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I have a question about the revealing of Antichrist

The Antichrist won't be known until the 10 kings are in place. When he does take power, it is over the total population of the earth, not part of the old Roman empire so it seems to me that the 10 kings are 10 regions of the close to the plan in the Treaty of Rome. There you have the Roman aspect, that the world is governed by the Treaty of Rome, but though 10 regional leaders modeled on the EU that has elected representatives under the leadership and control of an unelected president.

In other words, electing your representative is just a sham deception and an example of that is the EU MP's attempting to find out the details of the contract with Pfizer and all they are allowed to see is blacked out redacted pages.

You may not realize the feelings other nations have towards the big bully USA. My closest friend here is Chinese and he often says. We have had to play but the US rule book but when China is the super power it will be payback time and it will be our rule book."

When The Patriot Act was forced on the world after 9-11, a stunning piece of legislation of thousands of pages that somehow they put together in record time almost as if they had it already for the event, forced every nations that wanted to continue to use SWIFT for international payments to submit to surveillance capitalism with all the data going to the USA. This pots an administrative burden on all foreign banks that slows thngs down and adds to costs - everyone hates it and wants out from under the US control.

When the 10 king rise up, one of the biggest hurdles will be DEI. Some nations want their wealth returned in the precious metals, diamonds, through to coffee and sugar the west has plundered from them over the past 200 years and more. The want to be able to buy a Big Mac for the same cost and with the same disposable income as the USA can. DEI is going to become a nightmare for the 10 kings. Rich nations will have to become poor nations relative to the standards they are accustomed to.

While all this chaos is going on there are several wars and one man stands out as a military genius. His forces are small and outnumbered but he keeps winning. When he speaks he makes sense and in a world without any true statesman he will be outstanding. In fact no one in history has the charisma he possesses, the oratory skills in debate, and his fierce face intimidates all who would dare to stare him in the eye.

He will rise to world popularity very quickly and capture the imagination of the whole world. He is also outspoken on his views on religion and his focus is on Jesus Christ and the Bible convincing the world he is the leaders the world needs, not Jesus in heaven. In face he is obsessed with Jesus and heaven and constantly blasphemes Him.

On a wave of euphoria he keeps rising and being brought into the political debate where everyone can see he has all the answers and the willingness to be ruthless to enforce his plan and in war he cannot be beaten.

All of this is ahead of us, but all of the props needed for the order out of chaos mantra is being prepared. There is no point in guessing who he is now for there is no one on the world stage or even in the wings that fits the bill. The early church wrote that the great tribulation would begin in 2025. It was their educated guess and it looks like they won't be far off. The said he will come from the tribe of Dan and his name in Greek will add up to 666. Scripture tells us he will have an intimidating 'fierce face'.

According to Daniel, I believe the church must be here when the 10 kings to rise up for it is in the days of the 10 kings that the God of heaven sets up His kingdom. We may well then see his rising and have an good guess at his identity but we will be gone before he makes the covenant of death with Israel.

As for Marcon, his facial features are too soft, he's not a military genius and he is already a world leader. I'm an old codger but I've give Marcon 1 minute in the octagon with me.

What I focus on is the deceptions that MUST prepare the way for the rising of the 10 kings and also the Antichrist. This is to be with every kind of deception and if I may use the term, every kind of conspiracy theory. The world will buy into the conspiracies, we have to be alert or we ill too and this culminates in the final great delusion that if possible will even deceive the elect of God.

If I am correct, the church will be hated in every nation before the rapture, the challenges will be great, the joy and peace will be even greater for our Hero overcame the world. Paul said he considered the loss of all things as dung compared to the riches in Christ, so what can the world really take from us? In reality, the more they take, the greater the reward!

I'm not trying to be disrespectful but a lot of what you said is not scripture.
I understand that a lot of people have a perspective on what some scripture means but you're adding stuff that's going away from the Bible and it doesn't help give clarity to my OP question.
I'm not trying to be disrespectful but a lot of what you said is not scripture.
I understand that a lot of people have a perspective on what some scripture means but you're adding stuff that's going away from the Bible and it doesn't help give clarity to my OP question.
No disrespect taken. Push back welcome. Please explain exactly what you are referring to so I can respond.
Do you have a source of info for this bold claim?
Thanks for asking. Yes is the answer. Dr, Ken Johnson has been recognized as one of the Christian world's foremost authorities on the Dead Sea Scrolls. He's pre-trib by the way. By way of background, his dad was passionate about these old manuscripts and the early church pre- AD 200. At the age of 12 Ken got the bug and began his own research, earned his PhD and now getting close to 60 yrs of age this has been his life's work. He has published many books on early church history and he holds an open session every week on YT where you can ask him questions.

You'll find his channel on YT and his books on Amazon. It's well worth spending a month or two digging into his research.

Margery quoted his research recently when one of the early church fathers was a bit fed up with being asked about the church and the Antichrist when he corrected them by saying the church will see the 10 kings but we won't be here for the Antichrist.

Some of these early letters reference being in the presence of the elderly Peter and John and they discussed the end times as many do today.

They wrote that Jesus was crucified in AD32, add 2 days (2,000 years) = 2032 and subtract the final 7 years = 2025. It wasn't meant as a prophecy, but rather an educated guess. Not bad for looking ahead 2,000 years! They didn't know their letters were gong to be hidden in clay pots in a cave for almost 2,000 years and discovered just before Israel was reborn.

The Great Isaiah Scroll was discovered which contained Isa.53 which the rabbis declared was a forgery inserted by Christians to prove Jesus was the Messiah. To their shock and horror it was dated over a 100 years before Jesus.

There are lots of wonderful gems in the letters of the early church and post-tribbers hate it because they want to believe the pre-trib doctrine began with Darby.
I know I won't do a good job explaining but here goes..

2 Thessalonians 2:1-4....

"Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition
4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary....


past tense of reveal
as in disclosed
to make known (as information previously kept secret)
at the end of the book, the detective reveals the identity of the mysterious stranger


I posted the question on this thread about the timing Antichrist is revealed because some believe that the first Seal, the rider of the White horseman is when Antichrist is revealed but in examining scripture the seventieth week of Daniel is Jacob's Trouble to test them in order to draw Israel back to God and to recognize Jesus as their Messiah and call on Him for His return at His Second Coming.

If the rider of the first horseman is Antichrist and that's the beginning of the Tribulation, the AC will appear with deception and Israel will receive him as the "Savior" and will make the covenant of death with him. Israel wouldn't make a covenant with AC knowing who he is.
See 2 Thessalonians 2:4

My point is that because at first AC appears with deception, this couldn't be the time he is revealed because to be revealed is to be exposed and Israel won't see who AC really is until the Abomination of Desolation occurs when he desecrates the third temple and declares himself to be god. I see this is when AC is revealed, exposed.

To be clear,
I don't see this view as meaning the Rapture has to take place in the middle of the seventieth week. Because the Rapture is imminent and can happen Anytime before the The Day of The Lord begins with the Seals, and the church is not appointed to God's Wrath, and understanding Revelation 5 the 24 Elders are already in Heaven at the opening of the Seals and the 24 Elders can't be representing anyone but the church because they say they are redeemed from every people nation tribe and tongue, so what I have said doesn't change the Rapture promise.

That said , when I have thought about the context of connecting scriptures, to me it seems that the AC comes on the scene initially appearing with deception for the Jews, and because "revealed" means Exposed, I concluded that AC will be revealed , exposed, when Israel recognizes who he really is because they have the Torah that tells of his breaking the covenant and the desecrating the temple in Daniel 9 and 11.
I know I won't do a good job explaining but here goes..

2 Thessalonians 2:1-4....

"Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition
4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary....


past tense of reveal
as in disclosed
to make known (as information previously kept secret)
at the end of the book, the detective reveals the identity of the mysterious stranger


I posted the question on this thread about the timing Antichrist is revealed because some believe that the first Seal, the rider of the White horseman is when Antichrist is revealed but in examining scripture the seventieth week of Daniel is Jacob's Trouble to test them in order to draw Israel back to God and to recognize Jesus as their Messiah and call on Him for His return at His Second Coming.

If the rider of the first horseman is Antichrist and that's the beginning of the Tribulation, the AC will appear with deception and Israel will receive him as the "Savior" and will make the covenant of death with him. Israel wouldn't make a covenant with AC knowing who he is.

My point is that because at first AC appears with deception, this couldn't be the time he is revealed because to be revealed is to be exposed and Israel won't see who AC really is until the Abomination of Desolation occurs when he desecrates the third temple and declares himself to be god. I see this is when AC is revealed, exposed.

To be clear,
I don't see this view as meaning the Rapture has to take place in the middle of the seventieth week. Because the Rapture is imminent and can happen Anytime before the The Day of The Lord begins with the Seals, and the church is not appointed to God's Wrath, and understanding Revelation 5 the 24 Elders are already in Heaven at the opening of the Seals and the 24 Elders can't be representing anyone but the church because they say they are redeemed from every people nation tribe and tongue, so what I have said doesn't change the Rapture promise.

That said , when I have thought about the context of connecting scriptures, to me it seems that the AC comes on the scene initially appearing with deception for the Jews, and because "revealed" means Exposed, I concluded that AC will be revealed , exposed, when Israel recognizes who he really is because they have the Torah that tells of his breaking the covenant and the desecrating the temple in Daniel 9 and 11.
Lots of pre-tribbers agree with you. Lots of post-tribbers disagree.

My post was about his 'coming', i.e. the years before he is revealed, and then I also covered his revelation and the rapture.

Some believe his revelation is confirmed by the covenant of death. Some believe it is only at the abomination of desolation.

For anyone who has studied the Scriptures, I think there will be enough clues to hazard a good guess before the covenant is confirmed and a good prophecy student would be watching and anticipating it will happen.
Thanks for asking. Yes is the answer. Dr, Ken Johnson has been recognized as one of the Christian world's foremost authorities on the Dead Sea Scrolls. He's pre-trib by the way. By way of background, his dad was passionate about these old manuscripts and the early church pre- AD 200. At the age of 12 Ken got the bug and began his own research, earned his PhD and now getting close to 60 yrs of age this has been his life's work. He has published many books on early church history and he holds an open session every week on YT where you can ask him questions.

You'll find his channel on YT and his books on Amazon. It's well worth spending a month or two digging into his research.

Margery quoted his research recently when one of the early church fathers was a bit fed up with being asked about the church and the Antichrist when he corrected them by saying the church will see the 10 kings but we won't be here for the Antichrist.

Some of these early letters reference being in the presence of the elderly Peter and John and they discussed the end times as many do today.

They wrote that Jesus was crucified in AD32, add 2 days (2,000 years) = 2032 and subtract the final 7 years = 2025. It wasn't meant as a prophecy, but rather an educated guess. Not bad for looking ahead 2,000 years! They didn't know their letters were gong to be hidden in clay pots in a cave for almost 2,000 years and discovered just before Israel was reborn.

The Great Isaiah Scroll was discovered which contained Isa.53 which the rabbis declared was a forgery inserted by Christians to prove Jesus was the Messiah. To their shock and horror it was dated over a 100 years before Jesus.

There are lots of wonderful gems in the letters of the early church and post-tribbers hate it because they want to believe the pre-trib doctrine began with Darby.
I find those “findings” suspect, if they even exist. By suspect, I mean that the scrolls show the apostles came up with 2032, minus 7 for 2025.

If it was meant to be known the year, or timing of the rapture, it would be in His Word.
Lots of pre-tribbers agree with you. Lots of post-tribbers disagree.

My post was about his 'coming', i.e. the years before he is revealed, and then I also covered his revelation and the rapture.

Some believe his revelation is confirmed by the covenant of death. Some believe it is only at the abomination of desolation.

For anyone who has studied the Scriptures, I think there will be enough clues to hazard a good guess before the covenant is confirmed and a good prophecy student would be watching and anticipating it will happen.
We have to remember that Israel is in spiritual blindness and currently wouldn't understand what is coming during the seventieth week. In the midst of Jacob's Trouble they will fulfill Daniel's prophecy completely when the angel told Daniel that the wise would understand.
by saying the church will see the 10 kings but we won't be here for the Antichrist.

I believe anyone saying this is going beyond what Scripture tells us on the subject. Since that is the case in my view, I would discount everything else that came from the same source.

We know from Scripture that the global govmint and the 10 Kings will precede Tribulation, but nowhere does Scripture even hint that the Church will be here for those things. We might well be, but the Bible doesn't support (unless I've missed it) the idea that the Church will see those things.

As for 2025, that does not correlate with Scripture.
Lots of pre-tribbers agree with you. Lots of post-tribbers disagree.

My post was about his 'coming', i.e. the years before he is revealed, and then I also covered his revelation and the rapture.

Some believe his revelation is confirmed by the covenant of death. Some believe it is only at the abomination of desolation.

For anyone who has studied the Scriptures, I think there will be enough clues to hazard a good guess before the covenant is confirmed and a good prophecy student would be watching and anticipating it will happen.
My question wasn't about what happens before he is revealed. That's a different topic. Thanks anyway
I believe anyone saying this is going beyond what Scripture tells us on the subject. Since that is the case in my view, I would discount everything else that came from the same source.

We know from Scripture that the global govmint and the 10 Kings will precede Tribulation, but nowhere does Scripture even hint that the Church will be here for those things. We might well be, but the Bible doesn't support (unless I've missed it) the idea that the Church will see those things.

As for 2025, that does not correlate with Scripture.
We "might" see the formation of the OWG and we know the little horn sits with them but he is not known as AC until he subdues the three kings and they give power to the Beast according to Revelation 17:12. We aren't here to see that.
To add, no, scripture does Not tell us when the Tribulation begins. Only signs
I find those “findings” suspect, if they even exist. By suspect, I mean that the scrolls show the apostles came up with 2032, minus 7 for 2025.

If it was meant to be known the year, or timing of the rapture, it would be in His Word.
Not scrolls, it was letters I was referring to, not to be confused with the Great Isaiah Scroll that would be in the temple.

Not apostles, letters written by the early church fathers.

They didn't have smart phones and texting - they wrote letters like we used to do in years gone by.

Many things are suspect until investigated and should be suspect and ought to be investigated. The opportunity is there for you to investigate should you want to do so. You can begin with a general Google search on what the Dead Sea Scrolls is all about.
Not scrolls, it was letters I was referring to, not to be confused with the Great Isaiah Scroll that would be in the temple.

Not apostles, letters written by the early church fathers.

They didn't have smart phones and texting - they wrote letters like we used to do in years gone by.

Many things are suspect until investigated and should be suspect and ought to be investigated. The opportunity is there for you to investigate should you want to do so. You can begin with a general Google search on what the Dead Sea Scrolls is all about.
Whatever was found in the discovery of the dead sea scrolls must be in line with the Word of God.
Just because the "early church fathers" may have written letters doesn't mean the content of those letters are "so sayeth The Lord".
We need to remember that the Bible tells us of apostasy that had already been taking place in the early church so we can't go by letters written unless they are in line with Scripture that is inspired by God.
God's Word does not contradict itself with added writings that are not inspired by God.

18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Revelation 22:18-19
I believe anyone saying this is going beyond what Scripture tells us on the subject. Since that is the case in my view, I would discount everything else that came from the same source.

We know from Scripture that the global govmint and the 10 Kings will precede Tribulation, but nowhere does Scripture even hint that the Church will be here for those things. We might well be, but the Bible doesn't support (unless I've missed it) the idea that the Church will see those things.

As for 2025, that does not correlate with Scripture.
Perhaps you missed me posting this in another thread. Scripture appears to me to be very clear that the church will indeed be here for the 10 kings but not the Antichrist, and that is why that particular early church father was insisting on it. Let's see why. I am not adding any words to the text here so the [final ten] is as copied...
Amplified Bible
In the days of those [final ten] kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will its sovereignty be left for another people; but it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it will stand forever. Dan.2:44

Daniel was not told that it would be in the days of the little horn or in the days of the terrifying beast that comes out of the 10 kings, nor after the beast is destroyed, but rather it must be in the days of the 10 kings which would be pre-trib.

Once the rapture happens this declaration will made that the God of heaven has set up this kingdom...
Amplified Bible
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying,
“Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom (dominion, reign) of our God, and the authority of His Christ have come;
for the accuser of our [believing] brothers and sisters has been thrown down [at last],
he who accuses them and keeps bringing charges [of sinful behavior] against them before our God day and night. Rev.12:10

We are waiting for this prophecy...
Luke 1:32,33
He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David,
and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever. His kingdom will never end!"

This appears to be crystal clear to me.

Now referring to the early church fathers, if you disregard them as being an unreliable source, then church history becomes meaningless for it was by their debates and dealing with all manner of heresies that crept into the church that the foundational doctrines of the church were established. Without them all manner of cults would have prospered and we are deeply indebted to them.

As for 2025 correlating with Scripture, the 6 days 6000 years followed by the 1000 years of Messiah's rest was rabbinical teaching that proceeded the church and is vital for us to observe in the end time. What the apostle Peter wrote only makes sense if we know the historical and cultural setting that this 6,000 years period doctrine was set in and that it did not begin with the church but was embraced by the church. Peter wrote concerning the end time...

8Nevertheless, do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day.9The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. 2Pet.2

We see this promise for Israel...
1“Come and let us return [in repentance] to the LORD,

For He has torn us, but He will heal us;

He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.

2“After two days He will revive us;

On the third day He will raise us up

That we may live before Him. Hos.6

Ancient Biblical Hebrew is the world's only 3D language with each letter and each word having a numerical value as well as a Pictogram and the written word. So we find in Genesis that each day of creation is represented by both 1 and 1,000. The rabbinical sages expected the Messiah after 4 days or 4,000 years but they blame the sins of Israel for the Messiah not being able to come when He indicated.

So when the early church fathers were discussing the possible timing of the rapture and great tribulation, they were using Scripture to piece this together.

I have no part in the discovery of any of this. It is very well researched and documented, debated and discussed.
Jesus repeatedly said to watch because no one knows the day or the hour, no one knows when the Master will return for inspection
I haven't seen any scripture saying that we would be able to calculate the timing of the Rapture by using Bible history and using math to determine the date that Jesus said we would not know.
Speaking for myself, my trusting solely in what God has given us in His inspired Word is good enough for me.
Not scrolls, it was letters I was referring to, not to be confused with the Great Isaiah Scroll that would be in the temple.

Not apostles, letters written by the early church fathers.

They didn't have smart phones and texting - they wrote letters like we used to do in years gone by.

Many things are suspect until investigated and should be suspect and ought to be investigated. The opportunity is there for you to investigate should you want to do so. You can begin with a general Google search on what the Dead Sea Scrolls is all about.
Yes, I know about the scrolls.

Early church leaders were speculating based on their interpretation of various scriptures which is what church “leaders” today still do. This does not automatically make them wrong, or even right, it’s their opinions.
Jesus repeatedly said to watch because no one knows the day or the hour, no one knows when the Master will return for inspection
I haven't seen any scripture saying that we would be able to calculate the timing of the Rapture by using Bible history and using math to determine the date that Jesus said we would not know.
Speaking for myself, my trusting solely in what God has given us in His inspired Word is good enough for me.
Really, you cant get much clearer than this.
Really, you cant get much clearer than this.
Indeed I agree and this is very important in debates with post tribbers.

Somehow my post quoting the early church fathers about the possibility of the great tribulation happening in 2025 is being turned into a day and hour for the rapture. If the rapture was to happen in 2025, which is NOT what they wrote, that would be 365 days and one of them would be the day. But they didn't say the rapture would be in 2025, they guessed that the great tribulation would begin in 2025. It was an educated guess.

When it comes to the Second Coming, we do know the day for it is 1260 days after the abomination. It will be confirmed by the sign of the Son of Man in the heavens. All the armies of the world will unite to go to war against Christ and every TV camera will be broadcasting live so those alive then will know to the very minute.

Adrian made an important discovery, one I have been very familiar with, and his belief is that the rapture will happen on one of two days in the feast of trumpets. If every year Adrian posts this, it might even be this year, then eventually he is going to nail it and perhaps be right on the day.

Here is our western church problem. As Adrian can confirm, when Jesus said "no one knows the day or hour" it means something completely different to what is being posted in response to me here. It was a command to be on watch for the first sliver of the new moon that would appear on one of two days to begin the feast of trumpets. It wasn't a way of saying no one can ever know how close it is, it was the complete opposite.

Watchmen had to be on watch for two nights and then there was the problem of cloud cover. They didn't know which of the two nights the first sliver of the new moon would appear. One of the names of this feast is the feast of the day and hour no one knows.

Jesus comes as a thief in the night and again western ears get this all back to front. Jesus is our High Priest and the high priest of the earthly temple would occasionally make a surprise visit to see if the priests on guard were awake. If anyone was asleep he would go to the altar and fetch a burning coal and set the priests garments on fire causing him to strip and run naked through the temple to get new garments. One of the nicknames of the high priest was 'the thief in the night' because of this action.

Jesus commands us to be on watch and gave us many signs to know that the day of redemption was drawing near. If we are not watching He says...

3So remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent. Then if you are not alert, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you.4But you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their garments; and they will walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. Rev.3

Now are you telling me we won't know when He is coming? That is not what Jesus said. Nor what Paul said. Here is the first marker Paul gave us...

2For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord is coming just like a thief in the night.3While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

Then addressing our duty to know the nearness of the rapture...

4But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness, so that the day would overtake you [c]like a thief;

5for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness;6so then, let’s not sleep as others do, but let’s be alert and [e]sober.7For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who are drunk, get drunk at night.8But since we are of the day, let’s be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation.9For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,10who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him.11Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you also are doing. 1Thes.5

Remember Jesus gave us a great list of things to look out for.

Amplified Bible
so you, too, when you see all these things [taking place], know for certain that He is near, right at the door. Matt.24:33
One prophecy teacher says possibly 2024, another says as of 2023 we were in the final four years taking us to 2027
Now we consider 2025. Others have their timing and produce evidence. Who is right?
If all of these years pass how do we explain it to those who hoped in these years and if they passed left them disappointed?
It would be great if the Bible had specified a year or a month or a day but it doesn't.
We watch the signs and remain ready at all times.
Our Hope is in The promise of Jesus return and that God does not lie
We wait in expectation with the promise that Jesus is coming back, for His church and to redeem Israel.