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Watch Election Results On C-Span

Brandon was saying that he's finding more non believers seem to be realising that the world isn't.right compared to the majority of the church!
Hello! Sadly going to church doesn't mean someone is a born again Christian, it just means they go to church. In the last days I think more and more churches will be the blind leading the blind into a pit, leaders trying to sell one worldly philosophy after another. God Bless :)
Not President elect Trump related but I was disheartened to learn in our generally red state of Missouri, Amendment 3 passed which will again allow abortions in our state. Apparently the first state to have the ban overturned since the S.C. ruling and sadly it won't be the last.😢
The people of this great nation have common values as Americans, despite having differing approaches to achieving those ideals.

With regards to the people; half of the country is embracing socialism and big govmint, while the other half desires the meritocracy that America has been accustomed to, along with less intrusive and smaller govmint. Meanwhile, a significant number of politicians are working to hand the USA over to a globalist cabal. If a politician isn't onboard with that when they get to D.C., in most cases it doesn't take too long before they are convinced to hop on that train which proves to be quite lucrative to them.
With regards to the people; half of the country is embracing socialism and big govmint, while the other half desires the meritocracy that America has been accustomed to, along with less intrusive and smaller govmint. Meanwhile, a significant number of politicians are working to hand the USA over to a globalist cabal. If a politician isn't onboard with that when they get to D.C., in most cases it doesn't take too long before they are convinced to hop on that train which proves to be quite lucrative to them.
Wyoming had the highest percent of votes for Trump with 71.6 percent of state votes cast for Trump.

Here is a list of how each state voted - some votes are still being counted

With regards to the people; half of the country is embracing socialism and big govmint, while the other half desires the meritocracy that America has been accustomed to, along with less intrusive and smaller govmint. Meanwhile, a significant number of politicians are working to hand the USA over to a globalist cabal. If a politician isn't onboard with that when they get to D.C., in most cases it doesn't take too long before they are convinced to hop on that train which proves to be quite lucrative to them.
Convinced either by hook or by crook.