What part of the border is President Trump questioning/challenging?
He needs to leave Minnesota's border
s with Canada alone

and Wisconsin, UP, Great Lakes, etc.
It's the whole border- he calls it an artificially drawn line (which is actually true- any border is an artificially drawn line, but the legal basis has been hammered out successfully over hundreds of years, and often takes geography into consideration) but it's part of his talking points on making Canada the 51st State.
Here he is on his plan to acquire Canada-
- YouTube in which he rules out an armed invasion in favour of economic takeover.
on the border
- YouTube
during his meeting with Mark Rutte the NATO head in Europe, when Trump brings up annexation of Greenland and Canada
He's had a couple of interesting things to say about his like for the Liberal leader Mark Carney, and his dislike for Pierre Poilievre who is the Conservative running for office of Prime Minister.
- YouTube
If he's serious about his economic destabilization plan to bring Canada to her knees for annexation, then support of the Liberals is a good move, because Carney is WEF and will weaken Canada further.
Poilievre is basically a MAGA Canada guy- whose economic policies ought to be to Trump's liking, but those policies will continue to get us out of debt- find new trading partners and spend our share of NATO plus fund our armed forces in line with what Trump says he wants. But we would then be less easy to take over as this 51st State. It's odd that Trump doesn't want a fellow conservative who agrees with him about drugs, migrants, and wants to build our domestic economies. Very odd.
I get that he doesn't like Trudeau. Most of Canada would have agreed with him before the trade war.
We got the joke about the "governor" except Trump continues to call our Prime Minister "governor" - Not Prime Minister which he is able to call Netanyahu. He keeps calling our highest office, our head of govt, a governor, which is your States leaders designation.
Does he joke like that with Israel? Is Netanyahu called governor? Never! Because it would be disrespectful.
A joke became an insult and that insult is being repeated every single time he mentions the office of Prime Minister.
As for his numbers, these are greatly overstated, and the deficit is all but eliminated if we take out the oil we send south at a discount. I could argue each point but no pun intended, what would be the point? He is the American President, America is 10 times our size in population, and we don't exactly have any tribunal to argue our case to. Even Fox news has questioned Trump's numbers and suggested much lower figures, but they are brushed aside, and right now being against Trump is a career killer.
It's a mess.
Prayer for our leaders is necessary.
God keeps score. He knows.
Where we have been truly in the wrong, God will deal with that. And we have much blood on our consciences- from aborted babies, to the MAID suicide on demand program. Nor have we stood for Israel. Where we are unjustly accused, God will deal with that too, in HIS time, in HIS way.
We are in the time when we should see the beginnings of a shift towards the 10 kings. Maybe I'm wrong and it's a ways yet to go before that.
At some point whether before or after the Rapture, Canada will be toast as a sovereign nation.
Whether it's under Trump or the Antichrist that the final fatal blow happens, it will happen. I am resigned to it. I belong to God's kingdom, not one down here.
My husband lies in ashes, my country is dissolving into ashes. It's best to keep that in mind actually.
Remember whose kingdom we belong to. Remember that everything we have, everything we hold dear is to be held lightly- and yeilded to God instantly should He require it.
Never love anything or anyone more than Christ.
Easier said than done, and God may loosen our grip on this life, our countries, our families, our homes, our way of life, --all of that might be taken away. Hold it lightly before Him.
We belong to the kingdom of heaven, God's kingdom.
My life is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, (best Prime Minister, or President) but wholly lean on Jesus name.
Judgment is coming for all the nations. And for individuals.
Each of us will answer to Christ, whether small or great, whether a great leader or an ordinary citizen.
It's best if we can plead the blood of Christ, because none of us are without sin, we have all fallen short. If we can't plead the blood of Christ because we never got saved, there is the certain future of hell before us.
Nations will be dealt with in the Tribulation, and that is coming soon - the Rapture is even sooner.
The real king is coming. And King Charles, President Trump, all the leaders, whether kings or mere elected officials will bow their knee to this King. Many will fall into hell. Only those who believe in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour will survive.
Better to love King Jesus than King Charles.
All hail King Jesus.