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SoCal: Evacuations Underway as Massive 60+ sq mile Wildfires Rage Out of Control Amidst Santa Ana Winds

Evacuations were underway as a massive wildfire raged out of control and engulfed homes in Pacific Palisades, California, on Tuesday.

According to AccuWeather, wind gusts reached up to 65 miles per hour in Southern California on Tuesday.

Shocking video of a ‘fire tornado’ was posted to X.

People panicked after they got stuck in traffic trying to flee the fire and abandoned their cars on Sunset Blvd.

The cars were being bulldozed to make room for emergency vehicles.



Another Fire Breaks Out in Los Angeles: New Fire in Granada Hills Threatens Residential Homes​

A new fire broke out in Los Angeles on Friday as several other fires are burning with near zero percent containment.

The new fire in Granada Hills dubbed the “Archer Fire” is threatening residential homes.

KTLA reported:

A brush fire erupted in Granada Hills Friday prompting evacuation orders that were later downgraded to warnings amid what fire officials described as “erratic winds.”

The Archer Fire was reported shortly before 10:30 a.m. in the 17200 block of West Sesnon Boulevard. It was initially said to have burned 2 to 3 acres, according to the Los Angeles Fire Department.
A mandatory evacuation order was temporarily issued for areas west of Balboa Boulevard, east of Tampa Avenue, south of Sunshine Canyon Road and north of Sesnon Boulevard. The order was downgraded to an evacuation warning at 11:42 a.m.

Evacuation warnings that were put in place for areas south of Sesnon Boulevard east of Tampa Avenue, west of Balboa Boulevard and north of Rinaldi Street have been lifted.

Sky5 was over the fire at 11 a.m. showing the blaze burning near homes on Sesnon Boulevard.
There are currently several wildfires burning across Los Angeles County with very little containment thanks to Democrat policies.



L.A. Fire Chief Confirms City Failed Her and the Fire Department​

Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Kristin Crowley confirmed that the city of Los Angeles had failed her and her department.

When asked by a reporter if she thought that she, her fire department, and the city of Los Angeles had been “failed” by city officials, Crowley initially stated that it was her “job” as the chief to “stand up” and say exactly “what the fire department needs to operate.” Crowley then admitted that the city had failed her and the fire department.

“Did the city of Los Angeles fail you and your department and our city?” a reporter asked.

“It’s my job to stand up as a chief and exactly say, justifiably, what the fire department needs to operate to meet the demands of the community,” Crowley said.

“Did they fail you?” the reporter asked again.

“That is our job and I tell you, that’s why I’m here,” Crowley answered. “So, let’s get us what we need so our firefighters can do their jobs.”

When asked again if the city had “failed” her and her fire department, Crowley said, “Yes.”


what do you guys think of this article that was in rr news feed?

I saw a different headline, similar idea.

Golden Globes mocking God Jan 5 then LA fires break out Jan 7.

That said, I don't think this is a direct consequence. We are not in God's wrath- that is the Tribulation period, and the church is not subject to His wrath.

BUT there are consequences to mocking God or harming Israel.

In this case I think God was removing His protection. From the stupid leftist environmental crazy DEI garbage that has run California and LA into the ground. Kind of like a wake up call.
I saw a different headline, similar idea.

Golden Globes mocking God Jan 5 then LA fires break out Jan 7.

That said, I don't think this is a direct consequence. We are not in God's wrath- that is the Tribulation period, and the church is not subject to His wrath.

BUT there are consequences to mocking God or harming Israel.

In this case I think God was removing His protection. From the stupid leftist environmental crazy DEI garbage that has run California and LA into the ground. Kind of like a wake up call.
That's the way I see it too.
It's possible that God used a "natural disaster" and allowed it to "personally touch" some who refuse to repent and receive His Grace, as a warning ahead of what's coming. As you put it, "a wake up call".
As you said, God may be removing His protection and forewarning of consequences for what is described in Romans 1 that just fits the description of those who happen to live in the vicinity of the fire zone, and have mocked God and have called "evil good and good evil" Isaiah 5:20

18 "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them."
Romans 1:18-32

Firefighters race to contain Los Angeles wildfires with menacing winds forecast to return​

LOS ANGELES — Firefighters raced Saturday to cut off spreading wildfires before potentially strong winds return that could push the flames toward the world famous J. Paul Getty Museum and the University of California, Los Angeles, while new evacuation warnings left more homeowners on edge.

A fierce battle against the flames was underway in Mandeville Canyon, home to Arnold Schwarzenegger and other celebrities not far from the Pacific coast, where swooping helicopters dumped water as the blaze charged downhill. Firefighters on the ground used hoses in an attempt to beat back leaping flames as thick smoke blanketed the chaparral-covered hillside.

At a briefing, CalFire Operations Chief Christian Litz said a main focus Saturday would be the Palisades Fire burning in the canyon area, not far from the UCLA campus.

Only light breezes were fanning the flames, but the National Weather Service warned that locally strong Santa Ana winds - the nemesis of firefighters - could soon return. Those winds have been blamed for turning wildfires into infernos that leveled entire neighborhoods in the LA area, where there has been no significant rainfall in more than eight months.

Complete Article


‘Fire Tornado’ Spins Up in LA as Wildfires Continue to Devastate Southern California​

Local Los Angeles viewers were treated to a stunning and frightening sight Friday evening as wildfires continued to destroy homes and lives throughout Southern California.

FOX 11 captured an incredible phenomenon known as a ‘fire tornado‘ or ‘firenado’ spinning up amid the Palisades Fire in Los Angeles at roughly 10:45 local time.

“Check out this ‘firenado,'” reporter Adam Krueger says as the flames explode. “Unbelievable…This is a real thing.”

The reporter, Adam Krueger, noted that these ‘firenados’ have reached EF3 status in the past. A tornado with that status can reach up to 165 miles per hour.

Complete Article


DEVELOPING: Pacific Palisades Fire Explodes: Massive Wall of Flames Threatens Homes in Brentwood​

The massive Pacific Palisades fire spread northeast on Saturday and is now threatening multi-million dollar homes in Brentwood.

More than 12,000 structures have been destroyed in the Los Angeles fires this week after Democrats like Governor Newsom and LA Mayor Karen bass slashed fire department funding by millions of dollars.

At least five people have died in the Pacific Palisades fire.
Gusty Santa Ana winds and dry fire hydrants are making it nearly impossible for firefighters to contain the fires.


Which begs the question, who is really running the White House? It sure isn't diben... and how have they managed to keep that information under wraps these years?

Probably civil service officials, specifically Senior Executive Service (SES). No matter who gets elected or appointed, the same civil service positions, filled by the same people as "forever," are there to take care of business.

Some civil service positions are really important, and most SES positions are extremely powerful.

FWIW, it's really hard to get rid of a civil service employee once he or she isn't on probation and isn't in a time-limited position.
However, if someone knows what he or she is doing, and does everything at exactly the right time of the exact right days during the process, it can be accomplished as quickly as 92 days.

‘Fire Tornado’ Spins Up in LA as Wildfires Continue to Devastate Southern California​

Local Los Angeles viewers were treated to a stunning and frightening sight Friday evening as wildfires continued to destroy homes and lives throughout Southern California.

FOX 11 captured an incredible phenomenon known as a ‘fire tornado‘ or ‘firenado’ spinning up amid the Palisades Fire in Los Angeles at roughly 10:45 local time.

“Check out this ‘firenado,'” reporter Adam Krueger says as the flames explode. “Unbelievable…This is a real thing.”

The reporter, Adam Krueger, noted that these ‘firenados’ have reached EF3 status in the past. A tornado with that status can reach up to 165 miles per hour.

Complete Article

When Australia had our wildfires, it was the first time i even heard of these firestorms and fire tornadoes.

It really gave a new dimension or fear of God as well.

It also gives light to how much more crazier the weather phenomena will be in the tribulation!!!
If they'd been doing their jobs, keeping brush cut, firebreaks in place, reservoirs FULL of water, not wasting rainwater but conserving it, and lets also add MAINTAINING the power lines and equipment so they aren't a fire hazard then arsonists would not be as much of a problem.

George worked for our hydroelectric company here in BC and he and the other Hydro guys were always astonished with the slap dash lack of maintenance of the power lines. Same with Maui. It's not just the equipment, it's keeping the brush cut and firebreaks along all the transmission lines.

But once it's going, this bad, the firebreaks get jumped by the fire and burning embers are carried on the winds for miles.
During the presidential briefing with the LA command at the fire, when Biden was finished talking, he handed it off the VP Harris, and Biden said “I know you are affected by this fire, so “fire away”, then said “no pun intended”. Typical comment behavior with someone with dementia not understanding this joke line was inappropriate.

President Biden has had a habit of saying "fire away" to underlings/subordinates since well before his VP days. I heard him say it numerous times, so likely a very entrenched habit and not anything more than VP Harris had the floor. He probably meant the no pun intended as the best apology he could do right then and there in public when he realized what he said sounded like. Old habits sometimes come out at the worst moments and aren't meant to be funny or mean, but the effect can be or appear to be.

I hope and pray this is all it was.


Pacific Palisades Reservoir Found Empty and Offline During Firestorm Catastrophe – 117 Million Gallons Could Have Saved the Day​

Outrage is boiling over after revelations that the Santa Ynez Reservoir, a critical water source in Pacific Palisades, was empty and offline when a devastating wildfire ripped through the area.

The Los Angeles Times reported that despite the reservoir’s critical role in the city’s water infrastructure, it had been offline for nearly a year.

The Santa Ynez Reservoir, with a capacity of 117 million gallons, could have played a critical role in providing water pressure to firefighters battling the devastating fire that destroyed thousands of homes and buildings in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Malibu.

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s (DWP) officials claim the reservoir had been offline for “a while” due to a tear in its cover.


You mean the lowest paid water employee and/or public works employee couldn't be sent out there with a bunch of duct tape, and maybe some tarp and adhesive, to effect a temporary repair (that probably would have lasted a very long time, because, you know, done by the "little people," who try hard to do a good job day in and day out)? :tap: