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Who Is Your Favorite End Times Teacher/Pastor?

Just before I got on here, I started listening to one of my favourites (a friend of Pete Garcia and Brandon Holthaus) called Pablo Frascini). Today he and Holthaus are talking (and a lot of laughing and joking) about AI today. It's titled "The West is Kaput and the Church is not helping" He's great. His podcast is Serpents and Doves (from the Bible verse)

I love all of the ones mentioned above although I found a new one in Adrian's reply- I will have to look up Carter Conlon. Hadn't heard of him.

Ones that weren't mentioned above:

Dr Ken Johnson of Bible Facts Ministries (very good for church and world history and how it fits into prophecy- dead sea scrolls etc)

Lee Brainard of Soothkeep (name comes from the old English term meaning Truth Fortress)

Christ in Prophecy (started by Dr David Reagan, one of my favourite authors and now hosted by Nathan Jones and Tim Moore)

Joel Kramer of Expedition Bible (on Bible and Archaeology, how that study is lining up WITH the Bible and full of little gems on new discoveries)

Kaleb Brasee- not teaching, he LOVES the old hymns and shares them by playing his piano, with the words on screen. no talking or singing, just piano playing old hymns. I love to listen to his playlists.

Koinonia House where Chuck Missler's teachings are archived and his friend and side kick Ron Matsen continues Chuck's work

LA Marzulli - although he takes a lot of heat for some of the fringe topics he explores he keeps it Biblical. I do enjoy when he and Billy Crone, Mondo Gonzales and Bill Salus get together to talk about the more unusual aspects of what's happening today, how it relates to the Bible etc. Just last night I was listening to him talk with Mondo Gonzales about Mondo's new book on the Red Heifer Ritual. (got it, love it!)

Pre Trib Study Group - Dr Tommy Ice - he puts the videos from the PTSG online thru this channel on YT. LOVE IT -- Got a rare Dr Fruchtenbaum on the latest set!!!

Prophecy Depot (Bill Salus)

Prophecy Watchers (Gary Stearman and Mondo Gonzales)

Studies with Stearman (Gary's other channel- just quiet reflective Bible Studies)

Redeemed Quartet more music. This time it's an a capella quartet of Christian guys singing a LOT of lovely old hymns.

And that is it for You Tubers not mentioned above.
Just before I got on here, I started listening to one of my favourites (a friend of Pete Garcia and Brandon Holthaus) called Pablo Frascini). Today he and Holthaus are talking (and a lot of laughing and joking) about AI today. It's titled "The West is Kaput and the Church is not helping" He's great. His podcast is Serpents and Doves (from the Bible verse)

I love all of the ones mentioned above although I found a new one in Adrian's reply- I will have to look up Carter Conlon. Hadn't heard of him.

Ones that weren't mentioned above:

Dr Ken Johnson of Bible Facts Ministries (very good for church and world history and how it fits into prophecy- dead sea scrolls etc)

Lee Brainard of Soothkeep (name comes from the old English term meaning Truth Fortress)

Christ in Prophecy (started by Dr David Reagan, one of my favourite authors and now hosted by Nathan Jones and Tim Moore)

Joel Kramer of Expedition Bible (on Bible and Archaeology, how that study is lining up WITH the Bible and full of little gems on new discoveries)

Kaleb Brasee- not teaching, he LOVES the old hymns and shares them by playing his piano, with the words on screen. no talking or singing, just piano playing old hymns. I love to listen to his playlists.

Koinonia House where Chuck Missler's teachings are archived and his friend and side kick Ron Matsen continues Chuck's work

LA Marzulli - although he takes a lot of heat for some of the fringe topics he explores he keeps it Biblical. I do enjoy when he and Billy Crone, Mondo Gonzales and Bill Salus get together to talk about the more unusual aspects of what's happening today, how it relates to the Bible etc. Just last night I was listening to him talk with Mondo Gonzales about Mondo's new book on the Red Heifer Ritual. (got it, love it!)

Pre Trib Study Group - Dr Tommy Ice - he puts the videos from the PTSG online thru this channel on YT. LOVE IT -- Got a rare Dr Fruchtenbaum on the latest set!!!

Prophecy Depot (Bill Salus)

Prophecy Watchers (Gary Stearman and Mondo Gonzales)

Studies with Stearman (Gary's other channel- just quiet reflective Bible Studies)

Redeemed Quartet more music. This time it's an a capella quartet of Christian guys singing a LOT of lovely old hymns.

And that is it for You Tubers not mentioned above.
Oh wow yep knew I was missing quite a few names, thanks for filling in the blanks
I posted fav teachers from a video sermon perspective, my fav teachers from an article perspective are

Pete Garcia
Jack Kelley
Don Koenig
Jonathan brentner
Randy nettles
Ron Ferguson

Don Koenig is amazing. I love reading his stuff - his website The Prophetic Years is sort of like Jack Kelleys. You dip in and emerge years later just spinning with the wealth of knowledge. Agree with your list, those are all people I love reading.

Bookshelf favourites: all the ones I mentioned above if they write books

Jack Kelley's 7 Things You Have To Know About Bible Prophecy is my one stop shop when people ask me where to start studying prophecy.
Dr Fruchtenbaum's Footsteps of the Messiah is my second recommendation.

But also
for a good overview of scripture Thru the Bible with J Vernon McGee because people sometimes don't have a grasp of Scripture and when they dive into prophecy they get some odd ideas from not understanding context.

But pretty much anything by the following (I didn't include the ones I consider a bit fringe or I just have one or two of but I like reading a lot from the good ones there too)

Dr David Reagan
Dr Hitchcock
Dr Ron Rhodes
Dr David Jeremiah (although not all of his)

Jeff Kinley
Chuck Missler
Ken Johnson
Ed Hindson
Tim La Haye

Terry James
Andy Woods
Josh Peck
Chris Hambleton
Jack Langford

Dave Hunt
Don McGee
Jim Fletcher
Jason Lisle

Mike Henderson (@mikhen)
Ken Ham
Bodie Hodge
Henry Morris and Henry Morris III
Ken Fleming

Zola Levitt
John McTernan
Bill Koenig
Ray Yungen
Michael Oard

William R Newell Romans- a WONDERFUL study on the book of Romans - oldie but a goodie A friend borrowed his Hebrews book and never returned it and I keep meaning to buy it again

Dr Pentecost
Dr Walvoord
Dr Ironside

I don't care for fiction as a general rule and the focus of my favourite teachers is usually in the areas of Prophecy, Creation Science, Discernment (forgot Holly Pivic, she wrote a couple of humdingers in that genre) and general Bible
I'm not as intensley viewing prophecy videos because even though i am premil, pretrib, some of the escatology i consider does contrast quite a bit in ways with the mainstream watcher groups. I will occasionally watch any number of pastors here and there. But don't focus too much on them. I did see the significant shift of JD, and he actually is quite contrary to many of my views on escatology, but there is a kindred spirit there of sorts...so i guess he would be the pastor i would occasionally most view...but in the sense of feeding my soul where i can find our kindred child like love for Christ, but also to stay abreast of where we disagree...lol. Just so that i keep it straight and don't imbellish. I actually like the pastor, but i am actually not all that in line with the mainstream prophecy watchers...and in that respect perhaps how much less so with JD since 2020.

But as far as like an agreeable spirit and occasional interest, that would be Tom Hughes. Mainly because he seems to be the most open to consider different views. Is it just me or does it not seem like the watcher community holds kind of tight to their perspectives and don't really consider other ways of perhaps seeing beyond their blueprint? In any event, i just have kind of gotten that feeling. But much less so with Tom. I think he still holds to some watcher templates i don't exactly subscribe to, but in general he likes to think. He likes to consider. He likes to weigh things. And to me that is a rare diamond in a a platinum setting these days. For me anywayz. Yes i think his youtube video titles are click bait marketing. But the way i see that is he is trying to get the attention likely of the the youth who will absolutely benefit from clicking. I don't see it that he may not live up the the video title so much (I would see a percentage of his views in a watcher camp i don't completely side with), he probably tries (like a cheerleader kind of persona he has). I would be more interested to check him out from time to time based on what kinds of things he is looking at.

Even though i have different perspectives than watcher mainstream, i do share quite a bit also with the mainstream. And am blessed that both Tom and Billy Crone are regulars on OAN. That is pretty cool for such a time as this :) Blessings.
My father in Law (bible teacher for 45 years) who died in 2006, owned this book. It was one of his favorites, and my Mother in Law gave me his book a few years after her husband died. Excellent!
When I got a kindle (that was over 10 years ago now) that book and J Vernon McGee's complete Thru the Bible commentary were among the very first ones I bought on Kindle. Treasures!
I pretty much stick to these teachers:

Don Stewart-- he's so smart! I've listened to him for sooo long that he has become a voice of comfort! I'm not positive I agree with him on Is 17 (he thinks it was already fulfilled), but his heart is right!

Andy Woods-- probably my very favorite! Though I'm not sure if I fully agree Ez 39 is happening 7 years after Ez 38. But he's just so faithful to studying that he causes me to study all the more. And I always, always learn from him.

Billy Crone-- such energy and humor!! My young adult kids love him! And he is so biblically sound!

Pablo (cant spell his last name) and Pete Garcia seem to really be blessed with understanding so they are always thinking several steps ahead!

Amir Tsarfati, Jan Markell (it makes a big difference to me how she always ends with encouragement), Tom Hughes (I dont appreciate the scare-tactic headlines though), Brandon Holthaus, and James Kaddis (very smart but his personality took me some getting-used-to)!

And Arnold Fruchtenbaum, of course!

Those everyone has listed in this thread seem to be reliablly sound teachers God has raised up for these last days!
Hal Lindsey
Tim LaHaye (deceased)
Billy Crone
Jonathan Cahn (I like how he ties Jewish calendar, etc. to things that have happened; nice reminders that God is still in control and nothing that happens is happenstance, random, or not by design)
John Walvrood (deceased)
Henry Morris, Henry Morris III, John Morris (ICR)
Ken Johnson, especially for linking both Bible and extra-Biblical texts to fulfilled and unfulfilled prophecy
Mike Henderson (@mikhen)
One of the Pre-trib Study Group sessions I think it was, Tommy Ice introduced Pastor Mike as "Mikhen". :lol:

I listened to almost all of what Andy Woods has on YT during the 'Rona years. Lately I have been listening mainly to Jack Hibbs and Tom Hughes, but have really enjoyed a couple of Dr Reagan lately. Basically everyone y'all are mentioning.

There are some impostor YT channels too, I know for Jan Markell, and Jack Hibbs, I guess they pirate content and monetize it for themselves, I try not to give them any views.