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Lordship Salvation, Part 3 (John 5:24) Andy Woods

I really think that when someone clearly and strongly and even emotionally affirms that they do not believe in Calvinism, Lordship Salvation, loss of eternal security or whatever it may be, that we should take them at their word even if we don’t understand or agree with everything they may be saying in their posts.
I really think that when someone clearly and strongly and even emotionally affirms that they do not believe in Calvinism, Lordship Salvation, loss of eternal security or whatever it may be, that we should take them at their word even if we don’t understand or agree with everything they may be saying in their posts.
That's why I said, "if that's what you hold to".
That's why I said, "if that's what you hold to".
I hear you but maybe instead of “you” you could have said “someone.” It would frustrate me to no end if someone still left that as an “if” after I clearly and strongly stated in several posts that I did not hold to those things.
I know that you care Eric, and want to pull people out of the fire if they possibly believe those things.
I hear you but maybe instead of “you” you could have said “someone.” It would frustrate me to no end if someone still left that as an “if” after I clearly and strongly stated in several posts that I did not hold to those things.
I know that you care Eric, and want to pull people out of the fire if they possibly believe those things.
What I said was fine.

And I didn't read all of her posts in these three threads as my focus wasn't only her, but the actual topic at hand. Reading into my posts is not a "me" problem. The thread was about Lordship Salvation, and I answered the topic thoroughly.
Yes, at least during the times I have listened but is he always right? No because he once said people can be saved after taking the mark. In fact I don't believe any pastor is always right on every subject all the time without fail. No one is except God. Have to add though that I love our pastor Adrian as he always helps clarify a subject. However, the subject I think we are addressing in this thread appears to be whether the life should show a change AFTER, I repeat AFTER salvation. We all know (including Dr.MacArthur) that the unsaved are completely unable to do any kind of saving work. So we are speaking of AFTER salvation. And just to be sure that I am not misunderstood. I am speaking of AFTER salvation.
I cant listen to John M at all and thats due to him being a leader in Calvinism, and of course LS.
I cant listen to John M at all and thats due to him be a leader in Calvinism, and of course LS.
It is true that he is a Calvinist. He says a lot of good things and is quoted a lot. But I have also read stories of quite a few people who left his church because they were constantly questioning if they were even a Christian and it really hurt their faith. So clearly he is placing a heavy load on people and making them doubt grace. I think maybe those of us who watch his videos aren’t feeling it like those in the pews do there. I wouldn’t survive in there for sure. I already beat myself up so much as it is.
I cant listen to John M at all and thats due to him be a leader in Calvinism, and of course LS.
That happened to me. I used to just love John and R.C.'s sermons. I loved John's sermons about the end of things. I remember R.C.'s "The Tyranny of the Weaker Brother". I loved it. I amen'd right through it. I loved their presentation and the seriousness of their churches. No big screen televisions or flashly lights. Just the pulpit and the congregation and the echoes of the pastor, bouncing off the walls.

I was totally ignorant of Calvinism and before I knew what it was, I spiraled and was terrified I wasn't saved. I was suddenly robbed of all assurance and joy. I started wondering if I even had a reliable Bible. It is some of the most destructive stuff around. This has never left my memory. No gun, laceration, disease, man, or anything else has scared me like this did.

Read this. This is hideous and terrifying. From R.C. Sproul :

"Now as I said, I sure don’t want to end up in hell. But one thing I know for sure—if I do, if I’ve deceived myself all these years, and if I’m one who says, “Lord, Lord, didn’t I do this and didn’t I do that,” and He looks at me and says, “Please leave. I don’t know you,” and He sends me to hell—one thing I can promise you is that I’ll be a weeper, not a gnasher. Because if I know anything about theology, I know that if He sent me to hell tonight, I could make no just complaint against Him.

I’ve been guilty of treason—cosmic treason. Every time I have sinned, I’ve asserted my will over the will of my Creator. I have declared that I am sovereign, not the Lord God. I’ve worked against His kingdom, not for it. I’ve sinned against the holy and infinitely righteous being who owes me nothing. And if I wake up in hell, I will realize I’ve only received what my life has merited: not cruelty, not injustice, but perfect justice."

That is a testimony of no assurance and no salvation. It's a dice roll and as sure as your chances at the tables in Las Vegas. He admits he could be deceived and could as easily wake up in Hell as he could in Heaven and calls that perfect justice. That is ultimate blasphemy against the Cross. It may not get any worse than that. He completely denied the power of Jesus's salvific, remedial work on that dreadful hill. He denied the full pardon. It's important to know that these are currently the most dangerous people on earth. They give death in place of life and worse than a murderous warmonger, the death is eternal.
That happened to me. I used to just love John and R.C.'s sermons. I loved John's sermons about the end of things. I remember R.C.'s "The Tyranny of the Weaker Brother". I loved it. I amen'd right through it. I was totally ignorant of Calvinism and before I knew what it was, I spiraled and was terrified I wasn't saved. I was suddenly robbed of all assurance and joy. I started wondering if I even had a reliable Bible. It is some of the most destructive stuff around. This has never left my memory. No gun, laceration, disease, man, or anything else has scared me like this did.

Read this. This is hideous and terrifying. From R.C. Sproul :

"Now as I said, I sure don’t want to end up in hell. But one thing I know for sure—if I do, if I’ve deceived myself all these years, and if I’m one who says, “Lord, Lord, didn’t I do this and didn’t I do that,” and He looks at me and says, “Please leave. I don’t know you,” and He sends me to hell—one thing I can promise you is that I’ll be a weeper, not a gnasher. Because if I know anything about theology, I know that if He sent me to hell tonight, I could make no just complaint against Him.

I’ve been guilty of treason—cosmic treason. Every time I have sinned, I’ve asserted my will over the will of my Creator. I have declared that I am sovereign, not the Lord God. I’ve worked against His kingdom, not for it. I’ve sinned against the holy and infinitely righteous being who owes me nothing. And if I wake up in hell, I will realize I’ve only received what my life has merited: not cruelty, not injustice, but perfect justice."

That is a testimony of no assurance and no salvation. It's a dice roll and as sure as your chances at the tables in Las Vegas. He admits he could be deceived and could as easily wake up in Hell as Heaven and calls that perfect justice. That is ultimate blasphemy against the Cross. It may not get any worse than that. He completely denied the power of Jesus' salvific remedial work on that dreadful hill. It's important to know that these are currently the most dangerous people on earth. They give death in place of life and worse than a warmonger, it's eternal.
Gosh that is awful. I have listened to Sproul a few times and had no idea he said that. Apparently he thinks that only people who never sin make it to heaven. If that was the case Heaven would be empty! There is nothing to “deceive ourselves” about! I am a sinner, Jesus died on the cross and paid for my sins. I will be in Heaven because of that, and that’s no deception.
Gosh that is awful. I have listened to Sproul a few times and had no idea he said that. Apparently he thinks that only people who never sin make it to heaven. If that was the case Heaven would be empty! There is nothing to “deceive ourselves” about! I am a sinner, Jesus died on the cross and paid for my sins. I will be in Heaven because of that, and that’s no deception.
R.C. Sproul scared me to death during that sermon. I was already circling the drain, and then he finished me off with that. It hit so hard, I still have to remind myself that what he said isn't the truth. I still struggle with it. My posts are as much for me as anyone and I'm not kidding. My flesh still asks me, "You really think it's that simple?".
R.C. Sproul scared me to death during that sermon. I was already circling the drain, and then he finished me off with that. It hit so hard, I still have to remind myself that what he said isn't the truth. I still struggle with it. My posts are as much for me as anyone and I'm not kidding. My flesh still wants to ask me "You really think it's that simple?".

If we sin we have an Advocate with the Father. It’s as simple as that. Oh, thank God. Thank God!
It is true that he is a Calvinist. He says a lot of good things and is quoted a lot. But I have also read stories of quite a few people who left his church because they were constantly questioning if they were even a Christian and it really hurt their faith. So clearly he is placing a heavy load on people and making them doubt grace. I think maybe those of us who watch his videos aren’t feeling it like those in the pews do there. I wouldn’t survive in there for sure. I already beat myself up so much as it is.
He is careful with his words. However, its not hard to find a sermon of his preaching calvinism. If anyone understands TULIP, and knows what to listen for, the proof is in his own words.
I have no tolerance for Calvinism either. It left a traumatic mark on me also. Took away my peace and I can’t listen to John McArthur anymore because of it. I threw out anything by RC Sproul, Arthur W. Pink and even a Spurgeon devotional.

The homeschool world is a minefield of Calvinism and it’s upsetting. I just had to accept that I can’t fully escape it so I will have to use the opportunities to discuss the errors with my kids as they come up with the resources I have. They thankfully don’t have anything on salvation in what I have but I know the authors believe that. I’ll have my eyes peeled for the nonsense.

The popular TheOlogy book for kids got thrown away. I just couldn’t take the garbage of Calvinism in that book when discussing salvation. That one was just too much.

I have a good friend who subscribes to Calvinism and it is infuriating. She sadly wasn’t interested in comparing scripture because she doesn’t have any memorized to debate. I just have to keep praying for her to come out of the deception. We can talk about a lot of things, but it gets tricky around the rapture and salvation. We just automatically disagree and have to stop the topic.
That happened to me. I used to just love John and R.C.'s sermons. I loved John's sermons about the end of things. I remember R.C.'s "The Tyranny of the Weaker Brother". I loved it. I amen'd right through it. I loved their presentation and the seriousness of their churches. No big screen televisions or flashly lights. Just the pulpit and the congregation and the echoes of the pastor, bouncing off the walls.

I was totally ignorant of Calvinism and before I knew what it was, I spiraled and was terrified I wasn't saved. I was suddenly robbed of all assurance and joy. I started wondering if I even had a reliable Bible. It is some of the most destructive stuff around. This has never left my memory. No gun, laceration, disease, man, or anything else has scared me like this did.

Read this. This is hideous and terrifying. From R.C. Sproul :

"Now as I said, I sure don’t want to end up in hell. But one thing I know for sure—if I do, if I’ve deceived myself all these years, and if I’m one who says, “Lord, Lord, didn’t I do this and didn’t I do that,” and He looks at me and says, “Please leave. I don’t know you,” and He sends me to hell—one thing I can promise you is that I’ll be a weeper, not a gnasher. Because if I know anything about theology, I know that if He sent me to hell tonight, I could make no just complaint against Him.

I’ve been guilty of treason—cosmic treason. Every time I have sinned, I’ve asserted my will over the will of my Creator. I have declared that I am sovereign, not the Lord God. I’ve worked against His kingdom, not for it. I’ve sinned against the holy and infinitely righteous being who owes me nothing. And if I wake up in hell, I will realize I’ve only received what my life has merited: not cruelty, not injustice, but perfect justice."

That is a testimony of no assurance and no salvation. It's a dice roll and as sure as your chances at the tables in Las Vegas. He admits he could be deceived and could as easily wake up in Hell as he could in Heaven and calls that perfect justice. That is ultimate blasphemy against the Cross. It may not get any worse than that. He completely denied the power of Jesus's salvific, remedial work on that dreadful hill. He denied the full pardon. It's important to know that these are currently the most dangerous people on earth. They give death in place of life and worse than a murderous warmonger, the death is eternal.
Eric or someone, please explain something to me. I thought calvinists believed in eternal security so how can Sproul have said this about himself? Could it just have been a poor choice of words on his part, using the word “I” making it appear he was questioning himself but he was really speaking of unsaved people in hell?
Eric or someone, please explain something to me. I thought calvinists believed in eternal security so how can Sproul have said this about himself? Could it just have been a poor choice of words on his part, using the word “I” making it appear he was questioning himself but he was really speaking of unsaved people in hell?
They don't have coherent beliefs. They believe in grace but backload works. They believe in eternal security, yet can't promote assurance of security. The problem is they don't know if they are actually saved. I've heard some in their camp call their contradictory beliefs "parallel truths" as if that rescues them. I have heard more than just RC say that re salvation. John Piper and a whole list of fellow travelers have made similar statements. RC just made it sound terrifying.
They don't have coherent beliefs. They believe in grace but backloads works. They believe in eternal security, yet can't promote assurance of security. The problem is they don't know they are actually saved. I have heard more than just RC say that. John Piper and a whole list have made similar statements. RC just made it sound terrifying.
Thank you. I shared the quote with someone at my church and found it on Ligonier Ministries website and she appears to believe that the context is according to the statement under the video clip: “

“In this brief clip
R.C. Sproul describes why nobody in hell can make any just complaint against God.”

Inferring that he wasn’t talking of himself but to me he clearly is???