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Millennial Day Theory

He has a time, a number that closes out the Church Age that only He knows. Paul gives it in a nautical term in Greek that means the number - the fullness or completion of the number that belong on board a ship before it can set sail.
Wow! And That whole boat analogy you gave was bone chilling.
well definitely not you, Andi. Ever.
The guy who headed up the other forum made the assumption that just because we talk about hobbies and hamburgers that we aren’t doing anything of substance for God.
We don’t really know who on this forum is doing what to spread the gospel and minister to the church.
That is because we aren’t in a group of braggarts who trumpet every little and big thing they do.
We don’t really know who on this forum is doing what to spread the gospel and minister to the church.
That is because we aren’t in a group of braggarts who trumpet every little and big thing they do.
Equally important to sharing the gospel is treating our siblings in Christ here with love and kindness.

Love is patient and kind, love does not envy or boast, it is not arrogant or rude, it does not insist on its own way.
A discussion that starts up about lasagna turns into a heated debate about mozzarella. Then peripheral arguments about sauce, noodles and ricotta. Finally, both Nanas get up and each cook a lasagna and make us all judge whose is the best.
Ok just to lighten things up and give you a laugh. One time at a get together dinner my mother and I both brought homemade apple pies. My brother in law announced he would decide which one was best.....the whole table looks at him and laughs. After eating a slice of each said pie, he sheepishly stated that they were equally good.
I like how Jesus said it in John 13:35: they'll know you are my disciples by the way you argue in my name. Oh wait... that's not actually what He said. Guess I need to go back to the drawing board. :cry:
Good point.

When guests are lurking on here they see how Christians are treating each other when they disagree. That is a witness, good or bad.
Ok just to lighten things up and give you a laugh. One time at a get together dinner my mother and I both brought homemade apple pies. My brother in law announced he would decide which one was best.....the whole table looks at him and laughs. After eating a slice of each said pie, he sheepishly stated that they were equally good.
I know the feeling as I would not want to offend anyone either. 😊
Equally important to sharing the gospel is treating our siblings in Christ here with love and kindness.

Love is patient and kind, love does not envy or boast, it is not arrogant or rude, it does not insist on its own way.
Excellent point!!! :love:
I must admit that I needed to hear that and apologize to anyone I may have offended! :cry:

A thought came to me that will help me, is not to direct a negative response to someone that posts. Just to post what I think, but not refer to what they said. In this way even though it may be obvious that what I post is kind of a response to what someone else posted, it will not be as personal like I am debating directly with them but just giving my opinion regarding the issue.

Again, I apologize for my part in some of the discussions and will try to respond better in the future or just keep silent.
On my phone with limited time, so not quoting, but to play off @Goodboy above

Please don't anyone be afraid to speak -- it's how we learn and grow and can be great to challenge one another in a positive way. It also keeps resentment that can build up at bay. Maybe it helps to remember we're all on the same side and I think God is honored by the discussion.
I just think it is kind of strange how...

for many many years this MDTheory, (some say has been 'taught' or thought to be true for many many years) would be coming to a close soon around '33, as well as the Fig Tree Theory (some say is misinterpreted but many think is true) closing in around '28, and all the friendliness amongst the one-day GogMagog alliances, and the world going crazy violent Nutso, and all the high-technology in place, ....for us to not be so close?

Then considering again, the possibilities of what Adrian put forth upthread with the Feasts seemingly lining up in a similar fashion as the 7 churches of Revelation over the course of history.....for us to not be close...?

I mean, would God have all this lining up like so? Or for all these patterns look so matched up? For us to not be so close?

Yet...my mind says, He won't be coming back for quite some time.
As to being close (really, really close), one thought from Pete Garcia from a while back... there's a shelf life to all this. We currently have the necessary tech for end times as depicted in Revelation. How long would it take to surpass that at the way things are progressing? Maybe send people off planet? And how about the sudden integration of AI into just about everything? Of course, God could stop all that in its tracks like He did with Babel, but seeing everything else fall into place at the same time it sure looks like we're in the final seconds of the last hour.
Of course, God could stop all that in its tracks like He did with Babel, but seeing everything else fall into place at the same time it sure looks like we're in the final seconds of the last hour.
Similar to thoughts I was having. Just wondering, but why would He let it all line up like this just to stop it all? But then to have verses telling us to watch. ?
But as others have stated, there's a lot of things that need to happen before the Trib itself.
As to being close (really, really close), one thought from Pete Garcia from a while back... there's a shelf life to all this. We currently have the necessary tech for end times as depicted in Revelation. How long would it take to surpass that at the way things are progressing? Maybe send people off planet? And how about the sudden integration of AI into just about everything? Of course, God could stop all that in its tracks like He did with Babel, but seeing everything else fall into place at the same time it sure looks like we're in the final seconds of the last hour.
Near the beginning of this thread Margery wrote something about how Satan would know the passage of time since he was there at creation or shortly after and would also know about the MDT, so he, more so than us, could put the puzzle pieces together much more accurately. So he would have a good understanding of how the timing and the dates came together, when 1,000 years had passed, etc. and consequently, would have a solid idea of when the 6,000 years would end. So, with that knowledge, he could align the nations and events to coincide with his understanding of the rapture. When the rapture occurs, he's not surprised but has plans and people in place to explain the rapture, get his people in power and get on with his plan. All of that assumes, though, that the MDT is valid. If it's not, then Satan's plans are useless for end time events anyway. But, and here's my point, it seems as though Satan is preparing for a rapture in the near future. He's getting all his stuff ready. With all the information he has and if he's preparing, then maybe he's read the times correctly and the rapture is within a couple years. He sure is putting a lot of eggs into this short term timeframe. Now, in my own personal, no special insight mind, I'll be surprised if we make it to 2027. I think 2.5 years at the most and then we're history.
Similar to thoughts I was having. Just wondering, but why would He let it all line up like this just to stop it all? But then to have verses telling us to watch. ?
But as others have stated, there's a lot of things that need to happen before the Trib itself.
Only because of his mercy if more might be saved. Maybe like in Luke 14:15-24 where the servant gets sent out again?

But, I think it's like labor pains at this point. It might slow down and speed up for a bit, but I think at this point the process of birth is pretty much committed and irreversible.
I also heard one of the Angels was a preincarnate Jesus or Christophany?
That's the one that stayed behind with Abraham. The 2 angels were sent ahead to Sodom to get poor Lot and his family out before the judgment fell. The angels were also tasked with completing the project but it is interesting that one of the 2 has the authority to allow Zoar to survive and for Lot to head there instead of to the mountains as the first angel told Lot to do. And that one does speak for the Lord so it makes me wonder about that one too.
Thats a good point. So strange that it culminates around this theory and the fig tree theory...... I mean strange, if it none of it is true.
You know how I think in probabilities. Even though I mentioned all my reservations with the MDT- mostly summed up as "ooooo it's SO close, can this be real????"

I put the Millennial Day theory as HIGHLY probable.

I put my reservations about it as highly unlikely.

You and others mention the various convergences- that is only one of many factors pushing the probability index in my head up to the top.

Another is historical and is extra biblical- - Elijah was said to have taught this division of history.

And getting all historical again- the earliest of the early church fathers, which one I forget now, but he taught this. Source Dr Ken Johnson's work. I can look it up if it is super important to anyone but I'm am exhausted today and it would be several hours if not days to track it down in my current shape.

The only reason I gave any of these non biblical sources credence is because of the mentions in Scripture of a day per 1000 years and the way the Sabbath rest fits with the final millennium of Christ ruling on earth as the final day 7 of the 7. They line up with Scripture. But they are not the clincher.

For me it's about the 7 days of Creation, the 7th day rest in the 10 commandments and the way it fits the historical flow of events.

And these scriptures:

2Peter 3:8

But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Hosea 6:1-2

1 “Come, let us return to the Lord.
He has torn us to pieces
but he will heal us;
he has injured us
but he will bind up our wounds.
2 After two days he will revive us;
on the third day he will restore us,
that we may live in his presence.

Psalm 90: 4

A thousand years in your sight
are like a day that has just gone by,

or like a watch in the night.

Hosea is particularly poignant when you consider these aspects:

The 2000 years of suffering that the Jews have endured after the rejection of their Messiah and the promise of God to bring them thru into blessings, all the blessings He promised thru the prophets that will be finally fully fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom, including one made to Mary, as the angel Gabriel announced her chosen status to be the mother of the Messiah. He will sit on the throne of His father David- The throne in heaven is not that throne. That one will be in Jerusalem, Jesus will sit on it, and rule the world from it.

Someday soon the Tribulation will be over and Jesus will sit on the throne of His earthly father David and rule from Jerusalem. The Jews will come into the full promise of the land given to Abraham and all the blessings they were promised will be finally theirs.

The One who was wounded for our transgressions, will bind up the wounds of His people who wounded Him.