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Millennial Day Theory

Pete G was just promoting this guy Barry's upcoming video, am I better off to steer clear of the man?
Depends - everyone is different.

I wouldn't recommend him - I steer clear now that I know what the 4 of them (Tyler of Gen 2434, Chooch, Barry S and Dr Barry Awe) are about, but Pete seems to like them, as does Watchman River both of whom I like so it also might be a personal tolerance thing.

I'm sure they are saved. They are sincere. I actually think they mean well.

I don't think they fully realize what havoc they create in some of the people watching them. I saw it Aug of 23 in the comment sections. Heartbreaking.

I like speculation in smaller manageable quantities, rather like hot sauce on my eggs. A little dab will do me. And it has to have a solid Biblical base especially if it is speculation.

Maybe they've changed, turned over a new leaf - I hope.

I watched the four of them in Aug of 23 when they were doing their 9th of Av dance in August being the new Pentecost (as opposed to the old one that we are all used to around June)) and therefore the Rapture.

Which of course came and went. Then Dr Barry Awe started up again for the fall feasts and Tyler nor he nor the other two apologized or seemed in any way ashamed. Dr Awe (a chiropractor) has had several other dates since including another crack at the 9th of Av this August. Hopefully he's better at cracking spines than setting dates.

The one value of seeing them do this, is noticing how subtle the emphasis on date setting, without actually date setting. How carefully they phrase it so that they are never quite saying it's for sure and certain. But leaving no doubt that they actually think the more enthusiasticly you swallow their KoolAid, the better pleased the Lord is with your sincere "watching".

Pete Garcia thinks clearly and even when speculating he has clear Biblical arguments. Even if he's wrong - his methods are good. He doesn't cherry pick proof texts, ignore others and camp out on non biblical sources.

Speaking of non Biblical sources - I like a bit of Enoch, who doesn't? -Its a fine view of what people were thinking and teaching in the centuries just before Jesus was born. The Jewish historical texts like Jasher, Seder Olam, or Gad also add context which helps understand the mind set of the time, maybe add historical anecdotes that may or may not be true. All fine and dandy kept in their places.

But they are NOT Scripture, they are fallible and they shouldn't be used to bring in something completely out of thin air like say -- the 9th of Av thing being the "real" Pentecost. Based on a over emphasis of one aspect of the Essene Dead Sea Scrolls calendar system. Taken completely out of context.

Maybe because I do watch Dr Ken Johnson a lot, I knew that they were twisting the DSS Essene stuff WAY out of proportion. Heaven help us if they ever get going on some of the other non canonical extra biblical historical sources.

So long answer to say Your Mileage May Vary. And knowing you I suspect you will have your own "Weird Twitch-O-Meter" going off inside your spirit quite nicely.

If you don't and you end up enjoying them like Pete Garcia does, (and others that I respect), then you might look squinty at me a bit and wonder if I'm maybe a little too legalistic. And that might be right too. I have wondered if I got that way as I turned into a crusty old lady with far too many opinions. :lol:
Depends - everyone is different.

I wouldn't recommend him - I steer clear now that I know what the 4 of them (Tyler of Gen 2434, Chooch, Barry S and Dr Barry Awe) are about, but Pete seems to like them, as does Watchman River both of whom I like so it also might be a personal tolerance thing.

I'm sure they are saved. They are sincere. I actually think they mean well.

I don't think they fully realize what havoc they create in some of the people watching them. I saw it Aug of 23 in the comment sections. Heartbreaking.

I like speculation in smaller manageable quantities, rather like hot sauce on my eggs. A little dab will do me. And it has to have a solid Biblical base especially if it is speculation.

Maybe they've changed, turned over a new leaf - I hope.

I watched the four of them in Aug of 23 when they were doing their 9th of Av dance in August being the new Pentecost (as opposed to the old one that we are all used to around June)) and therefore the Rapture.

Which of course came and went. Then Dr Barry Awe started up again for the fall feasts and Tyler nor he nor the other two apologized or seemed in any way ashamed. Dr Awe (a chiropractor) has had several other dates since including another crack at the 9th of Av this August. Hopefully he's better at cracking spines than setting dates.

The one value of seeing them do this, is noticing how subtle the emphasis on date setting, without actually date setting. How carefully they phrase it so that they are never quite saying it's for sure and certain. But leaving no doubt that they actually think the more enthusiasticly you swallow their KoolAid, the better pleased the Lord is with your sincere "watching".

Pete Garcia thinks clearly and even when speculating he has clear Biblical arguments. Even if he's wrong - his methods are good. He doesn't cherry pick proof texts, ignore others and camp out on non biblical sources.

Speaking of non Biblical sources - I like a bit of Enoch, who doesn't? -Its a fine view of what people were thinking and teaching in the centuries just before Jesus was born. The Jewish historical texts like Jasher, Seder Olam, or Gad also add context which helps understand the mind set of the time, maybe add historical anecdotes that may or may not be true. All fine and dandy kept in their places.

But they are NOT Scripture, they are fallible and they shouldn't be used to bring in something completely out of thin air like say -- the 9th of Av thing being the "real" Pentecost. Based on a over emphasis of one aspect of the Essene Dead Sea Scrolls calendar system. Taken completely out of context.

Maybe because I do watch Dr Ken Johnson a lot, I knew that they were twisting the DSS Essene stuff WAY out of proportion. Heaven help us if they ever get going on some of the other non canonical extra biblical historical sources.

So long answer to say Your Mileage May Vary. And knowing you I suspect you will have your own "Weird Twitch-O-Meter" going off inside your spirit quite nicely.

If you don't and you end up enjoying them like Pete Garcia does, (and others that I respect), then you might look squinty at me a bit and wonder if I'm maybe a little too legalistic. And that might be right too. I have wondered if I got that way as I turned into a crusty old lady with far too many opinions. :lol:
Yeah lets see how creative they get this month and October🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is the last paragraph of the article posted below, a good read if you have the time :

Isn’t it amazing that next year, in 2025, we will be in the same time frame as when Jesus began his earthly ministry? The two spring new moons are nearly identical except for a nine-day difference (out of 1995 years). Could it be we are in the season of the Lord’s return? In the next installment, we will go even further back into the time of Moses and Joshua and look at the timing of the first three Passovers (and the new moons that preceded them) recorded in the Bible.

Until then, “Look up, and lift your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28).
