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Back again family and thanks for your comments and questions.

This thread is born from my many debates about the rapture with learned pre-wrather's and post-tribbers who will easily dismantle the arguments I see presented in this forum because these guys were previously pre-trib teachers. One guy, my favorite foil, was a Calvary Chapel pre-trib teacher for 20 years and dismantles all the pre-trib verses I see you present. Another a CC pastor for decades and these men earnestly contend against their previously held views on the pre-trib.

I see pre-tribbers join them because they are not adequately taught about the pre-trib. and it was my intention to press on in this thread in the beginning but we hit the first hurdle, a misunderstanding of what the word hope means. Even when I try to make this as simple as possible by using brief Encyclopedia and Dictionary references, I still see some of you are not convinced! There needs to be a proper foundation laid on what Hope is because the blessed hope is not one hope for the future, all hope is to be blessed in the future.

Then adoption totally confused many and still does. Why? Because some of you don't understand the three tenses of your own salvation.

I hoped to equip you better in two ways, first of all in defense of the rapture and secondly by increasing in the knowledge of God. However I see I am being challenged on what I thought you understood.

I am going try to simplify how FUTURE ADOPTION differs from PRESENT ADOPTION as per Margery's request in a moment, but I have to state this, Jesus gave gifts to the church... teachers.

I see so many posts in other forums saying that all we need is the Holy Spirit and then the Holy Spirit taught me and we end up with the Holy Spirit opposing the Holy Spirit because some are still on milk and misunderstand the scriptures. We need both: good teachers and the Holy Spirit, not one or the other and this is what the Word teaches us. The Word, the Holy Spirit and Teachers are all the gifts of God to the church.

Margery, in order to understand adoption, we need to forget completely about adoption for a moment and understand SALVATION, because all the doctrines of the faith need to be examined in this past, present and future light and then adoption as a past, present and future reality makes sense. It is not just adoption that is being misunderstood and even contested here, but it is how God works out our salvation.

If there is no future adoption, then this thread is pointless. If there is, then the questions is, how does it develop from our present understanding of adoption. To bring you all with me I need to switch topics for a moment and get you to consider your personal salvation and what you expect for the future

.I am going to select some quotes from Arthur Pink from 1928 regarding salvation...

The subject of God's "so great salvation" (Heb. 2:3), as it is revealed to us in the Scriptures and made known in Christian experience, is worthy of a life's study. Anyone who supposes that there is now no longer any need for him to prayerfully search for a fuller understanding of the same, needs to ponder, "If any man thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know" (1 Cor. 8:2). The fact is that the moment any of us really takes it for granted that he already knows all that there is to be known on any subject treated of in Holy Writ, he at once cuts himself off from any further light thereon. That which is most needed by all of us in order to a better understanding of Divine things is not a brilliant intellect—but a truly humble heart and a teachable spirit, and for that we should daily and fervently pray—for we possess it not by nature...

...Even where there is fundamental soundness in their views upon Divine salvation—yet many have such inadequate and one-sided conceptions that other aspects of this truth, equally important and essential, are often overlooked and tacitly denied.

How many, for example, would be capable of giving a simple exposition of the following texts, "Who has saved us" (2 Tim. 1:9). "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil. 2:12), "Now is our salvation nearer than when we believed" (Romans 13:11). Now those verses do not refer to three different salvations—but to three separate aspects of one and unless we learn to distinguish sharply between them, there can be nothing but confusion and cloudiness in our thinking. Those passages present three distinct phases and stages of salvation—salvation . . .​

As an accomplished fact,

As a present process

As a future prospect

So many today ignore these distinctions, jumbling them together. Some contend for one and argue against the other two; and vice versa. Some insist they are already saved, and deny that they are now being saved. Some declare that salvation is entirely future, and deny that it is in any sense already accomplished. Both are wrong.​

The fact is, that the great majority of professing Christians fail to see that "salvation" is one of the most comprehensive terms in all the Scriptures, including predestination, regeneration, justification, sanctification and glorification. They have far too cramped an idea of the meaning and scope of the word "salvation" (as it is used in the Scriptures), narrowing its range too much, generally confining their thoughts to but a single phase. They suppose "salvation" means no more than the new birth or the forgiveness of sins. Were one to tell them that salvation is a protracted process, they would view him with suspicion; and if he affirmed that salvation is something awaiting us in the future, they would at once dub him a heretic. Yet they would be the ones to err...

...Let us now supplement the first three verses quoted and show there are other passages in the New Testament which definitely refer to each distinct tense of salvation.​

First, salvation as an accomplished fact, "Your faith has saved you" (Luke 7:50), "by grace you have been saved" (Greek, and so translated in the R.V.—Eph. 2:8), "according to His mercy He saved us" (Titus 3:5).

Second, salvation as a present process, in course of accomplishment, not yet completed, "Unto us which are being saved" (1 Cor. 1:18—R.V.); "Those who believe to the saving (not 'salvation') of the soul" (Heb. 10:39).

Third, salvation as a future prospect, "Sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation" (Heb. 1:14), "receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls" (James 1:21), "Kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time" (1 Peter 1:5).

Thus, by putting together these different passages, we are clearly warranted in formulating the following statement—every genuine Christian has been saved, is now being saved, and will yet be saved—how and from what, we shall endeavor to show.

END QUOTE: If you want to read the whole sermon copy some of this into search.

We are all in a state of hope in all our doctrines and a Word study on hope is needed for many of you so you understand the dictionary and encyclopedia is giving you the boiled down distilled essential that needS to be studied in-depth.​

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
(3) Yet, certain though the hope might be, it was not yet attained, and the interim was an opportunity to develop faith, "the substance of the things hoped for" (Hebrews 11:1 ). Indeed, hope is simply faith directed toward the future, and no sharp distinction between faith and hope is attainable.

The Holman Bible Dictionary
"Trustful expectation, particularly with reference to the fulfillment of God's promises. Biblical hope is the anticipation of a favorable outcome under God's guidance. More specifically, hope is the confidence that what God has done for us in the past guarantees our participation in what God will do in the future. This contrasts to the world's definition of hope as “a feeling that what is wanted will happen.” Understood in this way, hope can denote either a baseless optimism or a vague yearning after an unattainable good. If hope is to be genuine hope, however, it must be founded on something (or someone) which affords reasonable grounds for confidence in its fulfillment. The Bible bases its hope in God and His saving acts."

Christians only have the prospect of deliverance. To them is held out the hope of final rescue, and of an eternal inheritance beyond all these sufferings. They wait, therefore, for the full benefits of the adoption; the complete recovery even of the body from the effects of sin, and the toils and trials of this live; and thus they are sustained by hope, which is the argument which the apostle has in view; Romans 8:23-24. With this view of the general scope of the passage, we may examine the particular phrases....

Now to put Hope, Adoption & Salvation together...

Expositor's Greek Testament (Denney) explains
This sentence explains why Paul can speak of Christians as waiting for adoption, while they are nevertheless in the enjoyment of sonship. It is because salvation is essentially related to the future. ‘We wait for it: for we were saved in hope.....Hope, the apostle argues, is an essential characteristic of our salvation; but hope turned sight is hope no more, for who hopes for what he sees? We do not see all the Gospel held out to us, but it is the object of our Christian hope nevertheless; it is as true and sure as the love of God which in Christ Jesus reconciled us to Himself and gave us the Spirit of adoption, and therefore we wait for it in patience.

Dear sister Marg, you asked for a super simplified explanation of how where I am going differs from adoption as we have all understood it. This is the minimum proof I think I can give to help some to grasp that our present spiritual blessing is not the fulfillment of the state of hope for adoption or salvation that God intents to be far more glorious than we now experience, and it is fulfilled in heaven before the Father, and that demands the rapture to heaven and not back to earth.

The blessed hope AND the appearing of Jesus, (some versions miss out the Greek word AND making the glorious appearing of Jesus the blessed hope) is destined to be fulfilled in heaven.

IF there is clearly a past, present and a future fulfillment for adoption, and salvation, and all the doctrines that are included in the general term our salvation. then the post-trib doesn't have a leg to stand on before I even address what happens in heaven.

As pre-tribbers we need to know our doctrines and how they are in a present state of HOPE and HOPE always means the future.

William Newell - Now hope is expecting something better! The very fact that we have not seen it realized as yet, begets within us that grace which is so precious to God--patience. But note, it is not patience in the abstract that is set forth here: but patient waiting for the coming liberty of the glory of the children of God. (Newell's Commentary on Romans)

Marvin Vincent rightly reminds us that "In the New Testament the word (hope-elpis) always relates to a future good."

Finally, while Adrian thinks I am slow, Packer is much slower and I quote him...

Therefore I pray that the main point of the message is plain from Hebrews and from Romans, namely, that the biblical concept of hope, which we are going to be examining for the next 16 weeks, is not the ordinary concept we use in everyday speech. It does not imply uncertainty or lack of assurance. Instead, biblical hope is a confident expectation and desire for something good in the future.
I do not usually read long posts but I made an exception for you and read the whole thing. To me your post comes off like you are our Pastor teaching us who have not yet understood the Bible. You present things that you have concluded as facts that we should accept. The other thing is you are presenting more than one thought like salvation, adoption and hope. I know you are saying they are all connected which is fine, but for a proper discussion we need to take them one at a time.

I suggest you just start with salvation and see if we can agree on that. If not, we can stop right there. If we can agree on salvation, then we can discuss hope. After that we can then discuss adoption. Again, trying to discuss all three at the same time is much too confusing. Oh and I forgot about pre-trib, mid-trib and post-trib might need to be discussed also.

So maybe it is just me, but I have no idea what your point is that you are trying to make with the purpose of helping us who you believe are confused. Do you think we are not saved? Do you think we are saved, but not growing? Do you think we are not spreading the Gospel? What is your purpose in what you are trying to make us believe?

God Bless! 🙏
My pastor not long ago addressed the three tenses of salvation. I am interested to see how a future tense of adoption can shut down the idea of a post trib rapture.(I’m pretty sure that is the bottom line of all that you are trying to say - that you are trying to give us a powerful response to post-trib and pre-wrath people.)
As for the adoption debate, I will continue to read your posts while resting in the security that I am fully adopted now, just as I am fully saved now, despite the future tenses.
I think I’m beginning to understand - it’s the same as how Jesus chose us before the foundations of the world. Eph 1:4. What to come had already been done. But His work still was ahead of him. Is that a good way of understanding the adoption, paidinfull?
From my assessment of the above outline of what will be taught in this thread, I see that everything that I have placed my hope in appears to be a process of steps.
While there's an initial salvation in the present, I conceive that by what has been pointed out in the above, salvation is not secure.
I believe in OSAS.
I believe in the process of sanctification, not done on our own, but by The Holy Spirit as I yield to Him in obedience as He helps me and guides me along the way.
When I read on scripture that I Am a child of God, to me that's clear I Have been adopted completely by The Father.
My hope for completing my status as a child of God only lays in my changing from this fallen flesh to glory.

I come from a long life of trauma.
Growing up in abuse and neglect.
I married at 16 to escape that abuse.
I always had a heart to seek God because I desired a sense of security and love I never knew.
I had a hard time believing God could love me because no one ever did.
I experimented with different religions wanting so much to know a God of Love and Mercy.
I had no hope in all my life, until I found my Blessed Hope in what I believe in today.
I see a different theology creeping in to rob me of my faith. For anything to come along and take away everything I've believed in and what I have anchored my faith in because of what my Lord and Savior Jesus has done for me that gave me a most precious gift that has literally saved my life giving me something to hold on to to get me through some most difficult trials in my life.
I can't open myself to have my faith tumbled and destroyed because anyone kindly wants to change my mind from what I believe.
I don't believe The Holy Spirit is against Himself because I can't accept what someone else thinks The Holy Spirit tells him.
I don't mean any of this as disrespect, but I come to this fellowship to edify and encourage, not to seek a different theology than what my faith is anchored on.
I leave this thread not seeking to change anyone's mind as each person is their own to choose for themselves.
I choose to believe what The Bible says based on Scripture interpreting scripture.
God bless everyone here and may The Holy Spirit give discernment and clarity through the Power He has given believers.
From my assessment of the above outline of what will be taught in this thread, I see that everything that I have placed my hope in appears to be a process of steps.
While there's an initial salvation in the present, I conceive that by what has been pointed out in the above, salvation is not secure.
I believe in OSAS.
I believe in the process of sanctification, not done on our own, but by The Holy Spirit as I yield to Him in obedience as He helps me and guides me along the way.
When I read on scripture that I Am a child of God, to me that's clear I Have been adopted completely by The Father.
My hope for completing my status as a child of God only lays in my changing from this fallen flesh to glory.

I come from a long life of trauma.
Growing up in abuse and neglect.
I married at 16 to escape that abuse.
I always had a heart to seek God because I desired a sense of security and love I never knew.
I had a hard time believing God could love me because no one ever did.
I experimented with different religions wanting so much to know a God of Love and Mercy.
I had no hope in all my life, until I found my Blessed Hope in what I believe in today.
I see a different theology creeping in to rob me of my faith. For anything to come along and take away everything I've believed in and what I have anchored my faith in because of what my Lord and Savior Jesus has done for me that gave me a most precious gift that has literally saved my life giving me something to hold on to to get me through some most difficult trials in my life.
I can't open myself to have my faith tumbled and destroyed because anyone kindly wants to change my mind from what I believe.
I don't believe The Holy Spirit is against Himself because I can't accept what someone else thinks The Holy Spirit tells him.
I don't mean any of this as disrespect, but I come to this fellowship to edify and encourage, not to seek a different theology than what my faith is anchored on.
I leave this thread not seeking to change anyone's mind as each person is their own to choose for themselves.
I choose to believe what The Bible says based on Scripture interpreting scripture.
God bless everyone here and may The Holy Spirit give discernment and clarity through the Power He has given believers.
Excellent post.

“Doctrines” IMO are being introduced as facts in this thread, with most if not all disagreeing with some of the content.

Is there a purpose for continuing this long and drawn out thread?

As for the adoption debate, I will continue to read your posts while resting in the security that I am fully adopted now, just as I am fully saved now, despite the future tenses.
I think I’m beginning to understand - it’s the same as how Jesus chose us before the foundations of the world. Eph 1:4. What to come had already been done. But His work still was ahead of him. Is that a good way of understanding the adoption, paidinfull?
Correct. I guess it is like we were taught in Bible School, that we need to hear a new topic 7 times and in different ways to get it.
From my assessment of the above outline of what will be taught in this thread, I see that everything that I have placed my hope in appears to be a process of steps.
While there's an initial salvation in the present, I conceive that by what has been pointed out in the above, salvation is not secure.
I believe in OSAS.
I believe in the process of sanctification, not done on our own, but by The Holy Spirit as I yield to Him in obedience as He helps me and guides me along the way.
When I read on scripture that I Am a child of God, to me that's clear I Have been adopted completely by The Father.
My hope for completing my status as a child of God only lays in my changing from this fallen flesh to glory.

I come from a long life of trauma.
Growing up in abuse and neglect.
I married at 16 to escape that abuse.
I always had a heart to seek God because I desired a sense of security and love I never knew.
I had a hard time believing God could love me because no one ever did.
I experimented with different religions wanting so much to know a God of Love and Mercy.
I had no hope in all my life, until I found my Blessed Hope in what I believe in today.
I see a different theology creeping in to rob me of my faith. For anything to come along and take away everything I've believed in and what I have anchored my faith in because of what my Lord and Savior Jesus has done for me that gave me a most precious gift that has literally saved my life giving me something to hold on to to get me through some most difficult trials in my life.
I can't open myself to have my faith tumbled and destroyed because anyone kindly wants to change my mind from what I believe.
I don't believe The Holy Spirit is against Himself because I can't accept what someone else thinks The Holy Spirit tells him.
I don't mean any of this as disrespect, but I come to this fellowship to edify and encourage, not to seek a different theology than what my faith is anchored on.
I leave this thread not seeking to change anyone's mind as each person is their own to choose for themselves.
I choose to believe what The Bible says based on Scripture interpreting scripture.
God bless everyone here and may The Holy Spirit give discernment and clarity through the Power He has given believers.
How can you read what I posted and not see that your salvation is an accomplished fact. That is OSAS.

Check again please the bold and especially underlined for we keep digging the same hole for ourselves and mixing up if we are saved completely or not.

In the present ACCOMPLISHED FACT you have OSAS. Let me quote me again...

"Those passages present three distinct phases and stages of salvation—salvation . . .

As an accomplished fact,

As a present process

As a future prospect

First, salvation as an accomplished fact, "Your faith HAS saved you" (Luke 7:50), "by grace you HAVE been saved" (Greek, and so translated in the R.V.—Eph. 2:8), "according to His mercy He SAVED us" (Titus 3:5).

Second, salvation as a present process, in course of accomplishment, not yet completed, "Unto us which are being saved" (1 Cor. 1:18—R.V.); "Those who believe to the saving (not 'salvation') of the soul" (Heb. 10:39).

Third, salvation as a future prospect, "Sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation" (Heb. 1:14), "receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls" (James 1:21), "Kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time" (1 Peter 1:5).
Excellent post.

“Doctrines” IMO are being introduced as facts in this thread, with most if not all disagreeing with.

Is there a purpose for continuing this long and drawn out thread? The OP made his points, and does not have the time to tie them all together in what he believes to be scripturally sound doctrine.

I've seen repeated references to some who had believed in Pre Tribulation having changed their mind.
This indicates to me there's an attempt to change our minds about the Pre Tribulation Rapture.
I won't go there
This thread is not producing the encouragement that I hoped it would so I am closing this topic.

I have to keep repeating that we are presently saved and don't seem to get beyond that so there is no point in upsetting people.
I was tracking with you and I didn't get the feeling that you were trying to subvert my assurance of salvation or pre-trib rapture belief at all. The scripture is pretty clear.
From my assessment of the above outline of what will be taught in this thread, I see that everything that I have placed my hope in appears to be a process of steps.
While there's an initial salvation in the present, I conceive that by what has been pointed out in the above, salvation is not secure.
I believe in OSAS.
I believe in the process of sanctification, not done on our own, but by The Holy Spirit as I yield to Him in obedience as He helps me and guides me along the way.
When I read on scripture that I Am a child of God, to me that's clear I Have been adopted completely by The Father.
My hope for completing my status as a child of God only lays in my changing from this fallen flesh to glory.

I come from a long life of trauma.
Growing up in abuse and neglect.
I married at 16 to escape that abuse.
I always had a heart to seek God because I desired a sense of security and love I never knew.
I had a hard time believing God could love me because no one ever did.
I experimented with different religions wanting so much to know a God of Love and Mercy.
I had no hope in all my life, until I found my Blessed Hope in what I believe in today.
I see a different theology creeping in to rob me of my faith. For anything to come along and take away everything I've believed in and what I have anchored my faith in because of what my Lord and Savior Jesus has done for me that gave me a most precious gift that has literally saved my life giving me something to hold on to to get me through some most difficult trials in my life.
I can't open myself to have my faith tumbled and destroyed because anyone kindly wants to change my mind from what I believe.
I don't believe The Holy Spirit is against Himself because I can't accept what someone else thinks The Holy Spirit tells him.
I don't mean any of this as disrespect, but I come to this fellowship to edify and encourage, not to seek a different theology than what my faith is anchored on.
I leave this thread not seeking to change anyone's mind as each person is their own to choose for themselves.
I choose to believe what The Bible says based on Scripture interpreting scripture.
God bless everyone here and may The Holy Spirit give discernment and clarity through the Power He has given believers.
Salvation which is really the only important thing we Christians need to understand is very simple. Believe in and accept Jesus as your Savior!!! 👍

You may want to read something that I wrote on another thread that I started.

Goodboy! 😊
I understood it as he was debating people who were not pre-trib anymore about how they were now in error.

You may be right, but that is the problem. There is so much information put forth it is hard to know just what he is stating. Too much information without a conclusion is hard for some of our brains to process. I know it is too hard for my brain anyway. That is why I suggested that he approach each subject separately.
From up thread post:

"salvation as a present process, in course of accomplishment, not yet completed, "Unto us which are being saved" (1 Cor. 1:18—R.V.); "Those who believe to the saving (not 'salvation') of the soul" (Heb. 10:39).

Third, salvation as a future prospect "Sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation" (Heb. 1:14), "receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls" (James 1:21), "Kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time" (1 Peter 1:5)."

This sounds to me like our salvation is not done and secured.
11 And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed
Romans 13:11

What does this mean? Is Paul saying that our salvation is not completed?

Salvation comes 100% complete when we Believe on the finished work Jesus did on the cross and rose from the dead as a first fruits of many believers to follow.
Believing in Jesus makes us Born Again, we are a New Creation in Christ.

There's a waiting period for our Salvation to be Realized, because of our commission to spread the gospel to the unsaved, occupying until Jesus comes.

Our Hope of our Salvation being Realized is secured as a deposit with The Holy Spirit in us.

The only Process we have is our Sanctification as we must be Salt and Light in this dark world and we are Ambassadors of Christ representing Him while we actively engage in our Commission and The Holy Spirit helps us in the Sanctification process so we can represent Jesus properly and lead the unsaved to Him for salvation.

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly"
John 10:10

The enemy wants to steal our Joy in our Blessed Hope, but we stand firmly on The Foundation of our Faith in Jesus.
Holding Fast to our Faith keeps the thief from stealing our Joy, our Hope in what our Faith in what Jesus has done and given to us as His disciples can Never be trampled on by the enemy.

The enemy is good at sowing doubt if one lets him take hold of you.
But we Are Children of God and He will Never allow anyone to pluck us out of His Hand.

"For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable"
Romans 11:25
11 And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed
Romans 13:11

What does this mean? Is Paul saying that our salvation is not completed?

Salvation comes 100% complete when we Believe on the finished work Jesus did on the cross and rose from the dead as a first fruits of many believers to follow.
Believing in Jesus makes us Born Again, we are a New Creation in Christ.

There's a waiting period for our Salvation to be Realized, because of our commission to spread the gospel to the unsaved, occupying until Jesus comes.

Our Hope of our Salvation being Realized is secured as a deposit with The Holy Spirit in us.

The only Process we have is our Sanctification as we must be Salt and Light in this dark world and we are Ambassadors of Christ representing Him while we actively engage in our Commission and The Holy Spirit helps us in the Sanctification process so we can represent Jesus properly and lead the unsaved to Him for salvation.

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly"
John 10:10

The enemy wants to steal our Joy in our Blessed Hope, but we stand firmly on The Foundation of our Faith in Jesus.
Holding Fast to our Faith keeps the thief from stealing our Joy, our Hope in what our Faith in what Jesus has done and given to us as His disciples can Never be trampled on by the enemy.

The enemy is good at sowing doubt if one lets him take hold of you.
But we Are Children of God and He will Never allow anyone to pluck us out of His Hand.

"For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable"
Romans 11:25
Somebody got an A+ on this test!!! 😍
Great response! 👍

If Satan was trying to confuse you, that was a big fail.
The Holman Bible Dictionary
"Trustful expectation, particularly with reference to the fulfillment of God's promises. Biblical hope is the anticipation of a favorable outcome under God's guidance. More specifically, hope is the confidence that what God has done for us in the past guarantees our participation in what God will do in the future. This contrasts to the world's definition of hope as “a feeling that what is wanted will happen.” Understood in this way, hope can denote either a baseless optimism or a vague yearning after an unattainable good. If hope is to be genuine hope, however, it must be founded on something (or someone) which affords reasonable grounds for confidence in its fulfillment. The Bible bases its hope in God and His saving acts."

As I was reading a possible word picture popped in my head.

Israel is pointed to as what the church can look to and learn from. In regards to the aspects of salvation I think Israel can be a great word picture to understand.

When Israel was initially rescued by God, they were rescued out of Egypt. They were 100% rescued with no doubt that they would come under Egypts tyranny again. That was a great thing to celebrate but God had more plans connected to their one rescue, yet to unfold in stages.

God continued with their rescue as they crossed the desert, in hope and anticipation of their full realization of God's rescue in being settled in the Promised Land.

When they finally made it to the Promised Land, the full realization of Israel's rescue from Egypt, as a nation, was complete.

Through these three aspects of God's rescuing Israel, God never abandoned them and faithfully saw them through. Their status as God's nation and connection to Him was never going to be an issue or question (as the situation with Balaam only served to solidify in his prophecies about Israel's future). But, Israel did have to go through difficulties, discipline and the process of traveling through the desert to the Promised Land.

Another word picture (more for assurance of salvation) could be Rebekah, the wife found for Isaac.

Abraham, Isaac's father sent a servant (a type of the Holy Spirit) to find a wife for Isaac. The servant placed jewelry on her (after her agreeing to be Isaac's bride) which claimed her for Isaac, she was marked as Isaac's bride and to no other.

Then the servant traveled with her in the desert to take her home, during which she anticipated with hope her life to come with Isaac by asking the servant about Isaac.

Upon arriving the process of marriage to Isaac was culminated.

Another word picture is the Rapture. This happens in stages but is one Rapture. First it's Jesus Christ, then the dead in Christ and then those alive in Christ where we will always be with Him. There's quite a time gap between Jesus and the Church, but it's one Rapture that all the church will participate in without a shadow of doubt, something we hope for and anticipate and yet it's one Rapture that will certainly happen because the Lord is in sovereign control to ensure it to be so.

Or, perhaps a telescope with three parts. It's one telescope but unfolds in three stages. The telescope will always be a telescope as it unfolds, nothing can change this but it has three stages as it unfolds in to work in it's complete intended fashion.

Jesus says that He's the author and finisher of our faith. Our salvation is assured because of Jesus who authors and finishes our faith because of His sovereign power and will.

Perhaps this might be helpful?
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