As the world moves closer to another world war, which may include nuclear weapons, some speculate that the Tribulation period has already begun.
Others grow weary of waiting for the Lord’s return. How much longer will Jesus keep us on earth before He comes for us? Is He really going to keep us out of the time of the Lord’s wrath that’s rapidly approaching our world?
Please know that the Bible assures us that Lord will come for us before the start of the seven-year Tribulation, which begins the moment that the antichrist makes a covenant with Israel. This has not yet happened!
1Thessalonians 5:1-11 provides much needed encouragement regarding our hope in Jesus’ soon appearing. In this passage, the Lord through the Apostle Paul promises that we as believers in Jesus will miss the wrath of the coming Day of the Lord, which includes all of the Tribulation period.
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Others grow weary of waiting for the Lord’s return. How much longer will Jesus keep us on earth before He comes for us? Is He really going to keep us out of the time of the Lord’s wrath that’s rapidly approaching our world?
Please know that the Bible assures us that Lord will come for us before the start of the seven-year Tribulation, which begins the moment that the antichrist makes a covenant with Israel. This has not yet happened!
1Thessalonians 5:1-11 provides much needed encouragement regarding our hope in Jesus’ soon appearing. In this passage, the Lord through the Apostle Paul promises that we as believers in Jesus will miss the wrath of the coming Day of the Lord, which includes all of the Tribulation period.
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Don’t Be Deceived: The Rapture Happens First — Jonathan Brentner
In recent years, however, the Greek Word apostasia , translated “falling away” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, has received heightened scrutiny with many regarding this as a reference to the Rapture. Can we justify interpreting the word as a physical departure such as would point to Jesus’ appearing to ta