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Millennial Day Theory

As to being close (really, really close), one thought from Pete Garcia from a while back... there's a shelf life to all this. We currently have the necessary tech for end times as depicted in Revelation. How long would it take to surpass that at the way things are progressing? Maybe send people off planet? And how about the sudden integration of AI into just about everything? Of course, God could stop all that in its tracks like He did with Babel, but seeing everything else fall into place at the same time it sure looks like we're in the final seconds of the last hour.
Absolutely yes - and the #1 thing that fascinates me regarding these thoughts of a shelf life is ISRAEL. How much longer can Israel survive? With all of these nations growling and surrounding them? Sure it’s proxies right now but we know who is right behind them. The word clearly says that Israel will not be destroyed, so how much longer is this sustainable until they would be? I know that God can stop anything and He would for sure if someone lobbed a huge nuke at them. But I still think their current situation is not sustainable.
Absolutely yes - and the #1 thing that fascinates me regarding these thoughts of a shelf life is ISRAEL. How much longer can Israel survive? With all of these nations growling and surrounding them? Sure it’s proxies right now but we know who is right behind them. The word clearly says that Israel will not be destroyed, so how much longer is this sustainable until they would be? I know that God can stop anything and He would for sure if someone lobbed a huge nuke at them. But I still think their current situation is not sustainable.
How would Israel survive?
God still does miracles. 🥰

Read the real events that took place during Israel's six day war in 1967 with miracles Only God could have done.


In the spring of 1967, following close to a decade of relative calm, Israel found itself poised for war against four of its Arab neighbors.

According to all the military analysts and pundits, it was to be a lopsided match. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) consisted of 275,000 troops, compared to the 456,000 soldiers of the combined Iraqi, Syrian, Jordanian and Egyptian armies. The united Arab forces also had a decided edge with regards to weaponry and military equipment: they boasted more than double the amount of tanks, and close to four times the amount of combat aircraft. The three-week period preceding the Six-Day War was one of dread, shock and fright for the residents of the Holy Land.

With close to two and a half million Jews living in the tiny country, it had the highest concentration of Jews since pre-Holocaust Eastern Europe. So pessimistic was the outlook that the nation’s cemeteries and national parks were marked to become gravesites for the many who would surely perish in the course of the war.

However, despite all the prognostications, by the time the war ended, the territory under Israeli control had tripled in size. Jews returned to sites where their ancestors had lived for thousands of years, sites from which waves of terror were launched against them for so many years. The casualties and losses were painful, but minimal in comparison to all projections. The Jewish nation was miraculously victorious in the face of unbelievable odds.

History books speak of the “Hundred Years’ War,” the “Thirty Years’ War,” and many other long-fought battles. Here, in a matter of six short days, a nation managed to utterly rout not one, but four powerful enemies!

Jews across the globe thanked G‑d for the great miracles that happened. An incredible sense of pride and spiritual awakening gripped the Jewish people worldwide.

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How would Israel survive?
God still does miracles. 🥰

Read the real events that took place during Israel's six day war in 1967 with miracles Only God could have done.


In the spring of 1967, following close to a decade of relative calm, Israel found itself poised for war against four of its Arab neighbors.

According to all the military analysts and pundits, it was to be a lopsided match. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) consisted of 275,000 troops, compared to the 456,000 soldiers of the combined Iraqi, Syrian, Jordanian and Egyptian armies. The united Arab forces also had a decided edge with regards to weaponry and military equipment: they boasted more than double the amount of tanks, and close to four times the amount of combat aircraft. The three-week period preceding the Six-Day War was one of dread, shock and fright for the residents of the Holy Land.

With close to two and a half million Jews living in the tiny country, it had the highest concentration of Jews since pre-Holocaust Eastern Europe. So pessimistic was the outlook that the nation’s cemeteries and national parks were marked to become gravesites for the many who would surely perish in the course of the war.

However, despite all the prognostications, by the time the war ended, the territory under Israeli control had tripled in size. Jews returned to sites where their ancestors had lived for thousands of years, sites from which waves of terror were launched against them for so many years. The casualties and losses were painful, but minimal in comparison to all projections. The Jewish nation was miraculously victorious in the face of unbelievable odds.

History books speak of the “Hundred Years’ War,” the “Thirty Years’ War,” and many other long-fought battles. Here, in a matter of six short days, a nation managed to utterly rout not one, but four powerful enemies!

Jews across the globe thanked G‑d for the great miracles that happened. An incredible sense of pride and spiritual awakening gripped the Jewish people worldwide.

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We just have to believe, Right?
What does God say in Jeremiah 32:27?

“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?"
It's looking more and more likely that the attack will come next week in conjunction with Tisha B'Av. Surely the enemy thinks they will be particularly vulnerable then due to the history of that day. God has a history of turning human and demonic "wisdom" on its head. It will be interesting to see how He deals with this and turns it to His purposes.
And getting all historical again- the earliest of the early church fathers, which one I forget now, but he taught this. Source Dr Ken Johnson's work. I can look it up if it is super important to anyone
Similar to this?

The idea that God has a 7,000 year plan is not a new one. In fact, it has been around for many centuries. The Epistle of Barnabas taught it in the first century A.D. by stating that “in six days, that is, in six thousand years, all things will be finished . . . This meaneth: when His Son, coming [again], shall destroy the time of the wicked man, and judge the ungodly, and change the-sun, and the moon, and the stars, then shall He truly rest on the seventh day.” (Epistle of Barnabas, XV verses 4-6) Irenaeus taught it in the second century, Commodianus in the third century, and in the fourth century Lactantius wrote that “the world must continue in its present state through six ages, that is, six thousand years . . . at the end of the six thousandth year all wickedness must be abolished from the earth, and righteousness reign for a thousand years…” (The Epitome of the Divine Institutes, Chapter 70)

We quote such authors because we believe they understood what the Bible had taught all along about God’s prophetic plan and that these truths have been neglected for centuries by most scholars and commentators, largely because it was a seemingly insignificant doctrine centuries ago and it is a negative and uncomfortable doctrine to many today. Our position is that a Bible doctrine is a Bible doctrine, regardless of what people think of it, and it should be taught.
We just have to believe, Right?
What does God say in Jeremiah 32:27?

“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?"
Absolutely! I was just expressing that Jerusalem has certainly become the “burdensome stone”…the time appears to be very soon for prophecy to play out and for God to step in, otherwise they would not survive without prophetic fulfillment.
I've shared this before but it applies here in this thread also. Regarding Israel and current anti-semitism and the Lord's return, consider Hosea 5:15 just prior to the Hosea 6 verses mentioned above. Here's the verse...

15 I will return again to my place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face, and in their distress earnestly seek me.

So, I (Jesus) will return to my place (Heaven) until they (Jews) acknowledge their guilt (rejection) and seek my face, and in their distress (tribulation) earnestly seek me.

So, think of this from Satan's perspective. Jesus says that he is going to go home to Heaven and stay there until the Jews repent and seek him. OK, but what if there are no Jews to repent? No Jews, no repentance, Jesus stays in Heaven, no second coming, Satan stays in control of earth and his destruction doesn't happen. It is Satan's 'get out of jail free' card.

In my own mind, I think this is why there is such an increase in anti-Semitism. Certainly a hatred of all that God loves, but I think more than that. Satan, in his arrogance, thinks that if can persuade the world to kill every single Jew, then he can circumvent God's revealed plan. If my eternal destiny was at stake, I would do whatever I could or could persuade others to do, to stop that. And I think Satan is doing just that, pulling out every trick he can come up with to eliminate every single Jew. A big goal, certainly, but he's Satan and he knows his eternal destiny hangs in the balance.

YES IT WAS Barnabas, THANK YOU! That was bugging me last night that I couldn't remember who it was and the particulars. I knew Ken Johnson had been discussing it in recent living memory but it would have bugged me till I looked it up and I didn't have time for that today.

And thank you for starting this thread, it's been great. I've really enjoyed reading the multiple points of view and the different ideas, questions and answers that came up. It is such a relief to be able to talk openly without worrying if it's breaking the 576 rules of engagement that one must keep in mind nowadays.

And that was THE Barnabas, friend of Paul mentioned in Acts.
And thank you for starting this thread, it's been great. I've really enjoyed reading the multiple points of view and the different ideas, questions and answers that came up. It is such a relief to be able to talk openly without worrying if it's breaking the 576 rules of engagement that one must keep in mind nowadays.
And the 279 secret rules plus the 57.5 double secret ones.

Seriously, though, yes -- it's a great discussion! Thanks Amethyst!
That is wonderful, Kem! May the words of this message spur many to greater service and faithfulness to our precious Lord and Savior!
It has convicted me greatly and brought tears to my eyes because I want to be found working for God and please him. I want more rewards for him. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I will be praying more about it and asking God to help me end the race strong.

I did immediately think of my children and siblings. I will pray for them too. I hope I’m correct that my kids would go with me but either way I know God loves them more than I do.
Absolutely! I was just expressing that Jerusalem has certainly become the “burdensome stone”…the time appears to be very soon for prophecy to play out and for God to step in, otherwise they would not survive without prophetic fulfillment.

Once the Rapture happens, the US will be a muslim country, just like the European countries will be (all because of muslim invasion/migration). So even if the US doesn't turn its back on Israel before the Rapture, it surely will after, and be a powerful enemy, both because of military and longstanding access to Israeli secrets/intelligence.
Once the Rapture happens, the US will be a muslim country, just like the European countries will be (all because of muslim invasion/migration). So even if the US doesn't turn its back on Israel before the Rapture, it surely will after, and be a powerful enemy, both because of military and longstanding access to Israeli secrets/intelligence.
That has never occurred to me!!! :yikes:
I am the party pooper who thinks we are nowhere near the rapture yet. You can all tell me "I told you so" on the way up. Erika is used to me posting positive things about the rapture being soon because I love the eagerness that many have and it is something we need to have at the forefront of our thinking, meeting our Beloved first and getting out of this wicked earth.

The 6 day 6000 year teaching is way before the church, we just inherited that. A Jew reading the Hebrew Bible sees each day as 1,000 years because that is the value of the Hebrew letters and the pictogram tells the story of the 7000 years in the first 7 words in Hebrew.

So when I say nowhere near, I mean that the rapture is a signed event - how did we not catch that on when the early church pre AD 200 wrote that they guessed the great trib would begin in AD 2025?

How can you have immanency when Peter had to reach old age? The apostles were confused for they thought John wouldn't die so Jesus had to return before John died.

Jesus told the disciples it is not for YOU to know the times set by the Father, but Jesus gives US a list of events so we know the time is fast approaching and Paul taught we are not in darkness that that day overtake us like a thief. There are 45 signs and events in Matt.24 so we know when the day of redemption is near.

We get lost in Jewish idioms and get them completely back to front. When western ears hear, No one knows the day or hour we think this is pointless to discuss because no one can know, but to Jewish ears it meant be on watch for the time is near. It had to do with the new moon appearing and no one knew which of two nights it would appear and then with cloud cover it made the hour impossible to predict.

To a Jew, when Jesus said, No one knows the day or hour, they would immediately think of the feast that has many names, for the feast or trumpets was also called the feast of the day and hour no one knows for this reason and there we find the 99 blasts followed by the last trump.

There are two things I look for to determine the nearness of the rapture...

1) After Jesus gave us the list of signs that must be in the BEGINNING phase and all coming together He added, BUT BEFORE ALL THESE THINGS we must make our final witness, God's final plea to the world that they will hate us for and put us in prisons and some will die.

While persecution is increasing, the trap is being prepared to catch very person who does not advocate for their planned wickedness. You know the surveillance system is almost ready.

2) Daniel said that 'In the days of the (10) kings the God of heaven will set up His kingdom". God is a God of small details and He didn't say in the days of the little horn of the beast or whatever, so I note that the man of lawlessness is not mentioned and he is the most important chess piece. Instead God tells us it is when the 10 kings arise that Jesus kingdom is set up and that imo happens at the rapture with the rapture being the start point for...

7And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. 11And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 12Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Rev.12
