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Millennial Day Theory

I can't see Islam being the one world religion nor can I see Muslims being subjective to him.
It's about to cave in on itself IMO.

Recently scholars have developments that boldly claim the Q'ran is phony from its circ. 500 AD Arabic language to its phony claim of Mecca as a populated place in the 500s. Mecca had no water! Arabic in 500 AD had no vowel markings!

They are looking at coins, artwork, languages, and travel/shipping histories -- sorry, no Mecca!

Islam was always a revolution/violent take-over, looking for a flag; looking for a belief system that had the success of Christianity & Judaism to rally unsuspecting masses under.
If it does happen as you say, it won't be for long I don't think. When the AC appears, he is not going to tolerate any belief systems that, in any way, do not go along with his plans. I can't see Islam being the one world religion nor can I see Muslims being subjective to him. My belief, in pencil only now, is that when the Lord delivers Israel as part of the Gog/Magog war, He will also destroy Islam as a viable religion.

I think the satanic counterfeit trinity will use chrislam to get people to worship its false christ. I think the AC is the counterfeit Jesus in chrislam. Don't want to go off on a giant tangent here, especially since aspects of islamic eschatology involved. I'll try to start a separate thread in a few days, so I don't derail this one, and so the post makes sense.
I think the satanic counterfeit trinity will use chrislam to get people to worship its false christ. I think the AC is the counterfeit Jesus in chrislam. Don't want to go off on a giant tangent here, especially since aspects of islamic eschatology involved. I'll try to start a separate thread in a few days, so I don't derail this one, and so the post makes sense.
I can't see chrislam being the one world religion under the Beast Kingdom. I don't see Christian, nor even a false Christian nor Islam.
I see a whole different kind of religion formulated by the False prophet that is based on worship of the dragon who is Satan, and the Beast after Antichrist gets that mortal wound to his head and comes back to life, that stems from what we read in Revelation 13 when people are required to worship the image of the Beast.

3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
Revelation 13:3-4

That's just how I see it but I could be wrong.
I can't see chrislam being the one world religion under the Beast Kingdom. I don't see Christian, nor even a false Christian nor Islam.
I see a whole different kind of religion formulated by the False prophet that is based on worship of the dragon who is Satan, and the Beast after Antichrist gets that mortal wound to his head and comes back to life, that stems from what we read in Revelation 13 when people are required to worship the image of the Beast.

3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
Revelation 13:3-4

That's just how I see it but I could be wrong.

I could be wrong, too.
Glad neither of us will be here to see it :hyper:
Ask you anything. Hmmm 🤔

I have one for you but don't answer in this thread. I can watch for your answer.

What's your take on the belief some have that Revelation 12 happened in 2017?
I couldn't find a good link but here's one that points to it.

I have read that constellations is the Greek word in Scripture for signs in the heavens. I have zero skills in that area, but it seems possible.
Not that I have seen, brother.

As I say, not my field but I think this is probably what was meant...

Forms of the word
ἄστρον, ου, τό
Greek transliteration:
Simplified transliteration:
Strong's number:
GK Number:
Frequency in New Testament:
Morphology of Biblical Greek Tag:
star, constellation
a constellation; a star, Lk. 21:25; Acts 7:43; 27:20; Heb. 11:12*

Greek-English Concordance for ἄστρον​

Luke 21:25 “There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars (astrois | ἄστροις | dat pl neut); and on the earth distress among nations confused by the roaring and surging of the sea;
Acts 7:43 You took along the shrine of Moloch and the star (astron | ἄστρον | acc sg neut) of your god Rephan, the images that you made, to worship them, so I will make you move beyond Babylon.’
Acts 27:20 When neither sun nor stars (astrōn | ἄστρων | gen pl neut) appeared for many days, and no small storm continued to rage, all hope of our being saved was at last abandoned.
Hebrews 11:12 And so it was that from this one man, and he was already impotent, there were born descendants as many as the stars (astra | ἄστρα | nom pl neut) of heaven in number and as innumerable as the grains of sand along the shore of the sea
As I say, not my field but I think this is probably what was meant...

Forms of the word
ἄστρον, ου, τό
Greek transliteration:
Simplified transliteration:
Strong's number:
GK Number:
Frequency in New Testament:
Morphology of Biblical Greek Tag:
star, constellation
a constellation; a star, Lk. 21:25; Acts 7:43; 27:20; Heb. 11:12*

Greek-English Concordance for ἄστρον​

Luke 21:25“There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars (astrois | ἄστροις | dat pl neut); and on the earth distress among nations confused by the roaring and surging of the sea;
Acts 7:43You took along the shrine of Moloch and the star (astron | ἄστρον | acc sg neut) of your god Rephan, the images that you made, to worship them, so I will make you move beyond Babylon.’
Acts 27:20When neither sun nor stars (astrōn | ἄστρων | gen pl neut) appeared for many days, and no small storm continued to rage, all hope of our being saved was at last abandoned.
Hebrews 11:12And so it was that from this one man, and he was already impotent, there were born descendants as many as the stars (astra | ἄστρα | nom pl neut) of heaven in number and as innumerable as the grains of sand along the shore of the sea
Sorry, I thought you were referring to the word for signs. Yes, astron can refer either to a single star or a group of stars taken as a single star, for example a constellation.
...My barometer for understanding the season we are in is by focusing on Israel. Israel could be on the verge of EZ 38-39, or even Psalm 83 if that is an actual war. However, many times since 1948, the thought has been “this is it” and then it cools down...
Well today's news has the following (2024-08-12): "Israel put its military on high alert and the Pentagon said it is sending a guided-missile submarine to the region and speeding up the arrival of a second aircraft carrier, amid heightened concerns about a possible Iranian and Hezbollah response to the killing of militant leaders in Tehran and Beirut."

One day... at a time... rejoice in the days Our Lord has given us!
Well today's new has the following (2024-08-12): "Israel put its military on high alert and the Pentagon said it is sending a guided-missile submarine to the region and speeding up the arrival of a second aircraft carrier, amid heightened concerns about a possible Iranian and Hezbollah response to the killing of militant leaders in Tehran and Beirut."

One day... at a time... rejoice in the days Our Lord has given us!
The more it heats up in the ME, those are the signs to watch for. It could boil over any day to a full scale war.
Personally I do not endorse the sending of that Ohio class "boomer" over there... that is the type of weaponry where things can get out of hand extremely quickly... Without a good Commander in Chief at the helm... anything can happen in a milli second. May God's hand be on every one there.

EDIT: Fox News just let out that the boomer is the USS Georgia. It appears to not be a strategic intercontinental ballistic missile boat any longer. "USS Georgia is powered by a nuclear reactor, the USS Georgia began life as an Ohio-class "boomer" designed to carry nuclear weapons, then underwent a high-tech conversion into a conventional guided-missile attack submarine. Now she can carry an astounding 154 precision Tomahawk Land Attack Cruise Missiles. And SEAL teams with mini-submarines. Add a highly advanced communication suite...."
Today it's been strangely quiet- Tisha B'Av started today Monday at sundown last night in Israel. Tomorrow sundown it ends but the threat remains whatever day it is.

When Adrian mentioned the Feasts earlier up thread a zillion posts ago that reminded me of a plaintive comment, a prophecy that is in Jeremiah 8:20 "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."

The context is in the past- but that particular verse has always made me wonder about a time in the future when the Rapture has taken place, the only true friend of Israel- the Bible believing Israel supporting sector of the church is gone.

The harvest is past- speaking of a harvest time in Israel that is over,

Summer is ended- this is referring to the fall season, the time of the 10 days of Awe when the Fall Feasts happen.

and we are not saved. The condition of Israel going into the furnace of affliction in the Tribulation period.
Today it's been strangely quiet- Tisha B'Av started today Monday at sundown last night in Israel. Tomorrow sundown it ends but the threat remains whatever day it is.

When Adrian mentioned the Feasts earlier up thread a zillion posts ago that reminded me of a plaintive comment, a prophecy that is in Jeremiah 8:20 "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."

The context is in the past- but that particular verse has always made me wonder about a time in the future when the Rapture has taken place, the only true friend of Israel- the Bible believing Israel supporting sector of the church is gone.

The harvest is past- speaking of a harvest time in Israel that is over,

Summer is ended- this is referring to the fall season, the time of the 10 days of Awe when the Fall Feasts happen.

and we are not saved. The condition of Israel going into the furnace of affliction in the Tribulation period.
That's an astute pick up Margery, thanks for posting that regarding Jeremiah 8:20
As others have said, for me this Theory seems "too good to be true." Maybe it is.
Still, I do hope it's true.
Here's an article from David Reagan (Lamb and Lion ministries) about it:

The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums​

The Scriptures contain an implied prophecy that strongly suggests that we are the terminal generation — the one that will experience the Rapture of the Church.

But before we take a look at it, let’s consider a fact that most Christians seem unaware of. Did you know that there is a prophecy in the Old Testament that clearly establishes the season of the Lord’s First Coming? It is found in the book of Daniel in chapter 9, beginning with verse 24. It is usually referred to as the “Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Years.”


The major point I want to make is that Daniel’s prophecy clearly revealed the season of the Lord’s First Coming. And, in like manner there are prophecies in both the Old and New Testaments that reveal the season of the Lord’s Second Coming — not the date, but the general season. And it is my contention that those prophecies point to our day and time, and thus we are the terminal generation.

Whole article: The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums
As others have said, for me this Theory seems "too good to be true." Maybe it is.
Still, I do hope it's true.
Here's an article from David Reagan (Lamb and Lion ministries) about it:

The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums​

I appreciate this article Amethyst, it's got everything in there! Really good. He published it in his magazine in early '21. 3 years later, I'd say it's still on point.

Based on my understanding of scripture, I already believed in the millennium week theory, but Dr Reagan's article has given me even more evidence that my belief is correct. Thank you, Lord. And thank you, Amethyst, for posting this article.
Based on my understanding of scripture, I already believed in the millennium week theory, but Dr Reagan's article has given me even more evidence that my belief is correct. Thank you, Lord. And thank you, Amethyst, for posting this article.
Randy Nettles in this article speculates also that the literal 2nd coming of our Lord will fall on Rosh Hashanna:

Randy Nettles in this article speculates also that the literal 2nd coming of our Lord will fall on Rosh Hashanna:

Very interesting article.