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Trump suggests US could be ‘associate member’ of British Commonwealth: ‘I love King Charles’

WASHINGTON — President Trump reacted warmly Friday to a report that the US could be offered “associate membership” in the British Commonwealth.

“I Love King Charles. Sounds good to me!” the president wrote on Truth Social, linking to a report by the Sun that a proposal could be made by the monarch when Trump makes a state visit to the UK later this year.

The Commonwealth of Nations, established in 1926, has 56 member states, the vast majority of which are former colonies of the British Empire.

The US unilaterally declaring independence from Britain in 1776, and securing its independence via the Treaty of Paris seven years later following a bloody war, would not be an obstacle to membership.

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It is cool to consider Trump as the last Trump. I am more and more convinced we are out of here by the end of 2026. I just can’t see my kids growing up nor much of a future here because of the rapid speed things are happening. The sense of urgency I’m feeling is getting more and more intense each day to get the Gospel out.

I want to plead with my lost loved ones but they only scoff and it’s awful to imagine them staying behind. The desire to fast and pray more has been on my mind as well. I believe this is it everyone. Our time is almost done.
You are planting seeds Cheeky, prayer waters those seeds. Whether they sprout before or after the Rapture, it's God who brings in that harvest. I'm in the same boat. Some of my family are still open to hear from me but others are shut tight against it. I take the openings when they happen, and I don't try to force my way in if that door is shut. but I'm always praying for their salvation.
I don't believe in coincidences.

God has a sense of humor :lol:

President Trump is named Trump for some reason.

The last shofar blast this Passover is the evening of Resurrection Day, which all Christians will be celebrating at the same time (often doesn't happen due to differences in calculating when Resurrection Sunday is to be celebrated).

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
There are no coincidences- only the pattern of history that God showed us bits of in advance. When we see a "coincidence" it's there for a reason. It might not be something we need to concern ourselves with, but it might be a signpost to another person.
Just thought of yet another reason why this can't happen (legally)

The monarch of Britain is the State head of the Church of England and has sworn allegiance to the Presbyterian Church of Scotland.

Church of England is the official State religion, which makes it so throughout the Commonwealth (regardless of what the former colonies claim, think, or do).

This would violate the First Amendment if the US were to join.

At least right now, the State religion is Christian. But what if the reigning monarch became a muslim and blew off the Scots and COE, and he or she wasn't removed? Or if England capitulated and officially became muslim? Either scenario would make islam the legal official religion throughout the Commonwealth, including here :apost: :ban: This would give the muslims legal grounds to impose sharia if there were a precedent that the Constitution was below Brit rule (or perhaps this would be the SCOTUS case that would establish it) :apost: :ban: The muslims wouldn't wait to start imposing sharia officially, or at least socially, after getting either the SCOTUS ruling or EO :furious: :mad: :apost: :ban:
I am not a cessationist, but agree with you 100%…someone declaring that they are, or alluding to or even behaving as if they believe they hold the office of a prophet… personally I stay at least 100 yards away.

Agree. I don’t believe that we will know his identity because we would be too outspoken about it. He is going to do the wolf in sheep’s clothing thing…duping this world.
Amen. For those who think we could know (and I don't entirely rule that out), I would ask them, "Then who is the AC being revealed to? The church? The world won't recognize him. But sure, new believers might. But the way I understand 2 Thes 2 is AC being revealed at the midpoint. Not when he first arrived. Those passages as how they are put togther, to me, infers the time when he comes with supernatural lying wonders. Something I believe occurs after the beast from the pit in Rev 9 grants AC power to kill the two witnesses Actually God grants, but the power to do kill the two witnesses comes from the beast from the pit.

So because of the way those too elements line up, it would appear that both the revealing of AC and the removal of the restrainer is a tribulation event. Not an age of grace one. But its almost unanimous that the revealing and the removal of the restrainer are age of grace bordering the beginning of the tribulation events. I know it is classicaly understood that the church removal is the restrainer taken out of the way. However, it would seem if so, it might be the miniature golf version of sorts of what more so takes place at the midpoint. For the most part most of the church would be sensing these things not in reference to the midpoint.

But I very much agree with your point, that the AC would have a hard time getting started with the church around...lol. Blessings.
Just thought of yet another reason why this can't happen (legally)

The monarch of Britain is the State head of the Church of England and has sworn allegiance to the Presbyterian Church of Scotland.

Church of England is the official State religion, which makes it so throughout the Commonwealth (regardless of what the former colonies claim, think, or do).

This would violate the First Amendment if the US were to join.

At least right now, the State religion is Christian. But what if the reigning monarch became a muslim and blew off the Scots and COE, and he or she wasn't removed? Or if England capitulated and officially became muslim? Either scenario would make islam the legal official religion throughout the Commonwealth, including here :apost: :ban: This would give the muslims legal grounds to impose sharia if there were a precedent that the Constitution was below Brit rule (or perhaps this would be the SCOTUS case that would establish it) :apost: :ban: The muslims wouldn't wait to start imposing sharia officially, or at least socially, after getting either the SCOTUS ruling or EO :furious: :mad: :apost: :ban:
This makes me laugh to consider. Trump rolls into town changing this, changing that. Making a big rukus. Tripplying down all over the place. Like no-one has seen before. Then one unusual day he stubs his big toe on Engleand and gets owned...ooops. Lol. That is way to funny...lol. Thanks for the laugh :)
Here is a UK Constitutional Commonwealth Law Expert from Britain speaking to this rumour. - YouTube

He tactfully says, it's not going ahead.

Reasons given by this legal expert on Commonwealth Law:

1 For any new member to join, this has to have a consensus of the other members. If any member is in trouble due to a potential member, that application would not be allowed further.

2 The members who retain King Charles as their monarch in their separate countries hold more weight. That would be Australia, Canada and New Zealand and several other places around the world.

Since Trump is on record threatening to annex Canada AND questioning the legality of the borders between Canada and the US this would automatically invoke the British Crown if any type of annexation or border dispute arose.

While Trump may feel warm and fuzzy about King Charles and being back under the monarchy, that feeling is not mutual as several of the very subtle Royal clues show. Charles is not allowed to hold political opinions, but he can telegraph his feelings quite well within those constraints. He's been showing several signs and indicators that he is well aware of the problems Canada is having with Trump. This legal expert on Commonwealth law lists several he's noticed.
What part of the border is President Trump questioning/challenging?

He needs to leave Minnesota's borders with Canada alone :tap:
and Wisconsin, UP, Great Lakes, etc. :tap:
It's the whole border- he calls it an artificially drawn line (which is actually true- any border is an artificially drawn line, but the legal basis has been hammered out successfully over hundreds of years, and often takes geography into consideration) but it's part of his talking points on making Canada the 51st State.

Here he is on his plan to acquire Canada- - YouTube in which he rules out an armed invasion in favour of economic takeover.

on the border - YouTube

during his meeting with Mark Rutte the NATO head in Europe, when Trump brings up annexation of Greenland and Canada

He's had a couple of interesting things to say about his like for the Liberal leader Mark Carney, and his dislike for Pierre Poilievre who is the Conservative running for office of Prime Minister. - YouTube

If he's serious about his economic destabilization plan to bring Canada to her knees for annexation, then support of the Liberals is a good move, because Carney is WEF and will weaken Canada further.

Poilievre is basically a MAGA Canada guy- whose economic policies ought to be to Trump's liking, but those policies will continue to get us out of debt- find new trading partners and spend our share of NATO plus fund our armed forces in line with what Trump says he wants. But we would then be less easy to take over as this 51st State. It's odd that Trump doesn't want a fellow conservative who agrees with him about drugs, migrants, and wants to build our domestic economies. Very odd.

I get that he doesn't like Trudeau. Most of Canada would have agreed with him before the trade war.

We got the joke about the "governor" except Trump continues to call our Prime Minister "governor" - Not Prime Minister which he is able to call Netanyahu. He keeps calling our highest office, our head of govt, a governor, which is your States leaders designation.

Does he joke like that with Israel? Is Netanyahu called governor? Never! Because it would be disrespectful.

A joke became an insult and that insult is being repeated every single time he mentions the office of Prime Minister.

As for his numbers, these are greatly overstated, and the deficit is all but eliminated if we take out the oil we send south at a discount. I could argue each point but no pun intended, what would be the point? He is the American President, America is 10 times our size in population, and we don't exactly have any tribunal to argue our case to. Even Fox news has questioned Trump's numbers and suggested much lower figures, but they are brushed aside, and right now being against Trump is a career killer.

It's a mess.

Prayer for our leaders is necessary.

God keeps score. He knows.

Where we have been truly in the wrong, God will deal with that. And we have much blood on our consciences- from aborted babies, to the MAID suicide on demand program. Nor have we stood for Israel. Where we are unjustly accused, God will deal with that too, in HIS time, in HIS way.

We are in the time when we should see the beginnings of a shift towards the 10 kings. Maybe I'm wrong and it's a ways yet to go before that.

At some point whether before or after the Rapture, Canada will be toast as a sovereign nation.

Whether it's under Trump or the Antichrist that the final fatal blow happens, it will happen. I am resigned to it. I belong to God's kingdom, not one down here.

My husband lies in ashes, my country is dissolving into ashes. It's best to keep that in mind actually.

Remember whose kingdom we belong to. Remember that everything we have, everything we hold dear is to be held lightly- and yeilded to God instantly should He require it.

Never love anything or anyone more than Christ.

Easier said than done, and God may loosen our grip on this life, our countries, our families, our homes, our way of life, --all of that might be taken away. Hold it lightly before Him.

We belong to the kingdom of heaven, God's kingdom.

My life is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, (best Prime Minister, or President) but wholly lean on Jesus name.

Judgment is coming for all the nations. And for individuals.

Each of us will answer to Christ, whether small or great, whether a great leader or an ordinary citizen.

It's best if we can plead the blood of Christ, because none of us are without sin, we have all fallen short. If we can't plead the blood of Christ because we never got saved, there is the certain future of hell before us.

Nations will be dealt with in the Tribulation, and that is coming soon - the Rapture is even sooner.

The real king is coming. And King Charles, President Trump, all the leaders, whether kings or mere elected officials will bow their knee to this King. Many will fall into hell. Only those who believe in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour will survive.

Better to love King Jesus than King Charles.

All hail King Jesus.