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Trump suggests US could be ‘associate member’ of British Commonwealth: ‘I love King Charles’

WASHINGTON — President Trump reacted warmly Friday to a report that the US could be offered “associate membership” in the British Commonwealth.

“I Love King Charles. Sounds good to me!” the president wrote on Truth Social, linking to a report by the Sun that a proposal could be made by the monarch when Trump makes a state visit to the UK later this year.

The Commonwealth of Nations, established in 1926, has 56 member states, the vast majority of which are former colonies of the British Empire.

The US unilaterally declaring independence from Britain in 1776, and securing its independence via the Treaty of Paris seven years later following a bloody war, would not be an obstacle to membership.

Complete Article:

Trump reveres our Constitution and especially George Washington so I would find it hard to believe he would want to give over our sovereignty.
He does. But he's also done a few questionable things that are not really constitutional.
For example, in his first term, he had his "faith advisors, and that was fine.
But this time he's actually established a Faith Office as part of government, "to uphold religious freedom", he said.
But to establish an actual faith office in government is like government establishing religion into the government. Whether it's a specific religion or various religions. A faith office as part of government is unconstitutional by the establishment clause that government shall not establish religion within the government while giving the right to practice our faith freely.
I hope I explained this so it's understood why it's problematic.
Maybe he isn't intending on using the faith office as an established religion but just having a specific office in government that is meant for upholding religious freedom isn't constitutional and unnecessary since we have the first amendment and the Judicial branch for that purpose.
Yes he is doing things like that, but I also dont believe executive orders are technically constitutional but other Presidents already set those precedents--He is trying to reverse hard course. He also trying to eliminate some offices that shouldn't have been there. He knows he has only really 2 years to try to change a lot and fast.

My only point is that the foundation of our sovereignty is what he reveres. I don't believe he ever would have run for POTUS if he didn't feel that way. 40+ years of consistent interviews attest to that.
Not at all to say that he can't inadvertently create unintended consequences at all, only that wouldn't be his intention.
And that isn't to say Trump has God's wisdom (ie Paula White)

But what God is up to I don't know...
He does. But he's also done a few questionable things that are not really constitutional.
For example, in his first term, he had his "faith advisors, and that was fine.
But this time he's actually established a Faith Office as part of government, "to uphold religious freedom", he said.
But to establish an actual faith office in government is like government establishing religion into the government. Whether it's a specific religion or various religions. A faith office as part of government is unconstitutional by the establishment clause that government shall not establish religion within the government while giving the right to practice our faith freely.
I hope I explained this so it's understood why it's problematic.
Maybe he isn't intending on using the faith office as an established religion but just having a specific office in government that is meant for upholding religious freedom isn't constitutional and unnecessary since we have the first amendment and the Judicial branch for that purpose.
I am posting this to have an understanding of what The Faith Office is for and shows that it is Part of The White House Executive Offices. It's lengthy but it's here, for anyone who wants to know clearly what this Faith Office is and the constitutional concerns with it.

From the White House website.....

Presidential Actions

Establishment of The White House Faith Office

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to assist faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship in their efforts to strengthen American families, promote work and self-sufficiency, and protect religious liberty, it is hereby ordered:

Section 1. Policy. Faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship have tremendous ability to serve individuals, families, and communities through means that are different from those of government and with capacity and effectiveness that often exceeds that of government. These organizations lift people up, keep families strong, and solve problems at the local level. The executive branch wants faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to compete on a level playing field for grants, contracts, programs, and other Federal funding opportunities. The efforts of faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship are essential to strengthening families and revitalizing communities, and the Federal Government welcomes opportunities to partner with such organizations through innovative, measurable, and outcome-driven initiatives.
The executive branch is committed to ensuring that all executive departments and agencies (agencies) honor and enforce the Constitution’s guarantee of religious liberty and to ending any form of religious discrimination by the Federal Government.

Sec. 2. Amendments to Executive Orders. (a) Executive Order 13198 of January 29, 2001 (Agency Responsibilities With Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives); Executive Order 13279 of December 12, 2002 (Equal Protection of the Laws for Faith-Based and Community Organizations), as amended by Executive Order 13559 of November 17, 2010 (Fundamental Principles and Policymaking Criteria for Partnerships With Faith-Based and Other Neighborhood Organizations); Executive Order 13280 of December 12, 2002 (Responsibilities of the Department of Agriculture and the Agency for International Development With Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives); Executive Order 13342 of June 1, 2004 (Responsibilities of the Departments of Commerce and Veterans Affairs and the Small Business Administration With Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives); and Executive Order 13397 of March 7, 2006 (Responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security With Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives), are hereby amended by:
(i) substituting “White House Faith Office” for “White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives” or “White House OFBCI” each time it appears in those orders; and
(ii) substituting “Center for Faith” for “Center for Faith-based and Community Initiatives,” and “Centers for Faith” for “Centers for Faith-based and Community Initiatives” each time they appear in those orders.
(b) Executive Order 13279, as amended by Executive Order 13559, is further amended by striking section 2(h) and redesignating sections 2(i) and 2(j) as sections 2(h) and 2(i), respectively.

Sec. 3. Establishment of the White House Faith Office. (a) There is established within the Executive Office of the President (EOP) the White House Faith Office (Office). The Office shall have lead responsibility in the executive branch to empower faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship to serve families and communities.
(b) The Office shall be housed in the Domestic Policy Council and headed by a Senior Advisor to the White House Faith Office, and supported by other positions as the President considers appropriate. In carrying out this order, the Office shall work with the Domestic Policy Council, the Office of Public Liaison, and the Centers for Faith established by Executive Order 13198, Executive Order 13280, Executive Order 13342, and Executive Order 13397, as amended by section 2(a)(ii) of this order.

Presidential Actions
Establishment of The White House Faith Office
The White House
February 7, 2025
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to assist faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship in their efforts to strengthen American families, promote work and self-sufficiency, and protect religious liberty, it is hereby ordered:

Section 1. Policy. Faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship have tremendous ability to serve individuals, families, and communities through means that are different from those of government and with capacity and effectiveness that often exceeds that of government. These organizations lift people up, keep families strong, and solve problems at the local level. The executive branch wants faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to compete on a level playing field for grants, contracts, programs, and other Federal funding opportunities. The efforts of faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship are essential to strengthening families and revitalizing communities, and the Federal Government welcomes opportunities to partner with such organizations through innovative, measurable, and outcome-driven initiatives.
The executive branch is committed to ensuring that all executive departments and agencies (agencies) honor and enforce the Constitution’s guarantee of religious liberty and to ending any form of religious discrimination by the Federal Government.

Sec. 2. Amendments to Executive Orders. (a) Executive Order 13198 of January 29, 2001 (Agency Responsibilities With Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives); Executive Order 13279 of December 12, 2002 (Equal Protection of the Laws for Faith-Based and Community Organizations), as amended by Executive Order 13559 of November 17, 2010 (Fundamental Principles and Policymaking Criteria for Partnerships With Faith-Based and Other Neighborhood Organizations); Executive Order 13280 of December 12, 2002 (Responsibilities of the Department of Agriculture and the Agency for International Development With Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives); Executive Order 13342 of June 1, 2004 (Responsibilities of the Departments of Commerce and Veterans Affairs and the Small Business Administration With Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives); and Executive Order 13397 of March 7, 2006 (Responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security With Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives), are hereby amended by:
(i) substituting “White House Faith Office” for “White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives” or “White House OFBCI” each time it appears in those orders; and
(ii) substituting “Center for Faith” for “Center for Faith-based and Community Initiatives,” and “Centers for Faith” for “Centers for Faith-based and Community Initiatives” each time they appear in those orders.
(b) Executive Order 13279, as amended by Executive Order 13559, is further amended by striking section 2(h) and redesignating sections 2(i) and 2(j) as sections 2(h) and 2(i), respectively.

Sec. 3. Establishment of the White House Faith Office. (a) There is established within the Executive Office of the President (EOP) the White House Faith Office (Office). The Office shall have lead responsibility in the executive branch to empower faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship to serve families and communities.
(b) The Office shall be housed in the Domestic Policy Council and headed by a Senior Advisor to the White House Faith Office, and supported by other positions as the President considers appropriate. In carrying out this order, the Office shall work with the Domestic Policy Council, the Office of Public Liaison, and the Centers for Faith established by Executive Order 13198, Executive Order 13280, Executive Order 13342, and Executive Order 13397, as amended by section 2(a)(ii) of this order.

Sec. 4. White House Faith Office Functions. (a) To the extent permitted by law, the Office shall:
(i) from time to time, consult with and seek information from experts and various faith and community leaders identified by the White House Faith Office and other EOP components, including those from outside the Federal Government and those from State, local, and Tribal governments. These experts and leaders shall be identified based on their expertise in a broad range of areas in which faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship operate, including protecting women and children; strengthening marriage and family; lifting up individuals through work and self-sufficiency, defending religious liberty; combatting anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, and additional forms of anti-religious bias; promoting foster care and adoption programs in partnership with faith-based entities; providing wholesome and effective education; preventing and reducing crime and facilitating prisoner reentry; promoting recovery from substance use disorder; and fostering flourishing minds;
(ii) make recommendations to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, regarding changes to policies, programs, and practices, and aspects of my Administration’s policy agenda, that affect the ability of faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship to serve families and communities;
(iii) convene meetings with representatives from the Centers for Faith and other representatives from across agencies as appropriate;
(iv) advise on the implementation throughout the Federal Government of those aspects of my Administration’s policy agenda aimed at enabling faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship to better serve families and communities;
(v) showcase innovative initiatives by faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship that serve and strengthen individuals, families, and communities throughout the United States;
(vi) coordinate with all agencies to implement training and education throughout the country for faith-based entity grantees to build their capacity to procure grants;
(vii) support agencies in developing and implementing training and education regarding religious liberty exceptions, accommodations, or exemptions;
(viii) consult with public and private businesses regarding their policies for employee volunteerism, charitable giving, and payroll deductions;
(ix) coordinate with agencies on identifying and promoting grant opportunities for non-profit faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship, especially those inexperienced with public funding but that operate effective programs;
(x) work in collaboration with the Attorney General, or a designee of the Attorney General, to identify concerns raised by faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship about any failures of the executive branch to enforce constitutional and Federal statutory protections for religious liberty; and
(xi) identify and propose means to reduce burdens on the free exercise of religion, including legislative, regulatory, and other barriers to the full and active participation of faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship in government-funded or government-conducted activities and programs.
(b) Agencies shall, to the extent permitted by law, provide such information, support, and assistance to the Office as may assist the Office in fulfilling this order.
(c) The Directors of each Center of Faith shall oversee their respective agency’s efforts to assist the Office in carrying out this order, and shall report on such efforts to agency leadership and the Office. Agencies that lack a Center for Faith shall designate or appoint a Faith Liaison within the agency to oversee the agency’s efforts to assist the Office in carrying out this order and to report on such efforts to agency leadership and the Office. All such agencies shall designate or appoint such a Faith Liaison within 90 days of the date of this order.

Sec. 5. Severability. If any provision of this order, or the application of any provision to any person or circumstance, is held to be invalid, the remainder of this order and the application of its provisions to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.

Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

February 7, 2025

Yes he is doing things like that, but I also dont believe executive orders are technically constitutional but other Presidents already set those precedents--He is trying to reverse hard course. He also trying to eliminate some offices that shouldn't have been there. He knows he has only really 2 years to try to change a lot and fast.

My only point is that the foundation of our sovereignty is what he reveres. I don't believe he ever would have run for POTUS if he didn't feel that way. 40+ years of consistent interviews attest to that.
Not at all to say that he can't inadvertently create unintended consequences at all, only that wouldn't be his intention.
And that isn't to say Trump has God's wisdom (ie Paula White)

But what God is up to I don't know...
I believe what God's Word says.
Daniel 2:21 tells us that God raises up kings and He removes them.
God placed Trump in office for His purpose and we place our Trust in God because everything He does is perfect and in the end for the good according to His will and purpose.
Yes he is doing things like that, but I also dont believe executive orders are technically constitutional but other Presidents already set those precedents--He is trying to reverse hard course. He also trying to eliminate some offices that shouldn't have been there. He knows he has only really 2 years to try to change a lot and fast.

My only point is that the foundation of our sovereignty is what he reveres. I don't believe he ever would have run for POTUS if he didn't feel that way. 40+ years of consistent interviews attest to that.
Not at all to say that he can't inadvertently create unintended consequences at all, only that wouldn't be his intention.
And that isn't to say Trump has God's wisdom (ie Paula White)

But what God is up to I don't know...
I believe what God's Word says.
Daniel 2:21 tells us that God raises up kings and He removes them.
God placed Trump in office for His purpose and we place our Trust in God because everything He does is perfect and in the end for the good according to His will and purpose.
One thing I'm sure of

is that every morning I seem to wake up

to a whole new reality.

And it's a bit unsettling. Go to bed, the world still rumbles along the way you've expected for decades, you wake up and Assad of Syria is fleeing for his life, or Israel got invaded, or Ukraine got invaded, or Biden is the President :yikes:

Future shock back in the 70's when Alvin Toffler wrote that book has NOTHING on what Future shock in 2025 means.

I know I read about Biblical prophecy but I never expected it would move just so fast, and things change before you have time to absorb the last change.

If we feel this way, this unsettled, how much more after the Rapture for the poor inhabitants of the planet. Shock after shock,
One thing I'm sure of

is that every morning I wake up

to a whole new reality.

And it's a bit unsettling. Go to bed, the world still rumbles along the way you've expected for decades, you wake up and Assad of Syria is fleeing for his life, or Israel got invaded, or Ukraine got invaded, or Biden is the President :yikes:

Future shock back in the 70's when Alvin Toffler wrote that book has NOTHING on what Future shock in 2025 means.

I know I read about Biblical prophecy but I never expected it would move just so fast, and things change before you have time to absorb the last change.

If we feel this way, this unsettled, how much more after the Rapture for the poor inhabitants of the planet. Shock after shock,
Like Jan Markell has said
"What did we think the last days were going to look like?".
We are Seeing it with our eyes and it points to one thing that matters.

"Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
Luke 21:28
Robin, you know something about law, so does @Hol - The Constitution is a higher authority than a President, and the President derives his authority from the Constitution which is the governing document- the source of American law and govt??? Am I right or did I misunderstand things?
You're absolutely right. The oath of office requires the President to support and defend the Constitution (as well as the Constitution, itself, requires it).
Robin, you know something about law, so does @Hol - The Constitution is a higher authority than a President, and the President derives his authority from the Constitution which is the governing document- the source of American law and govt??? Am I right or did I misunderstand things?

Yes, BUT, our govmint has been pretty much ignoring the Constitution for more than a couple of decades now, except for when it suits them.
I think he's probably just being Trump, working at keeping his enemies off kilter and guessing.
I keep in mind that though Trump may be having America's best interest in mind, he's human. He can make errors like anyone can.
Sometimes people will try something new taking a chance and not until it's happening will the results of taking that chance be seen.
As the saying goes
Trial and error, is how most learn from.
Wow. I didn’t read read all of this yet - but this is for real? Looks like the structure is getting set up for the 10 kings far in advance?
Or not that far. Wow.
Well, at least I can take comfort that we aren’t going to be EMP’d into oblivion. Because apparently we will still be around.
During dinner I started watching Patrick Wood talking with Brandon Holthaus.

the topic is how America has been the birthplace and incubator for the coming new world order under the Technocracy that Patrick has been writing about for decades, starting with Zbigneiw Brzinzsky and the TriLateral Commission in the 70s but dating back to Cornell University much earlier.

Mika Brzinzky is his daughter btw.

Technocracy is the rule by elite "experts"- unelected, and yet holding power. Kings without a kingdom.

It was Patrick that JB Hixson learnt this from and the 2 of them have been talking about this problem a lot since the Covid years.

I haven't finished watching but

Wow. I didn’t read read all of this yet - but this is for real? Looks like the structure is getting set up for the 10 kings far in advance?
Or not that far. Wow.
Well, at least I can take comfort that we aren’t going to be EMP’d into oblivion. Because apparently we will still be around.
yeah, I think America is a key player to set several things up including the 10 kings thing if that ends up being a technocracy involving 10 key powerful technocrats like Musk, Bezos and Gates etc.

The Internet

Economic power (the WEF is always trying to crash the american economy because it stands in the way)

Military power that actually HAS restrained a lot of stuff up to now

Innovation in AI, electronics, robotics, and quantum computing. Without American money invested into these things, and American innovation it wouldn't happen.

Most other countries COPY what America and Israel invent. Or they refine it. But without America as a driving force you can;t have the tech for the Beast of Revelation.

Which is ANOTHER reason I snort dismissively at the notion of America being taken over, blasted to bits by China, Russia etc.

At least NOT till she's done doing her thing on the world stage.

Some for good, some not so much.

But America is around for a bit yet.
During dinner I started watching Patrick Wood talking with Brandon Holthaus.

the topic is how America has been the birthplace and incubator for the coming new world order under the Technocracy that Patrick has been writing about for decades, starting with Zbigneiw Brzinzsky and the TriLateral Commission in the 70s but dating back to Cornell University much earlier.

Mika Brzinzky is his daughter btw.

Technocracy is the rule by elite "experts"- unelected, and yet holding power. Kings without a kingdom.

It was Patrick that JB Hixson learnt this from and the 2 of them have been talking about this problem a lot since the Covid years.

I haven't finished watching but

yeah, I think America is a key player to set several things up including the 10 kings thing if that ends up being a technocracy involving 10 key powerful technocrats like Musk, Bezos and Gates etc.

The Internet

Economic power (the WEF is always trying to crash the american economy because it stands in the way)

Military power that actually HAS restrained a lot of stuff up to now

Innovation in AI, electronics, robotics, and quantum computing. Without American money invested into these things, and American innovation it wouldn't happen.

Most other countries COPY what America and Israel invent. Or they refine it. But without America as a driving force you can;t have the tech for the Beast of Revelation.

Which is ANOTHER reason I snort dismissively at the notion of America being taken over, blasted to bits by China, Russia etc.

At least NOT till she's done doing her thing on the world stage.

Some for good, some not so much.

But America is around for a bit yet.
America wants to be the #1 "leader in AI technology", and it just might get to be that.
But the rest of the world will follow, until the entire world is set up for the Beast system that Antichrist needs to control the world.
It's getting closer.
Jesus is even closer for coming for His Bride and that's a wonderful thought to ponder on.
Maybe it'll be a massive global mess created by AI that the antichrist steps up to resolve.
Wouldn't that be a nice mess to leave the AC to try and fix?

:lol: while we are on our way up and outta here, there's a present for your new leader-- the AI had a bad tummy ache one day and barfed up a problem that we won't be here to clean up.

Bye now, see ya'll in 7 years or a bit more if there's a gap- it starts the 7 year clock when the new guy signs a deal with Israel SEEEEE YAAAA:rapture:

We . will . not . go . back . to . the . Brits.

I had ancestors, who fought for our freedom from them. Handing the U.S. back to England in NOT an option :tap:
My 5th Great-Grandfather ended up a POW in their clutches.

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!

Shame on President Trump!!!

Some might even call what he said, especially in light of his position, TREASONOUS :tap:
:furious: :mad: :apost: :ban:

That would also be a short-cut to imposing sharia here :apost: :ban:

:overreaction: EXCEPT IT'S NOT even a little bit of an overreaction :tap:

Admittedly, this stunned me...lol. From what i understand being a part of the commonwealth does though seems to be more symbolic than anything else. I wonder if Trump will get a crown. lol.

Trump, Vance, and Marco Rubio have ignored the EU and deal directly with European nation states only. With BREXIT and England's more recent struggles concerning immigration, this might imply a potential alliance perhaps to better address the EU. If a power move, what that might translate into is using England to pressure the EU and strengthen nation state recognition. In effect, Trump is kind of already doing that by affirming ties with England, a nation. Maybe he wants to build a wall in another country...lol.

Admittedly this is a strange one. The saliant takeaway way i see it is two fold:

2) Trump won't deal with the EU, but will not only deal with European nations independently, but even support them as far as becoming a part of their commons.

What ever it means, the signal it sends to the EU i would not see as complimentary to them. Nor would they likely take it that way. Me thinks. Blessings.

PS -- a fun "what if." Would that not be ironic if America 250 years later, turns around and frees England from the EU...lol. What a story. But the crazy things we have been seeing, makes it almost a given possibly...lol.
Admittedly, this stunned me...lol. From what i understand being a part of the commonwealth does though seems to be more symbolic than anything else. I wonder if Trump will get a crown. lol.

Trump, Vance, and Marco Rubio have ignored the EU and deal directly with European nation states only. With BREXIT and England's more recent struggles concerning immigration, this might imply a potential alliance perhaps to better address the EU. If a power move, what that might translate into is using England to pressure the EU and strengthen nation state recognition. In effect, Trump is kind of already doing that by affirming ties with England, a nation. Maybe he wants to build a wall in another country...lol.

Admittedly this is a strange one. The saliant takeaway way i see it is two fold:

2) Trump won't deal with the EU, but will not only deal with European nations independently, but even support them as far as becoming a part of their commons.

What ever it means, the signal it sends to the EU i would not see as complimentary to them. Nor would they likely take it that way. Me thinks. Blessings.

PS -- a fun "what if." Would that not be ironic if America 250 years later, turns around and frees England from the EU...lol. What a story. But the crazy things we have been seeing, makes it almost a given possibly...lol.
Wow very interesting thoughts and I think you
May have nailed it.
Wow very interesting thoughts and I think you
May have nailed it.
Thanks for saying that. We shall see. It is quite a few moving pieces in place. So even though i have been in deep dive research mode on this consideration 5 years ago, it still threw me for a moment...lol. And i am used to Trump making my views very difficult at times. Not impossible. But tainted with tar and feathers all over the place. Sometimes it feels like i am babysitting the man...lol. Like a runaway toddler. But yeah, thanks for noting that. All in all we do have to see though. Amen. But so glad it makes sense.

Think about it though. The EU needs the USA. Even Audi is considering to move manufacturng to the usa.


PS -- keeping in mind Trump's focus...

The External Revenue Service -- sounds pretty good, eh? lol

. . . . .

Other fun thoughts (or not so fun for some)...

Please consider what this event counters. The evangelical world is not looking at anything like this prophetically other than, King Charles may be the AC. But if Trump trumps Charles in what he does with the economic world system...it kind of steps all over what might just be superstition regarding King Charles. So if we juxtapose those two things AND it drifts away from EU beast system and Charles as AC and blossoms into Trump economic boom, Evangelicalism does not have a filter or blue print for that. In the scurry thereof, we have a choice at that point. Go with Hegelian Dialectic and triple down on what might be not much more than superstition, or see things providentially as they are for the whole world to see? A little early for that thought. But in the preliminary unfolding here, I don't see evangelicalism giving up how America has to collapse. We are human. Amen. Perhaps it may.

Here is one that is way bizarre. But as the JFK files are searched, some concerns of the Masad come to consideration. Did Masad have something to do with it? Why? One theory is JFK didn't want Israel to have nukes (which they did not get until 1967). Not sure if that is real or accurate. But while we wait, consider this bozo thought...lol. Ready? What if America does collapse because of Israel? What if Israel becomes so powerful, insulted at the USA and has the power to deconstruct us? That is a twlighight zone episode for sure. And one i don't think likely at all. But sometimes its interesting to think outside the box. :)