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US President Joe Biden withdraws from presidential race

This comes amid weeks of speculation and pressure by the Democratic Party.
US President Joe Biden announced to a post on X that he will be exiting the race for president.

This comes amid weeks of speculation of Biden's health and increasing pressure from Democrats.

In the statement to X, published on Sunday, he said, "I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term."

Hey has anyone heard anything about Joe Biden's signature on that statement of him resigning from the race?

Watchman River says he's seen the signature and it doesn't match others that are available publicly that he's been able to compare it with.

Puts a new wrinkle on Joe's resignation from the race. Not just forced, but he hasn't said it publicly in a video yet. All too easy for the people who now want him out to forge a signature, and create a done deal while he's recovering at home from Covid.
Hey has anyone heard anything about Joe Biden's signature on that statement of him resigning from the race?

Watchman River says he's seen the signature and it doesn't match others that are available publicly that he's been able to compare it with.

Puts a new wrinkle on Joe's resignation from the race. Not just forced, but he hasn't said it publicly in a video yet. All too easy for the people who now want him out to forge a signature, and create a done deal while he's recovering at home from Covid.
There is something fishy going on.
Because Ol' Joe hasn't made an appearence yet.
Maybe he's not able, or not allowed?
Who knows? 🤷‍♀️
That's pretty much what I thought when Tom of Watchman River mentioned it this morning. I did the head slap


and wondered why it hasn't been something everyone is questioning.

Because even if they did a perfect signature, this situation with Joe in hiding with "covid" gives them time to pull off a coup and talk Joe (more likely Jill and Hunter) into going along with it.

Here's Megyn Kelly with the story about the letter and the suspicious signature. Just after the 3:00 mark in the 8 minute video

At 5:17 Megyn asks 4 questions

1: Why haven't we seen him?
2: Why isn't it on White House stationary?
3: Why does it have an S at the end?
4: Why is there an underline when there never is with any of his other signatures?

at time stamp 5:34 she mentions a concerning statement from his brother talking about "spending whatever time he has left with him"
Unfortunately if the banana fits...
Todd it sounds like you ARE feeling better, I'm glad! If you are cracking jokes, it sounds like you are recovering and I'm happy to see it!

I just never thought I'd see the day when the USA and banana republic methods would intersect. Intersectionality bites again I suppose.

I gotta quit joking around, it's serious but honestly it's crazy to even have to consider the US and banana republics.
Emergency meeting with the White House has been conducted as Biden is allegedly gravely ill. The FAA has issued a no-fly zone over Delaware.
Kamala is said to be flying to Delaware today.
Who knows she might even be back to DC as president already.

BREAKING: Kamala Harris is flying to Wilmington, Delaware to speak with Joe Biden’s staff. We could be witnessing a transfer of power sooner than expected.
Emergency meeting with the White House has been conducted as Biden is allegedly gravely ill. The FAA has issued a no-fly zone over Delaware.
Kamala is said to be flying to Delaware today.
Who knows she might even be back to DC as president already.

BREAKING: Kamala Harris is flying to Wilmington, Delaware to speak with Joe Biden’s staff. We could be witnessing a transfer of power sooner than expected.
I was wondering if he may pass away before January. We are in a world of hurt with her in there as President. Does she pick V.P? Come Quickly, Lord Jesus! :amen:
They did what they could with their puppet and now he's already being resigned to mention and memory. I hope Joe's sins get washed away in the Blood before it's too late. I hope to see him on those celestial shores when this living nightmare is a million miles behind us.
This is not reported anywhere other than Amir?
Yes, here's another. The NYT:

Biden cancels nine trips, extends Delaware stay after dropping out of 2024 race​

Biden was scheduled to leave Monday for the West Coast, where he was to make stops in California, Denver, Houston and Austin – but all of those trips have been suddenly canceled, a White House source told The Post.
Biden, who has been isolating with COVID-19, was set to leave his home in Rehoboth, Del., on Monday, but extended his stay until Wednesday after announcing the end of his campaign the night before.


The source was not given any reason behind why the White House cancelled the trips. Biden’s illness was not immediately connected to the decision, as presidential physician Kevin O’Connor on Monday said Biden had all but recovered from the illness.


“He is feeling much better and recovering fast, and he looks forward to getting back on the road,” Harris added.
Harris flew to Delaware on Monday to say “hello” to the campaign staff, as she is taking over the 2024 bid after Biden’s drop.
Biden – with heavily slurred speech – called into the HQ meeting to speak to staffers and Harris, informing them that “the name has changed at the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn’t changed.”

Whole article:
Hey has anyone heard anything about Joe Biden's signature on that statement of him resigning from the race?

Watchman River says he's seen the signature and it doesn't match others that are available publicly that he's been able to compare it with.

Puts a new wrinkle on Joe's resignation from the race. Not just forced, but he hasn't said it publicly in a video yet. All too easy for the people who now want him out to forge a signature, and create a done deal while he's recovering at home from Covid.

Most of what the President "signs" is done by signature machine. If this didn't happen, due to volume, the President wouldn't have time to get anything done. The same goes for other high-ranking officials. Especially due to aging and maybe some medical issues, if President Biden did sign something, the signature would look different than the one from a signature machine.

Exceptions to the signature machine are treaties, legislation, etc.

If someone has a certificate, etc., it was probably "signed" by machine. I am certain the thank you certificate I got when I retired from the Army was signed by such a machine and not President Clinton.

OTOH, people being coerced into signing something sometimes try to put SUD (signed under duress) somehow or otherwise alter signature. Or President Biden could be so sick, he was simply doing the best he could. Aides prepare all sorts of documents for all sorts of contingencies, so if this was prepared ahead of time, may not be suspicious. Probably not be on official letterhead because campaigning for office is personal and not official business. President Clinton got in some trouble over this due to wrong moneys paying some bills, although he did fix it appropriately.