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Watch Election Results On C-Span

And I’m sorry, but that cheap gas comment was just insulting. Does our brother in the UK really believe that our votes were on account of that. This brother needs to put down his phone and take the beam out of his own eye…viewing us from his own country who has a King, and a globalist one at that.
And I’m sorry, but that cheap gas comment was just insulting.

Most Europeans are pretty clueless when it comes to Americans and America. They've lived under socialist govmints all their lives. Criticism from there to here is usually based on a combination of ignorance and self righteousness. The source that was shared reeks of both.
And I’m sorry, but that cheap gas comment was just insulting. Does our brother in the UK really believe that our votes were on account of that. This brother needs to put down his phone and take the beam out of his own eye…viewing us from his own country who has a King, and a globalist one at that.
I was actually more offended by the Laodicea comment. Brother was suggesting that we are unsaved because we voted for Trump. If Jesus is standing at the door knocking, He doesn't have fellowship=unsaved. The churches that tickle the ears around here (cough Laodicea) all had Harris posters in front.
Most Europeans are pretty clueless when it comes to Americans and America. They've lived under socialist govmints all their lives. Criticism from there to here is usually based on a combination of ignorance and self righteousness. The source that was shared reeks of both.
Thankful that our Canadian Christian friends do understand and empathize.
And I’m sorry, but that cheap gas comment was just insulting. Does our brother in the UK really believe that our votes were on account of that. This brother needs to put down his phone and take the beam out of his own eye…viewing us from his own country who has a King, and a globalist one at that.
I don't understand how some of our brothers and sisters in Christ, worldwide, want to take the bully pulpit to express/warn those of us who may support Trump's policies? They seem to hold onto disdain for Trump himself, as if any who vote for him must be hypnotized by his charm :faceslap:
I was actually more offended by the Laodicea comment. Brother was suggesting that we are unsaved because we voted for Trump. If Jesus is standing at the door knocking, He doesn't have fellowship=unsaved. The churches that tickle the ears around here (cough Laodicea) all had Harris posters in front.
The Laodicea comment was to me, the evidence of the beam.
He may be one of those who believe that the lukewarm are still saved and only the red hot special ones are going up in the rapture.
He needs to focus on the lukewarmness of his own country.
ETA: By his beam I mean, the beam regarding this topic. No doubt I have my own beam that needs to be removed, daily!
"We know what God's Word says concerning those who seek to divide His land. We also know that Israel will make a pact with the Antichrist. What if the “Deal of the Century” / “Abraham Accord” would lead to this very pact? God is neither ambiguous nor silent on this matter. He has consistently communicated His position on this matter throughout Scripture. It really doesn't matter what we think about it. What matters is that we understand and accept God's position - anything else leads to judgment."

Here is the rest of the summary on the topic.
Also, please know that I am not giving you personal pushback, but to the brother in the UK. 💕
We are all still a just little jumpy.
I would like to just breathe and thank God.
I agree with you, God is allowing Trump to be back. He has often used evil leaders to bring judgment on nations or on Israel. Hence my question:

What if the “deal of the century”/ the “Abraham Accord” led to the covenant described in Daniel 9:27 and Isaiah 28:15?

Don't you think there is a possibility for this?
We've had discussions before about whether the a/C makes the covenent or confirms the covenant, and I'm not sure that we've come to consensus on this matter . If the accords are not the covenant, then they might be a prototype. We won't be here for that though, because the rapture happens before judgement, and that covenant reveals the antiChrist.
I agree with you, God is allowing Trump to be back. He has often used evil leaders to bring judgment on nations or on Israel. Hence my question:

What if the “deal of the century”/ the “Abraham Accord” led to the covenant described in Daniel 9:27 and Isaiah 28:15?

Don't you think there is a possibility for this?
I do have a question for you.
Did you vote for the presidency?
I don't understand how some of our brothers and sisters in Christ, worldwide, want to take the bully pulpit to express/warn those of us who may support Trump's policies? They seem to hold onto disdain for Trump himself, as if any who vote for him must be hypnotized by his charm :faceslap:

The biggest reasons are because they've been indoctrinated without realizing it, and they live under different systems of govmint that is upside down from the American System where We the People are the power holders. There are other reasons as well...
If you mean the current elections: No, because I don't live in the USA. Otherwise, this is my attitude to politics:

According to John 18.36, Jesus' kingdom is not of this world. That is why one should not waste one's time with politics. If you want to make a difference in worldly politics, it costs you a lot of time. Through the new birth we have received the right of citizenship in heaven (Ps119.19, Phil 3.20, Heb 3.1). Because heaven has now become our home, we live on this earth in enemy territory and as guest workers. As Christians, we have no right and no mandate to interfere in foreign affairs (politics) (1Pe 4.15). A Christian is an ambassador in Christ's place here on earth (2Cor 5.20). As an ambassador, one has to represent the interests and the message of one's home country in the host country. Just as, for example, a Canadian ambassador is not to interfere in the domestic political affairs of the host country, Norway, but only to represent the interests of Canada, Christians as heavenly ambassadors are also not to interfere in the politics of this world (host country). This is illustrated by the example of Lot (Gen 19.1-38). Lot sat in the gates of Sodom (Gen 19.1). Anyone whosat in the gates of a city was involved in politics. At least Lot probably thought that he could exert a good influence on politics. However, he was not taken seriously when the angels were with him and he spoke the gospel (Gen 19.14).

Since Romans 13 is often consulted in relation to politics, I recall the historical works where it is reported that the Baptists and Darbyists twisted this very passage to coerce their flocks to obey Hitler while they knew that the Jews were being killed in the gas chambers. I am firmly convinced that the tribulation saints will interpret Romans 13 correctly, and will not obey the Antichrist.
Oh Ok….You seem so concerned with our choice of President, that I didn’t realize that.

Let me explain something to you. We as Christians in America, have a God-given right and a Godly duty to vote. So we voted. Staying home was not an option.

It all boiled down to two choices.

We made the better choice. The only choice that we could, in good conscience, make before Almighty God.

Do you even know about who our other choice was? Kamala Harris? Or are you just focused on Trump?
If you don’t, I suggest that you educate yourself on what the Democrats stand for. Watch Jack Hibbs YouTube channel.

I understand what you are trying to say here in what should be our happy and let’s all breathe a sigh of relief thread. We are not lost on the fact that America is not in Bible prophecy.
Thank you for the warnings, but we did the best we could, and I believe that the majority of truly born-again Christians voted prayerfully, in good conscience before God.
God Almighty, who is our Only Judge, and who will hold on to and take care of His own, no matter what His plans and purposes are.

Donald Trump Wins Catholic Vote by ‘Massive Margin’ of 15 Points​

Exit polls suggest President-Elect Donald Trump won the Catholic vote by a whopping 15 points, the largest margin in decades.

According to a Washington Post exit poll, Trump won the national Catholic vote Tuesday by 56 percent to 41 percent. Similarly, an NBC exit poll found that Catholic voters favored Trump in 10 key swing states by a 15-point margin, with 56 percent of the vote going to the former president and only 41 percent going to Harris.

While Trump and running mate J.D. Vance actively courted the Catholic vote, Vice President Kamala Harris seemed bent on alienating Catholics in every way possible, a tactic that served her poorly on election day.

This is pretty interesting. While catholics as a group tend to live in a more conservative fashion, politically they tend to vote for the liberals, possibly because they like the idea of all the entitlement programs and whatnot. Catholics as a group tend to be anti-abortion and do a lot of adoptions, which makes it extra interesting that historically, as a group, the tendency has been to vote for the party that tends to support abortion anytime, anywhere. That their overall vote was in favor of Trump by a whopping 15% (if accurate) is quite a change, historically speaking.