something to be proud of after all). Calvinists are big on two things: Works from their human flesh, and total inability to EVER respond to God's revelation of Himself by grace. They cloak their 'not our works' denial of God's grace with an imperative that their works prove they are 'elect' through the TULIP theology. They truly believe that only an elect few can believe and deny that it's our Father's will that NONE perish.

It seems that JD hasn't a deep understanding of the issues like Pastor Woods has.
Please don't take my reply to you as though I discount what you said. I just wanted to be clear as to my post you quoted.
I don't think JD has Calvinist views by what he teaches.
If you have heard him teach such things it's good to point it out and maybe he does but I have never heard it myself.
He does go into subject matter that's unfounded at times in his prophecy updates not related to scripture but as for unbiblical teachings I can't say.
If you watch JD's video I posted above regarding the conversation, you will see he accurately describes repentance.
but he was too much, "the rapture is about to happen
Yes! This is what initially caused me to stop listening to him shortly after covid started in 2020. Every prophecy update, he came as close as you can without giving a specific date, of saying “its now”. Im betting many in his congregation and on his forum were very disappointed on numerous occasions. JD can be very convincing and he seems easy to like.

We should all be fired up knowing the rapture is coming, but not let emotions and feelings get in the way of what is actually written in the bible in regards to end times. He has written in His Word what we need to know!
Yes! This is what initially caused me to stop listening to him shortly after covid started in 2020. Every prophecy update, he came as close as you can without giving a specific date, of saying “its now”.
Exactly. I think I posted this before, but we were watching him as a family I believe on Easter Day 2020 (or it could have been the week before). I had forgotten this or not really paid attention, but my kids reminded me somewhat recently that he said that Easter would be our last. That made an impression on them, and it wasn't good. Made it much easier to discount my views on where we're at. I get the excitement and feeling of imminence, but there are some things you just shouldn't say short of having a true Divine revelation.
I know how all this ends. I have a family member who was obsessed with this not too long ago.
All the people in NYC who supposedly heard or saw planes hit are part of the conspiracy themselves, maybe even hired, to tell people lies.
Just like every pilot who ever lived are paid to tell people lies about the earth being round.
I think the Covid 6ft. Social Distancing stuff pushed a lot of the Flat Earthers over the edge:monkey:
He's not a pastor, but I love listening to Mark Murchison on youtube for encouragement -- he has quite an air of peace about him. For a while I was also listening to watchman river Tom, but backed off mostly because of hearing too much about Psalm 83.
The very same. I just started listening to Mark and a guy called I'mAwake.AreYou? Nice, easy listening. Not overly popular. I'm not really looking to learn a lot, rather just take in some comfort. This is no slight against the more well-known teachers, but the popular level guys have worn thin on me, personally. It all gets really produced and you can feel the algorithm churning in the titles and thumbnails. That got old for me years ago during COVID-19. I know that sounds huffy, but again, that's just my personal feelsies about that. "Low-level" unknowns just talking about the Lord is exactly what I want out of the scene.
The very same. I just started listening to Mark and a guy called I'mAwake.AreYou? Nice, easy listening. Not overly popular. I'm not really looking to learn a lot, rather just take in some comfort. This is no slight against the more well-known teachers, but the popular level guys have worn thin on me, personally. It all gets really produced and you can feel the algorithm churning in the titles and thumbnails. That got old for me years ago during COVID-19. I know that sounds huffy, but again, that's just my personal feelsies about that. "Low-level" unknowns just talking about the Lord is exactly what I want out of the scene.
Exactly! I'll have to check out I'mAware-AreYou. I also get the sense for many it becomes a job to say something several times a week (or more) just to keep engagement and popularity up. For me, that leads to fatigue, and you really wonder how much the Spirit is in it. I'm thinking more of the youtube channels than actual pastors like Hibbs and Woods here.

Another one that I've listed to lately is Rapture Ready Warrior. Even though sometimes done from a car (the new pulpit?), I find her to be right on target and sticking to what the Bible says without going on a limb or soapbox or speculation.
"Low-level" unknowns just talking about the Lord is exactly what I want out of the scene.

I also get the sense for many it becomes a job to say something several times a week (or more) just to keep engagement and popularity up. For me, that leads to fatigue, and you really wonder how much the Spirit is in it.

Exactly! I'll have to check out I'mAware-AreYou. I also get the sense for many it becomes a job to say something several times a week (or more) just to keep engagement and popularity up. For me, that leads to fatigue, and you really wonder how much the Spirit is in it. I'm thinking more of the youtube channels than actual pastors like Hibbs and Woods here.

Another one that I've listed to lately is Rapture Ready Warrior. Even though sometimes done from a car (the new pulpit?), I find her to be right on target and sticking to what the Bible says without going on a limb or soapbox or speculation.
Agree. Many of the popular end times teachers on the internet seem to get the same talking points. Sadly, many I use to listen to seem to be more interested in generating “clicks”.
Does anyone know/watch Watchman River on youtube?
RaptureReady links him sometimes but Ive only watched couple vids.. is he a click bait-y person or is he good to watch? 🤔
I haven't watched him in months, but he's pretty good. I stopped for a while because he got onto a Psalm 83 line of thought for a while and I tend to get frustrated over that, but I will probably check in on him again -- one of his recents looked interesting. I used to listen frequently and no alarms going off... He's comforting/encouraging, talks a lot about current events, and some listener comments.
I am a big fan of MacArthur. Just listened to this sermon/teaching this morning. So much put together well, and easy to understand for those who might be just starting their journey. A good one to share with people searching for more understanding. Good detail too, I learned a few things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn9xA4fBi2I
He is not bad on prophecy, but after I learned he teaches Lordship Salvation, and he is a diehard Calvinist, I quit listening to him.
With regard to the sequence of end-time events: Arnold Fruchtenbaum, with whose interpretation I agree almost completely on these points.

In terms of spiritual depth: David L Cooper (from the Biblical Research Studies Group -> excellent interpretations of Isaiah, Ezekiel and Zechariah, among others).

In terms of humility: Bill Salus, whose thoughts on Ezekiel 28 got me researching again.
I knew a dear sister on the forum. She was very much down the false light rabbit hole.

Hi @TCC! I think that might have been me but then again you chatted a lot on the JD forum so might have been another sister 🤷‍♀️ I found this thread and your message following a search for Luciferian light……what are the chances?! Good to see you brother! 5 years on from being born again and chatting about your views, I’m still down that old Rabbit hole with a gut feeling that Trump might represent luciferian or false light and the solution element of Hegelian dialect. Only my thoughts of course and rest assured, not something I dwell on!

From what we see across the pond (you’ll remember I’m in Wales, UK), on the face of it (and cheating aside) it seems pretty much a no brainer that Trump should be elected to put back (build back better?) everything the Democrats turned upside down from day one. I’d vote for him! From the reports and interviews I’ve seen, Kamala doesn’t come across as the most credible, authoritative, knowledgable or articulate candidate for office. It baffles me how close the poll ratings are! I shall follow the election with interest as I did last time.

What’s so wonderful is the outcome and consequences are in the hands of our Lord and we are assured that He works all things together for the good for all who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28)

Daniel 2:21
And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding.
In January the sister I corresponded with quite a bit there on JDF was dissolusioned. She was upset about the "wink wink--this could be it folks" vaudeville approach to discerning the end times. At that point she realized there was something in the air that was not too helpful. Not sure where she is with the false light view now, as she is not currently posing. But it seems that there are concerns with JD
Ah no……defo not me. I must have had me confused with someone else! 🤣

BTW I have never been disillusioned by JD. Disappointed occasionally yes. His teachings have been a lifeline for me since 2020. The only things that I’ve felt a check in my spirit about are his theories on 9/11 and weather manipulation. So disappointing 😔 but insufficient to draw me away from his excellent spirit led teaching. I have no interest or understanding in these matters and no inclination to explore further. I think if you have been blessed with discernment, it’s pretty hard to be led astray but easy for some to throw the baby out with the bath water.
JD Farag is my favourite pastor. I listen to a lot of the other pastors that have already been mentioned. Pastor JD is my favourite because he teaches through the bible, he always presents the gospel, he is bold, he is passionate for Christ, and he is willing to tell his flock what is really going on in the world. He is a true pastor. He guides and protects his flock by bolding stepping up and speaking the truth despite the cost.