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Don't Be Deceived: The Rapture Happens First

As the world moves closer to another world war, which may include nuclear weapons, some speculate that the Tribulation period has already begun.

Others grow weary of waiting for the Lord’s return. How much longer will Jesus keep us on earth before He comes for us? Is He really going to keep us out of the time of the Lord’s wrath that’s rapidly approaching our world?

Please know that the Bible assures us that Lord will come for us before the start of the seven-year Tribulation, which begins the moment that the antichrist makes a covenant with Israel. This has not yet happened!

1Thessalonians 5:1-11 provides much needed encouragement regarding our hope in Jesus’ soon appearing. In this passage, the Lord through the Apostle Paul promises that we as believers in Jesus will miss the wrath of the coming Day of the Lord, which includes all of the Tribulation period.

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It is the future act that I am presenting as yet to come.
Well, let's cut to the chase-- in ancient adoptions (specifically the adoption laws of the Roman empire) when a rich couple adopted another child as their heir, even though the original parents were still living the child was considered be part of the household of the adopted parents, and enjoyed many of the prerogatives of that household. They were no longer subject to their old parents but to their new parents. Yet, their old parents still had influence on their biological child. However, at the moment of the finalization of the adoption by the adopted father, the children became full children off their adopted father and any influence and any legal ties that they had to their biological parents were completely and irrevocably broken. From that point on the original parents had no claim whatsoever on the child.

This is what happens with us. When we are saved we are adopted by God. The Bible makes it clear that He chose to adopt us (Ephesians 1:4-6). At this time in our lives, even though our earthly environment, namely the dominion of the prince of the power of the air, still exists, we are considered part of God's family. You may have been born in sin but you are now the child of God. But we are still affected by our old environment, by our old parentage, if you like. But the day that we are raptured or taken to heaven, at that moment God completes the adoption legally and at that point our original environment (sin parentage) no longer has any claim on us whatsoever, legal or otherwise. We are 100%, completely, totally free from our earthly bonds!

To put it in terms of our salvation-- scripture is clear that our salvation is both past, present, and future. Right now you and I have been saved from the penalty of sin: in other words our sin is no longer held against us and we're secure for eternity. But at this moment in our lives we are being saved from the power of sin: this is the process of our sanctification. But in the future, at the very moment when we enter heaven, we shall be saved from the very presence of sin.

In the same way, when our adoption is complete, Satan will no longer have any hold whatsoever on us; in fact he will no longer exist in our lives. Glory to God! We shall no longer know what sin is at all, and we will no longer have even the slightest pull toward this old life. Glory to God! We will fully be the children of God, in full possession of our inheritance, and be just like Him ... perfect images of our Father! Glory to God!

And that respectfully, is the end of the story. So I repeat yet again-- Glory to God!
Well, let's cut to the chase-- in ancient adoptions (specifically the adoption was the Roman empire) when a rich couple adopted another child as their heir, even though the original parents were still living the child was considered be part of the household of the adopted parents, and enjoyed many of the prerogatives of that household. They were no longer subject to their old parents but to their new parents. Yet, their old parents still had influence on their biological child. However, at the moment of the finalization of the adoption by the adopted father, the children became full children off their adopted father and any influence and any legal ties that they had to their biological parents were completely and irrevocably broken. From that point on the original parents had no claim whatsoever on the child.

This is what happens with us. When we are saved we are adopted by God. The Bible makes it clear that He chose to adopt us (Ephesians 1:4-6). At this time in our lives, even though our earthly environment, namely the dominion of the prince of the power of the air, still exists, we are considered part of God's family. You may have been born in sin but you are now the child of God. But we are still affected by our old environment, by our old parentage, if you like. But the day that we are raptured or taken to heaven, at that moment God completes the adoption legally and at that point our original environment (sin parentage) no longer has any claim on us whatsoever, legal or otherwise. We are 100%, completely, totally free from our earthly bonds!

To put it in terms of our salvation-- scripture is clear that our salvation is both past, present, and future. Right now you and I have been saved from the penalty of sin: in other words our sin is no longer held against us and we're secure for eternity. But at this moment in our lives we are being saved from the power of sin: this is the process of our sanctification. But in the future, at the very moment when we enter heaven, we shall be saved from the very presence of sin.

In the same way, when our adoption is complete, Satan will no longer have any hold whatsoever on us; in fact he will no longer exist in our lives. Glory to God! We shall no longer know what sin is at all, and we will no longer have even the slightest pull toward this old life. Glory to God! We will fully be the children of God, in full possession of our inheritance, and be just like Him ... perfect images of our Father! Glory to God!

And that respectfully, is the end of the story. So I repeat yet again-- Glory to God!
And that is exactly what I have posted. As you wrote...

"But the day that we are raptured or taken to heaven, at that moment God completes the adoption legally and at that point our original environment (sin parentage) no longer has any claim on us whatsoever, legal or otherwise. We are 100%, completely, totally free from our earthly bonds!"

In the same way, when our adoption is complete, Satan will no longer have any hold whatsoever on us; in fact he will no longer exist in our lives. Glory to God! "

So we agree that our adoption is completed before the world began, is by faith completed now yet is in a state of hope and the full acquisition of our adoption and inheritance is yet to come.

It is especially important that Satan will no longer have any hold on us and not only not exist in our lives but he won;t exist in heaven either.

This is critically important for the pre-trib rapture because it is not Jesus who completes our adoption for He is our brother. Jesus brings us to the Father to complete our adoption and this is the reason the Father sent Jesus to redeem us.

If we understand what hope is, that we cannot hope for what we have in full, and that we must appear before the Father for the completion of our adoption, then the post-trib doctrine is in denial of the need to appear in heaven before the Father to complete our adoption.

For simplicity, I like how this theologian puts it regarding our adoption papers as God's guarantee...

15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. (Romans 8:15-17, ESV)

This gives us certainty that we have been adopted as sons, but then there's a clarification a few verses later:

And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. (Romans 8:23, ESV)

So we see that we are still waiting for adoption! We are at once adopted and waiting for adoption. In a sense, our adoption papers have been signed, we've been given a new family, but we're still in the orphanage. Though we have a future which we eagerly await, we have a present life which is filled with purpose and hope because of the firstfruits of the Spirit, the promise of things to come.
And that is exactly what I have posted. As you wrote...

"But the day that we are raptured or taken to heaven, at that moment God completes the adoption legally and at that point our original environment (sin parentage) no longer has any claim on us whatsoever, legal or otherwise. We are 100%, completely, totally free from our earthly bonds!"

In the same way, when our adoption is complete, Satan will no longer have any hold whatsoever on us; in fact he will no longer exist in our lives. Glory to God! "

So we agree that our adoption is completed before the world began, is by faith completed now yet is in a state of hope and the full acquisition of our adoption and inheritance is yet to come.

It is especially important that Satan will no longer have any hold on us and not only not exist in our lives but he won;t exist in heaven either.

This is critically important for the pre-trib rapture because it is not Jesus who completes our adoption for He is our brother. Jesus brings us to the Father to complete our adoption and this is the reason the Father sent Jesus to redeem us.

If we understand what hope is, that we cannot hope for what we have in full, and that we must appear before the Father for the completion of our adoption, then the post-trib doctrine is in denial of the need to appear in heaven before the Father to complete our adoption.

For simplicity, I like how this theologian puts it regarding our adoption papers as God's guarantee...

15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. (Romans 8:15-17, ESV)

This gives us certainty that we have been adopted as sons, but then there's a clarification a few verses later:

And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. (Romans 8:23, ESV)

So we see that we are still waiting for adoption! We are at once adopted and waiting for adoption. In a sense, our adoption papers have been signed, we've been given a new family, but we're still in the orphanage. Though we have a future which we eagerly await, we have a present life which is filled with purpose and hope because of the firstfruits of the Spirit, the promise of things to come.
Yes, we are in agreement as to the three stages of our salvation which includes an adoption that has been begun, is binding now, but will reach it's fullness in Heaven. So now, brother, without any further preliminaries please explain what you have been building toward-- namely, what happens in Heaven at the moment God the Father completes our adoption.
I don;t know if you read what I posted but you actually posted the same...

Time of Adoption

When does adoption into the family of heaven take place? Adoption is a past, present, and future act.

It is the future act that I am presenting as yet to come.
I realize that, but what motivates me is that this work has already been accomplished. It's not something I hope will happen, it has happened. And that makes me more thankful and humble giving me motivation to share the good news. The Rapture is the ! Point on what God has already accomplished. When I look to the future blessed hope I relish in looking beyond the bodily transformation into what God has prepared for us to do and to inherit for all eternity. Service to God and each other not only in the coming Millenium, but also in our future heavenly and eternal home. My hope is based on what's already accomplished.

Also, Sin has no power to destroy the work God has accomplished in me and all true believers. God has already taken his wrath off of me and all believers when He placed it upon Jesus at the cross. His resurrection and the sealing/indwelling of the Holy Spirit is what guarantees it.
I realize that, but what motivates me is that this work has already been accomplished. It's not something I hope will happen, it has happened. And that makes me more thankful and humble giving me motivation to share the good news. The Rapture is the ! Point on what God has already accomplished. When I look to the future blessed hope I relish in looking beyond the bodily transformation into what God has prepared for us to do and to inherit for all eternity. Service to God and each other not only in the coming Millenium, but also in our future heavenly and eternal home. My hope is based on what's already accomplished.

Also, Sin has no power to destroy the work God has accomplished in me and all true believers. God has already taken his wrath off of me and all believers when He placed it upon Jesus at the cross. His resurrection and the sealing/indwelling of the Holy Spirit is what guarantees it.
Exactly! But I do want to hear how Hugh's explanation of the completion of our adoption in Heaven will bar Satan once and for all from Heaven and prove the invalidity of any Rapture theory other than the pre-Trib position. I am hoping his next post will deal with exactly that. It's the only reason I'm keeping going with this thread.
Yes, we are in agreement as to the three stages of our salvation which includes an adoption that has been begun, is binding now, but will reach it's fullness in Heaven. So now, brother, without any further preliminaries please explain what you have been building toward-- namely, what happens in Heaven at the moment God the Father completes our adoption.
Tomorrow. It's 5.25am here and I need to crash :)
It doesn't make sense to continue with such an important topic as Adoption under this heading so I am going to open a Bible Study for this.

Unfortunately they are upgrading the power lines in my area and I have an all night power cut so only an intro can be posted now. God willing I shall continue tomorrow.
The new thread on adoption in Heaven at the Rapture can be found here:

Exactly! But I do want to hear how Hugh's explanation of the completion of our adoption in Heaven will bar Satan once and for all from Heaven and prove the invalidity of any Rapture theory other than the pre-Trib position. I am hoping his next post will deal with exactly that. It's the only reason I'm keeping going with this thread.
Agreed, bottom line first so I have a place to hang the details later. Boil it down to the basics and the extra (and I do understand, important) other elements are added after the basics are comprehended. If details are given first, my poor brain spins rather uselessly trying to find a place to pin them.
Can you please explain this ...

we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons and daughters, the redemption of our body. 24For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? 25But if we hope for what we do not see, through perseverance we wait eagerly for it. Rom.8

Are we eagerly waiting for our adoption as sons and the redemption of our body or not?
I'll take a stab at it...

Romans 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
Romans 8:24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
Romans 8:25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

It has always puzzled me that some Christians say you are in the process of getting saved, when the bible says we are saved. Saved is a past tense word meaning it has already happened. So in Romans 8:24 and other scriptures it says we are saved, not will be saved. The confusion is with what we are and what we currently experience. Our salvation experience meaning a new body, no more sin and going to Heaven does not happen at salvation. However as you see in Romans 8:24 we are already saved.

The same is true with adoption. Let's say you want to adopt a child that has some medical problems. So you go through the process and adopt him. However, he must stay in the hospital for another month. Does the child belong to you now, or must you wait until he gets out of the hospital and in your home?

To answer your question, yes we are waiting to experience our adoption and new bodies but we are both saved and adopted now.