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Considering 2024 - Is The World Ripe For Rapture?

PS -- I did not notice all the posts before. Apology if this seems to prolong a conversation. I believe goodboy might have left the conversation. I was thinking from the alerts he was asking something. Not sure where this thread is at but just wanted to say i was just trying to answer a question from my own perspective. And now that i have reread it...i kind of like it...so i will keep it Lord willing. Blessings.
If we are still here come January 2025, do you think you will feel betrayed by God?
Absolutely not!!!

It will just mean that my understanding of the signs and of feelings I thought I received from the Holy Spirit were incorrect.

Since you asked this question, let me explain something. You know there are optimists and pessimist right? Optimists expect the best things to happen and pessimists expect the worst things to happen. I think most people are somewhere in the middle. I lean toward being an optimist and here is why.

Let's say I expect to get a car from my parents on Christmas. So all year I am happy expecting to get a car. If I get a car then all is well, but if I don't get a car I am sad for a while, but I have been happy for a whole year.

Let's say I don't expect to get anything from my parents for Christmas. So all year I am kind of sad that I won't receive anything for Christmas. If I get something for Christmas I am extra happy as I did not expect it. If I don't get anything, I am not all that sad as that is what I expected.

Which scenario is better? It depends on the person. For me I would prefer to be happy for the whole year and let the outcome be what it may. So if the Rapture does not happen this year I will not regret thinking that it would as I really need to have something to look forward to right now. So I will have been happy all of 2024 and will just start looking forward to the Rapture in 2025. The only change for me is that I would no longer tell anyone what they should expect, as I was apparently wrong with my understanding of the signs and of the feelings I thought I received from the Holy Spirit.

Long story short I will be disappointed but by no means crushed. All that said, I really do believe the Rapture will happen this year, but you don't need to believe that. There are two Christians I know that believe the same thing and we encourage each other. I posted what I did in case someone else feels this way and wanted to know if anyone else was feeling it.
PS -- I did not notice all the posts before. Apology if this seems to prolong a conversation. I believe goodboy might have left the conversation. I was thinking from the alerts he was asking something. Not sure where this thread is at but just wanted to say i was just trying to answer a question from my own perspective. And now that i have reread it...i kind of like it...so i will keep it Lord willing. Blessings.
I have no problem with your post and am watching the thread again. I corrected the problem I had another way. 👍
I have no idea but I definitely hope it will. ❤️💯
This is what I was attempting to do by posting what I did on this thread. 😊

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

I see the day approaching and was trying to exhort you all as the Bible says. :noidea:
The old saying "Should the Lord Tarry" springs to mind.

I've lived thru times when people were so sure that the Rapture was next Tuesday. (the 80's were bad for that, Y2K, 911, then around the 2008 stuff)

What I've seen is this:

People who are so fragile that they can't bear the thought the rapture might not happen when they hope --need truth, compassion and the whole counsel of the Word of God. I get that we don't want to hurt a weaker brother or sister by dashing their hopes by saying it might not happen this year or next etc.


False hope is not hope, it is setting them up for a bigger fall.

Truth is a sure foundation.

They need to be gently encouraged and taught the WHOLE Word of God.

Live in the knowledge that it could happen at any moment, but it might not happen when we expect or hope it will.

Not to be blown about by every passing wind of expectation that blows thru the church.

In the short term people are encouraged by these date setters and high watch times! They love it, they pin their hopes on it. They lurch from one date to the next.

Some of them don't mind cycling up and down as their hopes grow and then are dashed to pieces but others develop problems.

Rapture Fatigue is one such problem. A lot of pre tribbers left that position and went to the other camps, including the Reconstructionist camp where they have a dominionist view (they think Jesus can't/won't come till the church dominates the world) or the mid to post trib camp or the amillennial position where it's all allegory.

Talk to some of them and you find out that they got what they call Rapture Fatigue. I watched it happening in the late 80s.

In fact it's behind some of the anger that the other trib positions have for the Pre Trib position. They were once duped by date setters. They got their hopes up one too many times and vowed in anger to never be duped again. If you ever wonder why some of them are as angry at us as they are, this may explain some of it.

2 of the Christians I refer to as the widow gang I meet up with in the mall on Fridays fit that description. I am now trying to help them see that the pre trib position is still true and that those who sold them on the Rapture must happen by '88, or the other dates were dead wrong, unscriptural and downright unethical.

Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses are both descended from the Millerite revival of the late 1800s when people sold all they had gave away all they had, and hung out on high hills waiting for the Rapture. It didn't and those cults formed in the aftermath.

When people's hopes are overblown only to be dashed to pieces over and over, some of them are ripe for cults.

What we need to do is encourage faithful study of the Word of God and maturity.

That doesn't mean we don't still watch and hope and look with expectation when things seem to be falling into place. But it also means we are grounded in the Word, not easily shaken by every wind of doctrine and every "high watch time" that rolls thru the church.
From G1453; to keep awake, that is, watch (literally or figuratively): - be vigilant, wake, (be) watch (-ful).

And what about this verse? 🤔
1 Thessalonians 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
I’ll have to go back and study that some more. I had studied those passages in the passage and I can’t remember what I ended up thinking lol. It was a long time ago.
The world is so over-ripe for Rapture, it's rotting :puke:

Until I go home, however and whenever that is, I hope to do whatever work The Lord has prepared for me to do.

I hope The Rapture happens during my lifetime, and Scripture and world events seem to point to it, but . . .

. . . should The Lord tarry and I die first, I still go to Heaven to be with Jesus and my family.


:bouncies: :bouncies: :bouncies:

:thankyou: GOD!!! :thankyou:
:pray: :pray: in Jesus' Name :amen: :amen:

21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21, KJV
Just to be clear, I have said time and time again that no one knows the day or hour of the Rapture. The Bible clearly says that and anyone believing a specific date for the Rapture has allowed themselves to be fooled. However, I do believe we can know the season.

Satan does not want us to know the season as it will cause us to get more serious with God and share the Gospel as much as possible. So Satan loves all the false date setters so that Christians stop looking for the Rapture and just act as these times are normal. They may feel no urgency to get people saved as they feel one year is the same as the next.

Look at all the Christian churches that don't even teach the Rapture! Since I moved to Florida in 2005 I have been to at least 25 different churches and not one of them taught the Rapture. Because of Satan and the false date setters Pastors are afraid to teach the Rapture even though we are now in the season.

Look I totally understand the idea of being let down. For over 40 years I have been let down hoping someone would be right. What I did not do is sell my house or anything like that as the Bible clearly also tells us not to trust man. So I did not believe these men, but just hoped they were right.

I said this before, but I am not asking that anyone believes me, just that they themselves look at the signs and with the help of the Holy Spirit decide for themselves that's all. Is it wrong to state what I believe and ask others to decide for themselves.

Do you think it is easy for me to say the Rapture will happen this year knowing that I am going to receive a lot of Christians against me now and be embarrassed if it does not happen? What do I have to gain? It is easy to say we don't know the season of when the Rapture will happen as there is no risk for saying that. If the Rapture happens no one will say I told you so or you were wrong.

Could I be wrong? For sure as I am human. However God knows my heart and not sharing what I believe out of fear would be wrong. Again, to be perfectly clear I am not asking that you believe me, just that you make a decision yourself based on the signs and the Holy Spirit's help. Kind of like this scripture below.

John 4:41 And many more believed because of his own word;
John 4:42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.

God Bless! 🙏
I am hoping that we have more time to serve the Lord here on earth in this present age. Especially with loved ones and friends who are still unsaved and whom we do not wish to see go into the great tribulation. But, that said, I would not be at all surprised if we go home within the next very few months. I just have that feeling. But personal feelings can be wrong, and often are. But the thought that we could be going home this year should be stirring all of us to live a lot closer to God than sometimes we do.
I am hoping that we have more time to serve the Lord here on earth in this present age. Especially with loved ones and friends who are still unsaved and whom we do not wish to see go into the great tribulation. But, that said, I would not be at all surprised if we go home within the next very few months. I just have that feeling. But personal feelings can be wrong, and often are. But the thought that we could be going home this year should be stirring all of us to live a lot closer to God than sometimes we do.
I agree with you 100 percent!!! 👍

That is why I suggest that everyone decide for themselves. You nor I want to be responsible for what others decide based on our feelings and how we interpret the signs. However, we should be free to express our feelings! 😊
I am hoping that we have more time to serve the Lord here on earth in this present age. Especially with loved ones and friends who are still unsaved and whom we do not wish to see go into the great tribulation.
I believe there is hope for our loved ones, especially now when Christians are being emotionally persecuted.

What we need to do is make sure they know salvation is a Free Gift and while they should, they do not have to change their lifestyle or tell anyone they are a Christian.

With that said, some people maybe including our loved ones actually have accepted Jesus as their Savior but just don't want to admit it. Why would they do that? Because as I said, we Christians are being emotionally persecuted and who wants that! In our current society we are considered dumb, unloving, bigoted, deceived and many other negative things. So due to that, some do not let others know they are Christians.

Look at Peter who denied Jesus three times! :noidea:
First, this is not a woe is me post. Second, I know this, when I'm down, the first people I want to talk to are the ones that think the rapture is about to happen at any second. When I was away and got the off chance to call home, I'd call my grandmother and ask her if she thought the rapture was about to happen. Hahaha! That reassurance quickened me to have the courage to press on to do what I needed to do.

I've always loved the rapture. I loved it when I was a kid. I'd wait by the window the night before school for it to happen. I hated the first day of school. I was always so nervous during that day. I remember the night before the first day of sixth grade I was in my bed beside the window just waiting for it to happen. I was sure of it. My parents nor anyone else really talked about the rapture a lot, much less excessively. So, I wasn't really inspired or motivated by them regarding the topic. I just loved the doctrine right away. I heard it mentioned in church and it just stuck on me like glue. It only takes second to salvation for me.

I'm ready for my body to be reconstituted into something glorious, something so wonderful that it'd make what I am now fall over. I want to say goodbye to this, whatever this is. When I look down at my hands and see where I'm missing a knuckle on one hand to the point that it makes fully closing it impossible and the three knuckles on my right hand that have been cut off, it makes me miss being able to fully close myself around those I love. I'm 3,000 miles of bad road. I'm ready to go, selfishly and surely. May this minute be the one.
I think we're in the season for the rapture, that much is obvious. Just as you can tell a season by looking at a tree, the bareness of winter, the first buds of spring, the leafy summer foliage, the berries of late summer then the golden colours of Autumn, so we can see the sign of the times in the world round us.

But I think there might be a little bit of wiggle room that could stay the Lord's hand for a few months or a few years- unreached people groups- a last chance for other last souls to come to salvation-God's patience and mercy. Even in spiritually darkest Scotland a number of souls are still being saved. Four youths were baptized in the church about a month ago, tremendously encouraging!

Occasionally in Scotland the trees begin to bud for spring then unexpectedly comes an Artic Blast, a last little burst of winter that delays the coming of Spring for a few days or week. At least we know that it's definitely on the way and cannot be stopped.

I would be shocked if the rapture is delayed any significant number of years, the state of the world by then would be a cross between Soddom/ Gomorrah and a Charles Bronson Movie.

For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay (Hab 2:3) God Bless All :)
From the time I learned about the Rapture reading Hal Lindsey's Late Great Planet Earth as a young teen, I've been waiting and thinking "any moment now." Probably because as a very small child my Maternal Grandma kept telling me Jesus could come back at any moment (in the Second Coming sense, and as a shame on you kind of thing when I was bad), and imminent Second Coming is what the churches I grew up taught. I didn't learn until decades later there is a disconnect between preTrib and amillennial theology :lol:
From the time I learned about the Rapture reading Hal Lindsey's Late Great Planet Earth as a young teen, I've been waiting and thinking "any moment now." Probably because as a very small child my Maternal Grandma kept telling me Jesus could come back at any moment (in the Second Coming sense, and as a shame on you kind of thing when I was bad), and imminent Second Coming is what the churches I grew up taught. I didn't learn until decades later there is a disconnect between preTrib and amillennial theology :lol:
This book is what helped me understand why Jesus had to die. After reading that book I was absolutely sure that Christianity was correct and the Bible was the truth. I read the book about a month after I prayed the prayer of salvation. From that moment on, I have never doubted in God the father, the son or the Holy Ghost.
Hal Lindsey's gonna need a GIANT WHEELBARROW for his crowns :big grin; :lol:
I have heard so many comments similar to yours about TLGPE :)

Ditto, Billy Graham and his crusades :)

And all the grandmothers who taught us about Jesus and His return will also get heaps of rewards!!

I was almost 8 years old when my grandma brought me to the Late Great Planet Earth movie and since then, I've been waiting! Every day of my life!

I hope the Rapture is this year too because 2 of my 3 kids are under such "spiritual attack" with uncanny specific temptations coaxing them to choose something other than what God has obviously laid in front of them. It's such an undeniable spiritual fork in their roads and I think about Deuteronomy where God so often urges the people to "Choose life!!!" by following Him.
I pray constantly for God to hold them back from going the wrong direction and my best hope is that the Rapture will happen before they go off path. And I hope it happens before whatever crazy things might happen around the U.S. election. Breaks my heart for those left behind.