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Regarding what @Andiamo said here https://christiancommunityforum.com...taught-doctrine-in-the-church.5055/post-69559 (I'm not replying to the post to avoid confusion one way or the other in trying to choose which part to snip for readability)...

Anyway, some of us remember PaidInFull from RF and came into this thread with trust established. To some, he's probably completely new, so I completely understand the confusion, uncertainty, and maybe reluctance about intentions. If you look at the people who invited him to join us here, that should go a long way towards dispelling major doubts. Of course, still be a Berean as in all things, because anyone can get something wrong or go off the rails -- none of us should get a free pass on that. That said, of all the people Chris banned for various reasons, he's probably the one whose thoughts on things I missed most -- the financial thread that used to be there was nothing short of excellent, and helped me understand a little what's really going on in the world. And while that's important, it's certainly not the most important thing to talk about.
I have been willing to take his message into consideration, and if anyone looks up thread at one of my posts, I encouraged him to continue, even praying about it on my post.
However, a good teacher will take into consideration the entirety of the audience who is being taught.
For some, there were certain things that were questionable and is why some gave responses with disagreement.
Too much was put out there at one time, making it difficult to digest.
Not agreeing isn't automatically pointing to the devil being the cause of disagreement.
We all have choices. We can choose to agree or disagree but always with respect.
If the teaching is foreign to some it's understandable that questions would arise and to ask for more scriptural foundation is appropriate.
We are all fallen in nature and it's expected we may not always please everyone.
But we need to always keep in mind that we represent The Lord as His disciples and we need to give one another grace and not get easily offended by our brothers and sisters in Christ.
When I first joined RF, after posting my testimony, I jumped right into a hot thread about not judging who is saved or not saved. I remember that Kem was in it, and Andy (of course, haha!) and I immediately started going back and forth with Goodboy. (Yikes! What a way to start out! :lol:) I came into the thread with an alternate viewpoint. I remember that at the time some of the replies to things I said (not by the 3 mentioned but others) were definitely guarded, more than a little defensive and sometimes even came across a little cold.
It’s because nobody really knew me. Now I can give Eric the fish slap. Anyway, just to say that sometimes it takes a while. I know that others know Paidinfull and it does help but I still don’t know him myself.
I'm so sad that this thread derailed so much, that it came to be detrimental to the Fellowship.
While it should have been uplifting and beneficial.
Not putting a finger here to anyone, but as it now stands, it might be best to close this thread.
Maybe over time, when the dust has settled, we could revisit and find the pearls beneath the sand.

Eta: it was never Hugh's intention to sow division, only to share his insights.
It saddens him as well that things have gone so terribly astray.
And for that reason, he stepped out of our community.
Praying for him, and for all of us. May God comfort us all, and pull us all up, very soon. :rapture:
@PaidInFull, I think you have misunderstood the way likes work in social media, brother. For me a "like" often serves as a a signal to a writer that I understand where he or she is coming from, or I agree with the main thrust of their reply. It does not mean that I necessarily agree with everything they have written. (Unfortunately, I don't always have the time to explain every point I agree with.) It is a general reaction to the fact that they have a legitimate point of view. I have liked a number of your posts despite the fact that I have reservations about some things you have written.

This is the weakness of written social media posts: they do not easily allow for subtleties of communication. Especially on an open board where so many people are involved in the communication. This is why I endorsed the idea of teaching this "class" via private message by a mass private message. It would communicate with those who are committed to hearing you out; and keep the teaching out of view of those who do not understand or whose faith may be harmed by meat that they choke on.

So, I hope you continue here by taking the option above, Hugh; but also I really hope that you post in the open forum giving all of the members here the benefit of your vast knowledge of geopolitics and economics ... both very important topics, as each of us strives to understand the times in which we live in light of Scripture.
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