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I follow a well known Catholic who champions pro-life, Lily Rose. She posts lots on X and has a huge following. She was anti-Trump in 2020. During the summer Trump was asked about the issue in Florida where a Soros backed pro abortion proposition was on the ballot. He gave a squishy answer (he later recalled and changed his mind) but Lila Rose came out swinging. Lots of her followers became anti-Trump. Well, last week she came to her senses and endorsed Trump
I follow a well known Catholic who champions pro-life, Lily Rose. She posts lots on X and has a huge following. She was anti-Trump in 2020. During the summer Trump was asked about the issue in Florida where a Soros backed pro abortion proposition was on the ballot. He gave a squishy answer (he later recalled and changed his mind) but Lila Rose came out swinging. Lots of her followers became anti-Trump. Well, last week she came to her senses and endorsed Trump
I think abortion is a question that Trump believes should be left to the states, which is where it went when Roe was overturned. I agree that unless the Federal Govmint decides that it is murder, and passes a law indicating that, that it should be left to the states insofar as our Constitution is designed.
I, of course, consider it murder but we live in a fallen world and I doubt our Federal govmint would go that far in this evil day and age.
A lot of voters were led to believe, falsely, I believe, that Trump would make abortion illegal, period. I think that was nothing more than mis-information that probably garnered 20% or so of the votes that harris received. People certainly weren't voting for her for the great economy...
Just woke up, haven't had coffee yet, came on to make sure that it's really true and the midnight ballot box stuffers didn't do it again. Heheheh sung to Britney Spears OOPS I did it again!
So thankful.
I have thoughts lots of interesting thoughts on how this will fold into prophecy but that is for another day and time when I'm caffeinated and can type.
ROFL about Canada, Yup, very foreign, probably more so than expected because we speak the same language. Oh except for dyed in the wool Quebecois who refuse to speak English on principle even when they can.
I'll have to backup and read the thread to find out what nutbars from "away" as Newfies term it, thought it right to opine about the general doom and sadness of Americans voting in their own election and creating a solid mandate for Trump!!!!
Just woke up, haven't had coffee yet, came on to make sure that it's really true and the midnight ballot box stuffers didn't do it again. Heheheh sung to Britney Spears OOPS I did it again!
I think there was plenty of cheating but I think most of it got halted by lawyers putting the fear of prosecution into the hearts of those cheating/planning to cheat. The Republican Party apparently had lawyers all over the country responding to reports of shady things happening.
It would be good if during the next 4 years laws can be adopted that would make cheating much more difficult. I think machine voting should be banned, for example.
Praise God as that was an expected result if Trump won, that Seattle and Starbucks everywhere would light their hair on fire. If they collapse into a soggy weepy puddle with lots of hugging and give out crayons for colouring in their safe spaces I'm all for it. Looting and mayhem is very rude and not called for.
I was actually more offended by the Laodicea comment. Brother was suggesting that we are unsaved because we voted for Trump. If Jesus is standing at the door knocking, He doesn't have fellowship=unsaved. The churches that tickle the ears around here (cough Laodicea) all had Harris posters in front.
Why worry what the rest of the world says about our election. After all it is ours and we choose. If the choose something different for their country then so be it, they can live with the consequences. I just ignore stuff like that when I see it coming from places outside our borders. Best is to say a prayer they get their eyes opened and on Jesus and move on. We are likely not out of the woods yet. There is still the certification by Harris that has to be done, the inauguration to get through with hopefully not a leftist Jan 6 of even worse levels. Then there is what is happening between Israel and Iran as well as what Russia is doing in Ukraine and finally what China is going to do in their neck of the woods. Remember Jesus says the lead up to and inside the Tribulations will come as birth pains. They get stronger painfully so and more frequent the further down the road we go.
I doubt this election, even with keep Harris out of the white house is the relief we would like it to be. On any day things could flip out of no where. I plan to keep a close watch and stay on my toes. I have more faith in prophecy and scripture than I do any election.
U.S. — Donald Trump has defeated Kamala Harris to become the next president of the United States, proving once and for all that Americans are ready to unburden themselves from what has been.
Most Europeans are pretty clueless when it comes to Americans and America. They've lived under socialist govmints all their lives. Criticism from there to here is usually based on a combination of ignorance and self righteousness. The source that was shared reeks of both.
I have thoughts lots of interesting thoughts on how this will fold into prophecy but that is for another day and time when I'm caffeinated and can type.
I've been amazed at how many atheists & agnostics have been on podcasts & X asking all summer if there is something spiritual going on. I pray for lots of them often: Elon Musk, James Lindsay. Bret Weinstein and others
One of those is Elon Musk. He is so excited this morning! He just posted this compilation, but pause at the 1-min 40-sec mark. Keeping him in prayers, and I'm a little encouraged:
I've been amazed at how many atheists & agnostics have been on podcasts & X asking all summer if there is something spiritual going on. I pray for lots of them often: Elon Musk, James Lindsay. Bret Weinstein and others
One of those is Elon Musk. He is so excited this morning! He just posted this compilation, but pause at the 1-min 40-sec mark. Keeping him in prayers, and I'm a little encouraged:
Some people in this world have a lot of money, but I think of this scripture. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul.
I've been amazed at how many atheists & agnostics have been on podcasts & X asking all summer if there is something spiritual going on. I pray for lots of them often: Elon Musk, James Lindsay. Bret Weinstein and others
One of those is Elon Musk. He is so excited this morning! He just posted this compilation, but pause at the 1-min 40-sec mark. Keeping him in prayers, and I'm a little encouraged:
I think we might be surprised in heaven when a few of these ones woke up to reality by the spiritual battle going on all around us. I do hope and pray Elon turns to Christ for salvation. And a lot of these others, some Jewish, some not who have put a lot of stock into their intellect and none into finding out about God.
The purpose of God turning up the heat at the end of this age - is for salvation. And that is before the Tribulation even begins!
Even in the middle of the Tribulation, the worst time in history, the purpose is to reach some of the hard headed ones, Jews especially but also Gentiles who have resisted God so long.
This is from journalist Andy Ngo:
"Seattle Police immediately trailed Antifa as they gathered in the former CHAZ area for a pre-announced election night riot. The officers responded as soon as the group became criminal, setting an early night precedence that rioting would not be tolerated."
This is from journalist Andy Ngo:
"Seattle Police immediately trailed Antifa as they gathered in the former CHAZ area for a pre-announced election night riot. The officers responded as soon as the group became criminal, setting an early night precedence that rioting would not be tolerated."
One of those is Elon Musk. He is so excited this morning! He just posted this compilation, but pause at the 1-min 40-sec mark. Keeping him in prayers, and I'm a little encouraged:
Wayyyy too over the top for me. I think somebody needs to sit on Elon like they need to sit on Donald Trump from time to time. But their excesses aside, both men are noted for having kind and generous hearts at a personal level and they both want the best for America-- Donald, the native born son and Elon the immigrant.
Those who have met Trump personally (Andrea included) all say the same thing: he is a generous, good-hearted man, despite his ego and bombast. In his first term he did a lot of wonderful things for America, and for the world; but in his Washington naiveté he was unwittingly led astray on a few key things and constantly betrayed, and not just by open enemies. I pray he has learned the important lessons given by his last term and the intervening four years. Beyond praying for his salvation, my prayer is that he will survive to accomplish that which he has determined to do. The Left actively hates him and so do the globalists.
Almighty God has apparently answered our prayers and restored our freedoms here in America ... for a season. The consequent responsibility is now ours. He didn't do it just to make us happy: He is giving us the opportunity to walk in His will. By each of us zealously seeking to live more obediently to the will of the Father, let us make America godly again! And may this prompt us into faithful service for the good of our fellow man. This, surely, is the reason God has given us this gift.
It doesn't take a theologian to look at the Bible and the world today and know the time is very, very short. So I urge you, brothers and sisters, let us take this last opportunity to freely and openly share the gospel, with our neighbors, with our nation, and with our world. Exactly as Christ commanded when He left, and desires to find us doing upon His return for us.
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