Just to be clear, I have said time and time again that
no one knows the day or hour of the Rapture. The Bible clearly says that and anyone believing a specific date for the Rapture
has allowed themselves to be fooled. However, I do believe we can know the season.
Satan does not want us to know the season as it will cause us to get more serious with God and share the Gospel as much as possible. So Satan loves all the false date setters so that Christians stop looking for the Rapture and just act as these times are normal. They may feel
no urgency to get people saved as they feel one year is the same as the next.
Look at all the Christian churches that don't even teach the Rapture! Since I moved to Florida in 2005 I have been to at least 25 different churches and not one of them taught the Rapture. Because of Satan and the false date setters
Pastors are afraid to teach the Rapture even though we are now in the season.
Look I totally understand the idea of being let down. For over 40 years I have been let down hoping someone would be right. What I did not do is sell my house or anything like that as the Bible clearly also tells us
not to trust man. So I did not believe these men,
but just hoped they were right.
I said this before, but I am not asking that anyone believes me, just that they themselves look at the signs and with the help of the Holy Spirit decide for themselves that's all. Is it wrong to state what I believe and ask others to decide for themselves.
Do you think it is easy for me to say the Rapture will happen this year knowing that I am going to receive a lot of Christians against me now and be embarrassed if it does not happen? What do I have to gain? It is easy to say we don't know the season of when the Rapture will happen
as there is no risk for saying that. If the Rapture happens no one will say I told you so or you were wrong.
Could I be wrong? For sure as I am human. However God knows my heart and not sharing what I believe out of fear would be wrong. Again, to be perfectly clear I am not asking that you believe me, just that you
make a decision yourself based on the signs and the Holy Spirit's help. Kind of like this scripture below.
John 4:41 And many more believed because of his own word;
John 4:42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe,
not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.
God Bless!