Sometimes "subtle" is bigger than life. "Just more visible now." There is one JD Faragism I cherish (one of a few). I'm sure he is not the first to say it. For that would be apostle John. But the meaning of "Apocolypse" as in "The Apocolypse of John" is "revealing." Or, "Revelation." Often when I see the name of the final book in the Bible, because the book demonstrates such great catastrophic detail, the meaning of Revelation seems to be "That time of woe." To me, Revelation has been synonymous with devastation and horror for earth. But of course a more sober and sound reading = revealing how things wrap up and end. I suppose the book could be called, "Disclosure."
What is interesting about "revealing" is that that is what that book is. But it is also what you also just said: More visible now. What is hidden shall be shouted from the rooftops. I'm glad you phrased it that way. Because I believe we of course are experiencing increased lawlessness. But we can see it also as an age where we can kind of see it a lot more clearly right now. So why is that?
It just seems to me that although there is more evil now for sure. And although it could be said we are in that lovers of self age (very much more corrupt). It could also be said that we are in the thrawls of unveiling. A time where the mask of the age is being removed. And we are able to see things more clearly. Approaching 2020 vision. It could be said we are in the age of revealing too. We don't say, "Look at the beatiful earth rotation," when we see a sunset. From our perspective we see a sun setting. Not an earth revolving. Perhaps in some ways, the world has always been a lover of self. But maybe 2 Tim 3:2 is more about "from our perspective." Maybe there is something to that.
Like maybe the reason evil increases is as much a notice we encounter as much as it is an evil increasing. Obviously both are clearly true. But one way in which "revealing" is actually bigger and grander and more descriptive of our age is that our experience in this age reflects and emulates the name of the book it becomes about. And in that greater ironic sense, makes "more visible now" greater than the level of evil that has also increased. Which could imply, "we aint seen nothing yet."
This could be consoling of sorts. Because as things get more corrupt, and as things get more insane, we might be, like a brain fog clearing, or a mirage identified as clearly understood as not being water, on a journey into even more being revealed. Precious disclosure. In fact, taking to somewhat of an extreme, what if God permits "revealing" to increase? What sorts of things might this become for us while we occupy? Blessings.