Thanks Brother Dennis. Do you have any views on the recent collapse of Syrian government? Blessings. Thanks.![]()
If you know anyone with asthma, make sure they read this
Climate alarmists have told doctors to stop prescribing the blue inhalers to asthmatics. “Instead of prescribing the safe drug that works,” Dr. Vernon Coleman writes, “doctors are being told to advise patients to switch to a combination inhaler containing steroids and a bronchodilator.”
If you know anyone with asthma, make sure they read this!
Climate alarmists have told doctors to stop prescribing the blue inhalers to asthmatics. “Instead of prescribing the safe drug that works,” Dr. Vernon Coleman writes, “doctors are being told …
Great adviceThis isn't the first time I've had a beef with Expose News. They aren't a source I'd trust for medical information as a whole.
Hi Margery, I have asthma too. I was just wondering though if you might show the paragraph (or paragraphs) here that you disagree with. I am not sure how to understand the difference between what the article is saying and what you are saying. ThanksI have asthma, read this with interest, but disagree with the conclusion. I've got both these inhalers, I use them both for vastly different reasons. Ventolin, the blue one is a "rescue" inhaler while the combination steroid and bronchodilater inhalers are a "control" inhaler.
I hadn't heard of the climate crazy crowd doing this- if they did they are giving the exact opposite advice, because the steroid that controls things is actually NOT a canned spray, it is a powder that is inhaled as it flies up into a turbo inhaler device that uses the Venturi effect to create an aerosol without using an aerosol gas to propel it. The Ventolin type does use a propellant gas to create it's aerosol for inhaling the dose. So the one that damages the environment (and that is such a lie) is the Ventolin that this article suggests should be used in place of the steroid/bronchodilator.
Makes me wonder what kind of credentials this "dr" who wrote the article for Expose News has. He certainly doesn't understand how asthma works or how to treat it effectively. He's just gone to the other extreme which is that the control inhaler is the "bad" device, and people should go back to just using Ventolin to control their asthma.
That might work in someone who has an asthma attack less than once a month and really aren't that much of an asthmatic. They might have occasional exercise induced asthma or very mild asthma that isn't usually a problem. But it is TERRIBLE advice for genuine asthmatics.
The problems with just using Ventolin to control asthma instead of as a rescue inhaler once in a while is that too much Ventolin is hard on the heart. It can aggravate any arrhythmia and it can interfere with sleep, because it acts and feels like "speed" or like amphetamines.
Great for weight loss - much like the addictive amphetamines it mimics. If you are a fan of wide eyed, jittery hyperactivity, inability to concentrate, and mild weight loss, and don't mind your heart getting out of whack, Ventolin is your jam.
However the down side is that if you over use Ventolin, you get less help from the bronchodilation, and more of the side effects. You run the risk of it NOT working when you suddenly need something to top up the steroid.
That is why the control inhalers became a thing. They DON'T replace Ventolin, they reduce the need to use Ventolin and in severe asthmatics who would otherwise need Ventolin several times a day they are a lifesaver.
The steroid part of it is so low dose, it's barely there and the side effects are usually from the bronchodilator which is a long acting version of the short acting Ventolin. Fortunately there are a number of different ones out there now. They work well, and they are milder than the Ventolin. One is like a lightweight minimal dose to control, compared with the heavy hitter rescue inhaler which beats up the body while it opens up the lungs.
Although the control inhaler keeps most of my asthma away, I do need Ventolin on me for sudden attacks that overwhelm my lungs. That would be last week in the spa at my pedicure appointment when some well meaning individual put the aromatherapy device on with a new scent that didn't bother listing ingredients. It was dicey for a bit, but I was able to use my Ventolin to get my breathing under control and they shut off the stupid scent machine. I didn't get carted off in an ambulance. Yay for Ventolin, used as it should be.
That would include visits to the mall or church where people wear perfumes that throw me, or candle shops that I can't go near the entry. Ventolin to the rescue.
Daughter, son, and several other family rely on the control and rescue inhaler combos. None of them would suggest using the rescue one all the time either.
For one niece she ended up in emerg a few times till she grasped the idea that she DID need the Control inhaler. She nearly died twice.
Daughter has had a couple of bouts of pneumonia because she didn't believe in using a control inhaler, till she realized that she doesn't end up with pneumonia when she uses her control inhaler.
Ventolin is a lifesaver, used as it should be- as a rescue inhaler for sudden asthma attacks that overwhelm the much milder control inhaler. And I say this as someone with Asthma, most of my life. AND as a retired RN. This "dr" may have graduated at the bottom of his class and definitely isn't giving good advice. Ventolin was a WONDERFUL invention, it's saved a lot of lives, but the addition of a control inhaler means Asthmatics aren't pummelled with the side effects of Ventolin on a daily basis.
This isn't the first time I've had a beef with Expose News. They aren't a source I'd trust for medical information as a whole.
It seems to me that most thinking Christians know that Trump was by far the better candidate of the choice we were given but surely few think of him as any kind of model of perfection. Comparing him to Hitler goes quite a lot too far in my opinion.
As I study from a few different sources that tend to track outside both the mainstream media as well as the alt news versions of reports, I try in my posts to provide why Providence and Hagelian Dialcectic are two different things. Comparing Trump with Hitler is something the left has done repeatedly. And although I am all for considering what Democrats (as an American voice) have to say (even though I strongly disagree with them), I would have a concern with my views if they line up closely to how propaganda has also worked (and this goes too of course on the opposite side--the right, as well).I’m listening to a JB Hixson podcast right now. He’s beating s similar drum warning about Trump.
I posted an article about John Piper beating the same drum.
So what do they have in common? It seems they are not trusting that God placed him in that position. I’m okay with people not liking him.
I don’t understand when spiritual leaders expect their followers to respect their political views.
it’s not a biblical perspective
It would be near impossible to dialect with a pastor who believes he above everyone else has the right views - everyone else, while still a Christian, are deceived.I believe what would be healthier for the body is finding ways to dialogue with the community more on this.
In JDs latest prophecy update, he compared Christian support for Trump, as the same support German citizens had for Hitler.
It seems they are not trusting that God placed him in that position.
When Pastor JD did his interview with Bud, what was helpful beyond how certain or not any of us might be on our views, what it did do is provide people the opportunity to see that as adverse JD is to the Trump supporting views of Bud, he publically affirmed Bud as a man who spoke the wisdom of God into JD's life. Unashamedly. So why I believe something like that to be helpful to the body of Christ, is not so much that JD on any level might change his stance. For I don't think he will. But for the sake of the saints, it helps the saints to better understand what it maturely looks like when we might hold super strongly to a view or conviction, and yet have deep and meaningful rapport with those in the body of Christ who might significantly differ.eIt would near impossible to dialect with a pastor who believes he above everyone else has the right views - everyone else, while still a Christian, are decieved.
@Andy C
To be fair, JDs comment referred to the surprising degree of German Christian support for Hitler following his stated ambition to “Make Germany Great Again”. The nation at that time was humiliated, suffering hyper inflation, unemployment and recession. His charismatic style, promises and rhetoric swept the nation up in idolic worship. It’s not that much of a stretch to see a potential modern day parallel.
Prima faci, if I were American I would have voted for Trump but the only one I truly trust is God. Who knows how Trump’s reign will pan out?
God placed Hitler too @Hol
Despite mixed reviews, I’d be interested to see the new Bonhoeffer film to get a better sense of the deception/misleading in Germany.
Brings to mind Matt 24:24
“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect”
But it’s not possible to mislead true believers in Jesus PTL!
The dr who wrote the article was saying that he thought pure Ventolin (there are a lot of generics now so I'm using the brand name Ventolin as a general term for all short acting bronchodilators) alone was appropriate to treat asthma.Hi Margery, I have asthma too. I was just wondering though if you might show the paragraph (or paragraphs) here that you disagree with. I am not sure how to understand the difference between what the article is saying and what you are saying. Thanks![]()
The dr who wrote the article was saying that he thought pure Ventolin (there are a lot of generics now so I'm using the brand name Ventolin as a general term for all short acting bronchodilators) alone was appropriate to treat asthma.
He was against the long acting bronchodilator meds that have that plus a very low dose of corticosteroids. There are a number of those- the variations are just in the type of long acting bronchodilator, not so much the steroid component.
For people who are still using Ventolin alone to control asthma, that will work if you are using it as a rescue (short action) inhaler to treat sudden asthma symptoms less than twice a month- that is what the respiratory specialists around here recommend.
But if you are using it more often- say 3 or more times a month there is less overall problems if you go to a combined inhaler to control the asthma. This results in less pneumonia, milder bronchitis and less need for antibiotics when the person gets a cold for example as many of us do. It means that there are less problems with heart arrythmias which increase with increased dose of Ventolin, and it means the asthmatic doesn't catch as many colds or have bad attacks that land them in emerg needing a short course of prednisone to get the asthma under control.
This switch in prescribing happened in the early 2000s or so. Up till then many dr's were just using Ventolin to control their pts asthma. Till they figured out there were less infections and trips to ER and lung health overall was better.
The dr who wrote the article was against the greenie environmentalists who were stupidly recommending ONLY a control inhaler, eliminating the use of rescue inhalers- equally stupid position- as in what does the patient do when the dr refuses a rescue inhaler and expects the control inhaler to do it all. The propellant used in the Ventolin type rescue inhaler is not a chloroflourocarbon, and you can actually get a powder form of Ventolin, used with a Turbohaler.
Unfortunately he took the opposite stance, eliminating the control inhaler and only using Ventolin. Once people are using Ventolin several times a day it's hard on the heart, and it can make it easier to get a massive overwhelming asthma attack that the Ventolin can't touch. People end up in emerg.
This is a key point, about trusting God as history happens around us. Trusting God doesn't equal total agreement with the leader whether it's a Churchill or a Hitler.I’m listening to a JB Hixson podcast right now. He’s beating s similar drum warning about Trump.
I posted an article about John Piper beating the same drum.
So what do they have in common? It seems they are not trusting that God placed him in that position. I’m okay with people not liking him.
I don’t understand when spiritual leaders expect their followers to respect their political views.
it’s not a biblical perspective
Never mind Paul! It was God who took issue with it and warned that those who destroyed the Church would suffer terrible judgment (1 Corinthians 3:16-18). God merely used Paul to deliver His admonishment and warning.Paul didn't like it when the tribal camps started up in the church, when some were "of Paul", some "of Apollos". It's NOT helpful when this kind of tribalism is encouraged.
One hundred percent correct!!!In our democracies we are allowed by God to have a vote, be part of the process, but the options are limited. In America the choice is Biden or Trump. There is no "other". A vote for 1 doesn't mean you believe in that leader's every idea. A non vote means that the worse option has the opportunity to succeed, so a non vote becomes a vote for evil directly.
We actually act as salt and light in the voting process. It's a tool God has given us, with the free will to use it or not. We can act to restrain evil (the Holy Spirit is the Restrainer working thru the body of Christ, His church thru the entire church age) under the influence of the Holy Spirit or we can choose to not use the tools God has allowed us to have.
This is a key point, about trusting God as history happens around us. Trusting God doesn't equal total agreement with the leader whether it's a Churchill or a Hitler.
Seeing leaders as Messiah like figures or as Antichrists has that horrible either or dynamic. No positions in between.
This isn't healthy and leads to the tribal camps within the body of Christ that TCC alludes to. Paul didn't like it when the tribal camps started up in the church, when some were "of Paul", some "of Apollos". It's NOT helpful when this kind of tribalism is encouraged.
Understanding where people are coming from starts with the question why and a listening heart. Why do you dislike Trump, Why do you dislike Biden, or the reverse, why do you like either one? Because the answers might be surprising. The person may be frightened of full on Nazism emerging in America without understanding how or why it took place in Germany.
Realistically good leaders with good ideas, still do damage because they are not Jesus.
Bad leaders with bad ideas still do good because govt even bad govt is still a force for good as Paul says in Romans 13:1-7
1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.
4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.
7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Paul lived thru some horrible rulers including Nero who cut off his head according to Eusebius. For him to come out with this and other passages about living under government means a LOT. He lived with far worse than we see.
NOR does Paul mean unquestioning obedience. He and the other Christians weren't about to say Caesar is God. That wasn't the type of obedience meant here. It's a more nuanced obedience, in that support is given as a general rule, with some conscience led disobedience to the law when it contradicts God's Law.
JB Hixson is coming from a position of warning about coming globalist rulers out of spheres of Technocracy. I think he and others take it a bit too far into the realm of fear. His idea is that Trump hires Technocrats and Globalists, therefore he is not to be supported.
I think we can support good laws, good govt and be skeptical about motives all at the same time.
Knowing about Technocracy and it's evil side is a good thing- the same cell phone we use to connect with other Christians on this site for example is the same cell phone that spies on your movements, your online activity, your purchasing history and will someday be used to control people. Not using the cell phone doesn't stop the process.
Letting the FEAR of Technocracy control us NOW before the Tribulation IS a problem.
That is where I see a lot of the Fear of Trump coming from.
A fear that somehow because God may allow Trump (or Biden) to pave the way for the Tribulation- voting for them or expressing admiration for some of their ideas is the same as becoming part of the machinery of evil that will culminate in the one world govt.
And that fear goes way too far.
We do not possess the spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind in Christ. 2 Tim 1: 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
That should remind us to pray for our leaders and those in authority over us 1 Tim 2: 1-4 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
We cannot speed God up, or slow God down in the steady march to the end of the Church Age, the Rapture, and eventually the start of the Tribulation. We can't make life easier for those Tribulation Saints to come or bring on the apocalypse by voting or even not voting for a particular man.
God is the one who puts people in authority for His plans and purposes in every era, on every nation since the beginning.
In our democracies we are allowed by God to have a vote, be part of the process, but the options are limited. In America the choice is Biden or Trump. There is no "other". A vote for 1 doesn't mean you believe in that leader's every idea. A non vote means that the worse option has the opportunity to succeed, so a non vote becomes a vote for evil directly.
We actually act as salt and light in the voting process. It's a tool God has given us, with the free will to use it or not. We can act to restrain evil (the Holy Spirit is the Restrainer working thru the body of Christ, His church thru the entire church age) under the influence of the Holy Spirit or we can choose to not use the tools God has allowed us to have.
I choose to do my best, and let God take care of the outcomes. To use every tool He puts in my hands to further His kingdom.