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US President Joe Biden withdraws from presidential race

This comes amid weeks of speculation and pressure by the Democratic Party.
US President Joe Biden announced to a post on X that he will be exiting the race for president.

This comes amid weeks of speculation of Biden's health and increasing pressure from Democrats.

In the statement to X, published on Sunday, he said, "I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term."

The Clinton's and Alex Soros already endorsed Kamala. Obama hasn't, I was wrong.

And the Trump team had an attack ad waiting in the wings. That's the funny part. Hopefully it'll play here.

Edit: I just signed out of X and now it won't play but you'll be seeing it soon.

Maybe they have to go with her to have a candidate on the ballot in most states? This is going to be both funny and sad if she starts campaigning. I might even try to listen to her speech soundbites...
Here's what Politco has to say, reference delegates and campaign money

DNC rules

Official DNC site
hillary probably didn't want to lose to Trump again even though she expected to win via the cheating.

Hillary has a lot of health issues and baggage. She's also 76 years old. Age is going to be an issue this election because of President Biden's incapacity, even with him not running. It's going to be used to attack President Trump.
Individual states run elections. Since it was diben who won the right to be on the state ballots where primaries were held, I wonder if some state rules might prevent the demonrats from having another name on some state ballots... just wondering out loud.

I'm glad this happened before the DNC. Otherwise it would have cost the states a LOT of money to reprint ballots. Printing process (including set-up, checking, verifying, corrections, etc.) has to start right after the convention because absentee ballots have to be mailed out in time for people to vote and return them. This includes military and other people overseas, so longer transit times.
I have to agree this is rather entertaining watching these rats scurrying and screaming as their party falls into the pail.
And I also get to have a big, silent I TOLD YOU SO to my relatives. I told them we needed the wall. I told them for years, that Biden had dementia.