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Considering 2024 - Is The World Ripe For Rapture?

😭 wailing and holding arms up for Dad to pick up . . .

I wanna go home! Daddy, puh-leeze! I don't like it here!

Dear God, please hurry up!!!

I thought this video was interesting especially starting at position 15:08 for those not interested in the Monkey Pox discussion.
I think this is a plan B for the globalists (Plandemic 2.0) Plan A could be economy crash
I was listening to MonkeyWerx this afternoon after my nap and he said something interesting. Along the lines of what @PaidInFull has been saying, that war is planned and prepared for. The other stuff is icing on the cake for the globalists and their puppet masters the fallen angels and Lucifer.

War is coming, but the Restrainer is stopping them for now. Same with the economy and that silly monkey plague that they are desperately trying to turn into a pandemic of epic proportions- more like an epic ugly rash but I digress.

Masks are not needed, handwashing is always wise or as a sign above the sink in one of the hospitals I worked said "HANDS ARE NOT WATER SOLUBLE"!!!

And don't have sex with random males of the Rainbow variety as they seem to be the main carriers.

It's not all about the American elections either- that is incentive for the bad guys for sure. Trump might be more difficult to manipulate than Obama and Biden. Hence the assassination attempt or attempts. There is some thought that the mechanical issues on Trump's plane that were found might have been a sophisticated attempt- or it may just have been mechanical stuff. Who knows now what the truth is. At the rate they are burying evidence on the shooter we won't ever know.

To the OP, I'd say things are humming right along and yes the world is ripe for rapture. When exactly nobody can say. But I'm hopeful it's soon, yet as others have said, I'm planning to live here till then and reach others for Christ. To the best of my ability. Till we go up.
I was listening to MonkeyWerx this afternoon after my nap and he said something interesting. Along the lines of what @PaidInFull has been saying, that war is planned and prepared for. The other stuff is icing on the cake for the globalists and their puppet masters the fallen angels and Lucifer.

War is coming, but the Restrainer is stopping them for now. Same with the economy and that silly monkey plague that they are desperately trying to turn into a pandemic of epic proportions- more like an epic ugly rash but I digress.

Masks are not needed, handwashing is always wise or as a sign above the sink in one of the hospitals I worked said "HANDS ARE NOT WATER SOLUBLE"!!!

And don't have sex with random males of the Rainbow variety as they seem to be the main carriers.
You mean they haven't yet produced the special small mask and the really big mask that are worn somewhat lower than a regular face mask for MPox? :lol:
Also to the OP I had a conversation with my friend of many decades and former homeschool buddy this afternoon. I was describing the news in Kamloops, she was relating what's happening in Prince George.

Same stuff. Increased homelessness, increased violent crime and murder done by the homeless even though that is NOT politically correct to say that and the media and politicians do their best to erase that.

Murder for no reason. Just felt like stabbing someone that day. In both our cities. I moved from there to here in '99, a quarter century ago now, before 911 and while these things happened, they weren't as often or as routine. Back then maybe a couple times a year, and it would be front page. Now it's buried deep at the end of the online version of the local paper and it's every week if it even makes the news.

But both Tina and I know it's happening because we see it, we hear the sirens, the neighbours talk.

When I left, Tina started working at a business in a nice downtown area. She ended up owning the business within 5 years. It was safe back then. Now there are addicts overdosing in the parking lot, homeless people with machetes and sledgehammers coming into her business and scaring off the clients as well as her and her staff. The police come and "encourage" the problem person to leave but there's no point arresting them anymore because nothing gets done and they are let out immediately.

Last night someone lit a fire near our old neighbourhood which she still lives in. At 2 am. The neighbours told her the fire dept got it out just in time or it could have taken out the neighbourhood because of the hot dry conditions. The cause? Homeless camp. At least that is what the neighbours say.

A gang of 4 homeless set upon some innocent men in a parking lot in Kamloops, one was slashing them with a machete, another was chasing them with a lit blowtorch. They ran for their lives, and a passing ambulance saw them turned on the sirens to scare the attackers off and saved the life of one of the innocent who was bleeding to death.

The police know about them, no arrests have been made. They said that the innocent men were innocent, that this was a random attack by "transients" as if that made it all ok.

And everything the authorities do to "fix" the problem makes it worse.

We were comparing it to 25 years ago. It's spiked.

We both just look at the days of Lot and Noah. She thinks the Rapture has to be soon.
The signs that precede the tribulation are occurring, with Israel as the center of it all. The more heated it gets there, the closer we could be to going Home. However, if it slowly simmers there, we might be here much longer than any of us desire.

Hope we depart today, but I plan for the future we might be forced to endure here a little longer, or even a lot longer.