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Considering 2024 - Is The World Ripe For Rapture?

Let me just go on record and say I do believe that the Rapture will happen this year.

Not because of what anyone else says, but between the signs which we are told to look for which are all around us and just a feeling that I have. Now of course what I believe could be wrong, so I am not trying to convince anyone else to believe it. However if someone does already believe it like some other Christians I know, I just want them to know I believe it also.

I don't believe it as a fact though. So everyone please take what I have said with a grain of salt. Case in point, I just renewed my car registration yesterday for two years. Why not just one? Because as I have stated while I believe the Rapture will happen this year, I am not positive that it will.

Come Lord Jesus come!!! 🙏
So I posted the above in July stating that I believed that the Rapture would happen in 2024. I did not state a specific date, but a season I thought we were in. I also did not say I was a prophet or anything, just stated what as a Christian I believed. Obviously what I believed was incorrect. While I am sad as with all my trails I am anxious to go home, I am not depressed or swayed from the fact that the Rapture is close at hand.

Why did God allow me to believe the Rapture would happen in 2024? I don't claim to know but I will say that it helped me get through 2024 and it brought a friend of mind who was in a deep depression where they could not function recover to where they began sharing the Gospel. So while my incorrect belief might seem like a bad thing, God used it for good.

For anyone who would like to bash me for my incorrect belief, let me just say something similar to what Jesus said below.

John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

I will make the same point in a different way.
He who has not made a mistake feel free to make fun of me. LOL! 😂

What now? For me it is just to hope that the Rapture will happen in 2025. 👍

God Bless! 🙏
So I posted the above in July stating that I believed that the Rapture would happen in 2024. I did not state a specific date, but a season I thought we were in. I also did not say I was a prophet or anything, just stated what as a Christian I believed. Obviously what I believed was incorrect. While I am sad as with all my trails I am anxious to go home, I am not depressed or swayed from the fact that the Rapture is close at hand.

Why did God allow me to believe the Rapture would happen in 2024? I don't claim to know but I will say that it helped me get through 2024 and it brought a friend of mind who was in a deep depression where they could not function recover to where they began sharing the Gospel. So while my incorrect belief might seem like a bad thing, God used it for good.

For anyone who would like to bash me for my incorrect belief, let me just say something similar to what Jesus said below.

John 8:7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

I will make the same point in a different way.
He who has not made a mistake feel free to make fun of me. LOL! 😂

What now? For me it is just to hope that the Rapture will happen in 2025. 👍

God Bless! 🙏
I did think of you when I woke up this morning and chuckled a little. But only because I know that feeling. I am hoping on the rapture happening by 2026 because of everything I’ve been reading regarding the signs and because of the 7,000 year theory of history.

I may be wrong too and am just trusting that God will know the best time. I am planning to be wrong and preparing my life as if I will live past that time. Of course, God can take me home earlier.

Now we have more time to share the Gospel with those around us. May many more people be saved this year!!
Why did God allow me to believe the Rapture would happen in 2024?
This brings up a question I have. Did God allow you to believe the rapture would happen in 2024, or was it something you by yourself believed?

I have been there before when back in 2010, I was convinced the rapture would happen.

I stated this before, none of us when dealing with future prophecy are as smart as we often times think we are, especially me.

Let’s hope and pray this is the year we will finally be called home.
Regardless, it is very refreshing to know that God's promises are in full effect, giving grace and hope to the believer and mercy and compassion daily. The promise of His return is sure! Just remember "A bruised reed He will not break,
And smoking flax He will not quench;
He will bring forth justice for truth," Isa 42:3.
In the meantime, we enjoy Him here with us and in us. 🙂
Regardless, it is very refreshing to know that God's promises are in full effect, giving grace and hope to the believer and mercy and compassion daily. The promise of His return is sure! Just remember "A bruised reed He will not break,
And smoking flax He will not quench;
He will bring forth justice for truth," Isa 42:3.
so good to see you post again.
LOL. It seems I only post when I get time. I am way to busy. But whenever I get an urge to post, I will. I love all my brothers and sisters on this forum. I pray for blessings to all in the coming year as God's will provides, and maybe the greatest blessing will be Jesus coming withe the clouds in glory. God's will be done!
DeVory Darkins is a YouTube channel I find myself visiting often. His take are often beyond alt right news takes. He has a massive following to his no non-sense straight shooting wit and sobermindedness. If CCF became president of the United States, we should have DeVory in our cabinet. Great to see his context posted. Amen. Blessings.
This brings up a question I have. Did God allow you to believe the rapture would happen in 2024, or was it something you by yourself believed?

I have been there before when back in 2010, I was convinced the rapture would happen.

I stated this before, none of us when dealing with future prophecy are as smart as we often times think we are, especially me.

Let’s hope and pray this is the year we will finally be called home.
I would agree with your question and I don’t think God puts false beliefs in our minds. He lets us believe error as part of free will but it’s not God giving us those false thoughts.
This brings up a question I have. Did God allow you to believe the rapture would happen in 2024, or was it something you by yourself believed?

I have been there before when back in 2010, I was convinced the rapture would happen.

I stated this before, none of us when dealing with future prophecy are as smart as we often times think we are, especially me.

Let’s hope and pray this is the year we will finally be called home.
Great question Andy. There is actually a "Yes" God might. But its marginal and not central in my view.

For example, there are times when we might think something that ends up not being correct. But because of how we are thinking it, it provides assistance in other ways. The best example of this, for me, would be JD. Where it is no mystery I see things quite differently, I am glad of his stance on the vax. There are ways in which I have seen over the years that although JD does not see the jab as the mark of the beast, he sees it as a type.

Generically, I do not believe it is a type. Not in the conventional sense. Right now world knowledge doubles every 12 months. If we have the Internet of Things (IoT) up and running, it is projected to double every 24 hours. If true, when that happens, in 31 days world knowledge will have doubled 1 billion times in one month. If even a year of the tribulation is exposed to IoT -- what would technology look like after that? Would the world a year previous be able to relate? Would it not be something like the difference between the Dark Ages and 2017? I think all our projecting of what the mark of the beast (mob) might be can be helpful. But I don't believe we have any idea what we are talking about, personally.

Having said that, warning people that the vax is a type of the mob, I believe does have its place. Warning people not to take it (even if it might be through a measure of fantasy) is still good. Having people not take the vax helps. Even today, where some like yourself might not be too into JD's bringing up the vax frequently, it can still have good effect to nudge more and more away from it--and future versions of it. I believe JD has said previously that his belief that the mob will change our DNA. Making us unsavable. This "might" be correct. But, for me, I don't believe science will have the capability to undue what God interacts with in us. As He has created us in His image, to me, has more glory than the evils of science. Still, I would agree though that taking the mark of the beast would be game over for salvation. But not necessarily because of it changing our DNA. But if someone alive then gets that notion and it moved them away from mob consideration in anyway...it was good.

If we contrast two extremes, like JD's "the changes DNA" and John Macarthur's "I think you can take the mark and still be saved" take. Both I believe are in error. But JD's would be closer to truth in a practical way. So one question arises here, what does it mean for God to "allow."

In one sense this might mean "allow" any via free will. Or permit the possibility. Another way it could mean, did God cause or influence it specifically. Well you might be surprised on this answer I'd have. And to the degree it might be off, amen.

. . . . .

In 2017 I watched an entire year (night after night) of rapture dreams. As I was getting ready for bed I would play a YouTube video of another rapture dream someone had. So I heard quite a few of them for sure. By denominational upbringings, I am a cessationist. But I do believe that even though I would see the 1st century sign gifts have stopped, I do believe beyond that that God can do anything He wants. So I checked out rapture dreams for a while. After a while it began to be clear that America was not being EMPed. And many other ideas that came from dreams and seemed to have a familiar theme. Some dreamt the rapture would happen on their birthday. And then that day passed. It could always be a future birthday...but who knows. In any case, I was convinced that these hundreds of rapture dreams were not "dream dreams" biblically. Like people got supernatural revelation from God. Although there is this one I will share in the end that did stand out to me.

What seemed to be occurring though is that in some way it very much seemed that people were having very personal rapture dreams. So let's think about this. If the rapture is x number of years from then (2017). And Israel that year getting Jerusalem back (and Golan Heights also the year to follow), perhaps that year and timeframe is some form of end time marker (as it relates to Israeli activity...not as it relates to dreams). So if lets say the rapture occurs in 2026 or 2028 (years I would presume more likely), this would be within a decade of those YouTube rapture dreams. So, might there be a season where a lot of people get rapture dreams because the time is near? Possibly, yes. In that sense I would say perhaps a personal touch that God allows that is not equal to supernatural impression proper. But like a "seeing through a glass dimly" (1 Cor 13:12), for now potential event. This would also possibly mean that God might "permit" impressions (generic) upon His people that might categorically be dim glass views of some season approaching. For what purpose? Maybe for the purpose there I would not seem to be in concert with biblical supernatural revelation as much as a mere affording of God's moving in our days veiled. Now this of course can be very dangerous.

Because like remember there was this one guy that had a prophecy of Trump getting shot and coming to Christ? I don't know if you are aware of that one. But it was pretty well publicized. There were enough things off about it. And Trump did not come to Christ that we know of. So it seemed a lucky fringe guess. Plus the guy is NAR so its a sample in their camp to come as close to proximity as possible without being correct unfortunatley (that is my version of tongue-in-cheek). But in general, from my standpoint, I believe that God might permit some to have some sense of things. For me, I do believe their is some aspects of future leanings NAR might have a sense about. So right there you can see the danger with this view. I don't hold this view super strongly. I believe for the most part NAR is operating in the flesh and prophesy stuff all the time that is not real or true. I don't, for example, believe the guy prophesying about Trump getting shot was getting supernatural Intel. What I would see that as is God allowing Christianity as a whole to (this is not easy to say and it may be entirely incorrect...so I am saying this only as "a potential" existing in our day) consider our own views too about eschatology to be as out there as we might assign to NAR. That vibe though does not go over so well. lol. But it would be one way of understanding potential dynamics in our day. I believe there would be reasons for that. But it's rather nuanced and not necessary to bring up here. Much less how inaccurate it might all be. But in relation to your question, I believe God permitting personal dreams about a rapture season is likely more a movement of a benevolent Creator than how this sort of thing might reflect in a NAR environment. Because the personal loving touch of Him seems to well transcend the mystical vibes elsewhere kind of thing. If that makes sense?

So I guess I would say that if we felt the rapture might have been in 2024, it may not mean that God was not thinking of us (or you or anyone in particular) to be in permissive consideration of such a thing. Not that God would be in the business of planting false views. The way I am approaching this is from an entirely different POV. More like, God permitting a measure of sense upon our times though dimly. In our age we tend to be more dogmatic. If so and so has a bad teaching or thought something off about our times, we can tend not to trust them anymore. Kind of thing. Rather, I tend to be an equal opportunity disenfranchiser and try to look at it more from the standpoint that we are all wrong someone and I have not ran into anyone who has it altogether perfect. So, to me, its more a matter of degree. But in no wise do I pay attention to lets say like NAR teachers for insight. My only concern on that front would be like, "What do we do with some of its spill over." And I am only thinking that because some of my views seem to be some of theirs and I'm not exactly comfortable with that. So spill over in the sense of my backyard...lol...not necessarily anyone elses. So really like only in that sense. If that too makes any sense....lol.

. . . . .

Ok so now for the rapture dream that stood out to me from 2017. One thing that can tend to happen when searching for YouTube rapture dreams on the regular is that you also run into other videos that are not exactly about the rapture. One video I landed on and shared some of my own perspectives, actually responded to me. And I had no idea they also sent me an email. And that turned into like a 3 year correspondence that was priceless. In a different sort of way, I also stumbled across a video that did not seem to be so much about the rapture but kind of spooked me when I saw it. Because of my first seal view...which no one else on planet earth shares.

This woman said the following: I dreamt that there was this white horse that came to the window. It wanted in. So I let it in. It had no rider. It was huge and walked through the house benevolently. It came to the den and looked at me. Just starred. It seemed harmless. Then it folded its back legs. Then its front. And laid down in my den just staring. No malice. No urgency. Just calm. And like it was just...waiting.

So yeah, that is exactly not a rapture dream. But of course it spoke to my own leanings of the 1st seal that were kind of mind blowing to me in the day. The woman that had that dream had no idea what it might mean if it even had any meaning beyond being some random dream. She had no context or agenda by which to push this dream. But for true sake or false sake, it did speak volumes to me. I was wanting to share that somewhere for a while in our forum. But never really found any right venue. I thought this might be a reasonable place for such a thing. And I share this with full and severe prejedice against my own views on the 1st seal. Not by means of selling it. Just sharing a slice of life in the day of someone who may be very confused. lol.

But all in all, I do believe that even if something is not correct, God may permit us to lean in a direction as it may serve a greater purpose we have no idea of. But I also agree with you @Cheeky200386 in that God is not in the false idea planting business. We see He might with unbelievers like Gog. But it would seem to be limited to unbelief. Not an ingredient for those who do believe, I reckon. Blessings. & HAPPY NEW YEAR :) 2025 WOOOHOOO :)
DeVory Darkins is a YouTube channel I find myself visiting often. His take are often beyond alt right news takes. He has a massive following to his no non-sense straight shooting wit and sobermindedness. If CCF became president of the United States, we should have DeVory in our cabinet. Great to see his context posted. Amen. Blessings.
Yeah he's.a.regular of mine thay i view if i wanna check American politics, officer tatum is another one too.