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Let's talk about the "UFO Hearings"


Hanging on to the Throne
My observations:

I have only watched a few clips of these "hearings" and I strongly sense that I am watching theater—not just on the part of the whistleblowers, but on the part of our US government. The whole thing just feels like B-movie to me. Strategically sitting behind Grusch, at the perfect camera angle, was a "UFO film maker," nodding his head affirmatively throughout the hearing. This film maker then went on to be interviewed by NBC stating, essentially, that Grusch is "confirming what we have always known is true." Oh brother!

I'm not sure exactly what is going on here—maybe it's just our government, acting alone. Or maybe it's the puppet masters of the deep state, jacking around our congress just as much as they do everyone else.

But one thing I know for sure. We are being set up for a grand deception. They are, very obviously, now working up to producing the "evidence" people have always wanted—and this time, it won't be some documentary film maker showing grainy photos or videos. The "evidence" will be produced by our own government, and they will pull out all the stops—using AI, a hologram, or whatever else they have to do.

It's going to happen soon.

I believe that their purpose will be to lead the world into another global, covid-esque crisis, so that they can crack down with controls far worse than before. But, as we know, it's going to be more than that. Government minions or even the puppet masters have their ideas, but satan has his And if we do happen to meet the Lord in the air very shortly, I am absolutely positive that this will be the lie to explain it all away. And even if we aren't flying anytime soon, satan (puppet master of the puppet masters) will manipulate and use this human theater to distract, and hypnotize, and discredit the Bible, and lead people astray more than any other time in history.

I have quite a few people in my family who completely believe in this UFO stuff, (I did too, before I saw the light of God's Truth.) And do you know what their reactions are right now? Nothing! Grusch basically said that "they" have recovered "non-human biologics" from these supposed "non-human craft" and the reaction is nothing—Nothing but this quiet assurance that what they have always believed to be true is coming to light! They even make comments about what their reaction is going to be when they "finally see one." "So scary but so cool." It's absolutely creepy!

I don't know about you all, but I hope and pray that we are raptured very soon. And it certainly appears that we are. I hope and pray that I am not here to witness the deception that I know is coming. (Talk about pulling your hair out!! I will be bald!!!) But as long as I'm still on this earth, I have decided to not take this.

I have avoided politics and immigration and abortion and all sorts of hot-button topics with my unbelieving family, for the sake of family peace, and my sanity. Mainly because nobody listens to me in my family (I call it, "The Nazareth effect.") I am in my early 50's now, but I am still little Andi. Despite my witnessing over the past 24 years of my Christian walk, many in my family feel the need to tell me a thing or two about God and the Bible. Because they know more than little Andi.

But this is where I draw the line. I am not going to sit by silently, while my family is lulled into a trance. They are about to be told the biggest lie in my lifetime, and I probably won't be here for it—but if I am, I'm going to be ready.

AND. I am SICK and TIRED of Ezekiel's vision of the wheels being used to say that flying saucers are in the Bible.

I have HAD IT.

This is war.
Already getting some text messages “Did you hear?” For now I am responding that we are watching theater, that a big crisis is going to be presented for the purpose of controls and “change” and that it will be global.