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Axios Reports Biden Will Leave the Presidential Race As Soon As This Weekend

The mounting pressure from several close friends and congressional leaders will persuade President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race as soon as this weekend, several top Democrats told Axios.

The outlet noted that privately, Biden “resigned to mounting pressure, bad polls, and untenable scrutiny making it impossible to continue his campaign,” a Democratic source said. Top leaders of the party, his friends, and donors believe that Biden does not have a shot at winning and “can’t change public perceptions of his age and acuity” (via Axios):

"The president is being told that if he stays in, former President Trump could win in a landslide and wipe away Biden's legacy and Democrats' hopes in November.

Democrats fully expect polls after the Republican National Convention to show a possible blowout that could bring down Democrats in Congress, too."


President Trump could win in a landslide and wipe away Biden's legacy

If diben's legacy got wiped away that would be a favor both to diben and to the country.

I can't imagine Americans voting for four more years of what we've been living through but I believe somewhere between 30 and 50% of voters have been successfully brainwashed to believe everything the lamestream media and the Deep State tells them... so it'll probably be close no matter who ends up running on the demonrat ticket.