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Millennial Day Theory

Randy Nettles in this article speculates also that the literal 2nd coming of our Lord will fall on Rosh Hashanna:

The below is from the link - one can only HOPE!

“Of course, I am no prophet (nor the son of a prophet), and these dates for the Tribulation and the Second Coming (not the Rapture) are mere speculation based on limited scriptural and typological evidence. I agree with John Bellam’s comments in his last article, The Days of Noah and the Titanic! (rev310.net). He said, “I fully believe Scripture is complete, and God is not giving new revelation, but He does illuminate those who seek out His Word for clues and clarity. Most of us in the watcher community believe we are now in the last stages of the signs being given for our Lord’s return as we see the infrastructure of the Beast kingdom being built. At the same time, we see Israel surrounded by a sea of hostility and worldwide antisemitic hatred; we can be sure the time of the Lord’s return is near.”
Last night I was listening- 3 times over, and I'm going into a fourth after I post this with Mondo Gonzales and Gary Stearman on Prophecy Watchers discussing the 10 Kings. Here: - YouTube

I've heard this theory before- it's basically looking at these "kings" as tech oligarchs and the very rich like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Amazon's guy whathisname, that weird looking Zuckerberg (still think he's a poster boy for an alien from zeta reticuli) etc.

But for whatever reason their talk on the word for KINGS - Basilea (I'm spelling it wrong I'm sure) -- NOT in Strongs but in a far more robust dictionary Brown Driver Biggs has an alternative meaning that also FITS TO A T!

Here's the link to the latest of their articles on their web site: TenKings - The Prophecy Watchers and if you download the PDF version of Mondo's notes he explains the whole business of the word and it's meaning.

Suddenly it hit me with a great deal more force. This isn't kings with territory, although that is the classical view. The old world carved up in 10 zones from the 50s. This refers to a whole nother way of seeing it and it only would fit today.

Both Mondo and Gary have had previous articles before, they are in that list of articles on their website

Bottom line, if this theory is right, then the 10 kings are here, right under our noses.
This isn't kings with territory, although that is the classical view. The old world carved up in 10 zones from the 50s. This refers to a whole nother way of seeing it and it only would fit today.
I've read before, somewhere, somehow, about the 10 Kings beings without lands.
Going to try and find it (in my avalanche of notes).
There is some very interesting information presented throughout this thread. Some things I've never considered before, especially presented in the articles posted by Spartan Sprinter, Margery, and Kaatje.

Here's the link to the latest of their articles on their web site: TenKings - The Prophecy Watchers and if you download the PDF version of Mondo's notes he explains the whole business of the word and it's meaning.

Suddenly it hit me with a great deal more force. This isn't kings with territory, although that is the classical view. The old world carved up in 10 zones from the 50s. This refers to a whole nother way of seeing it and it only would fit today.

Both Mondo and Gary have had previous articles before, they are in that list of articles on their website

Bottom line, if this theory is right, then the 10 kings are here, right under our noses.
There's no doubt that these rich, powerful Oligarchs and Technocrats already wield great power and authority over the population and our so called leaders.

Much to chew on and I have questions, but the info is worthy of consideration.
Is Marc Lore on that list? He is the rich guy starting that city of Telosa.
Not that I know of. Mondo and Gary only used Gates, Bezos, Musk etc as good examples of what they were talking about. They weren't trying to pin down who was on the list, but the tech giants as a whole especially since 2020 really control the lives of people around the world regardless of geographic area or country.

Countries bow to them rather than the other way around.

There are rich guys within countries and then the super rich that don't really have boundaries. It's the super rich that aren't regional but global in their reach that they were talking about.

They made a good point that they weren't meaning that the OWG wouldn't divide the world into geographic zones with compatible countries such as a Scandinavian bloc, or a North American coalition but rather that these tech giants control money and power versus the old way with borders and currencies.

Which makes them kings without countries. They are able to control the world, and the countries of the world have little if any real control over them.

Think of how Amazon sells stuff world wide. Even the Chinese competitor (I forget the name) doesn't have that much market share. Ditto things like Apple and Microsoft/Google, Facebook and so on.

Musk is going to rescue the astronauts stuck on the space station. Not America or Russia. Elon's Dragon whatever it is will pull them off. Boeing's Starliner or whatever it is can't do it.

Another point was how each of these tech giants can contribute to the future OWG and the AC. Their tech- cell phones and Musk's StarLink for example allow people everywhere to view the 2 Prophets lying dead in Jerusalem mid point of the Trib.
Not that I know of. Mondo and Gary only used Gates, Bezos, Musk etc as good examples of what they were talking about. They weren't trying to pin down who was on the list, but the tech giants as a whole especially since 2020 really control the lives of people around the world regardless of geographic area or country.

Countries bow to them rather than the other way around.

There are rich guys within countries and then the super rich that don't really have boundaries. It's the super rich that aren't regional but global in their reach that they were talking about.

They made a good point that they weren't meaning that the OWG wouldn't divide the world into geographic zones with compatible countries such as a Scandinavian bloc, or a North American coalition but rather that these tech giants control money and power versus the old way with borders and currencies.

Which makes them kings without countries. They are able to control the world, and the countries of the world have little if any real control over them.

Think of how Amazon sells stuff world wide. Even the Chinese competitor (I forget the name) doesn't have that much market share. Ditto things like Apple and Microsoft/Google, Facebook and so on.

Musk is going to rescue the astronauts stuck on the space station. Not America or Russia. Elon's Dragon whatever it is will pull them off. Boeing's Starliner or whatever it is can't do it.

Another point was how each of these tech giants can contribute to the future OWG and the AC. Their tech- cell phones and Musk's StarLink for example allow people everywhere to view the 2 Prophets lying dead in Jerusalem mid point of the Trib.
Could this fit with what you are saying?

1 November 2021
Charles calls on businesses to use their trillions to make economies sustainable
The Prince of Wales has urged the world’s business leaders to unleash the trillions at their disposal to help transform fossil fuel-based economies to a more sustainable model.

In his speech to the Cop26 summit, Charles said the strength of the “global private sector” was greater than governments, and represented the only “real prospect” of fundamental change.

He spoke ahead of a Cop26 event with billionaire Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, whose Bezos Earth Fund is allocating 10 billion dollars (£7 billion) in grants over 10 years to fight climate change and protect the environment.

Among those attending the opening day of the global conference in Glasgow were US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Indian premier Narendra Modi and Canada’s Justin Trudeau

With the Duchess of Cornwall sitting among the delegates, Charles said: “The scale and scope of the threat we face call for a global, systems-level solution, based on radically transforming our current fossil fuel-based economy to one that is genuinely renewable and sustainable.


Could this fit with what you are saying?

1 November 2021
Charles calls on businesses to use their trillions to make economies sustainable
The Prince of Wales has urged the world’s business leaders to unleash the trillions at their disposal to help transform fossil fuel-based economies to a more sustainable model.

In his speech to the Cop26 summit, Charles said the strength of the “global private sector” was greater than governments, and represented the only “real prospect” of fundamental change.

He spoke ahead of a Cop26 event with billionaire Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, whose Bezos Earth Fund is allocating 10 billion dollars (£7 billion) in grants over 10 years to fight climate change and protect the environment.

Among those attending the opening day of the global conference in Glasgow were US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Indian premier Narendra Modi and Canada’s Justin Trudeau

With the Duchess of Cornwall sitting among the delegates, Charles said: “The scale and scope of the threat we face call for a global, systems-level solution, based on radically transforming our current fossil fuel-based economy to one that is genuinely renewable and sustainable.


From the article

“With trillions at its disposal – far beyond global GDP and, with the greatest respect, beyond even the governments of the world’s leaders – it offers the only real prospect of achieving fundamental economic transition.”
Could this fit with what you are saying?

1 November 2021
Charles calls on businesses to use their trillions to make economies sustainable
The Prince of Wales has urged the world’s business leaders to unleash the trillions at their disposal to help transform fossil fuel-based economies to a more sustainable model.

In his speech to the Cop26 summit, Charles said the strength of the “global private sector” was greater than governments, and represented the only “real prospect” of fundamental change.

He spoke ahead of a Cop26 event with billionaire Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, whose Bezos Earth Fund is allocating 10 billion dollars (£7 billion) in grants over 10 years to fight climate change and protect the environment.

Among those attending the opening day of the global conference in Glasgow were US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Indian premier Narendra Modi and Canada’s Justin Trudeau

With the Duchess of Cornwall sitting among the delegates, Charles said: “The scale and scope of the threat we face call for a global, systems-level solution, based on radically transforming our current fossil fuel-based economy to one that is genuinely renewable and sustainable.


Yup, that and much more. Charles is a small fish compared to some of these guys. And they all seem to be on the same page - aiming towards globalism and a one world system.
Funny how I remembered this statement from Charles after reading what you posted.
Some prophecy teachers were saying that he had said "trillions at his disposal", and were questioning who he was referring to, but everything I searched only said trillions at its disposal.
And he had mentioned a certain "he" in relation to the trillions and it wasn't himself. Some have speculated it was the AC, but whoever he was thinking of, (and it might not have been the AC)-- it certainly looked like a plan was already in place (and in my opinion being restrained from being acted upon by the Restrainer!), just not visible yet.
Funny how I remembered this statement from Charles after reading what you posted.
Some prophecy teachers were saying that he had said "trillions at his disposal", and were questioning who he was referring to, but everything I searched only said trillions at its disposal.
This is a sidetrack from the topic briefly but i was watching a docuseries on Wyatt Earp and it showed a scene or was saying how JD Rockfellar use to talk down to Prince Edward at the time despite him being royalty.

That scene kind of reminds me of Charles how the elites probably treat him in the same manner
Hello! I believe the idea was expounded in the Epistle of Barnabas, this is not part of the scriptures but maybe of some interest as it was written 2,000 years ago looking forward to our day:

Barnabas 15:3
Of the Sabbath He speaketh in the beginning of the creation; And
God made the works of His hands in six days, and He ended on the
seventh day, and rested on it, and He hallowed it.

Barnabas 15:4
Give heed, children, what this meaneth; He ended in six days. He
meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all
things to an end; for the day with Him signifyeth a thousand years;
and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of
the Lord shall be as a thousand years.
Therefore, children, in six
days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end.

It seems quite possible, even likely to be true. We're living in exciting times. God Bless You All :)
Last night I re read thru this thread and just want to thank @Amethyst for launching it. It's a great one, I felt encouraged by it as I went thru it again. Different ideas, different aspects to consider but each person fully committed to the Lord and to watching for the Rapture.
I still hope it ends up being true.
And that is regardless of whatever political party runs the US
