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I am snowed under at the moment with family and business matters. Court action on a rape case, my home as a shelter/refuge and trying to discern how to find the right way forward for those concerned and possibly give a second chance to the victim who is a real problem case. Prayers appreciated as we are dealing with an orphanage and courts and several sets of families.

So this is not the ideal time for me to begin this thread, but the message today is important so I shall jump right in.

We know that prophetically great changes have to take place for 10 kings to rise up. While I favor this being 10 regions that cover all of the earth I can't be certain of that. What I can be sure of is the great upheaval is coming, trillions of dollars are going to shift across the globe and strong nations may become much weaker and weak nations may become much stronger.

On RF when Trump was elected I expected him to destroy the global government ambitions resulting in the rising of the 10 kings. That began and then Biden managed to undermine globalism by stealing Russia's bank deposits and by doing so he weaponized the US$. What nation wants to hold US assets when that can happen? Biden has also caused great disruption in the one world government plan.

Satan must stop the 10 kings for if they rise up God is another step further on in His plan for the end according to God's prophetic roadmap. Satan wants a one world government without the 10 kings but it's not going to happen.

If this thread is of interest to you, then I have a video I want you to watch. Previously I had posted and explained elsewhere the banks position on metals and I hope next weekend to be able to go back in time and bring you up to date with my reasoning. For this weekend I shall copy a post of mine from Discord and obviously you don't have the back history but this sets the scene for me to continue next week...


For years I have been saying do not buy SILVER and then I nailed the day to buy with the comment, NOW THE GAME END BEGINS!

That was the footprint of the elite and now we are finding out why.


I had covered the suppression and manipulation of the metals price and how the idiot banks in the West have gotten themselves into a right mess on this one and the fall out is soon to come.


I am snowed under at the moment with family and business matters. Court action on a rape case, my home as a shelter/refuge and trying to discern how to find the right way forward for those concerned and possibly give a second chance to the victim who is a real problem case. Prayers appreciated as we are dealing with an orphanage and courts and several sets of families.

So this is not the ideal time for me to begin this thread, but the message today is important so I shall jump right in.

We know that prophetically great changes have to take place for 10 kings to rise up. While I favor this being 10 regions that cover all of the earth I can't be certain of that. What I can be sure of is the great upheaval is coming, trillions of dollars are going to shift across the globe and strong nations may become much weaker and weak nations may become much stronger.

On RF when Trump was elected I expected him to destroy the global government ambitions resulting in the rising of the 10 kings. That began and then Biden managed to undermine globalism by stealing Russia's bank deposits and by doing so he weaponized the US$. What nation wants to hold US assets when that can happen? Biden has also caused great disruption in the one world government plan.

Satan must stop the 10 kings for if they rise up God is another step further on in His plan for the end according to God's prophetic roadmap. Satan wants a one world government without the 10 kings but it's not going to happen.

If this thread is of interest to you, then I have a video I want you to watch. Previously I had posted and explained elsewhere the banks position on metals and I hope next weekend to be able to go back in time and bring you up to date with my reasoning. For this weekend I shall copy a post of mine from Discord and obviously you don't have the back history but this sets the scene for me to continue next week...


For years I have been saying do not buy SILVER and then I nailed the day to buy with the comment, NOW THE GAME END BEGINS!

That was the footprint of the elite and now we are finding out why.


I had covered the suppression and manipulation of the metals price and how the idiot banks in the West have gotten themselves into a right mess on this one and the fall out is soon to come.


With Japan's economy tanking and them starting to withdraw their currency from the US dollar, how much will this fastrack the downfall of the Us no longer being a superpower ?

Would you estimate roughly by next year based on the trends you see
Satan must stop the 10 kings for if they rise up God is another step further on in His plan for the end according to God's prophetic roadmap. Satan wants a one world government without the 10 kings but it's not going to happen.

If this thread is of interest to you, then I have a video I want you to watch. Previously I had posted and explained elsewhere the banks position on metals and I hope next weekend to be able to go back in time and bring you up to date with my reasoning. For this weekend I shall copy a post of mine from Discord and obviously you don't have the back history but this sets the scene for me to continue next week...


For years I have been saying do not buy SILVER and then I nailed the day to buy with the comment, NOW THE GAME END BEGINS!

That was the footprint of the elite and now we are finding out why.


I had covered the suppression and manipulation of the metals price and how the idiot banks in the West have gotten themselves into a right mess on this one and the fall out is soon to come.


I thought the 10 Kings are to be useful to the AC, also wanting his kingdom to rule the world???
(And the AC will subdue the three kings that do Not comply with him.)

Rev. 17:12-13
The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but will receive one hour of authority as kings, along with the beast. These kings have one purpose: to yield their power and authority to the beast.
I thought the 10 Kings are to be useful to the AC, also wanting his kingdom to rule the world???
(And the AC will subdue the three kings that do Not comply with him.)

Rev. 17:12-13
The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but will receive one hour of authority as kings, along with the beast. These kings have one purpose: to yield their power and authority to the beast.
Satan must do all in his power to stop the end time events following God's order and if he can do that then the prophetic timeline stops meaning he will not end up in the lake, so he is fighting for his life. If he can do away with national borders and bring about a one world government as the WEF plan without the 10 kings, then he wins.

The devil is the resistor who fights God's will. There is no way he wants the Biblical order, but when it is forced upon him, of course he will use the 10 kings as best he can. The funny thing is that he rules by the power of sin, but sin can't be ruled, even by the devil. Just before Jesus returns the kings of the east have had enough of the Antichrist and spring an attack on his forces. Seeing Jesus returning he appeals to them to join him in fighting Jesus.

The only way to rule sin is by the cross and blood of Jesus or confine it to hell and the lake of fire. Even the devil can't control it and he has better control over the fallen angels than man in the end for the rebellion he seeded ends up with a rebellion in man against his will.

If he can destroy Israel and then kill all the Jews he wins.

It is too late to stop the church, but he can seed the church with doubt that God intends to rapture the church before the seals are opened, then he can get the church to put the focus on preparing to stand before the Antichrist instead of preparing to stand before the Son of man. He can also cause serious divisions in the church with those who are pre-wrath or post-trib saying all manner of falsehoods about pre-tribbers faith.

He can get the church to misunderstand the Holy Spirit's power and ministry in the first believer is exactly the same as in the last believer up to the rapture so our sanctification and righteousness is a finished work, but many post-tribbers and even pre-wrather's believe that God will use the devil to refine the church so we are a glorious and spotless church and in effect the gold standard that the church didn't reach for 2000 years, hence global martyrdom.
Folks, I'm taking the most unusual and extremely rare step of locking this thread temporarily until I have a chance to post a response. I believe that there are some VERY important Bible truths to clarify before we continue with the discussion. If I didn't think this was crucial, I assure you I would not take this step. So, please bear with me. I will post my comments as quickly as possible and immediately unlock the thread.
As this thread --along with a couple of others have developed-- I have watched with some concern as seemingly deep and arcane prophetic suggestions have been floated, based on interpretations of various verses here and there. I am not against exploring God's word in-depth, but I want to make sure that in that process some false concepts don't arise in our minds or the minds of our visitors. Therefore I paused this thread until I could have the time to offer the following Bible truths to ensure that our base is sound.

First of all Satan is not a rival of God. By this I mean that Satan is not an equal of God ... or even close. He is just another created being. Yes, he is a lot more powerful than we and, in fact, the Bible would seem to indicate that he was created more powerful than all orders of angels; but that doesn't change the fact that Satan is just another created being and has no power over the Creator. Nor, n fact over us who are in Christ. In fact. Satan is already a defeated foe. He was most recently defeated at the Cross, and he will finally be removed by God forever, at the conclusion of time. But he was first defeated when he attempted to overthrow God: at which point he and his followers were cast down to the earth.

Why did God do that? God alone is omnipotent, God alone is the Creator, and therefore God alone has total control over every part of His creation. So, why did God not simply destroy Satan at that time? It's because God had a plan. Even before Satan was created, God had a plan. And that plan revolves around you and me.

You see, God, in His determined council and for His omniscient reasons wanted to create beings who would live in an eternal love relationship with Him, being moved and loving back. This necessitated creating free will entities. Now, someone with free will can only have free will if they are totally free to choose what they will. And in order to have that choice, there must be two equally viable choices to make-- to love God or to reject Him, without any interference or coercion in either direction.

I know some people will argue that if people were free to reject God in His will (which is for all to come into a loving relationship with Him) then God could not be omnipotent, He could not be sovereign. After all, to human thinking, if God is sovereign then nothing and nobody could reject His will. However, ci sure you that people who think this way simply fail to grasp just how great and sovereign God is. The truth is that giving man completely free will is a dramatic and powerful demonstration of His sovereignty. Regardless of the choices we make, God remains sovereign. In some mysterious and incomprehensible way, every choice that individuals make for or against God merely confirms His will, which is for an eternal relationship with beings created in His image who freely love Him, just as He loves them. The perfect union forever!

And this is where Satan comes in. God uses Satan to provide that equally valid choice for a human being: to humble themselves before God and be willing to surrender their own free will in order to love and honor their Creator, or to relish their free will and choose to honor and love themselves above (or in place of) Him. In other words, because Satan exists, we human beings have a clear choice: accept God and His love, or reject Him. And it is in this context that EVERYTHING in existence exists. Therefore, God's record of His story --past, present and future, must ALWAYS be interpreted in that exact context-- that everything is part of God's perfect purpose and that nothing can threaten it.

Now as this thread progresses you may read suggestions as to what's going to have a next, or what Satan is doing or will do, and why. Please measure everything you read against the Bible truths I have given above. We Christians have absolutely nothing to fear; we are, as God tells us in His Word, "more than conquerors." That Greek word is hypernikáō (literally "super-victorious") and leaves no doubt as to our position in Christ. Nothing can touch us but that God allows for our good and His glory.

Satan only has one purpose in mind and that is to harm God in the only way he can: by keeping as many of God's creation from joining God in heaven for eternity. That old serpent knows that God desires for all human beings to come to salvation; therefore, by convincing as many as possible to reject God, Satan believes he is hurting God. But he is a fool. All that transpires has already been foreknown by God; so, everything will work out exactly as God planned. And God will lose none of those He has foreknown. (And no, foreknowledge is not predestination, certainly not in theb modern Calvinist sense.)

Satan only has two means of trying to accomplish his goal of keeping people from God: The first is to keep people from God from childhood by either a) convincing them that God does not exist; or b) convincing them that if God does exist He doesn't ask anything of them, that there are many ways to please God, and that everyone will wind up in Heaven anyway. The second is, for those who do believe in the God of the Bible, to get them to doubt God's Word and, consequently, doubt God's love and faithfulness. If he can get them to doubt their security in Christ, he can get them to lose their faith in Christ and consequently turn from Him. This can not happenel to someone who is truly born again and who gets to know God personally through His Word. Those are indeed born again are sealed by the Holy Spirit and God himself guarantees to preserve them to the end. Those who turn away only demonstrate that their knowledge of God was only superficial and was based on their own fleshly ideas or on what some church said about God and His Word, and so they followed religious activities rather than a growing personal relationship with their Creator and Savior.

Anyway, that is all Satan can do. And, yes, through human beings who by selfish, self-indulgent, self-seeking lives give him control, that old devil will seek to bring this entire world under his control; and destroy every last one of the descendants of Abraham. He believes if he does this he will demonstrate that God is flawed because His promise has failed. But even that God has foreseen, and I guarantee it will not happen!

Now, there will be many theories proposed and suppositions made (and sometimes presented as fact) as to what Satan is planning and doing, or will do. Measure each one of them against the simple word of God and the knowledge you have of the what and the why of everything as given in His Word. And please do not allow yourselves to be led into fanciful ideas or conspiracy theories.

So, with that firm base established, I am reopening this thread.
Thanks Adrian for that foundation and for re-opening the thread. And thank God that He has already won and nothing will change that!

One of the best Christmas sermons I ever heard focused on Genesis 3:15 (I know, strange for Christmas, right?). So much of world history (and current and future events) could be summarized up as Satan trying anything to avoid getting his head crushed. But crushed it is, and crushed it will be. Maybe he realizes that and maybe he doesn't, but like you say he still has plenty of malice to try to hurt God and His creations (or maybe more accurately hurt God through His creations) as much as possible before the end comes.

That said, I watched the video on silver. It makes a lot of sense. I guess from an understanding perspective, one of my questions is for someone (an individual or maybe a nation) interested in something like a precious metal, would owning the physical asset be necessary or would owning something like an ETF work to a degree? To be clear, I'm not asking for financial advice, but more from curiosity about how things works, as the video indicated governments are physically taking hold of silver. And the followup to that -- does it really matter? As believers, our future is secure, but if the great reset happens as many suspect and all the tracking and compliance measure take hold, it seems we'll (whoever is on the planet at the time) have nothing and be unhappy. I'm not saying that to be fatalistic, but that appears to be the destination they have in mind as soon as they're allowed to get there (the Restrainer is still restraining, for now, and these things aren't completely in their control).
Remembering that God's in sovereign control is very important, especially as we all see the framework of the future Tribulation time being put together! Psalm 37 is an excellent reminder/comforter.

I suspect that ever since Calvary, the enemy of our souls has always had some sort of framework in place but steadily restrained by the Holy Spirit. Even 50-70 years ago the United States has had one close call after another, many not even known about by the public at large (some FBI books I've read can attest to this). Now, in the age of incredible amounts of information, one could get swamped by the looming possibilities and what seems to be coming together.

And you know what is holding him back, for he can be revealed only when his time comes. For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way. Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by the splendor of his coming. 2 Thess 2:6-8 AMP

Depending on what sector we all are engaged in, we can see the various ways satan is working. I think what this thread brings out is, despite the overwhelming assurance that God's in control, His plans prevail, the enemy of our soul is psychotically, insanely working/thinking there's a chance, a loophole to bring about his plans....even though God is far superior in power, presence and plans. That's the insanity of this being. But as the passage above says, the one who brings destruction vs 5, can only be revealed at his appointed time, as set by our sovereign God. Our enemy is a tethered lion, limited by God in his scope of activity. Revelation shows what our enemy with a longer rope would do.....but, even then, he's limited and nothing compared to God's power in His wrath against evil (although even in Revelation God seeks to bring souls to Him through the difficulties as shown by the angel sharing the Gospel, the 2 witnesses, the 144,000 and innumerable Tribulation saints).

I've personally seen situations where to me things were very chaotic and out of control, way beyond my capacity to bring order and sanity. But, I later learned God was very much in control.......He had permitted overwhelming chaos in certain situations but not overwhelming for God in His sovereign power. That controlled chaos was the very thing that brought a soul I was interacting with to crossroads and a great pause in the path of their thinking. As a young Christian, I was discombobulated!! But the Lord showed me in the midst of it, in a very amazing way that He was very much present and working. It was what I needed as a newer Christian. I had to learn what Peter learned... Peter walked steadily upon the stormy sea, with the storm all around him, as long as he kept his gaze upon the Savior.

So, I trusted the Lord (even though I didn't understand), prayed and waited on Him.....despite the crazy stuff going on. This resulted in something I didn't even expect or understand was going on.....circumstances being allowed so as to change a heart of someone in my family and thus a path. My part in the matter was to trust the Lord, be the salt and light and wait for God to finish His work through the situation.

And, when I realized this I amazingly thought to myself that I would've gone through that chaotic situation again, for the sake of this family member.

So, as I see overwhelming information about the condition of our world, I keep in mind that God is permitting, allowing in order to change hearts and their paths from eternal death to eternal life. I've needed to be even more purposeful in abiding in God's Word and keeping my eyes open for God's leading in His plans to bring the Gospel to others, to allow Jesus to be reflected through me. Because..... people are watching and even more so, looking for answers. Yes, I stay aware but only to have connection to point to Jesus.

In the meantime, I remember God's wonderful Word:

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
he is my God, and I trust him.
For he will rescue you from every trap
and protect you from deadly disease.
He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,
nor the arrow that flies in the day.
Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness,
nor the disaster that strikes at midday......

Psalm 91:1-6
Scripture tells us that God made Lucifer perfect in wisdom - he was the Solomon of the angels and he was also the most beautiful, and in those two aspects he considered himself worthy to sit enthroned with God and be worshiped.

I have questions to ask Father God about this. How did Lucifer ever think he could get away with this? The angels saw the creation of the visible physical universe and they rejoiced at that - did it not dawn on Lucifer that God is the Almighty?

What we see when the devil tempted Jesus for 40 days is that he ran out of options and attempted to make the craziest deal anyone has ever proposed, that if the Creator of the universe who has been enthroned with His Father in glory, will just bow down and worship him, then he will give Jesus the corrupt, sick glory of the fallen kingdoms of earth.

This proves sin makes you stupid!

We all have done stupid things because of the deceitfulness of sin, but the devil wins the prize for being the dumbest. In the end God says the devil will occupy the lowest part of hell and all the kings of earth will look down on him in amazement at how weak he has become and how humiliated.

God not only has no equal, but He has no opposite. Moreover, all the things Lucifer lusted after for himself, God gives freely to us, except we don't covet them for ourselves. He wanted to be enthroned with God and God gives us His throne. He wanted to be king and God makes us kings, but we cast our crowns down at Jesus feet. He wanted to be the wisest and Jesus has become our wisdom and we have the mind of Christ. He wanted the glory but God is going to glorify the church with His Son.

When he looks at the church, he is filled with both hatred and envy and he hates God more now than when He was judged, and so until the end he will always be the adversary. Even when he is released from the bottomless pit he only has one thing on his mind, deceiving the nations into making war against God.

From his point of view, God made a series of mistakes where he can claim victory. He deceived Eve and got Adam to betray God and break covenant so he could steal Adam's dominion of the earth. It seemed he had wrecked God's plan, but God foreknew all of this. How can you box a boxer who knows exactly what you are going to do next - it's impossible, so why does the devil continue? Because he is fighting for his life and there is only one escape and that is if he can pause God's prophetic timeline.

When we fell into sin God had to give us the 10 commandments so we could understand sin, but sin became stronger because of the law and the devil reigns through the law of sin and death. It seemed the devil won again, except we discover that the law was intended to be a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.

For 2000 years the devil has accused the church before God day and night, and that is in denial and defiance of the cross and blood of Jesus. He has been disarmed, defeated, humiliated and led in a victory procession in heaven, but if he gives up hope then he may as well gather all the fallen angels and make their way to the prison gates of hell. He has to find a way to pause the prophetic order, and today we see Israel being made the enemy of the nations while there is also a secret conspiracy to force the world into a border-less one world government without the 10 kings.

If he can destroy Israel, and he has tried several times, then the prophetic clock stops.

If he can bring about his enthronement in Jerusalem without the 10 kings, then he proves God's does not have the power to work all things after the counsel of His will.

He just can't get it. He just can't believe in God's Word.

This thread is about the elite, what they do with their money because the great transitions that are about to come demand the movement trillions of trillions of dollars. It's about deception and manipulation and that is upsetting because every person on the earth is going to be facing deception by the most intelligent and malignant evil power that is far worse then the Marvel super beings.

We are fast running out of time. In the next few years we are facing a scenario where most of the population will be worshiping Satan. Everything is about to be measured in shocks to the system and how we handle fear.

Jesus tells us not to be afraid. How can we be afraid when we are the people of His Book? When He is the Almighty? The only wise God? So keep that in mind as we proceed, that God is in control always, that the devil must have his man enthroned in Jerusalem, and the diabolical plan being worked out now is how the fallen angels will use the elite to bring that enthronement of the Antichrist about using every kind of deception and supernatural wonder.

The elite have been trying to get an international agreement on a global tax for decades, but the old brigade won't let that happen. I mean, the House of Lords in the UK because they have family trusts going back generations that allow them to legally avoid paying tax while the rest of us have no idea about this or how it works. Then they managed to bring about a change in the law whereby the old family trusts would not be affected but any new trusts would not have the same benefits.

The City of London is not part of the UK. It has its own laws and governance but ostensibly it is of course part of the UK, until you discover how it controls much of the money supply in the world. If they can somehow make an arrangement with the old brigade as I call then, the lords of the UK, then this can push forwards and it has a lot of momentum now.

If they can reach an agreement for a small amount of tax to be paid by every nation, then they will have a foot in the door for one world government. The reason is that the power to tax is a sovereign power and if that is handed over to a global authority, then the mechanism is in place to make that unlimited in its reach. It will be a de facto one world government in its infancy and without the general population realizing what has happened.

Right now we have on one hand the WHO wanting to have sovereign authority over all nations to save us from a pandemic, but alongside that we have 60 days until the UN attempts to bring about global taxation to save the planet from man made climate change.

My expectation is for a spanner to be thrown into the works somewhere because the 10 kings have to arise and they will not be able to reach a final agreement until the Antichrist arises. The question is, will the UN make it work in the initial stages and then it all blows up necessitating the 10 kings, or will it stall until they arise and this stall would necessitate their rising?

This will be one to watch...

The UN Will Sign the Pact of the Future in 60 Days

My Bible says full of wisdom, which is a good bit different than perfect in wisdom. I suspect "full" is a better translation given that lucifer has proven to be imperfect in wisdom
You are correct TT, as I was going from memory from Bible College and the study on Satan, so how did that stick in my head? I did a quick check and here's why - it is the context his wisdom is set in with the words, Thou sealest up the the sum, i.e. full of wisdom.

Benson Commentary

Ezekiel 28:12-13. Take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus — See Ezekiel 27:32. Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, &c. — In thine own opinion thou art the perfect pattern of wisdom and all other excellences; thou possessest them in full measure.

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers

(12) Thou sealest up the sum.—Thou markest it as complete or perfect.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

To "seal the sum" is to make up the whole measure of perfection. Compare the Septuagint.

Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

12. sealest up the sum—literally, "Thou art the one sealing the sum of perfection." A thing is sealed when completed (Da 9:24). "The sum" implies the full measure of beauty, from a Hebrew root, "to measure."

Geneva Study Bible

Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyre, and say to him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of {d} wisdom, and perfect in beauty.

Pulpit Commentary

Verse 12. - Thou sealest up the sum, etc. The noun is found only there and in Ezekiel 43:10, where it is translated "pattern," but is cognate with the word rendered" tale" (equivalent to "measure") of Exodus 5:13, and "measure" in Ezekiel 45:11. The probable meaning is, Thou settest the seal to thy completeness (perfection). Thou deemest that thou hast attained the consummation of all beauty and wisdom.

Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament

Thus saith the Lord Jehovah, Thou seal of a well-measured building, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. Ezekiel 28:13.

It seems my memory of the study is correct, but I understand where you are coming from because we are comparing the fullness granted to an finite being that could only ever attain the God given level of being a prince, whereas we are of a higher rank as kings, we are one with God and Christ is made wisdom unto us and we have the mind of Christ.

Lucifer was full of wisdom to the finite level he was granted for his service, and not to be compared to the infinite wisdom of God. He was the sum of perfection in wisdom and beauty.

Satan was proven to be an idiot after sin, but before iniquity was found in his heart, he was the zenith of perfection among the angels, but we are to be a rank above the angels. It seems there is a limit to the understanding of God that angels can attain.
I watched the video on silver. It makes a lot of sense. I guess from an understanding perspective, one of my questions is for someone (an individual or maybe a nation) interested in something like a precious metal, would owning the physical asset be necessary or would owning something like an ETF work to a degree? To be clear, I'm not asking for financial advice, but more from curiosity about how things works, as the video indicated governments are physically taking hold of silver. And the followup to that -- does it really matter?
I'm interested in this too.

I think of this verse: "‘They will fling their silver into the streets and their gold will become an abhorrent thing; their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD. They cannot satisfy their appetite nor can they fill their stomachs, for their iniquity has become an occasion of stumbling." Ezekiel 7:19

Yet I have a CD coming due soon and need to park it somewhere. It's part of my 401k.

If it weren't a taxable IRA I would cash it out and purchase some tangible assets that are portable and resellable.
I think of this verse: "‘They will fling their silver into the streets and their gold will become an abhorrent thing; their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD. They cannot satisfy their appetite nor can they fill their stomachs, for their iniquity has become an occasion of stumbling." Ezekiel 7:19

I almost bought 50K of silver dollars a couple of times, but I'm glad I didn't. It would have likely just become a burden on those who inherit what I leave behind. I considered buying a couple of times when the price got down to about $14 or so. I forget what Oxford exchange was going to charge but I think it was around $2 to $2.50 per coin which is a pretty hefty fee and then when you sell it back you pay the fee again if you ever convert it back to cash.

If things get so bad that the silver would have been a blessing, if I'm around in those times, I'll depend on God for assistance, come what may, and will praise Him no matter my circumstances.
Everything has to fall, economic, political and religious systems must fall on a global scale to implement the One World System under a One World Government so it can be in place to readily hand it over to The coming Antichrist so that the prophecy of Revelation 13 will be fulfilled.
It has visibly been escalating towards that system and will continue to escalate the closer to The seventieth week of Daniel.
God's Word says

"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.*
Isaiah 55:11

Just as God's Word for the coming judgements will come to pass, so will His promises to take us out of harms way from His judgements before they happen, just as He did with Noah and Lot.

Even so Come Lord Jesus!
Revelation 22:20
1) Rule #1: God is ALWAYS in control.
2) The elite will do what they want under rule #1
3) Therefore we can obey Jesus, that we are not to fear anything, even to the point of death.

I marked out intraday on Discord where the plunge protection team had to buy if they came into the market, and Asia, London and then N York all bought heavily averting any western meltdown.

There is a saying in the markets, that markets don't crash in election years because it doesn't look good for the current POTUS.

The plunge protection team is real and it was a concerted effort to buy heavily on the red line of support. The elite can crash the market and cause total chaos globally in a matter of hours, not days or weeks. We were there once before with the UK timezone ahead of the US and troops being prepared to take to the streets and a curfew about to be announced, but they 'saved' the markets with only a few hours to total meltdown.

The plan is to switch to a global virtual currency, but the roadmap they posted along with milestones is for 2025... if they can contain the fact that no one on earth understands the financial plumbing of the markets anymore because untold trillions in unregulated off-exchange 'bets' have been made by the banks.

They turned price discovery and transparency that capitalism is built on into the wild west where there is no law. Prophecy teachers keep talking about the $34 Trillion debt... It's reckoned to be 5 times that and what we are told is to keep the nation from totally freaking out. To achieve this, under the Trump presidency both side of the house passed Bill FASAB 56 whereby all financial figures are now secret under national security and they can lie about the figures to protect the nation. This is when capitalism officially died.

If you want to learn more about the real figures, how the true debt was discovered and covered up, then Google Prof Skidmore national debt.

I have watched a number of times the elite save the markets. The problem is that it is now well beyond the human mind to understand let alone be certain of saving the markets. That said, they stepped into the fray yesterday.

Christine Lagarde, ex-president of the IMF and now president of the EU central bank, is a witch and a criminal they refuse to prosecute. While in the IMF she used occult numerology in 2014 to explain how the world would change in 2021. She also said that the markets were so complex now that we need a superman, someone with out of this world ability to untie the Gordian Knot (Google that). It means someone who can think outside of the box that us mortals are locked into regarding the markets and the world debt.

Japan is a complete mess and it remains to be seen if the elite can manage to hold the markets up until they have their goal of a crash and switch to a global currency.

Prince Charles explained this to the world but few prophecy teachers understood what he said, that some 'he' is coming with trillions, more than the GDP of all nations and he is coming in the name of climate change with an army. One of my close friends was present and everyone there got a printout of that speech so there would be no one forgetting what Charles was warning would come. Charles was telling the world that all fiat currencies are going to end with a virtual currency and one man will possess more wealth that all nations... and he will have an army

I was watching silver because that would unlock the gold price, which in turn was going to create havoc because western banks have suppressed the price of gold for years with paper shorts on the futures market, and if gold takes off the banks are in huge trouble. They have already enacted legislation to protect the banks from lawsuits.

Yesterday was a marker, one to be watched and for the moment the power keg is intact, but it has so many fuses that are dominoes that will cause a global cascade and the elite may not be able to control events.

That brings me back to Rule #1 ;)