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JD Farag Bible Prophecy Update


Own Nothing And Be Happy Is Being Rebranded As “Affordable Living As A Service” (ALaaS), As AI Increasingly Kills Careers​

So now that more and more people are increasingly waking up to the reality that most things are turning into a service or subscription, lending and leasing in perpetuity to a corporation

Slavery in other words. Perma debt. Without a year of Jubilee in the hopeful future to achieve freedom again.
It would be near impossible to dialect with a pastor who believes he above everyone else has the right views - everyone else, while still a Christian, are deceived.
From my observations, Pastor JD is the one who is open to dialogue. The other pastors, such as Brandon Holthaus, have made public posts, criticizing "pastors" who don't see the world from their point of view, even if the names aren't mentioned out loud. Pastor JD does not insist that people adopt his point of view. He merely expresses it. Then he tells people to be good Bereans and do their own research.
I differ with Pastor JD's take on voting. But afford him the constitutional right not to.
Thanks TCC, you have helped me define what bothers me so much about pastors bashing or warning about Pres. incoming Trump.

First, I have more confidence in our prayers helping this sick world than any ruler.

Yes, I am with you on free speech and I listen to mavericks too.

Now I understand that the two mavericks I’ve been referring too, JB & JD simply need to offer their opinions away from the pulpit. They are both bringing their own strong opinions to a place of authority that should be separate. They should first draw people to Jesus through His Word and second, protect their ministry from other voices.

I am interested in their opinions. No solid teacher wants their pulpit used for non biblical interests. I think in grace we overlook an occasional off topic infomercial, but it seems a few pastors consistently bring it up. They wrap it in end times warnings that often lead to fear and dark rabbit holes. If they could stop talking about their politics from the place of authority that should be reserved for exalting Jesus alone, I wouldn’t raise any alarm. Let them video a round table discussion and freely air their predictions.
From my observations, Pastor JD is the one who is open to dialogue. The other pastors, such as Brandon Holthaus, have made public posts, criticizing "pastors" who don't see the world from their point of view, even if the names aren't mentioned out loud. Pastor JD could be completely correct about Trump. Pastor JD does not insist that people adopt his point of view. He merely expresses it. Then he tells people to be good Bereans and do their own research.

I don't believe anyone thinks that Trump is without errors and he does have some sketchy things about himself that aren't in line with biblical world view.
Where some Pastors felt that Trump was the "better" candidate for President wasn't because there weren't concerning issues, but the only two options were weighted and if every Christian decided not to vote at all, it would have pushed this country over the edge much quicker than if Trump had been voted into office which at least made our Constitutional rights remain just a little longer, giving you and I and every freedom lover the right to exercise our Christian faith freely and while waiting for our blessed hope we would have the freedom to continue our great commission.

As for whether God put Trump in office the Bible is clear saying

"...He removes kings and raises up kings..."
Daniel 2:21

God has used ungodly men in past biblical history for His purpose, as Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus were.

I know of no believer in sound doctrine who have elevated Trump as some kind of savior.
There are those who profess to be Christian who have done so, but that's not the view of sound Christians.

This comment is not to open the door to conflict or dispute, nor is it directed solely at you, but I mainly responded to you saying God didn't put Trump in office as scripture doesn't agree with that statement, but I think it needs to be to clarified on some points that have been misunderstood by some who have criticized Pastors who encouraged their congregations to vote this past election cycle.

I don't know of any past Presidents who were without errors in some way that didn't align with biblical values at 100%. But Christians voted. Trump certainly has some issues that don't align with biblical values, but looking at where Kamala would have taken us, compared to the over all positions Trump was proposing, in no way did anyone want to fall into the hands of the globalists prematurely.

We know it's going that way anyway according to prophecy but if God isn't ready to fulfill that prophecy of a One World Government yet, why would we forfeit our freedom ahead of God's plan?

I honestly believe that the enemy has worked very hard at sowing discord and divisiveness within the church because he knows his days are numbered and wants to take down the church in any way he can.
Our brothers and sisters in Christ are not our enemies. The devil is the enemy.

I think We All need to just take a back seat from being offended and offending and focus on what the church ought to do, bear with one another, be forgiving with one another, and use our gifts in edifying one another as we see The Day drawing near.

As I stated, this isn't being directed at you but it's something We All need to consider in order to keep the love of Jesus within His Body of believers.

This probably stung some people and I didn't intend this to be taken as an attack on anyone, but strictly meant to point out that we can't keep placing a wedge between one another over views or opinions that are getting overstated and literally bruising the Body of Christ.

Praying for the church 🙏
Hi Catherine :wave:

Many of us here at CCF were together prior to Trump’s first election and believe me, we debated. Some like me didn’t like Trump, I was anti Hillary. Overall we all found God alone could help us — I think of it as we had an inoculation against Trump idolatry.

BTW I agree regarding the evil of forced vaccines.
I don't believe anyone thinks that Trump is without errors and he does have some sketchy things about himself that aren't in line with biblical world view.
Where some Pastors felt that Trump was the "better" candidate for President wasn't because there weren't concerning issues, but the only two options were weighted and if every Christian decided not to vote at all, it would have pushed this country over the edge much quicker than if Trump had been voted into office which at least made our Constitutional rights remain just a little longer, giving you and I and every freedom lover the right to exercise our Christian faith freely and while waiting for our blessed hope we would have the freedom to continue our great commission.

As for whether God put Trump in office the Bible is clear saying

"...He removes kings and raises up kings..."
Daniel 2:21

God has used ungodly men in past biblical history for His purpose, as Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus were.

I know of no believer in sound doctrine who have elevated Trump as some kind of savior.
There are those who profess to be Christian who have done so, but that's not the view of sound Christians.

This comment is not to open the door to conflict or dispute, nor is it directed solely at you, but I mainly responded to you saying God didn't put Trump in office as scripture doesn't agree with that statement, but I think it needs to be to clarified on some points that have been misunderstood by some who have criticized Pastors who encouraged their congregations to vote this past election cycle.

I don't know of any past Presidents who were without errors in some way that didn't align with biblical values at 100%. But Christians voted. Trump certainly has some issues that don't align with biblical values, but looking at where Kamala would have taken us, compared to the over all positions Trump was proposing, in no way did anyone want to fall into the hands of the globalists prematurely.

We know it's going that way anyway according to prophecy but if God isn't ready to fulfill that prophecy of a One World Government yet, why would we forfeit our freedom ahead of God's plan?

I honestly believe that the enemy has worked very hard at sowing discord and divisiveness within the church because he knows his days are numbered and wants to take down the church in any way he can.
Our brothers and sisters in Christ are not our enemies. The devil is the enemy.

I think We All need to just take a back seat from being offended and offending and focus on what the church ought to do, bear with one another, be forgiving with one another, and use our gifts in edifying one another as we see The Day drawing near.

As I stated, this isn't being directed at you but it's something We All need to consider in order to keep the love of Jesus within His Body of believers.

This probably stung some people and I didn't intend this to be taken as an attack on anyone, but strictly meant to point out that we can't keep placing a wedge between one another over views or opinions that are getting overstated and literally bruising the Body of Christ.

Praying for the church 🙏
I agree that the devil is the enemy and that division is being sown in the body of Christ. I would take a back seat from being offended, if I were offended. I'm just making observations and then expressing my point of view.

Yes to Daniel 2:21. That still doesn't make pastor JD wrong about Trump. Following that logic, I guess you could say that Hitler was a product of Daniel 2:21. However, that is logical fallicy. Just because Daniel 2:21 is true, doesn't mean that every single leader in every single election was put there because, "God raises up kings." The bible doesn't say that God raises up every king in every situation.

If I were an American, and I'm not, this was not my election to vote in, I absolutely would not have voted for the democrats who were fast-tracking the new world order, aka globalism.

I am however, a neighbour to the north, and your elections have an impact on my country. Canada and the USA are so inter-twined, economically and geo-politically, that I keep a close eye on what goes on south of the border.

Expressing one's opinion, also does not logically, necessarily lead to division. It can do that, but to claim that is to make an assumption. This is a discussion, or process of edification, or simply "freedom of speech". Not experiencing any stings on my part.

Again, inferring that "placing a wedge between one another over views or opinions that are getting overstated and literally bruising the Body of Christ" is what is occurring, falls under the realm of assumption in this particular discussion.

I fully stand with you while you are praying for the church.
Thanks my awesome sister in the Lord. I have always cherished your heart in that you always share sincerely from it. And it is a blessing to witness this wonderful quaity in you. Like here in this post. It encourages me. And I want to thank you for sharing your heart publically. Because I do see how God does use you. So before I address this, my lovely dearly precious sister in the Lord :heart: ...just wanted to say that.

You make a good point that by the nature of JD's stances and approaches other pastor's would seem to separate from him. I recall witnessing this sort of thing first hand as things unfolded at JDF. I believe it is unfortunate and telling how some in high profile ministry would disingauge with JD, addressing him in offhanded ways at times. I do remember. And I think that does not speak abosultely highly of those in leadership who project that kind of persona in high profile. So Catherine, I acknowledge and honor your well stated observation. Because that sort of thing does tend to exist in pockets in the greater watcher community.

Another acknowledgement in JD's favor is the vax concern. I'm sure there are other pastors who have taken stances against the vax. But from what I have seen, JD, in my mind, has taken the biggest stance. And at the level of the seriousness of the issue, although the vax issue JD holds to may not sit well with some, I actually don't mind it. I believe as long as there is vagueness over that issue publically, the church is actually the conscience of America (whether we take to that option on or not). And I believe the vax is one area where having strong concerns about it demonstrate a reasonable conscience of the church (especially where there are several churches that have enforced the vax stance). So I can appreciate JD's long suffering conviction there.

In addition, I would also say that it would be good for Christian leadership in general to have a much different perspective in reaching across the isles. And I mean this in a mainstream way in general for all leadership. And an example of this would be like during the time of Trump's first presidency, Jack Hibbs was hugely supportative of the Deal of the Century (as he was on the advisory committee of evangelicals advising in official capacity--Trump). In those days, JD had serious concerns with how that would divide Israel. At the time, I was a lot closer to JD's stances on that issue. And since that time, it would appear that Hibbs has recanted of being too pro-Trump (which some members of his church I know personally would attest that Hibbs was taking the church too far into a realm of conservativism not the healthiest for the dynamic of a gospel led church body). Since that time I had taken a different view than my original. But at that time, while two prominent Calvery Chapel pastors greatly differed, what would have been healthiest for the body of Christ in John 15:15 mandate, would be for those two pastors to demonstrate public care toward each other. Likely neither side was focused in that. And it is standard operating procedure in the church today to have strong convictions and not necessarily be concerned how that might weather the body of Christ in general. So its not something really considered in Christianity. But to me, this sort of thing is what mature leaders in Christ should be concerned with. But we don't exactly have that level of sensitivity in the body today. In this perspective, well this would be one of the generic concerns I would underscore as fruit of a potntial Laodicean church era. Sure we have always had church divisions. Nothing new about that today. Its just after 2,000 years, it would be increasingly upon us to potentially arrive more or less as we have a bulk of history in our wake. So I would see it generally from how maturing is the church leadership perspectives callibrating with a trajectory that increases in maturity as we go. And although there have been some growth in areas on that (and it not be ecumenical), in general it is still largely accepted in Christendom that there will be factions. And Paul stated that to the Corinthian church over 2,000 years ago. So there is that.

. . . . .

Along those same lines I would see the stewardship of ministry perspective. If we are in leadership having a great reach, the missionary principle then applies in concert with the size of the reach we have. Paul sought to be all things to all people. Today we seem to tend to see that perhaps as like what Bill Clinton tried to be. And its not exactly all too clear what being all things to all people means biblically. But whatever that does mean, Paul sought it out. JD Farag is familiar with this. As he himself testifies that he cares as much about the left as he does about the right. And I think that is an awesome stance. And for that stance I honorably salute the man. For we don't have a seamless heart like that in general in the church. So that helps, amen. But with that comes the other side of the equation. That JD is aware of the missionary principle (to be as much all things to all as possible to not pigeon hole perspective before the people). So that is a responsibility of the high calling of pastor. And to the degree one's ministry can be perceived as controversial, to that end would that stewardship be accountable to.

Another concern in that same arena is the danger of the echo ecosystem. Knowing that elements of our perspectives as leaders that can tend to isolate us from the mainstream does not maturely and responsibly rest at: they just won't have me. The reason this is important to note, is that the levels of conviction a pastor is posturing is not in a vacuum. It doen'st just happen to a leader. They also share in bringing it about. It's not like ministries that have potential to isolate are being pastorally merely only controlled by what God may be bringing about with that ministry. It is a shared endeavor. And part of the mature Christian character in being granted and "receiving" a controversial ministry would by mature necessity have to include concerns of not becoming an echo system group think isolationist. That is not "a mystery." That is a part of "the responsibility" of perhaps wearing the bigger pants. When Jesus said "count the cost" yes it was in relation to the cost it would be for Jews in the first century to go against the synagogue tide. But we can see some examples of the ensuing "missionary principle" in books like 2 Timothy 2:24-26"

The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, skillful in teaching, patient when wronged, 25 with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.

Now we can see many of these qualities in JD. I have seen him "suggest" and I have seen him have great strides in how he desires to admonish. Amen. But where I would not see this missionary principle in practice is where a sort of aligning perspectives enshrouded in end time opinions to be somewhat equal weights concerning and with the tenents of the faith. Timothy was instructed to patiently correct in relation to bad doctrine. Not eschatological preference perspectives. They are not exactly the same. Could JD be correct in his views? Yes. But he does stand on them as though they were on par with commonly accepted doctrines of the faith. And presumes to "correct" from that posture. You have said so yourself:

"Trump may be the better choice, when viewing the surface, but is he in the long run? Did God really appoint him to be president of the United States, as so many Christians with their own narrow points of view, believe to be true? Or, alternatively, is Trump a Trojan horse? I guess we'll find out, won't we."

As your conviction has led you, so be it. But this is a statement I have never heard from JD. Yet you are making because it demonstrates the condition we find ourselves in. Having to "see." We may have convictions one way or another. But we still have "to see." That is a tone I never get from JD. So that is where I would see a lack of the missionary principle. Understanding why the community might take issue with how Pastors portray something is part of responsibility of the pastor.

Alternatively, what I have heard JD say on a number of occasions, "Don't email me about this." Now to be fair, on some points when he says this it is tongue-in-cheek. But not always. And although I believe his staff reads all the emails, his lack of invitation to dialogue with differences is proclaimed to his own viewers. That is not in a vacuum either. And something JD could stand to mature in. For it is a symptom of what pastors should be aware of occuring potentially: the echo system effect. If society notices a pastor is ok with not minding that too much because they are far more convinced of their views, it portrays a public lack of the missionary principle. For JD is a missionary to the country (and in ways--to the world).

In addition, you say: "There may be people with Trump Derangement Syndrome, but the other camp is just as entrenched, the camp of Trump Idolatry."

Is that statement true? Yes. Amen it is true. You express this concept in defense of JD. A man who has anchored himself as not being an either/or guy. For which I commend him. Yet, if the fruit of his ministry produces this equation you have expressed, it suggests, to me, the fruit of either/or ism. We are human. We are all prone to this. Self included. By this I am not singling you out. We are all having this disproprotion in our hearts and minds somewhere. So that is not my point. What my point is is this: If JD is against either/or ism...why is a prime fruit of it producing the endorsement of either/or thinking?

Sure, a majority will be in one camp or another. Look, I am not a pastor. And I just watch generic stuff that is simply out there in social media. I know there are shades to this. There are no small shortages of social media products that discuss all matter of the gray in this. What seems to be missing from this either/or approach is what might exist that transcends earthly either/or propositions. For the whole of import we are discussing this in and for is to get at the higher views spiritually. Not to think spiritually so we can redefine the place of either/or thinking. And own it. And yet, that, to me, seems to be what has somewhat been trending.

To me its not maybe Trump will be ok or maybe Trump will be a danger. Nor is it derangement vs worship toward Trump. Those are the fruits of the immature. I believe there are more souls alive today in America that are not immaturely in either camp. I'm kind of one of them, I believe. And I have met several others. And I know there is actually a large swath of thinkers out there that honestly are weighing things. At the end of the day, instead of a responsible missionary stance, what it "appears" to be occuring from JD's position is that it come across more as is a sense of being more mature than worshipping Trump attitude, and used as a subtle sense for scolding toward those that seem to (and just being ok to leave it there at such a superficial "either/or" level and call that perspective, spiritual). And that, to me, is not the missionary principle. That, to me, is a thesis driven perspective not rising above the either/or fray. Positions taken to dispense higher spiritual principle, should not be a position of the nature to commendeer the fray as though doing so is also a position that holds to spiritual maturity. But instead, itself, only merely rises to the same level of either/or thinking. Yet appearing as more spiritual than that. When it is clearly (for many who do not wish to be stuck in some biased way of looking at it) "just as" fleshy as the thing it scolds us for regarding. Nor should a position claiming to have ears to hear and eyes to see express those convcitions to train others to think that way of thinking is helpful in any way at all toward the missionary principle supposed to be held (in perceived good faith) in it. Its just earthy selling itself as spiritual. And if we are at a pastoral level and we can't see that, but society does, it portrays a blindness toward mature discretion.

And with that level of nuance not reasonably addressed, considered or reasonably evaluated, suggests something is broken there. Not being able to see the elaphant in that room is not having eyes to see or ears to hear, much less having the ability to instruct people on what having eyes to see and ears to hear looks like (having not practiced it properly in the sound discernment of the missionary principle, himself). That is not a place one can come to most robustly to have clear perpsective on what engaging in community with our convictions could even begin to seriously look like. For there would be no need to. Because it redefines either/or as spiritual. When it is earthy selling itself as enlightened. And, its not. It's just either/or thinking wanting to be spiritual. And with that, how can we from that have eyes and ears to see and hear? And why would we want to rearange the chemistry of what having eyes to see and ears to hear perform like? It's either/or earthly perspective...period. And it is very easy to see at a very dumbed down level. Even if we don't have ears to hear and eyes to see. Teenagers could discern that difference. If others in the body (or even more...in the world) can see this, its not because they have eyes to see or ears to hear. Its just that they notice the bar of what is spiritual is not raised high enough to actualyl have that conversation (that either/or thinking is not a fallacy). And in that, if we use either/or thinking to pretend its not, doing that preemptively removes any sober thoughts toward our theological wares and ideas to honestly longsuffer and accept the true weathering elements to contrast those ideas that exist in "discussion" (verses just not wanting to get your email). To not have the charity to permit our ideas to be challenged, but instead promote our views in the public square with "don't email me," swaggar...is not exactly healthy. And since that is accepted as standard sociol operating procedure and favorbed to be considered as sound (to think that our ideas are ok not to be challenged or weathered in deeper discussion and before receciprical audience), I believe we would do well to discern if it might be something other than chairty toward the missionary principle. So like, what might be its opposite? Perhaps we can start there..

. . . . .

In closing,of course other people's perspectives can vary. But one we could never get at from having a lack of true missionary principle charity there is: Might God be using Trump to empower America to grant Israel peace and security for Ez 38. That is what some in the watcher world are just barely starting to come to consider. And although that may not be accurate. I ask you dear sister. What if that is what this is? Where was JD? How could his miss so great a prophecy being fulfilled? I am not saying 100% he is. Nor am I saying 100% that that is what is happening. For it is healthy to consider where we may be off. But if what I just shared here is closer to accurate than not, would anyone listening to JD ever have the slightest notion that is what is occurring right underneath their feet? And would not a missionary principle of mature leadership afford such a potential especially if it might have theological legs to stand on potentially? The reason it may not, would likely be do to perhaps an overfocus on our own views and perspectives not interested much in anything outside that echo system. And if that becomes increasingly the case, it would not stand to reason that the course taken a long the way was one that engaged community as much as defend a thesis. And that would be unfortunate if that is somewhat a state of the church. But if true, JD is not the only person influenced in such ways. It would appear to be a church shared epidemic of sorts. One we can discuss. Which is what I am hopeful this extremely long post encourages. Because the days are evil. And time is short. And being able to share with one another does have its ministry too. And so in that spirit I do hope this to be received. In humble consideration. Blessings.
I agree that the devil is the enemy and that division is being sown in the body of Christ. I would take a back seat from being offended, if I were offended. I wish people would stop assigning "emotional context" to open discussions. I'm just making observations and then expressing my point of view.

Yes to Daniel 2:21. That still doesn't make pastor JD wrong about Trump. Following that logic, I guess you could say that Hitler was a product of Daniel 2:21. However, that is logical fallicy. Just because Daniel 2:21 is true, doesn't mean that every single leader in every single election was put there because, "God raises up kings." The bible doesn't say that God raises up every king in every situation.

If I were an American, and I'm not, this was not my election to vote in, I absolutely would not have voted for the democrats who were fast-tracking the new world order, aka globalism.

I am however, a neighbour to the north, and your elections have an impact on my country. Canada and the USA are so inter-twined, economically and geo-politically, that I keep a close eye on what goes on south of the border.

Expressing one's opinion, also does not logically, necessarily lead to division. It can do that, but to claim that is to make an assumption. This is a discussion, or process of edification, or simply "freedom of speech". Not experiencing any stings on my part.

Again, inferring that "placing a wedge between one another over views or opinions that are getting overstated and literally bruising the Body of Christ" is what is occurring, falls under the realm of assumption in this particular discussion.

I fully stand with you while you are praying for the church.
I was hoping you wouldn't take the entirety of my post as though I was directing it to you.
I stated that above.
My main direction towards your post was regarding the positions of leaders.
Whether Hitler was raised by God, I think it's possible He in fact did. For the purpose of the Jews to begin their Aliyah back to Israel.
God would use persecution for His purpose and He will do it again during the Tribulation which is called Jacob's trouble because of the hardship Israel will endure during that time and it's for the purpose of Israel calling on Jesus their Messiah to save them.
I errored in commenting on this as it was not intended to be taken negatively.
I would just love to see believers not be divided even with opinions.
Discussion is good but in an edifying way, in a loving way.
I'm not saying you weren't doing that.
I wasn't directing what I said to you. I directed it to US as the church.
I should have made a separate post and not have unintentionally made it appear as though I was directing it to youi apologize for that.
Blessings to you and I hope I cleared up some things.
To me its not maybe Trump will be ok or maybe Trump will be a danger. Nor is it derangement vs worship toward Trump. Those are the fruits of the immature. I believe there are more souls alive today in America that are not immaturely in either camp. I'm kind of one of them, I believe. And I have met several others. And I know there is actually a large swath of thinkers out there that honestly are weighing things. At the end of the day, instead of a responsible missionary stance, what it "appears" to come across more as is a sense of being more mature than worshipping Trump is a subtle sense for scolding toward those that do. And that, to me, is not the missionary principle. That, to me, is a thesis driven perspective not rising above the either/or fray. Not to commandeer the fray as though the position that holds that persective is where we should land. Nor is the training of others to think that way helpful toward the missionary principle said to be held in it.

And with that level of nuance not reasonably addressed, might I suggest, is not a place one can come to most robustly to have clear perpsective on what engaging in community with our convictions could even begin to take seriously in looking like. For there would be no need to. Because it redefines either/or as spiritual. And, its not. It's either/or earthly perspective.
Teren, if I've been able to properly understand your train of thought, then I agree with you in the above. One of the greatest problems in general Christian discourse today is the false logic of the either/or argument. Either/or divides into factions, factions that are based on divisions that actually are not valid. It's just another tool of Satan to attempt to hinder the Church by destroying fellowship.

It is possible for a pastor to be correct about some things and incorrect about others. It's possible for a pastor to venture too far into secular affairs. But that does not negate all of their teaching. JD is a pastor whom I respected for years and whose biblical teaching I appreciated. But when he got involved in the conspiracy theories and other things, he lost me. Logic and common sense prevented me from accepting some of the secular things he believes in. But his Bible teaching is still solid. To me the tragedy is that the questionable conspiracy theories he espouses damage his credibility on biblical matters in the minds of many Christians and non-Christians alike.

It is one thing to comment on secular matters from a biblical perspective; it is quite another to promote unfounded or unproven theories. And to me this is the problem that has divided Christian leadership. I would that pastors would return to their main job of caring for their flock by building up the saints for the work of ministry ... namely the sharing of the good news of Jesus Christ with the people around them. This is the absolute bottom line, our primary responsibility. Therefore, getting involved with those other things is simply bringing unnecessary division into the Body, and the Holy Spirit through Paul warned extremely strictly against that in 1st Corinthians 3:16-17.

"Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple, and that God’s Spirit dwells inb you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple."​

In conclusion, I would suggest we would all be wise to follow the advice of the concluding verses of 1st Corinthians 3--

"Let no one deceive himself. If any of you thinks he is wise in this age, he should become a fool, so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: 'He catches the wise in their craftiness.' And again, 'The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile.' Therefore, stop boasting in men. All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future. All of them belong to you, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God." (1 Corinthians 3:18-24)
I am forever grateful to JD for his ABC's of Salvation. When my 103 year old father in law was FINALLY ready to talk about salvation he was almost too breathless with heart failure to talk much at all.

I used JD's quick framework to get there. He said YES to Christ and was dead within a few days.

God was so gracious to preserve his life until that point.

God used JD to help me and so many others with a quick easy to remember plan of salvation to get the point across in the least amount of time.

I had been praying for my father in law since G and I were married back in '78. From fall of 1978 to spring of 2019 I prayed for him. Thank God for His mercy and for JD's ABC's.

Keeping it simple! Getting it done!
JD is a pastor whom I respected for years and whose biblical teaching I appreciated. But when he got involved in the conspiracy theories and other things, he lost me. Logic and common sense prevented me from accepting some of the secular things he believes in. But his Bible teaching is still solid.
Agree. I listened to him for years, and he lost me in 2020. But yes, when he sticks with presenting the gospel, he is excellent.

I cant logically explain why I still read the transcripts of his weekly prophecy updates. Perhaps there is a part of me who hopes he will stop with conspiracy and stick with his solid biblical teaching.
Teren, if I've been able to properly understand your train of thought, then I agree with you in the above. One of the greatest problems in general Christian discourse today is the false logic of the either/or argument. Either/or divides into factions, factions that are based on divisions that actually are not valid. It's just another tool of Satan to attempt to hinder the Church by destroying fellowship.

It is possible for a pastor to be correct about some things and incorrect about others. It's possible for a pastor to venture too far into secular affairs. But that does not negate all of their teaching. JD is a pastor whom I respected for years and whose biblical teaching I appreciated. But when he got involved in the conspiracy theories and other things, he lost me. Logic and common sense prevented me from accepting some of the secular things he believes in. But his Bible teaching is still solid. To me the tragedy is that the questionable conspiracy theories he espouses damage his credibility on biblical matters in the minds of many Christians and non-Christians alike.

It is one thing to comment on secular matters from a biblical perspective; it is quite another to promote unfounded or unproven theories. And to me this is the problem that has divided Christian leadership. I would that pastors would return to their main job of caring for their flock by building up the saints for the work of ministry ... namely the sharing of the good news of Jesus Christ with the people around them. This is the absolute bottom line, our primary responsibility. Therefore, getting involved with those other things is simply bringing unnecessary division into the Body, and the Holy Spirit through Paul warned extremely strictly against that in 1st Corinthians 3:16-17.

"Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple, and that God’s Spirit dwells inb you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple."​

In conclusion, I would suggest we would all be wise to follow the advice of the concluding verses of 1st Corinthians 3--

"Let no one deceive himself. If any of you thinks he is wise in this age, he should become a fool, so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: 'He catches the wise in their craftiness.' And again, 'The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile.' Therefore, stop boasting in men. All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future. All of them belong to you, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God." (1 Corinthians 3:18-24)

The either/or fallacy is an interesting one. It is possible that there are an either/or that are not a fallacy. Like male or female, or actions that were done or actions that were not done, etc. One thing that struck me today is that in all the opinions out there of what is going on today, one thing is actually pretty lovely to consider. That most of the watcher views are in good faith, however misguided or not. And our differing views stem from this one common thread: When God speaks we know He means something. And because it is Him speaking, we realize there can be often more than meets the eye. To have an interest that when He speaks it is worthy of deep consideration as to His meaning, is a beautiful condition.

For I would see that the sin in the garden was disobedience, yes. But it was only one that could be committed only by not trusting God's word and His character in it. And what we see today, as much as views will differ all over the place, it is a precious thing to note, that our fumbling around over correct interpretations stem from believing His word really means something. Which is a 1st principle adoration worthy sentiment, in the midst of all the confusion about what is going on. :)

. . . . .

But the troublesome side of the either/or potential for fallacey is that it is often operating under the radar. Sometimes it is easy to detect. Often times not so easy because of our dispositions to a number of perspectives we might hold. Although the word is timeless and not attached to any one era of man, Romans 12:17, "Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone" would be one of those verses that serves to latch on the ebb and flows of the tides of culture through time. Our age is noted as perhaps the most narcasistic age known to modern man. A time of cancel culture. A time of gotchya questions. A time of division and tribal idealogy. I don't believe Romans 12:17 would mean in that condition that we operate in and what has come to be socially acceptable. To permit our views to be a zietguist of sorts for how we perform or even maybe come across in the world. Where Romans 12 would seem to address culture is in the intuitive understanding of the golden rule principle. If the culture sees cancel culture and stubborn attitudes toward one another, it would seem Romans 12 would be rather that which appeals to the greater notions in contrast. Notions that are of a higher order than the standards a society may have otherwise arrived at.

For example, although the 1500s was a time where it was common to sentence heretic to death, there were a number of reformers who knew that was not the biblical standard. Even though public execution (other than its acceptable time during Old Testament functionality in the BC years) for heresy was somewhat of a cultural norm in the 1500s. Romans 12 would seem to be speaking to a more noble application of what is presumed to be right or fashionable or having acceptability to a degree in a culture.

Prior to 2017, I always had an interest to see both the right and the left perspectives. I am conservative by heart, but I appreciated that there were at least two big political parties that had contrasting views. Under a 1 party rule, there is little discussion. Little room for contrast in the event tyranny come from a 1 party mindset. So even though I disagreed with the left, I would want to hear where their heart is on some issues and how their perspective might resonate better than the conservative establishment take on some things. Or just generally maybe getting a fuller picture since politicians have a tendency to be less than honest. In that way like, I appreciate by nature even back then when Pastor JD would encourage not seeing things too left or right for the honor of James 3:9. But when media became massive propaganda on steroids, I kind of lost that edge--of looking for depth from varying political perspective and considering where some left leaning sources might have been coming from. Since that time I do find Young Turks on YouTube to have a less propogandized version of the left. But not at all completely without of course. However, the co-host for example, Ana Kasparian, seems to be an unbeliever on the left that genuinely attempts at good faith dialogue in the secular square.

This is something you may not wish to be posted on a Christian forum. And if so, I would understand. So I won't provide a link. And even if a video title for search is innapropriate, and be removed, I would understand. But something like this recent interview does demonstrate the state of affairs in our cultural mindset. And as this relates to a sincere desire to overcome the more subtle forms of either/or fallacies we might be subject to, I think this points out the honorable functional considerations good to strive for. This interview demonstrates the way our cultural norms are twisted. So in that sense, having less care of what might be either/or fallacy...would be more a symptom of our age than a gentleness of wisdom (James 3:13) that comes from above perspective. However, this interview posted here does go a stretch too far, in my estimation, in terms of not having solid mature biblical perspectives, obviously. So in that sense it could inadvertently undo some of its finer points by perhaps enabling wholesale ecumenicalism...so I put that warning out there. But culturally, this is a secular address that I believe on some levels be a good reminder for the church in general of how something like Phil 4:8 can override either/or fallacies in hopeful good faith discussion. Blessings.

'Young Turks' Host: Democrats Need to WAKE UP | Ana Kasparian | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 237


16 - 18 Dec 2024​

Bible Prophecy Update, How Significant Is Damascus? - Sunday, December 15th, 2024​

Pastor JD explains that while Damascus does have prophetic significance, everything simultaneously happening in the world today supersedes it in being even more prophetically significant.

Dave Hunt - A Critique of Dominion Theology​

TBC Annual Conference 2024

Hollow Hallow: Hallow's Ecumenical Pray25 Campaign​

The Catholic Hallow App has pushed forward it's latest campaign for Advent called Pray25... They have partnered with celebrities like Jonathan Roumie, Gwen Stefani, Kevin James, Bear Grylls, Lauren Daigle, Francis Chan, Matt Maher, Sarah Kroger & others in order to bring in the money...

7 Prophetic News Stories From 2024​

A year ago, I thought the Rapture would happen during 2024. Although we remain earthbound, the signs of the approaching Tribulation period continue to reach new heights in both frequency and intensity. We live in the season of Jesus’ appearing to take us home to glory; He could come for us at any moment. We are ever so close to the midnight hour for us, the Rapture, and the world, the Day of the Lord.


2025 Biological Warfare Plans Confirmed - Karen Kingston​

Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston joins Maria Zeee to discuss plans for biological warfare plans starting in 2025, including how they plan to decimate our food supply.

Know Your Psyops — How to Spot Them, How to Not Be Conned​

How do we spot government psyops?

European Committee gives green light to use self-replicating vaccines on citizens of EU countries​

The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use has recommended marketing authorisation for Kostaive, a self-replicating mRNA (“saRNA”) injection developed by Arcturus Therapeutics. The final decision for regulatory approval now rests with the European Commission.

X CEO Linda Yaccarino Endorses Bill Promoting Digital IDs, As Musk Seeks To Transform X Into Chinese Surveillance State App WeChat​

X CEO Linda Yaccarino recently announced her part in revising the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), a digital censorship bill that would force social networks to moderate specific content that is deemed harmful and inappropriate for children

NATO Chief Rutte Says ‘Wartime Mindset’ Needed In Europe, Calls For Funding Military With ‘Pensions, Health, Social Security’​

NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte, the former Prime Minister of The Netherlands, recently said that Europe needs to “shift to a wartime mindset” and that military expenditures must increase, even perhaps at the cost of things such as healthcare and retirement funds.


19 - 21 Dec 2024​

1094. Is the Technocracy Being Built in Plain Sight?​

Patrick Wood joins Dr. Hixson to discuss how the Trump administration may be hastening the roll out of the global technocracy.

1094. Is the Technocracy Being Built in Plain Sight?

On Being Rapture Worthy :: By Terry James​

We are on the very cusp of looking our Lord in His omniscient eyes when He calls believers into His presence at the Rapture. What does it mean to be “worthy” in our God’s holy eyes?…

Prophecy Authenticates the Bible :: By Sean Gooding​


Technocrat Christianity — Peter Thiel's Fixation on Anti-Christ​

Silicon Valley and the technocracy are "embracing" their idea of Christianity with some bizarre twists straight out of Brave New World.

Comms, EMF & Protecting Ourselves Ahead of 2025 - Tina Blanco​

Tina Blanco joins Maria Zeee to discuss the importance of alternative communications, understanding the dangerous of EMF & how to protect ourselves from it, and how we can protect ourselves ahead of 2025.

THE EUGENICS CRUSADE | Full Documentary | American Experience | PBS​

Uncover the shocking history of the early 20th-century campaign to breed a “better” American race.

Newsom Calls For State Of Emergency - Fatal Contact - Bird Flu In America 2024​

In the 2006 movie 'Fatal Contact: Bird Flu In America' the CDC warns of a highly fatal Bird Flu that mutated and could be transmitted from human to human.

Russia Prepares to Embrace China as New World Leader. Predicts Fast Demise for the US​

With the assassination of Russia's Biodefense General, Putin's patience to not engage in a kinetic war with the United States over the Ukraine and US-backed bioweapons labs is running out.

Rockefeller Foundation's Agenda 2030​


22 - 25 Dec 2024​

Bible Prophecy Update, A Spirit Of Fear May Unite The World Again, Sunday, December 22nd, 2024​

Pastor JD addresses the prophetic significance of what many are seeing and calling drones and UFOs specific to what they are for, as opposed to what they are.

2Ti 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.


Wishing all Christians a very blessed Christmas!

Luke 2:11 For to you is born today, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

A Charlie Brown Christmas: Linus Explains the True Meaning Of Christmas​

Gabriel's Announcement to Mary Speaks to the Lack of Discernment in Today's Church​

The fulfillment of Messianic prophecies began with Gabriel’s visit to Mary to announce the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:28-38)

Shadows of Ezekiel 38 :: By Dave Hubley​

The recent events in Syria and a statement made in a recent article by Amir Tsarfati in Harbingers Daily have caused me to consider anew Ezekiel 38 and its possible ramifications as far as verses 10 and 11.

Scoffers Gonna Scoff: Prophets Unaware :: By Joe Hawkins​

To be completely transparent, I’m surprised the Rapture hasn’t happened yet. But here’s the difference: God isn’t surprised.

They Knew Not the Time of Their Visitation :: By Randy Nettles​

Jesus spoke unto the multitudes in parables (especially concerning the kingdom of God)

Endtime Technology Booms: From Bezzle to Fizzle, Part 1 :: By Wilfred Hahn​

It is all part and parcel of a “last day” rush to digitize and network the entire planet.

Is The Revival Of The End Times Starting To Erupt Right In Front Of Our Eyes?​

It appears that something incredible is beginning to happen. Even in the midst of all of the chaos and turmoil that we are witnessing in our society right now, God is on the move.


Drone Warfare & The Alien Deception - Jay Dyer​

Jay Dyer joins Maria Zeee to dissect the drone warfare operation sweeping the U.S., explaining the alien/UFO agenda and how this may be used to further the NWO in future.

CDC Confirms Severe Case Of Bird Flu & California Declares A State Of Emergency​

The CDC has come out issuing a confirmation o n the first severe case of bird flu in Louisiana...

1094. Is the Technocracy Being Built in Plain Sight?
Thanks for posting this, i just finished listening.

They may be wrong, or they may be right, but what I don’t understand is why they promote evil intentions on unbelievers like Elon Musk. Of course unbelievers act like unbelievers.

26 - 29 Dec 2024​

A Critique of the Pre-Wrath Rapture View - Andy Woods​

In order to best describe the Pre-Wrath Rapture perspective, let us identify its primary proponents as well as the controversies surrounding its name and origin. Then, we will define the view by noting its three-fold structure.

Trump’s Peace Trap​

I preface this with the assurance that I believe President-elect Donald J. Trump is God’s man for this late prophetic hour.

The wolf speaks of sheepfolds: Al-Jolani and Christian minorities under Islamic rule​

Syrian Christians fears aren't based on speculation or prejudice, but grounded in both 1,400 years of documented history and very real experiences of their neighbors today


UN Amplifies Campaign Against “Disinformation” and AI Through Global Governance Frameworks​

The UN shifts focus from peacekeeping to AI regulation, censorship, and digital ID frameworks under its Global Communications agenda.

21 Quotes About Central Banking That Show Why The Federal Reserve Must Be Shut Down​

We have come to accept that we are permanently trapped in an endless cycle of debt and money creation. But the only reason why debt and money grow at an exponential rate is because that is what our system was designed to do.

The Untold Story of Polio​

Renaming and Vaccine-Induced Disorders to Hide Their Mistakes

Bill Gates goes full totalitarian: Insists AI could censor 'threats' from 'vaccine hesitancy'​

Bill Gates often has expressed extremism in supporting his agenda that appears to include massive levels of one-world government, such as the submitting to World Health Organization agendas, and mandatory vaccines for people whether they help or not.

The Threat Of Cashless Societies​

Cash is the king.

Bird flu virus shows mutations in first severe human case in US, CDC says​

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday its analysis of samples from the first severe case of bird flu in the country last week showed mutations not seen in samples from an infected backyard flock on the patient's property.


1 Jan - 5 Jan 2025​

Weaning Evangelicals Off The Word​

Kingdom. Power. Glory. Dominion. Delusion?

Which Denominations Believe in the (Pretribulation) Rapture?​

The Little Guys: Pay Attention To Libya & Sudan​

One of the things that I will be watching in 2025 is the developments of Turkey & Russia control in Libya & Sudan... These two smaller countries are often forgotten about when it comes to the Ezekiel 38 coalition that comes against Israel...

Gabriel's Announcement to Mary Speaks to the Lack of Discernment in Today's Church​

The Old Testament contains a great many messianic prophecies. Jesus fulfilled forty-eight specific predictions during His first visit to the earth. A much greater number of biblical texts refer to the end times, Jesus’ appearing, the seven-year Tribulation, Christ’s Second Coming, and eternity.

So Earthly Minded, No Heavenly Good :: By Howard Green​

The closer we get to Jesus’ return, the further away many Christians and churches are drifting from the great commission. One well-known statement epitomizes the apathy prevalent in much of our time’s lukewarm, watered-down Western church.

Still Waiting​

Christendom just wrapped up its official season of waiting. “Advent” (from the Latin, adventus, meaning “coming” or “arrival”) is a nearly month long liturgical celebration marking the long-awaited arrival of Messiah some 2,000 years ago.


Bobblehead Adventures | "Winter Wonderland"​

This time on Bobblehead Adventures... Fesivus, New Years, Snowballs, oh my! It's a Winter Wonderland!


While they continue to poison us, invade us with bio digital convergence materials, fill the new government with track and trace, AI mysteries, and transhumanism, MAHA is the theater of hope used to keep it moving forward.

Donald Trump: Man of peace or man of war? 2025 will provide answers​

Trump was elected on a platform of closing the border and bringing sanity back to US foreign policy but the early signs indicate Americans who voted for a man of peace could end up with a man of war.

NOT Safe And NOT Effective​

This free online resource provides EVIDENCE that the mRNA platform is a biological weapon delivery system and its ongoing and expanded use constitutes a grievous crime against humanity.

WEF Working with Bill Gates to ‘Debunk’ the Bible Using AI, Usher In ‘One World Religion’​

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and billionaire Bill Gates have been working together in the background to rewrite the Holy Bible using artificial intelligence and release a new version that will to usher in a new universal spirituality to fit within their vision of a transhumanistic world.


Trump’s Peace Trap​

I preface this with the assurance that I believe President-elect Donald J. Trump is God’s man for this late prophetic hour.

that is a really good article by Terry James, pointing out the dangers of Trump's Middle East advisor, father to his new son in law. Not only is it sticky having family battles, but mix in the President of the USA, a daughter he's just starting to get close to, who grew up on the outside of his other children's inner circle, but how does he balance what is right for his family, his country and Israel? Terry put his finger right on the problem there. Tiffany's mother raised her away from Trump and the other children. It's only since she became an adult and around the time she married after his first term that she's gotten closer to her father and half siblings. That's a delicate situation right there.

Quote from the article that I found quite alarming:
"The following touches on the trap I propose might be in the process of being set to turn the new US presidential administration from no two-state solutions to an offering of land for peace, opposed by Mr. Netanyahu, most of the Israeli people, and, currently, most of Trump’s people.

WASHINGTON — Massad Boulos, President-elect Donald Trump’s advisor on Middle Eastern and Arab affairs, said that the United States would have to discuss laying out a “roadmap” to Palestinian statehood if it hopes to establish relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Saudi officials have long made it known that they would not establish ties with Israel absent progress toward a Palestinian state. But for Boulos — a Lebanese-American billionaire and the father-in-law of Trump’s daughter Tiffany — to emphasize the point is significant because other Trump appointees, in addition to Trump himself, are seen as close to the Israeli right, which rejects Palestinian statehood.

“I think the issue of a roadmap that would lead to a Palestinian state is an important part of the discussions between the United States and Saudi Arabia,” Boulos said in a wide-ranging interview last week with Le Point, a French magazine. “It is certainly a very important point.”

Boulos, 53, framed the focus on Palestinian statehood in terms of expanding the Abraham Accords, the 2020 normalization agreements between Israel and four Arab countries that were Trump’s signature foreign policy achievement in his first term.

Trump has spoken repeatedly about expanding the Abraham Accords. In the interview, Boulos said that many additional countries would initiate ties with Israel if Saudi Arabia did so.

“It is important to remember that Saudi Arabia is not demanding the creation of a Palestinian state today, but it is asking for a vision and a road map for it, that’s all,” he said. “Today, the president’s priority is to resume discussions on the Abraham Accords, with, of course, Saudi Arabia first. Because we know very well, and the president has said it, that once we agree with Saudi Arabia on Israel, there will be at least 12 Arab countries that will be immediately ready to follow suit.” (Massad Boulos, Trump’s new Middle East adviser, touts roadmap to Palestinian state, By Ron Kampeas/JTADECEMBER, Jerusalem Post)

We can all be thankful for the new direction America is apparently pointing with the election of Mr. Trump, who promises a change from the moral and governance madness experienced over the past number of years. But we can also watch and pray while we work toward pointing out that the satanic trap we might be witnessing being set will be recognized by the new president."

Prayers are definitely required for Trump as he navigates what could become very rough water very very quickly.

The Abraham Accords have so far NOT included any land deals - it's restricted to doing deals, increasing business, tourism and allowing for ambassadors to be exchanged.

If Trump had won his second term 4 years ago, Saudi Arabia was expected to sign onto the AA without any such conditions that Boulos has cleverly tossed into the mix.

The REASON the Trump Peace Plan was rejected and this alternative was quickly proposed by the Arabs, was to AVOID losing land in the West Bank aka Judea and Samaria. That area was being carved up and the Arabs knew they would forfeit claims on large sections permanently so they quickly proposed this Abe Accords and said they'd sign on as long as the Peace Plan got shelved.

HOPEFULLY Trump doesn't cave to this nonsense. The reason he did carve up Israeli land for peace in his previous Peace Deal was to create a different approach to land for peace and a 2 state settlement. But make no mistake, it still gave away land that belongs to Israel and land that was stolen from them.

Boulos is not a good addition to the team.

Makes me wonder if he encouraged his son to go after Trumps other daughter knowing she would be the way to her father's heart as he loves all his children very much in spite of how her mother pointedly raised her in California far away from Trumps New York and Florida home base. An easy target to manipulate and create an opening into Trumps inner family circle.