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I'd love to see this thread continue one way or another, as I greatly look forward to the theme Hugh is/was developing and it's implications for both our security and the necessity of the pre-trib Rapture. If openly is too much of a problem for due to the format or stop/start nature that a busy schedule requires, perhaps it might be considered as a group private message thread among those wishing to pursue it and give it the latitude necessary to progress?

I understand the frustration of having to repeatedly cover the same ground due to the filters we all have and use every day that can sometimes cause us to react prematurely to what we think we might be reading or a challenge to essential beliefs that isn't really there but is may look like it is. There's a lot of complex stuff here and it's easy to get caught in the weeds. And to kind of paraphrase what Adrian already said, we don't need to go into those weeds to trust God and His promises and have enough for what He needs us to know. But some of us want to make that journey for various reasons. Proverbs 18:13 may be good to keep mind on a complex subject such as this. We're far from hearing this out fully imo...
And no matter the goal, there is no practice of theology that is worth shaking that simplicity in a soul.
Wow, that is profound. I’m going to remember this.
It's a great thing to remember. But it is only profound because it is the teaching of God.

In Romans 14, the Holy Spirit speaking through Paul tells us that whatever we do, whether honoring a certain day above any other day, or eating or rejecting certain foods, the governing principle is to love other people and govern our behavior in light of what is good for them. In verse 13 we read: "Make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way." And in verse 15 we read: "Yet if your brother is grieved because of your food, you are no longer walking in love. Do not destroy with your food the one for whom Christ died.” Now, this latter verse is clearly speaking of eating food sacrificed to idols which the Holy Spirit tells us through Paul is not sinful. But the Holy Spirit also tells us that if someone thinks it's sinful, then for them it is sinful. And therefore the Spirit is telling those who know they can eat anything not to do so if it will offend a brother or sister who believes that you should not eat meat taken from the marketplace where the vendor has offered it to be blessed by an idol.

So, the governing principle is --as we see in verse 15-- that we who are strong in our faith and knowledge should not destroy (with our knowledge of what is actually right) someone for whom Christ died. In other words we are to live our lives putting the welfare of others above our own selves and our knowledge and desires. I suggest that this is a principle that underlies everything in the Christian life.

True love is sacrificing ourselves for others; or as Jesus Christ said, greater love hath no person than this, than to lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). Or as John also put it: "By this we know what love is: Jesus laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." (1 John 3:16) They are not necessarily speaking of dying for someone else, although that is in the picture; rather they are speaking of giving up what you would like because you know it might harm another. It's the reason why I no longer drink or smoke a pipe or cigars. I know that if I were to do so I might cause someone for whom that is a weakness to sin. And how would that be demonstrating love to them?

Christ tells us to take up our cross daily, to die to self daily. And this is why: so we can demonstrate the nature of Christ who indwells us by living for others rather than exclusively for ourselves. Paul put it this way: "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, though He existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself by taking the form of a bond-servant and being born in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death: death on a cross." (Philippians 2:3-8)

Yes, that is indeed profound. And what a challenge it is to seek to live that out more and more in our lives! After almost 51 years, I'm still working on it.
Exactly. And it is on this and verses like this that our entire hope rests. Our salvation is a done deal. And our adoption is part of that salvation. He who began this good work in us will complete it.
It seems that no matter how many times I repeat our adoption and salvation is settled and beyond question, I am still being contested on this point. That is why I am closing this thread as I can't get beyond the obvious to what every Bible dictionary and Encyclopedia states that HOPE is for what is to happen in the future.

If we do a Word Study on Hope, to understand what we are in hope for, then it ought to become very clear.

The three states of salvation is not something that began with me, there are endless theological papers teaching and explaining this.

We were saved before the world began. God foreknew us then, He knew us in the womb and set out our days and He called us and gave us to Jesus when we reached that time in life when it dawned on us that we needed a Savior. But that calling was before the world began, and yet is was yet to come and be experienced by each of us. We are all in agreement in these two states, one past and one present.

On the other hand we are raised and seated with Christ in heavenly places. In God's eyes, just as we were saved in His eyes before we were born, we are already seated on God's throne with Him above all the angels.

The reality of our experience of salvation hadn't come into line with God's declaration before the world began until many years after our birth. Likewise on the other hand the reality of sitting on God's throne, not in a figurative sense but in reality, is something we are in a state of hope for in the future. What does HOPE do? It declares it as fact now because we believe in God's promises.

How do we grasp this? First of all to examine the Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias to understand this is not some cult thinking, it is the core of Christianity.

I tried that - it didn't work here.

My hope was that some of the theological papers I linked to would be read and studied and thought upon so no one here could ever question if we are secure in our salvation here and now. How can it be any other way if we were saved and called to good works before the world began? Can we change the course of God's calling and election when we are born? If we can, then God failed in His claim we were saved before the world began.

When I can't even get beyond our foundation to understand what HOPE means... that it is future as we well as past and present, and that the doctrines of the faith are like this, then I am trying to force feed meat to milk drinkers.

Let's take a very simple example that we all agree on. Does Jesus already have all power and authority and has His salvation already come?

Of course it has, for if it hasn’t then we are not saved here and now. If you are ever involved in the deliverance ministry, you’ll know that demons know that Jesus has all power and authority here on earth right now. You’ll also see them resist and attempt to argue and put up a physical protest. I remember one guy passed out when I was addressing the demon of homosexuality. I told it I knew it could hear every word I was saying and forcefully commanded it to come out right now in Jesus Name. He was sitting on an large armchair and suddenly he woke up, the demon threw him on the floor and tried to choke him to death. Of course it couldn’t for it had to obey, but he went red, then dark red, then blue before it suddenly left and immediately his whole countenance changed from how we had always know him.

Soon the fallen angels are going to kicked out of heaven and they don’t want to go. When they are kicked out of heaven they know there is no legal right to argue their case in heaven and resist the plan of God. It takes war to remove them.

So we are all agreed that the salvation and power and kingdom of God and the authority of His Christ is a present reality we experience personally and can see in spiritual warfare here and now. We can even prove it by answered prayer.

Let’s consider the complete spiritual legal situation we are in that appears to contradict that, unless we understand the three tenses.

We all agree that the devil is defeated and disarmed, was paraded in humiliation in the Victor’s parade in heaven, and that Jesus alone has the keys of death and hell. We agree that the blood of Jesus washes us clean from sin and that we are made the righteousness of God in Christ, and this was true immediately Jesus presented Himself to the Father in heaven and His blood was on the mercy seat and has been true for 2000 years.

How come then if we already see the evidences of the power and authority and salvation of God that these two things happen in heaven…

Today the devil denies the efficacy of the blood and cross and promises of God and instead accuses the church day and night before God? How can the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit allow such an outrageous offense to continue for 1 minute let alone 2,000 years?

Of greater importance to our discussion is this... How come this announcement is yet to be made…

And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come”. (Rev.12:10).

I thought we agreed it had already come and we have evidence of it?

The next word “for” is key in explaining both the reason and the timing…

And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, FOR the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.(Rev.12:10)

The evidence or proof that the salvation and power and authority of Christ has come is our accuser is stopped and for some reason, but what is that reason? God's timing is not random. Next look at the tenses…

11And they HAVE conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they LOVED not their lives even unto death.

It is finished! It does not say, and they will conquer him with the blood of the Lamb, which if you are a post-tribber you need to hear for the years ahead. It does not say, they love not their lives even unto death, for there is no future tense here, nor can there be.

We had two FOR’s explaining the reason or cause, and now we get a THEREFORE explaining the result…

12Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them!

That’s us rejoicing in the completion of the hope of salvation fulfilled.

But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”

That is not heaven giving the church the bad news with the comfort of Woe to you, but we are having a party in heaven so we don’t care. Cya later church and hope you survive.

We are in heaven. For a post-tribber the church is called to endure to the end and to glorify God by standing up to the wrath of the devil on earth.

I am left in a position where I am accused of trying to be your pastor, bringing in a strange doctrine that the devil is using to upset us, when if you bit hard on some meat and read numerous theological papers it would make it clear that we have three tenses in our salvation, a past, a present and a future.

John was able to describe heaven, the throne, the glories. Can any of you describe to me what it feels like to sit on God's throne? What is the view like from up there, 1400 miles above the gates of the city, and what is the city like?

Yet we confidently declare we have been raised and seated with Christ. We confidently declare that now the kingdom and power and authority of Christ has come, for didn't Jesus declare all power and authority had already been given to Him before the cross? Does the angel in Revelation contradict Jesus' declaration in the Gospel before the devil was even defeated?

It seems pointless to push on for I can't get beyond our foundation. I takes Packer 16 weeks to explain HOPE and it seems that I made the error of thinking this was basic 101 here.

When I was in Bible College I was taught that we need to hear something new 7 times 7 different ways. I usually spend about 20 hrs at the weekend in study, and before I make a statement here I have read the 7 different papers and a lot more, and I need debate to ensure I get this right for everything I have learned comes from believing others in good faith and making every mistake and more than is in the book.

I don't expect anyone to take me on good faith because you'd be a fool to do so. I do however expect that before you comment you have read the Dictionaries and Encyclopedias to make sure an idea that is new to you has a doctrinal foundation, and if that has piqued your interest that you read some of the theological papers and sermons I link to, and moreover you continue with many others until as Paul put it, God gives you a spirit of revelation in the hope we are called to.

Spiritual truth doesn't come easy. It is not for the casual reader. You have to study hard to show yourself approved. The Word shows we are to pray for God to open our eyes to behold the wondrous things in His Law (Ps.118:18). In Bible College we were taught to pray Paul's prayer for revelation in the hope of our calling every day many times.

I guess it is so drummed into me that HOPE is future that I see it as basic level Christianity. It isn't in this forum and our present salvation is being called into question over and over, therefore people are getting depressed, feeling insecure, confused, questioning my motives, talking about Satan confusing us and making it impossible for me to move ahead into much deeper territory.

The problem Adam left us with is one of the law. Right now the devil has both legal standing and legal merit that allows Him to contest the efficacy of the blood cross of Christ before God. I was hoping to get the Law of Adoption, the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer, The Law of the Kinsman Redeemer Avenger, and the the Law of Inheritance to see why there is a fixed time and reason tfor the angel to declare in a loud voice so heaven and earth take notice of a dramatic change, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our (Father) God and the authority of his (Son) Christ have come”.

It is all a matter of Law and it begins with our HOPE for the completion of our adoption in heaven just as it awaits the HOPE of this angelic announcement for something we declare now as a present truth and reality.

So I am closing this thread as it seems to be doing more bad than good. Perhaps I need to begin with the basics of hope, but then if you are interested, go through Packers 16 week explanation, but don't stop there for what if he is cultist and wrong? Get this from at least another 6 eminent theologians and always pray Paul's prayer for revelation in the hope God gives us, for is it a war to break through. The devil will do all he can to rob you of the full knowledge of the hope God has placed you in, the hope of your high calling in Christ IN THE FURTURE.

Blessings all.
My goodness it is so refreshing to come on here sometimes and see everyone participating in discussions like this
Not just the depth but with kindness and humility.
I wish I knew more people like this in person.l who cared so much about truth.
Me too, I was just thinking about this today. And it’s nice to not see posts removed or the entire thread locked or removed.
The way everybody here has interacted during this thread and the one that preceded it has blessed me greatly. This is the way a body of Christians should behave. Glory to God for His work in each of your lives!
I'd love to see this thread continue one way or another, as I greatly look forward to the theme Hugh is/was developing and it's implications for both our security and the necessity of the pre-trib Rapture. If openly is too much of a problem for due to the format or stop/start nature that a busy schedule requires, perhaps it might be considered as a group private message thread among those wishing to pursue it and give it the latitude necessary to progress?

I understand the frustration of having to repeatedly cover the same ground due to the filters we all have and use every day that can sometimes cause us to react prematurely to what we think we might be reading or a challenge to essential beliefs that isn't really there but is may look like it is. There's a lot of complex stuff here and it's easy to get caught in the weeds. And to kind of paraphrase what Adrian already said, we don't need to go into those weeds to trust God and His promises and have enough for what He needs us to know. But some of us want to make that journey for various reasons. Proverbs 18:13 may be good to keep mind on a complex subject such as this. We're far from hearing this out fully imo...
I an the new kid on this block, though some of you remember me from the old block. I need to fit in and not rock the building.

If there was a way to agree on moving forward, I'd be interested.

In bible School we could not move to a new topic if we were getting left behind - we had to do resits if you failed to pass. It is obvious here that some are babes in Christ and not ready for meat, but there are others who are ready but not putting in the study required to even argue a point. Paul addressed both of these for he was contested and he didn't beat about the bush telling the church that they were not putting in the effort. I don't even want to quote Paul here as I will be accused of accusing!

If the great Paul was misunderstood and contested, what hope do I have of bringing everyone along with me?

I don't know what a group private message thread is, but if it works, then any participants will have to commit to reading theological papers. If you are not at that place, then join but don't comment.
It is obvious here that some are babes in Christ and not ready for meat, but there are others who are ready but not putting in the study required to even argue a point. Paul addressed both of these for he was contested and he didn't beat about the bush telling the church that they were not putting in the effort. I don't even want to quote Paul here as I will be accused of accusing!

If the great Paul was misunderstood and contested, what hope do I have of bringing everyone along with me?
Maybe you don't mean to, but with the statements you made in Bold above you seem to imply that you are more advanced or mature than those who are members of this forum. Why? Because we don't agree with you or your methods of teaching? 🤔

James 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
I don't know what a group private message thread is, but if it works, then any participants will have to commit to reading theological papers. If you are not at that place, then join but don't comment.

It would just be a pm through the forum software with multiple members. Those would have to be identified up front, but new ones could be added by any of the participants. If someone leaves the conversation though, I believe it's for good unless the software has changed.

Normally I wouldn't suggest that, as generally I think conversations should be out in the open for the benefit of all and to avoid any appearance of something improper or cliquishness or whatever. In this case, however, the commitment you're asking for is a high bar, and it's probably not realistic to expect all forum members to go against human nature and not comment on something that raises questions or concerns with them when they run across it without doing homework first. In this case, it appears people either watched the thread for a while or maybe just found it over time, so the same questions that had already been answered several times kept coming up. Frustrating all the way around, but growth often is.

I'm not sure I'm really qualified for all the heavy lifting involved, but would love to give it a go and would do my best to respect whatever ground rules were in place.
Paul put it this way: "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, though He existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself by taking the form of a bond-servant and being born in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death: death on a cross." (Philippians 2:3-8)
This!!! 👍
I have to admit that for me I am a stickler when it comes to separating private interpretation and scripture.
Because I came out of false religion, and God's Grace brought me to The Truth from His Word, I don't ever want to get caught in the snare of doctrine not taught in scripture.
The entire idea of believers being legally held by the devil until our "complete" adoption in heaven, and that the battle between Michael The Archangel and Satan and his angels are about Satan losing hold of believers is beyond my biblical comprehension and not because I am not partaking of "meat", but I know of no sound scripture basis for these conclusions.
I make it a habit not to solely rely on what people say, regardless of whether they have been to a Bible college or quote from other Theologians, because humans can error, even the educated, so I go to scripture to verify, as we ought to. If scripture doesn't support what I hear or read, I have a hard time accepting that teaching. Nothing personal. It's not a reflection on the person or the brotherhood involved. I only find it essential to make sure of all things pertaining to The Word of God that is The Authority
The Word of God is our defense to cast down arguments not lining up with scripture...

"...casting down arguments..."
1 Corinthians 10:5
I can see both sides but y'all are getting too easily offended. How would you evangelize an atheist with such thin skin? Turn the other cheek, feelings are secondary. The heart is wicked and deceitful.

I want to hear what the man has to say. 🩷
While I have not read all the posts, I have not heard anyone say that he should stop posting? As far as being offended, I am not offended but just responding to some incorrect accusations that he made. 👍

Why don't you PM him and tell him how you feel and that you want to hear more. 🤔
1 Corinthians 8:1 In your letter you asked me about food offered to idols. All of us know something about this subject. But knowledge makes us proud of ourselves, while love makes us helpful to others.
1 Corinthians 8:2 In fact, people who think they know so much don't know anything at all.
1 Corinthians 8:3 But God has no doubts about who loves him.
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