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US President Joe Biden withdraws from presidential race

This comes amid weeks of speculation and pressure by the Democratic Party.
US President Joe Biden announced to a post on X that he will be exiting the race for president.

This comes amid weeks of speculation of Biden's health and increasing pressure from Democrats.

In the statement to X, published on Sunday, he said, "I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term."



The last times this was used was President Nixon nominating Gerald Ford to fill the vacancy created by Vice President Agnew resigning, and President Ford nominating Rockefeller to fill the Vice President vacancy when he became President after President Nixon resigned.

I was in high school at the time, so this was big news and good lessons in government/politics.

Before that, Vice President Johnson became President when President Kennedy was assassinated, but the office of Vice President was vacant until the inauguration of Vice President Hubert Humphrey in 1965.

The last times this was used was President Nixon nominating Gerald Ford to fill the vacancy created by Vice President Agnew resigning, and President Ford nominating Rockefeller to fill the vacancy when he became President after President Nixon resigned.

I was in high school at the time, so this was big news and good lessons in government/politics.

Before that, Vice President Johnson became President when President Kennedy was assassinated, but the office of Vice President was vacant until the inauguration of Hubert Humphrey in 1965.
Okay. The link I provided says the order of succession should a President not be able to finish his term due to the listed reasons.
I'm not a political expert and is why I posted the link.
Okay. The link I provided says the order of succession should a President not be able to finish his term due to the listed reasons.
I'm not a political expert and is why I posted the link.

It gets complicated, and in some ways makes sense.

That's why we have Constitutional Law scholars and lawyers that specialize in the area (I'm not one, either) :)

Did President Biden make his announcement from wherever he's quarantining?
Is he at least socially distancing?
And where is his MASK???!!!

Quick! Call the Mask Police!
He's sleeping (do they mask up when asleep?) ...so probably doesnt even know he's no longer the Dem candidate.
Funny aside, which some aspects are... I think he is not the one making this decision.


Joe Biden’s Brother Frank Says Biden’s Declining Health Played a “Considerable Role” in His Decision to Drop Out – Suggests Biden is Near Death​

Joe Biden’s brother, Frank Biden, told CBS News that Biden’s declining health played a considerable role in his decision to drop out.

There was a ‘funeral-like’ feeling to Frank Biden’s statement to CBS News.
Frank Biden told CBS News that he wants Biden back to “enjoy whatever time we have left.”

“I’m incredibly proud of my brother. Selfishly I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left,” Frank Biden told CBS News.
It sounds like Joe Biden is near death!

Complete Article:



Joe Biden’s Brother Frank Says Biden’s Declining Health Played a “Considerable Role” in His Decision to Drop Out – Suggests Biden is Near Death​

Joe Biden’s brother, Frank Biden, told CBS News that Biden’s declining health played a considerable role in his decision to drop out.

There was a ‘funeral-like’ feeling to Frank Biden’s statement to CBS News.
Frank Biden told CBS News that he wants Biden back to “enjoy whatever time we have left.”

“I’m incredibly proud of my brother. Selfishly I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left,” Frank Biden told CBS News.
It sounds like Joe Biden is near death!

Complete Article:

I think his brother just meant that Biden is old and unwell and nearing the end of his life. Not that he’s going to die before his term is up. If he has Parkinson’s which I believe he does, he doesn’t look end stage to me yet.
(Speaking from healthcare background working with the elderly)
I think his brother just meant that Biden is old and unwell and nearing the end of his life. Not that he’s going to die before his term is up. If he has Parkinson’s which I believe he does, he doesn’t look end stage to me yet.
(Speaking from healthcare background working with the elderly)
Sounds like his brother thinks Biden doesn't have long

From the article

Frank Biden told CBS News that he wants Biden back to “enjoy whatever time we have left.”
Sounds like his brother thinks Biden doesn't have long

From the article

Frank Biden told CBS News that he wants Biden back to “enjoy whatever time we have left.”
Well, I say that about my Mom, and she is only mid 70’s and healthy. He could be expressing that Biden doesn’t have very long, sure. He is certainly declining rapidly. But is still on his feet and able to eat his ice cream.
I think more likely, referring to President Biden having limited time left with enough cognition to enjoy life and time with family. It really sucks watching a loved one losing his or her mental, emotional, and cognitive faculties, and knowing there is only so much "good time" left, and that such "good time" will become less good, less prolonged on a daily basis, and less frequent over time. The long good-bye, indeed :cry:
Yesterday afternoon, Joseph R. Biden withdrew from the 2024 Presidential Election. Well, we think he did. As of this moment we have yet to see any proof that this was Biden's decision or even proof of life for that matter. How can POTUS make such a huge announcement via a letter on Twitter and not appear before everyone to talk about it?

Probably because he did NOT write the letter.

Talk about being prophetic. Once again the Bee calls it. Does Biden really know he's out?

Where's the President? Biden MIA After Bailing From His Campaign​

President Joe Biden hasn't been seen in public since last week when the White House announced he contracted COVID-19 and was headed to his Delaware beach house to recover.

On Sunday and after a number of very public denials, the Joe Biden Twitter account posted a letter allegedly signed by Biden -- not on official presidential letterhead -- announcing he was "standing down" from his 2024 presidential campaign.

Biden failed to release a still photo or a video of the announcement, raising serious questions about his state of being.

I suspect he's back in his basement with a freezer full of his favorite ice cream, and he probably still thinks he's campaigning for president... from his basement... just like he did leading up to the last election.

Where's the President? Biden MIA After Bailing From His Campaign​

The Babylon Bee has the answer:

Biden Wakes Up From Nap, Asks If He Missed Anything

REHOBOTH, DE — President Biden awoke from a long Sunday afternoon nap and walked out to ask his family if he missed anything important while he was asleep.

"That COVID can really make a man sleep. Ha! Well, I'll be all set for the big rally on Tuesday. So, anything happen while I was out?" asked Biden. "Nothing? Geez, you guys sure are quiet."

According to sources, President Biden laid down for a nap early this afternoon shortly after aides asked if he could digitally sign a statement for "no particular reason." After a couple hours of sleep, Biden woke up well-rested, though he noted he had a slightly above-average number of missed calls on his phone. "That Hunter. Such a rascal!" said Biden. "I wonder why those aides were so intent on me signing that thing before my family came back? Oh, well."

At publishing time, President Biden had been assured that nothing of note happened while he was asleep and that he could have a big scoop of ice cream if he would sign just a few statements about Vice President Harris.

I seriously doubt he will finish out his term. Plus, I think they want Harris serving as President by the start of the DNC. They want a smooth convention with unity behind Harris, not attacking each other, but attacking Trump.

I dont think old Joe should be forced to suffer in public anymore by the powers that be (mainly by his power hungry wife)