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Considering 2024 - Is The World Ripe For Rapture?

If I knew the day and hour, I'd hug and tell my dog goodbye, and just walk away from everything, leaving my keys in the door (or the door unlocked and the keys on the counter), don a sandwich sign REPENT! THE END IS NEAR! and grab a megaphone and start walking and warning everyone I ran into (literally and figuratively), and hopefully time it just right to walk up to the family plot at the cemetery right before all the graves opened :hyper:
My guess would be 3 to 4 years. I know that is absoletly not helpful. lol. But bless your heart brother Andy. Your situation in the way you express your details, its a very real world neighborly and humane version of "since we don't know for sure" should be louder than what we "think" the word "might" be saying. Amen. Amen. Amen. Blessings.
My guess would be 3 to 4 years. I know that is absoletly not helpful. lol. But bless your heart brother Andy. Your situation in the way you express your details, its a very real world neighborly and humane version of "since we don't know for sure" should be louder than what we "think" the word "might" be saying. Amen. Amen. Amen. Blessings.
Your guess is as good as anybody else’s.

I think those of us who study in eschatology, to include many favorite end times Pastors we all like, are not near as smart as we like to think we are in trying to make the prophetic puzzle pieces fit together. JMHO.
Your guess is as good as anybody else’s.

I think those of us who study in eschatology, to include many favorite end times Pastors we all like, are not near as smart as we like to think we are in trying to make the prophetic puzzle pieces fit together. JMHO.
You said it very nicely brother. As for me on weigh-in there, I actually love the American reformed church (what I came up out of). Some of my best years were in their care. But over the decades I realized that this emphasis on seminary, and original Greek etc seemed to be a way to glamor the shoes off of "context." Even ministries that make "Context, context, context" t-shirts seemed to be missing huge chunks of it. This was not coming from a adolescent smerky punkish attitude (although I had that). I learned the hard way before Him (or should say "am learning") that having too much attitude takes God's focus off the problem and onto me...lol. So yeah...not the way the story should be told. But in all honesty I started to really wake up to so much better and deeper biblical context over the years than I had been dazzled with in the American reformed camp. So for me that was one huge taste of: "The adults in the room may not exactly be the adults."

Now what we see with Steve Lawson (as what I see to be a gracious offering of the Lord to help a denomination humble out radically), is what it looks like to have a "I don't care about context" fever of 110 Fahrenheit. Now it seems the new mental giants on the block are the super eschatalogical heads. I was interested in eschatology 0% for 25 years. But in 2016 things began to slowly change. I did not realize though that there was some celestial poker game going on where TCC chips are being thrown around. And now I'm a playing card or two in the hands of the eschatological seminary cats. In other words, it seems like the SNL church lady might have been a helpful reminder from God sovereign over His creation, through the world, to tap us on the proverbial shoulder. Unfortunately, I can attest to the church lady syndrome (I guess when it is secular its called a Karen? lol...but I don't mean this in the gender sense...just the colloqueil phrasoligy I mean...because I do so believe many men who lead in the pulpit are in quite a bit of trouble before Him...yet He, even so, is so so gracious.

So yeah...all that to say...I agree. After a 30-year long workout of said addage...yeppers...I so so agree. Amen. Sometimes the weatherman will be more accurate :(
Meat in heaven? I doubt it. That would involve death, and I don't believe there will be any death in heaven.
In the Millenium, maybe. Also, I am reminded of the verses in the bible that describes trees growing near the river in heaven that will bear different fruits each month of the year. So, I'm thinking that it will be a more vegetarian diet, if we even eat at all. Once Jesus was resurrected He didn't even have to eat......... He did so to have communion with others, but He didn't need to eat.
Meat in heaven? I doubt it. That would involve death, and I don't believe there will be any death in heaven.
In the Millenium, maybe. Also, I am reminded of the verses in the bible that describes trees growing near the river in heaven that will bear different fruits each month of the year. So, I'm thinking that it will be a more vegetarian diet, if we even eat at all. Once Jesus was resurrected He didn't even have to eat......... He did so to have communion with others, but He didn't need to eat.
I tend to agree with you.
I don't think scripture addresses eating in Heaven.
When Jesus told his disciples at the last Supper that he would not eat with them again until they would be together in His Father's Kingdom, I believe He was referring to the Millennial Kingdom.
I tend to agree with you.
I don't think scripture addresses eating in Heaven.
When Jesus told his disciples at the last Supper that he would not eat with them again until they would be together in His Father's Kingdom, I believe He was referring to the Millennial Kingdom.
That’s a good point. Our bodies will be so glorified that the pleasures of eating will pale in comparison. I think that’s why Paul said no eye or mind can even comprehend what God has prepared for us (paraphrased of course).

I don’t think our senses are even able to capture or understand heaven as we are now.
I am getting more and more convinced we will be raptured by 2026. The more I read about all of the signs from Pete Garcia’s blog and Don Keonig’s older blog the more it makes sense.

Of course I’m still living and planning for more time.

If I knew when the rapture was, I would probably tell even more people the Gospel and care less about trying to share it with tact, because I’m leaving anyways. I would also urge my siblings even more strongly to believe today and not care what they do since they’ll soon find out.

I’ve already shared the Gospel with them but they hate it so we maintain superficial relationships. My sister and I talk a little more deeply but only to a certain point.

I would also talk to Mike about emptying out all of our savings and donating every penny to worthy ministries sharing the Gospel. No point in saving for a house anymore. Or Mike would quit his job, we’d live off of our savings and focus on Gospel sharing overload. Maybe Mike would be even more bold at work and risk getting fired. Who knows.

I know I would tell the one secular client I have more directly and risk the conflict. She knows I’m Christian but I haven’t shared more than that. I had another one a month ago but she has met her goals so I may not see her again. I asked about Faith and she shut it down real fast. We just continued working on boundaries at work until her issues resolved and that was it.