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Mystery NJ drones are coming from Iranian mothership offshore, congressman suggests: ‘Should be shot down’

A New Jersey congressman claimed Wednesday that the mystery drones over the Garden State are from Iran, and they’re being launched by a mothership parked off the East Coast.

Rep. Jeff Van Drew, a Republican, said the drones “very possibly could be” from Iran, citing confidential sources during an appearance on Fox News Wednesday morning.

“I’m going to tell you the real deal. Iran launched a mothership that contains these drones,” Van Drew said. “It’s off the East Coast of the United States of America. They’ve launched drones.”


A dear internet friend who is a Chaplain, posted this on another board. I thought it would be uplifting for us too!

Good morning Friends

What do we fear?

Do we fear the unknown?

Do we fear the future?

Do we fear for our lives?

Do we fear the lack of control?

We are not supposed to fear the things of this world.

If we are in Christ and he is our God and Savior, then we are already victorious as our sure hope is in him.

Fear is a tool that comes from Satan to keep our faith in God at a “low” or even negligible.

We are to remain, and be strong and brave by faith in God’s Word and promises.

Let your foundation of faith be undeterred or weakened by the enemy who seeks to destroy it, but rather, be resolved all the more to increase its strength and power.

Deuteronomy 31:6
“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Blessings friends

FAA bans drones over parts of New Jersey, threatens ‘deadly force’ for ‘imminent security threat’​

FAA enforces emergency drone ban across New Jersey
The Federal Aviation Administration has temporarily banned drone operations over parts of New Jersey until mid-January and warned that the government may respond with “deadly force” against drones that pose a threat.

Beginning on Wednesday and through Jan. 17, unmanned aircraft are barred from flying within a nautical mile of specified airspace outlined in an FAA Notice to Airmen, or NOTAM.

The government may use “deadly force” against the drones if they present an “imminent security threat,” the NOTAM said.


Question for you... what was a nuke doing in Ukraine? Whose was it? Ours? Russian? Chinese? EU? Pakistan? NK?
To the best of my knowledge is that Ukraine being on the black sea and US air base in Turkey it was likely a soviet medium range nuke for use in Turkey or some part of southern Europe. As the collapse came there were lots of problems in the change over from the old Soviet military to the new Russia. I do remember hearing that Soviet Sub in bases on the East side at the Pacific often got turned into quasi hotels for the family of Soviet navy folks at the time of the change as money was not flowing well and it brought on pretty hard times for those in the military so the made use of what was available. Like many things that cannot be verified but do sound plausible we will likely never know to what extent of truth such stories are.

As to had ownership, the obvious answer would be the Soviet Union as I don't know of any countries outside using Soviet soil for nuclear facilities.
I might be able to shed light on that.

Ukraine had a huge stock of nukes which Bill Clinton and Britain talked them into giving up. Russia, Britain and the USA gave guarantees of Ukraine safety in return if they gave up their weapons. Those weapons were supposedly disposed of by Russia. It was under the Trilateral agreement in the 90's.

One of the problems Russia faced at that time was their people were selling this type of thing (and germ warfare stuff too, along with chemical warfare stuff) on the black market as Russia was having the worst economic implosion in their recent history. It's why Russia was thought not to be a threat by the Dems till suddenly they invaded Ukraine.
I believe everything that the Chinese do is to be measured on a very long scale and follows exactly the precepts of Sun Tzu. To him the greatest victory in war was to never fire a shot: in other words, the strategies that are followed never involve an actual military battlefield, but are fought without the enemy's knowledge, behind the scenes. And by the time the enemy recognizes what is happening, it is too late: he's already defeated. And I believe that's what the Chinese have been doing ... again on that mega time frame that far exceeds the way we westerners look at things. (In 1972 China's then premier Zhou Enlai was asked what he thought the implications were of the French Revolution that took place in 1789. His response was: "It's too early to tell." The Chinese do not play a short game.)

LI cops can shoot down drones as new high-tech command center unveiled: ‘We don’t want to wait’​

Meet the new space cowboys.

Nassau County cops have gotten the green light to shoot troublesome drones out of the sky — with officials saying they don’t want to wait for something “disastrous” to happen.

The order went out Thursday as county officials unveiled a new state-of-the-art drone command center that can track the mysterious flying crafts from miles away, but they need the feds to sign off on high-tech tools to intercept and take down the drones.

Instead, they’re taking matters into their own hands.

“We don’t want to wait until we have some kind of disastrous event to then say, ‘Well, we could have done this and we could have done that,'” Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman told reporters.

“The Nassau County Police Department has the authority and certainly has my approval that if there is a mass gathering anywhere and there is a drone that is a threat to the public at large, they have the authority and the jurisdiction and the right to shoot down that drone.”



American Ufologist Dr. Steven Greer Raises Concerns on ‘False Flag Operation’ Amid Mysterious Drone Sightings: ‘This is Psychological Warfare—a PSYOP’​

As concerns mount over mysterious drone sightings across the United States, the government appears caught in a whirlwind of public speculation and official denials.
Amid this growing chaos, renowned ufologist Dr. Steven Greer has issued a chilling warning about what he calls an imminent “false flag” operation designed to mislead the public and obscure decades of clandestine activities.

According to Greer, the drone sightings are part of a larger psychological operation (PSYOP) orchestrated to obscure the truth about clandestine, illegal government projects.

Dr. Greer claims that whistleblowers, including high-ranking members of Joint Special Operations Command (JASOC), are prepared to reveal the truth. These insiders allege that secret programs have been reverse-engineering downed extraterrestrial craft and weaponizing advanced technologies, including electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons.

Rob Finnerty:
What is going on out there? What are people seeing?

Dr. Steven Greer:
Well, it’s a complex story. To make it very succinct, we did predict this 30 years ago, that they would begin to launch some activity equivalent to a false flag to make it look like there’s some alien attack or threat. In reality, it’s a response to what’s happening, and I’ve recently told the incoming members of the administration this and people at the Senate Intelligence and Arms Services Committee.

Nothing people are seeing has anything to do with aliens or extraterrestrial intelligence. It has to do with trying to maintain the cover-up on a secret program that went black—illegal black—back in the late 1950s. So we’re into 65–70 years of some very dangerous operations.

Rob Finnerty:
A PSYOP to distract us?

Dr. Steven Greer:
That’s really what it is, but it could escalate to something very dangerous. Yesterday, I was told that I personally might be arrested, that there will be a character assassination plot against me that will come out soon.

Complete Article

“The Nassau County Police Department has the authority and certainly has my approval that if there is a mass gathering anywhere and there is a drone that is a threat to the public at large, they have the authority and the jurisdiction and the right to shoot down that drone.”

They may not want to shoot down a drone over a mass gathering, but should shoot them down when they're over water or over an uninhabited area.
They may not want to shoot down a drone over a mass gathering, but should shoot them down when they're over water or over an uninhabited area.
Well from some of the images and videos, quadcopter versions don't need to be shot down with a gun. They can be radio jammed and the flyer will lose control and it will crash on its own accord. The US Army DEW that is basically a directional microwave can do similar but also frying circuitry as well. I would suspect that for all man made drones as they tend to fly autonomous or under radio control such measures are much safer, save the drone falling on someone and causing injury. That way you have a lot less shoot happy LEOs out there taking pot shots and missing. I say this with sincerity as my Grandfather on my Mom's side got into trouble back in the early 1900s for firing shots in the air and one of them going through an outhouse roof and striking a man inside. The real danger of shooting up in the air especially over dense population areas.

If they can't be taken down with electronic and radio means then that begs the question are they man made of human level of technology or are they more sophisticated. If they are more sophisticated as in off earth level technology, two thoughts come to mind, demonic control, or demonic supplied advanced technology?

Still to this point I am of the mind this is some contrived internet hoax that some one started and it gained a life of its own because people are way too gullible these days and willing to believe stuff that comes from the internet but don't have the knowledge to know if it is true or not. I say the because no sooner did this show up as happening in the NJ and NY areas it suddenly spread to being seen in other places. It is kind of like kids in one place making dumb decision to take the Tide Pod challenge and the next thing you know kids all over the country are doing it. The idea of fads has been around for a long time going back to things like pet rocks, the first frisbee, even skate boards all started out as fads and eventually became mainstream. But they all got their start with kids who jumped all over the ideas not realizing it was just a lot of marketing hype designed to simply separate kids from their money.

I am of the mind that maybe losing the internet would do us all more good than harm. That way silly ideas would not get the traction they do as fast as they do now. I mean pick just a few of the most kid oriented platforms and put some silly idea up as a challenge and in a week or two most of the nation will be trying it.
Well from some of the images and videos, quadcopter versions don't need to be shot down with a gun. They can be radio jammed and the flyer will lose control and it will crash on its own accord. The US Army DEW that is basically a directional microwave can do similar but also frying circuitry as well. I would suspect that for all man made drones as they tend to fly autonomous or under radio control such measures are much safer, save the drone falling on someone and causing injury. That way you have a lot less shoot happy LEOs out there taking pot shots and missing. I say this with sincerity as my Grandfather on my Mom's side got into trouble back in the early 1900s for firing shots in the air and one of them going through an outhouse roof and striking a man inside. The real danger of shooting up in the air especially over dense population areas.

If they can't be taken down with electronic and radio means then that begs the question are they man made of human level of technology or are they more sophisticated. If they are more sophisticated as in off earth level technology, two thoughts come to mind, demonic control, or demonic supplied advanced technology?

Still to this point I am of the mind this is some contrived internet hoax that some one started and it gained a life of its own because people are way too gullible these days and willing to believe stuff that comes from the internet but don't have the knowledge to know if it is true or not. I say the because no sooner did this show up as happening in the NJ and NY areas it suddenly spread to being seen in other places. It is kind of like kids in one place making dumb decision to take the Tide Pod challenge and the next thing you know kids all over the country are doing it. The idea of fads has been around for a long time going back to things like pet rocks, the first frisbee, even skate boards all started out as fads and eventually became mainstream. But they all got their start with kids who jumped all over the ideas not realizing it was just a lot of marketing hype designed to simply separate kids from their money.

I am of the mind that maybe losing the internet would do us all more good than harm. That way silly ideas would not get the traction they do as fast as they do now. I mean pick just a few of the most kid oriented platforms and put some silly idea up as a challenge and in a week or two most of the nation will be trying it.
Your thoughts on it being a "hoax" is supported by experts. Read the post up thread #170
Your thoughts on it being a "hoax" is supported by experts. Read the post up thread #170
There is a difference. I do not attribute this to a government false flag, just some kids kick starting some kind of shenanigans that with viral wild and now has a life of its own.

Take for instance the guy in this video some may recognize him. He is always pointing out simple stupidity in many of the things we see on the internet. And almost to a video he has done I soon afterwards see many videos of people presenting the same thing with a false sense of authority. Strangely on this video I had seen several doing the same thing before I saw his call out video.

I am of the mind that maybe losing the internet would do us all more good than harm. That way silly ideas would not get the traction they do as fast as they do now. I mean pick just a few of the most kid oriented platforms and put some silly idea up as a challenge and in a week or two most of the nation will be trying it.
:lol: yup
There is a difference. I do not attribute this to a government false flag, just some kids kick starting some kind of shenanigans that with viral wild and now has a life of its own.

Take for instance the guy in this video some may recognize him. He is always pointing out simple stupidity in many of the things we see on the internet. And almost to a video he has done I soon afterwards see many videos of people presenting the same thing with a false sense of authority. Strangely on this video I had seen several doing the same thing before I saw his call out video.

I think there's both, regular civilian drone activity and more sophisticated controlled drones up there.
It's not typical for drones to be permitted to be flying over Military bases and the DOD to not be concerned about it and put a stop to it just because of the security issues alone.
It's been going on a little too long now for our officials to not have given a solid explanation yet and put an end to the mixed messages coming out of our officials.....
"Don't shoot them down"
"Shoot them down"
"It's manned aircraft"
"It's definitely unmanned drones"
"They're no threat"
"They're a security threat, give States authority to shoot them down "
I think there's both, regular civilian drone activity and more sophisticated controlled drones up there.
It's not typical for drones to be permitted to be flying over Military bases
From many years experience I can tell you not all military bases are high security facilities. Even after the likes of 9/11 when security was stepped up considerably, there were many points of access to physically get on most major bases. Simply put they are no different than most homes with a fence around it. Unless armed security is making rounds the circumference of most bases is many miles and hard to totally protect at the perimeter. So I would venture to say that those around military or other government facilities could well be hoaxters picking places that will get them the most attention. Given the resistance of the military to engage in weapons discharge even in the protection of their property it is not surprising they are not being shot down over military facilities.

I say this because what is considered to be one of the most secure facility's in the US inventory is the Groom Lake area or better known as Area 51. It is not impossible to gain access undetected as several people have pulled it off in years past. So if the most secure place is not 100% secure then a run of the mill standard military base or government facility usually protected by contract security will not like react with force to a few drones unless they are attacking with weapons.