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JD Farag Bible Prophecy Update

I appreciate you sharing your insights on David Platt. I haven't read his books that I assume are from an earlier phase of his ministry.

When I first got saved I wasn't attending any church and had no Christian friends so I went to my library to see what was there. I ended up watching a series by Rob Bell - who would later dive into false teaching.

We need to keep the good pastors like Adrian, Andy Woods, and whole ministries like One for Israel in prayer.
Thanks Hol. I appreciate your concern. I used to like Frances Chan. To me he demonstrated maverick essence because he actually was one of very few if any who left a huge congregation for a different path. He stepped down from his own mega church. On one level we could say this is "radical." And by today's standards for sure it would be just that. For me this would be similar to how I felt about Tim Keller. His unique approach to scripture actually is very much appreciated by me. But his deference to the Gospel Coalition (a left of center leaning delegation of the church) and his views on evolution (not even taking into account how some would have concerns with him on the issue of sin) kind of put a check in my heart.

This was no small issue for me. Because at the time while I was at Macarthurs church, I was told by my direct pastor that I should not trust Keller (he even stated it in a sermon) because he was missional (meaning he used modern concepts to redefine the bible -- of which I would say that is not exactly an accurate rendering but can understand why to some it may come across that way). Meanwhile I attended another fellowship group while at Macarthur's church where the pastor with a doctorate lauded Keller and did a whole series in respect to his views. At the time I really appreciated that. And it helped me to see on one hand how GCC (Macarthur's church) did allow for diversity of views even though they would tow a very conservative line. It was because of Tim Keller I actually stayed at GCC. Because i was thinking mega churches might not be the best for me. But what I felt lacking at GCC, Keller seemed to address. And I do believe where Keller detailed approaches to scripture I was not really seeing at GCC, they could stand on their own as right doctrinal approaches even many of the doctorates at GCC could not weather. Yet, even still, Keller's take on evolution resonated with me as a man who can be led by the spirit of the age...which introduced a much larger concern of him.

So I say all that because what was valuable about what Keller delivered is what it is. But I believe we live at a time where there is a convergence of ideology (not just end time signs). Categories seem to be tested and redefined in ways. Almost as if there might be something to CERN derailing our time line into other versions of our own reality. Which of course I do not ascribe to because there are no other dimensions of possibilities of our reality. There are no alternative demensions of our selves somewhere had we made different decisions. There are no versions of us on one time line going to hell. And on another going to heaven. God created us. And we are that creation. There are no other versions. And as odd as it is to seem to bring this up, I would say however, categories and ideologies do seem to be colliding in our day as if there were other dimensions like that (just to underscore the level of how intense category crashing has become in our age). Men can be woman and have babies? lol Or government has the right over childrens choice of gender. Just to name two very high profile versions of this.

So if we take that into consideration, we can also see it in many areas of life. And we also see it in the church. Fundamentalism is a solid stance against evolution in the church. But unchecked, fundamentalism can also be seen to become controlling, devisive, and conveyer belt Christianity. Does that mean no good thing comes from Fundamentalism? Heavens no. Does that mean since they are right on afew things we should just consider the whole package? Truly heavens no. So we live in an age where tribalism can increasingly be understood as antithetical to John 15:15. Yet, it is wise, as you well bring up, that we should sort out things with discernment the best we can.

Andy Woods is pretty much of late the only pastor I would binge sermons on. Even so, his take on the mustard seed is very concerning that a man at his level of biblical insight would not permit a bid more depth in his view on that. Almost to a point of concern I might have had for Keller and evolution. However, misapplied views on parables, however theologically problematic as they may be, would not introduce the same level of biblical disruption as evolution I would believe. Andy's stance on the mustard seed does enter, for me, some specific danger categories I see rising in general in the church that would be moving away from an appreciation of exegesis and lean more into categories of celebrity tribalistic thinking (which to me is in the top 5 concerns of modern evangelicalism). But even so, if I throw Andy out like a baby with the bathwater, and practice that level of discernment in operation, that, for me, kind of brings it down to nomad Christianity...which obviously can't be right. So I believe there is, in the quagmire of it all, a premium to behold on not letting pet peeves or biases limit our exercise of discernment, nor become similar to an ideology for us. Its challenging and humbling. And in that way must have significant biblical street cred.

So yeah, I agree we should be grateful for remnant biblical perspectives in those we can in the pulpit today. And we should protect those views they hold that do resonate with actual biblical premise. But I believe an equally healthy practice in our day is the John 15:15 principle. Learning how to see those we might not agree with through as much of an adult filter as we might (given our days and season we find ourselves in). For Platt for example, I would want to extend every consideration. While at the same time holding to a spirit filled paradigm perspective that may challenge my own views to myself as much as I might have concerns towards others. Quite a tight rope to walk. But it would seem to me, given where factions seem to surely arise out from, the most spiritually mature course -- not easy. Not always pleasant. But it would seem a gateway to broader perspective at a time where categories are literally colliding. If that makes sense. Blessings.
So I say all that because what was valuable about what Keller delivered is what it is. But I believe we live at a time where there is a convergence of ideology (not just end time signs). Categories seem to be tested and redefined in ways.
I agree, spiritual leaders are compromising more frequently.

If I recall, Alister Beggs encouraged his congregation's to attend gay weddings. That blew up. His radio program coincided with an errand I had a few days a week as I was in my car and I appreciated his sermons. His perspective on how to show love to a gay couple gave me pause. Do I want to follow a leader who says many worthwhile things but is heading down a path of compromise? The same with Keller.

I listen to old preachers (1800s) lots. They have a fearless quality and don’t compromise. It’s a confidence in the Bible that few modern teachers have. Pastor Woods and a handful of others (have you listened to Mike Winger?).
I agree, spiritual leaders are compromising more frequently.

If I recall, Alister Beggs encouraged his congregation's to attend gay weddings. That blew up. His radio program coincided with an errand I had a few days a week as I was in my car and I appreciated his sermons. His perspective on how to show love to a gay couple gave me pause. Do I want to follow a leader who says many worthwhile things but is heading down a path of compromise? The same with Keller.

I listen to old preachers (1800s) lots. They have a fearless quality and don’t compromise. It’s a confidence in the Bible that few modern teachers have. Pastor Woods and a handful of others (have you listened to Mike Winger?).
Hi Hol. Yes I have checked out Winger. For the most part I've liked him. But I am currently working slowly through how his perspectives in the defense of Penal Sustitution atonement theory has been defended. Which means I like a lot of what Mike gets into and how he gets into it. But Mike Winger is a great example for me of how to sharpen our exegetical teeth. There is that layer of where his deep dives are helpful. But then (as has been seen in spotty fashion) there are times the way he concludes things or the kinds of arguments he might favor can tend to be in error or perhaps settling for status quo arguments that have actual better meat on the bone to look at in other ways AND better through scholarship. In some ways, Winger is great. I love him. In other ways, he is kind of a Las Vegas strip style smörgåsbord, and should not be a resting place as one settling issues for us--necessarily.

For example, I agree with the penal substitution atonement theory. But since it is a hugely influenced product of the reformation era and the West, I imagine some of my thoughts are likely jaded by all that. I would have to study deep and rich here because I believe, from my current perspective, that penal substitution atonement (PSA) is biblical and scriptural. But there are features and elements about it where Christus Victory atonement theory might have more weight. And although I am somewhat of a theological geek, what interests me more about the PSA issue is the character of God. Because there are some Christus Victor themes discoverable from the early church perspective that demonstrated a side to the character of God likely hugely limited by Western cultural perspectives. I just noticed some of the language Mike would used concerning the defense of PSA seemed to be emotional and reactionary rather than apply a clear head to discern what evidence says when we don't put imojies to them. So in that sense I would like to know how the arguments Mike forms for PSA may be more agenda or idealogically driven. And therefore discover deeper layers of my bias toward it. At the end of the day I may likely remain a PSA advocate. Because how those that are strict Christus Victor atonement theory advocates come across often have some pretty weak arguments in other places in scripture. And themes I have not seen to play out consistently enough to see it have the kind of merit they think it might. But in other ways, just from my own studies of scripture independent, I do see some incredible themes about God's character that are mind blowing. Like for instance I do believe that in one sense Christ did die on a cross to trump and end deep ages of the vanity of man's minds reliogiously in the pagan world that held to gods that demanded human sacrifice. I realize by even bringing this up it might start sparks flying. So please know I do hold to a very strong PSA view. But I know there is more to Christus Victor most of the Western world has never even heard about...nor taught in churches. But I said all that to say, that I would be interested to discover where Wingers defense of PSA is more emotional and how to spot those arguments when I might tend to use them myself. So I guess using Mike i n a wayto expose a layer perhaps of my own vanity. And in that way, Mike Winger is a super food I believe in. But for the most part I would agree with a lot of his views in general too.

Its just that these days, I think we are suppose to become more aware that it is not who is the right pastor. For that is first century "I am of Appolos, I am of Peter" etc kind of stuff. Not that we mean it that way. We truly love the articulation of what certain theological minds and convictions bring to the table. But in a way there can be a leaning toward that 1st century concern. I used to be that way with Macarthur. But God in our lives is bigger than our leanings towards favored pastors. I hope I am not sounding like a Debbie Down (as JD might say). Because I don't mean we should not have prefereds nor that we should not actually defend them even where it might be proper for our hearts to speak in such a way. Andy Woods is my favorite teacher right now. And the only teacher I would do binge sermons on and its been that way for a couple of years now. So I think that is just part of being human. What Paul seemed to be concerned with at Corinth was the fleshly sense where we might feel our sense of right standing partly consists of those whom we read, honor, quote, and attend. Looking at righteousness in this way might, I believe, tend to compete with Christ (or try as it may). Where Paul would see that as fleshy. So in extreme tribal differences...this pastor vs that pastor...although it may be true one should be preferred over the other...I would imagine having grown up in America for so so many decades that our culture almost insists we be tribal less we be weak or perhaps dullards. But I think for the most part, like those that would defend Platt or where I might have defended Keller or Macarthur...the things we are defending are in what they affirm that are true that not too many other Christian voices might be saying. And I think that is actually not fleshy at all. But sincerely spiritual.

If I sound like I am saying one thing and another please let me try to clarify. Right now, I would say the concerns over a preacher like Macarthur are that I would understand him to be dangerous and troublesome (not all....but many). Further more the conclusions Macarthur comes to in the way he comes to them in some cases are even more dangerous. I could probably write a 10 set volume on that. But here's the thing, the things that God wanted me to learn while I was there far transcended all that. God using the exact difficulty I would have with that ministry would be the very points my honest and deeply sincere trust upon Him mattered most. And He has left so many what we call Easter Egg treasures of the heart to reflect on and grow from where I am at in regards to my time at his church (GCC). I was charismatic before that. And never in the Charismatic movement had I ever experienced the over the top way God literally would demonstrate His person in my life like I had at GCC. Literally emotions and perspectives and fullness of heart not felt before nor since in many ways. Like almost like emotions I did not even know existed (not that emotions are the goal--but just that clearly God was allowing me to tap into deeper spiritual things He had for me in my life I had no clue existed). Kind of like most of us don't know what it feels like to have the confidence extraordianier of a billionaire to such an extent things are so clearly met in life for us that our whole force of heart and being just wants to be a lowly servant to others is super big hearted ways. Now maybe most people feel that. But I never did. Not like that. And as big as it may sound (if it does) it was bigger than that. So like I don't know that sensation organically as a rule. But there were times there it overwhelmed me. And not just that but 10 other equally unusual experiences very poetic to equally describe...and even more so.

So, do I think Macarthur teaches true doctrine? Yes. Do I think he teaches false doctrine? Yes. Do I believe he is saved? Not sure. Would I listen to sermons? You know, no...not really. But there was a time I remembered that he did a series on Ephesians 3 I really found to be great...about how to fire up the spiritual man's engine. I wrote letters to people about it while I was discovering it deeper as I traveling the country trucking -- running away from his church. Trying to get a sense of sanity outside that world. Yet, there I was still open. Why? I guess because the power of God is not limited to Appolos or Peter etc. That was like 10 years ago. 2 years ago, I decided to revist Jmacs views on that portion of Ephesisans 3. Because I don't recall any other pastor delivering it like he did. At first I was encouraged. Secondly I went through the several sermon series on it. Thirdly I saw some things I liked and prayed about. Fourthly I came to discern Jmac's focus in that chapter was off, not in context, and more topical to his desired ideas than the organic exegetical flow of the passage. So look, that was interesting. Coming once again honestly to see Jmacs lack of exegetical excellence shown through -- while I was sincerely not even looking for it. Over something I actually likely about the man's ministry.

Would I recommend Macarthur to others? No. Have I? Yes. How can that be? Some members of my family are into him. One extended member has Mormon background. And likely does not come across a lot of theolgically rich insights. For that man Jmac came up in light of a discussion where the family member I was with who liked Macarthur was present. In that context, it made sense for this man to be open to Jmac more than Mormon thought or other trappings of evangelicalism. Why? Not because my family member that liked Macarthur was present. For I have not trouble throwing Jmac under the bus. It was because the way I understand it--we are in Loadicea. And in some ways, the inmates have overtaken the asylumn. And I don't think it is wrong to point a man in a direction God might use to open his eyes in places. Even as God brought me out of the charismatic movement through Jmacs teaching. In another event a few weeks ago I told a brother in the faiith that I thought Jmac teaches false doctrine. And I went out of my to tell him that he also teaches good doctrine. But where its false its false. The problem with that brother toward me is that he did not like certain ministries like Leighton Flowers that might be solely theologically challenging to the reformed world. I told that brother that he has an issue with Flowers that a person can have a ministry to bring up Jmac occasionally. This brother probably thinks I have an interest to bad mouth Macarthur. Well in that Mormon influenced family member's life, his having a chance at some truth that could be found out paced how I feel about all of that. I wanted that family member influenced by Mormonism to know that Jmac does get into the word, so it would help navigate him further from mormon influence. As for my friend that had issues with Flowers, I told him I am glad that there are ministries like Leighton Flowers that goes after the American Reformed church. Because it needs reformation. But I don't go around telling everyone Jmac is a false teacher. But that I was telling that brother that he was because he needed to know in no uncertain terms I believe Jmac does teach false doctrine. And he just needed to deal with that.

Its not that I see this vascilting or double minded like. What i am clear about in bad teaching I am. But God is also showing me my own heart. Where I had been extremely immature to a group of believers who did mean very well for years. And where I could have responded out of Christian charity, character, and spiritual maturity, I pouted like in some cases Steven Anderson level fundamentalist problem child attitude. And being able to see those differences in my own heart is very precious to me. For it is the real rapport I have with Christ. And concerning His body that He died for. So I was just trying to put all that up here I guess to demonstrate that I really don't think its about good and bad preachers/teachers. Personally I believe we are so far off the deep end, that is a nice way to remember the world before the inmates took over the asylimn and redefine so many things for us. For example...

. . . . . .

You mention Allistar Begg. Lady's and gentlemen please welcome what it looks like to a seasoned well trained pastor who is devoted to the word and a mature Christian brother. The problem there of course is the gay wedding thing. But what bothered me more is that Allister belongs to the good ol boy network of "mature pastors in the faith" who are demonstrating what true spiritual maturity in Christ looks like to a nation and world. One brother who is seriously devoted to Jmac said on YouTube that Allistar ought to be under spiristual discipline for the way he tried to abuse the word of God and make himself a super hero with the word of God in a Sunday night service. I actually think that is worse than supporting gay marriage on controversial levels. The marriage thing could be misguided. But these are the big dogs of the faith representing what Christian America looks like. And oh my goodness. Allister demonstrated himself to be a spoiled brat punking on the body of Christ using the word against them. How dare we question his heart. And he is the elite mature Christian representation today. So very sad. Will Jmac say anything about Allister using the word to punk on the body of Christ? Why would he. Its protocol. Welcome to America, said childish gambino :) Blessings.

Sorry for all the long rants @Dicv. I think some of these things are important issues relating. But it should have more a focus on the above videos themes. So I will quite down now. Blessings.
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25 - 27 Nov 2024​

Bible Prophecy Update, How Long Will You Waver Between Two Opinions? - Sunday, November 24th, 2024​

Pastor JD talks about the eerily similar parallels between Elijah’s day then, and the last days now, specific to the power of the Holy Spirit drawing us near to God, or the powerful pull of the world distancing us from God.

And Elijah came near to all the people and said, "How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him." And the people did not answer him a word. 1 Kings 18:21


1076. Why Study Bible Prophecy?​

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U.S.-led NATO now openly discussing 'preemptive precision strikes' on Russian territory​

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it is time we are reminded of (if not learn about) what he already did to further vaccine genocide.

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Hi @Dicv. Thanks for the recent articles and videos brother. If you are open to and have a moment, based on one of the articles you posted about NATO, I am not necessarily aware on your take on what things of that nature might mean. You have been a diligent poster, bringing a great mix of videos and articles to consider. But I just don't recall your take on the NATO thing. Do you see ww3 maybe as a possibility? Or how might that factor in in general in how you are looking at things brother?

@Spartan Sprinter and @Catherine love you guys. What do they say are two hottest topics many stay away from? Politics and Religion. lol Not here. We do it all...lol. Anywayz I'm not a moderator here and just a guy posting. But I would just like to be a hopeful compliment to the moment. As seen over time i have many views that are powder kegs. But in all that i have found that helpful approaches to understanding as much as we might where the "other side" of the issue is coming from can be helpful in potentially discussing things that might develop we might have never thought to talk about related. I could say a lot about your topic. But i just hope here to be of encouragement because there are likely some very pristine things that could be discussed transcending perhaps the presumed lines drawn. In some ways too hoping to redeem somewhat having already saying way too much on this thread, have i. But yeah...for sure...bless our forum for the opportunity to be as open as we might. Amen. Blessings.
I've temporarily removed the discussion on voting from this thread. We did this in the past so this discussion could stay on track with @dlcv 's purpose here to allow discussion of the updates. As with other parts of this thread, the discussion can tend to take over.

For now let's table the discussion on voting, it's been gone into in depth over on 2 other threads on the subject, and much that was just said, duplicates that discussion.
I think the issue here is --and please let's let this disagreement rest at this-- that a pastor when he speaks publicly sets an example to others. A pastor should never announce he's voting for one person or another, but he also should not discourage people from voting at all.. So, if a pastor decides not to vote he should not state this publically because he has a large influence on his congregation and many will take his decision as one that they themselves should follow. And I say this as a pastor.

I believe the Bible teaches us that we should do all we can to ensure justice and righteousness are represented in the public sphere; therefore I think it's important for Christians to vote. But having said that if somebody decides not to vote, that's their choice and God gives him that choice. But to repeat what I said earlier, for a pastor to say publicly that he will not vote sets a bad example for the rest of his congregation because it gives them the idea that perhaps they shouldn't vote.

Anyway that's my pastoral view, based on the responsibility given us as pastors. I am praying that those of you who are disagreeing with each other over this topic can give grace to one another and find unity in the love of Jesus Christ and all that He has done for us.
I've temporarily removed the discussion on voting from this thread. We did this in the past so this discussion could stay on track with @dlcv 's purpose here to allow discussion of the updates. As with other parts of this thread, the discussion can tend to take over.

For now let's table the discussion on voting, it's been gone into in depth over on 2 other threads on the subject, and much that was just said, duplicates that discussion.
OK @Margery, noted with thanks.

I have my own personal stand on voting but prefer to privately discuss via direct message.
I've temporarily removed the discussion on voting from this thread. We did this in the past so this discussion could stay on track with @dlcv 's purpose here to allow discussion of the updates. As with other parts of this thread, the discussion can tend to take over.

For now let's table the discussion on voting, it's been gone into in depth over on 2 other threads on the subject, and much that was just said, duplicates that discussion.
Duly noted. Sorry if I caused a problem.

28 - 30 Nov 2024​


The Biblical Necessity of the Seven-Year Tribulation​

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That William Branham link is 2 men debunking the lies of Branham including this false prophecy, from that particular false prophet. As they point out Perry Stone dragged it up 3 years ago and tried to make it fit. They explain why Stone is wrong and how the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) is importing these false prophecies. It's a good video. They explain how Charisma magazine is repeating the lies without checking the sources properly. Good video for dealing with the likes of Perry Stone and the NAR dredging up these false prophecies and recycling them.

I got a chuckle at 44:00 when they discuss Jim Bakker's involvement with these prophecies, complete with a poke at the doomsday food buckets he sells for the mid and post trib crowd.

Loved it, thank you!
That William Branham link is 2 men debunking the lies of Branham including this false prophecy, from that particular false prophet. As they point out Perry Stone dragged it up 3 years ago and tried to make it fit. They explain why Stone is wrong and how the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) is importing these false prophecies. It's a good video. They explain how Charisma magazine is repeating the lies without checking the sources properly. Good video for dealing with the likes of Perry Stone and the NAR dredging up these false prophecies and recycling them.

I got a chuckle at 44:00 when they discuss Jim Bakker's involvement with these prophecies, complete with a poke at the doomsday food buckets he sells for the mid and post trib crowd.

Loved it, thank you!

Thanks Margaret for the review on that. Looks interesting. 👍

I remember a Perry Stone video that came out within the last year about how he pleaded with a friend of his to pull the plug on very damaging info on him. Saying that it would ruin him. Awe :( We wouldn't want that now. We need Perry :wink:

1 - 4 Dec 2024​

Bible Prophecy Update, Is Bible Prophecy Exciting, Terrifying, Or Neither? - Sunday, December 1st​

Pastor JD explains why the way one answers the question of “Is Bible prophecy, exciting, terrifying, or neither? can have profound implications for both now and all eternity.


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