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How Democrats Plan to Oust Joe Biden

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) will hold a behind-closed-door meeting with top Democrats on House committees to discuss President Joe Biden’s 2024 prospects.

As Congress returns to session next week, Jeffries plans to gather top-ranking House Democrats as Biden refuses to listen to his colleagues who are urging him to drop out of the race.

On Sunday at 2 p.m., Jeffries will discuss Biden’s ailing health and the Democratic Party’s reality that the 81-year-old president will cost them the election in November.


ABC just broke the programming!!!
He was just rambling on about having “brought 50 nations…that’s five zero…into NATO”
They suddenly cut to commercial.
***EDIT because listening to him is making ME confused, haha! He said he got 50 nations to support Ukraine…not brought them into NATO. My bad. But he’s still a mess 🫤
I was listening to JB Hixson on the topic of the election and he was talking about the various pressure groups including the Luciferians, the globalists and what they all want and it's not all the same thing. Some want Biden to stay to finish killing off America, others don't want him because they have other agendas. It was interesting.
:cry: Poor President Biden :cry:
I wish someone cared enough and had enough compassion to get him home to his family so he can enjoy whatever lucid time he has left with them in surroundings he probably knows and loves. This would be a great kindness, instead of letting him continue embarrassing himself (and the country), and instead of providing more ammunition for mandatory retirement age laws, regulations, ageism, etc.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
:cry: Poor President Biden :cry:
I wish someone cared enough and had enough compassion to get him home to his family so he can enjoy whatever lucid time he has left with them in surroundings he probably knows and loves. This would be a great kindness, instead of letting him continue embarrassing himself (and the country), and instead of providing more ammunition for mandatory retirement age laws, regulations, ageism, etc.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
It would. And it is sad. Especially on the part of his wife.

I have to wonder though. I wonder if all this is a result of his sowing such rotten seeds throughout his years in power and he is now reaping it in this fashion.
:cry: Poor President Biden :cry:
I wish someone cared enough and had enough compassion to get him home to his family so he can enjoy whatever lucid time he has left with them in surroundings he probably knows and loves. This would be a great kindness, instead of letting him continue embarrassing himself (and the country), and instead of providing more ammunition for mandatory retirement age laws, regulations, ageism, etc.

I think he belongs in prison. He certainly doesn't belong in the oval office.
I think he belongs in prison. He certainly doesn't belong in the oval office.

I feel bad for him as an elderly human being. Maybe just having gone through caregiving for my Parents and seeing how Dad (senility) and Mom (dementia) deteriorated makes me understand/feel how sad it really is, and that someone should have showed kindness and intervened a long time ago.

President Biden hasn't had the cognitive abilities to carry out the Office for a long time.
Especially the nuclear football part.
I hope there's an ever-present nanny for that, at least :tap:
I feel bad for him as an elderly human being. Maybe just having gone through caregiving for my Parents and seeing how Dad (senility) and Mom (dementia) deteriorated makes me understand/feel how sad it really is, and that someone should have showed kindness and intervened a long time ago.

President Biden hasn't had the cognitive abilities to carry out the Office for a long time.
Especially the nuclear football part.
I hope there's an ever-present nanny for that, at least :tap:
I agree, he is very pitiful. Even though I also agree with Amethyst that he is reaping what he has sown in his life.
I feel badly sometimes actually, even making fun and laughing at him, because I don’t want people to think I’m laughing at dementia. People with dementia deserve compassion. What we are all laughing at, is the fact that he is the (supposed) leader of the free world in this condition. Actually, I have to laugh sometimes or I would be so upset all the time.