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Considering 2024 - Is The World Ripe For Rapture?


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
* Warning, Warning Will Robinson *

Ok, I guess I am showing my age. LOL! 😂

This video was posted on another Christian Forum by someone. I know absolutely nothing about this guy, but for some reason I was led to watch his whole video. I almost never, ever watch a long video of someone I don't already trust, but I watched the whole thing. I was constantly looking for anything he stated that was not biblical, but could not fine it. I actually agree with what he stated as fact and the possibility of what he thinks might happen. In any case, I thought I would share it and get your thoughts.

* Warning, Warning Will Robinson *

Ok, I guess I am showing my age. LOL! 😂

This video was posted on another Christian Forum by someone. I know absolutely nothing about this guy, but for some reason I was led to watch his whole video. I almost never, ever watch a long video of someone I don't already trust, but I watched the whole thing. I was constantly looking for anything he stated that was not biblical, but could not fine it. I actually agreed with what he stated as fact and the possibility of what he thinks might happen. In any case, I thought I would share it and get your thoughts.

I will watch this later because I have liked some of his previous ones, especially when he has Pete Garcia as a guset.
* Warning, Warning Will Robinson *

Ok, I guess I am showing my age. LOL! 😂

This video was posted on another Christian Forum by someone. I know absolutely nothing about this guy, but for some reason I was led to watch his whole video. I almost never, ever watch a long video of someone I don't already trust, but I watched the whole thing. I was constantly looking for anything he stated that was not biblical, but could not fine it. I actually agree with what he stated as fact and the possibility of what he thinks might happen. In any case, I thought I would share it and get your thoughts.

I'm familiar with Tyler. Pete Garcia and he are tight.
I only have one issue with Tyler and that is that he is a date setter.
He sees world events and ties them to Bible prophecy and not Bible prophecy tied to world events.
He and others who are in his circle typically believe the Jewish feasts or calculations of dates to come to a date for the rapture are what to watch for.
Every year he says a coming feast is the day of the rapture and that feast comes and goes and no rapture. That can discourage some especially if weak in the faith.
I love him as a brother in Christ but I don't agree with his methods of pinning down rapture dates.
High watch times are every day but to him a world event is a High watch time.
Sorry for my input if it offended anyone because that's not my intent.
Every person that sets a date for the Rapture which doesn't come true, is a false prophet in my book.
Never to be trusted again.
Some of those date-setters wised up and nowadays euphemistically call it High Watch Dates.
But it's the same spiel. Only without having to apologise afterwards.
Onwards and upwards (no pun) to a new High Watch Date...
I'm familiar with Tyler. Pete Garcia and he are tight.
I only have one issue with Tyler and that is that he is a date setter.
He sees world events and ties them to Bible prophecy and not Bible prophecy tied to world events.
He and others who are in his circle typically believe the Jewish feasts or calculations of dates to come to a date for the rapture are what to watch for.
Every year he says a coming feast is the day of the rapture and that feast comes and goes and no rapture. That can discourage some especially if weak in the faith.
I love him as a brother in Christ but I don't agree with his methods of pinning down rapture dates.
High watch times are every day but to him a world event is a High watch time.
Sorry for my input if it offended anyone because that's not my intent.
I am not familiar with Tyler. Has he actually stated a date for the Rapture before, or has he just said that is what he expected like the video I watched? 🤔
I am not familiar with Tyler. Has he actually stated a date for the Rapture before, or has he just said that is what he expected like the video I watched? 🤔
Not actual date by month day and year. He looks at events and then points to them as a High Watch for the Rapture to happen.
He also claims that the Rapture is tied to New Wine so the time of the Harvest for wine making is also a High Watch as well as well as the Day of Pentacost being a Day for the Rapture.
Bible prophecy teachers like Lee Brainard have corrected those views biblically and it's caused division in the prophecy circles from what I have seen in the chats on YouTube.
Not actual date by month day and year. He looks at events and then points to them as a High Watch for the Rapture to happen.
He also claims that the Rapture is tied to New Wine so the time of the Harvest for wine making is also a High Watch as well as well as the Day of Pentacost being a Day for the Rapture.
Bible prophecy teachers like Lee Brainard have corrected those views biblically and it's caused division in the prophecy circles from what I have seen in the chats on YouTube.
Thanks for the response! 😊

For me there is a big difference between saying what you expect or hope for and actually saying an exact date of the Rapture. I actually believe there are enough signs to expect the Rapture to happen this year. I am not saying that it will happen this year, but I kind of believe it will. That is not me being a Prophet or making a prediction, just stating what I think based on the signs. The Bible does tells us to look for the signs which is what I am doing.

I am not at all defending Tyler as I have said, I know nothing about him. I just would not group him in with those who set a date as a fact. Tyler even says on the video I watched that if the Rapture does not happen this year that we should not worry as God will take care of us. So he is not stating that the Rapture will happen this year, just that is what he expects and hopes for.

Those are my thought anyway. :noidea:
Not actual date by month day and year. He looks at events and then points to them as a High Watch for the Rapture to happen.
He also claims that the Rapture is tied to New Wine so the time of the Harvest for wine making is also a High Watch as well as well as the Day of Pentacost being a Day for the Rapture.
Bible prophecy teachers like Lee Brainard have corrected those views biblically and it's caused division in the prophecy circles from what I have seen in the chats on YouTube.
Tyler was certain that the meeting with the UN last September was the signing of the covenant with many of Daniel 9:27. Lee Brainard made this video below to correct the teaching that Tyler was making on his videos.

"Covenant with Many" (Dan. 9:27) → Summer 2023 Rapture?

I feel badly for those who point to things as being the time of the Rapture because I am sure some mean well out of excited over going home. But I also feel badly for those who believe and wait for that specific event and the Rapture didn't happen.
Tyler believes that Jesus words that no one knows the day or the hour isn't so anymore and points to Daniel 12 that says in the time of the end knowledge will increase, and the wise will understand.
I'm familiar with Tyler. Pete Garcia and he are tight.
I only have one issue with Tyler and that is that he is a date setter.
He sees world events and ties them to Bible prophecy and not Bible prophecy tied to world events.
He and others who are in his circle typically believe the Jewish feasts or calculations of dates to come to a date for the rapture are what to watch for.
Every year he says a coming feast is the day of the rapture and that feast comes and goes and no rapture. That can discourage some especially if weak in the faith.
I love him as a brother in Christ but I don't agree with his methods of pinning down rapture dates.
High watch times are every day but to him a world event is a High watch time.
Sorry for my input if it offended anyone because that's not my intent.
I have never heard him date set, but does put heavy emphasis in this being the final season.
Thanks for the response! 😊

For me there is a big difference between saying what you expect or hope for and actually saying an exact date of the Rapture. I actually believe there are enough signs to expect the Rapture to happen this year. I am not saying that it will happen this year, but I kind of believe it will. That is not me being a Prophet or making a prediction, just stating what I think based on the signs. The Bible does tells us to look for the signs which is what I am doing.

I am not at all defending Tyler as I have said, I know nothing about him. I just would not group him in with those who set a date as a fact. Tyler even says on the video I watched that if the Rapture does not happen this year that we should not worry as God will take care of us. So he is not stating that the Rapture will happen this year, just that is what he expects and hopes for.

Those are my thought anyway. :noidea:
No worries. There is enough evidence that the rapture is soon close we can almost touch Jesus coming on the clouds. Mature Believers don't put too much into what isn't clear in Scripture and trust in The Lord that when the time comes we Will know.
I have never heard him date set, but does put heavy emphasis in this being the final season.
He specifically has pointed to every year for the coming day of Pentacost being the time of the rapture. Every year putting it as a High Watch date.
When he said that UN meeting in September of last year was the signing of the covenant, he was sure of it and everyone was all excited because the rapture was going to happen before that meeting
Like I said. It's my opinion and don't mean to offend anyone.
No one has to agree.
He specifically has pointed to every year for the coming day of Pentacost being the time of the rapture. Every year putting it as a High Watch date.
When he said that UN meeting in September of last year was the signing of the covenant, he was sure of it and everyone was all excited because the rapture was going to happen before that meeting
Like I said. It's my opinion and don't mean to offend anyone.
No one has to agree.
Yes, in the few videos I have watched through to the end, he does heavily imply this is it, but he also makes sure he says he is not a prophet, these are just his thoughts based on how he views certain scriptures.
He specifically has pointed to every year for the coming day of Pentacost being the time of the rapture. Every year putting it as a High Watch date.
When he said that UN meeting in September of last year was the signing of the covenant, he was sure of it and everyone was all excited because the rapture was going to happen before that meeting
Like I said. It's my opinion and don't mean to offend anyone.
No one has to agree.
I also agree he seems to be wrong in some scriptures he tries to tie to end times. But, like most of us, its his opionion, which I disagree with on some points. However, he does make me think.
Tyler was certain that the meeting with the UN last September was the signing of the covenant with many of Daniel 9:27.
What Tyler himself believed and what he tells people as a fact are two different things. I at one time believed the Rapture would happen in 1988, however I never told anyone that it would happen then as a fact. So to be clear I am wondering if Tyler stated as a fact that last September was the signing of the covenant with many of Daniel 9:27 or did he just say that is what he believed? 🤔

For me many people believe different things and some of what everyone believes is wrong as we are not perfect. So I don't have a problem if someone is wrong about what they believe unless that state it as a fact. If they state something as a fact and are wrong, then I will lose trust in what they say.
Yes, in the few videos I have watched through to the end, he does heavily imply this is it, but he also makes sure he says he is not a prophet, these are just his thoughts based on how he views certain scriptures.
That's true but he still implies certain specific things when the rapture will happen.
We don't know when it will happen. Only by the signs written in scripture Jesus gave in respect to His second coming is all we have to go by because the rapture is imminent
What Tyler himself believed and what he tells people as a fact are two different things. I at one time believed the Rapture would happen in 1988, however I never told anyone that it would happen then as a fact. So to be clear I am wondering if Tyler stated as a fact that last September was the signing of the covenant with many of Daniel 9:27 or did he just say that is what he believed? 🤔

For me many people believe different things and some of what everyone believes is wrong as we are not perfect. So I don't have a problem if someone is wrong about what they believe unless that state it as a fact. If they state something as a fact and are wrong, then I will lose trust in what they say.
I just gave my opinion on his method of teaching.
No one has to agree