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JD Farag Bible Prophecy Update

Prayers are definitely required for Trump as he navigates what could become very rough water very very quickly.

The Abraham Accords have so far NOT included any land deals - it's restricted to doing deals, increasing business, tourism and allowing for ambassadors to be exchanged.
Yes, this will get interesting very quickly early on in his administration. Hopefully, Mike Huckabee as the new ambassador for Israel can steer Trump in the right direction.
that is a really good article by Terry James, pointing out the dangers of Trump's Middle East advisor, father to his new son in law. Not only is it sticky having family battles, but mix in the President of the USA, a daughter he's just starting to get close to, who grew up on the outside of his other children's inner circle, but how does he balance what is right for his family, his country and Israel? Terry put his finger right on the problem there. Tiffany's mother raised her away from Trump and the other children. It's only since she became an adult and around the time she married after his first term that she's gotten closer to her father and half siblings. That's a delicate situation right there.

Quote from the article that I found quite alarming:
"The following touches on the trap I propose might be in the process of being set to turn the new US presidential administration from no two-state solutions to an offering of land for peace, opposed by Mr. Netanyahu, most of the Israeli people, and, currently, most of Trump’s people.

WASHINGTON — Massad Boulos, President-elect Donald Trump’s advisor on Middle Eastern and Arab affairs, said that the United States would have to discuss laying out a “roadmap” to Palestinian statehood if it hopes to establish relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Saudi officials have long made it known that they would not establish ties with Israel absent progress toward a Palestinian state. But for Boulos — a Lebanese-American billionaire and the father-in-law of Trump’s daughter Tiffany — to emphasize the point is significant because other Trump appointees, in addition to Trump himself, are seen as close to the Israeli right, which rejects Palestinian statehood.

“I think the issue of a roadmap that would lead to a Palestinian state is an important part of the discussions between the United States and Saudi Arabia,” Boulos said in a wide-ranging interview last week with Le Point, a French magazine. “It is certainly a very important point.”

Boulos, 53, framed the focus on Palestinian statehood in terms of expanding the Abraham Accords, the 2020 normalization agreements between Israel and four Arab countries that were Trump’s signature foreign policy achievement in his first term.

Trump has spoken repeatedly about expanding the Abraham Accords. In the interview, Boulos said that many additional countries would initiate ties with Israel if Saudi Arabia did so.

“It is important to remember that Saudi Arabia is not demanding the creation of a Palestinian state today, but it is asking for a vision and a road map for it, that’s all,” he said. “Today, the president’s priority is to resume discussions on the Abraham Accords, with, of course, Saudi Arabia first. Because we know very well, and the president has said it, that once we agree with Saudi Arabia on Israel, there will be at least 12 Arab countries that will be immediately ready to follow suit.” (Massad Boulos, Trump’s new Middle East adviser, touts roadmap to Palestinian state, By Ron Kampeas/JTADECEMBER, Jerusalem Post)

We can all be thankful for the new direction America is apparently pointing with the election of Mr. Trump, who promises a change from the moral and governance madness experienced over the past number of years. But we can also watch and pray while we work toward pointing out that the satanic trap we might be witnessing being set will be recognized by the new president."

Prayers are definitely required for Trump as he navigates what could become very rough water very very quickly.

The Abraham Accords have so far NOT included any land deals - it's restricted to doing deals, increasing business, tourism and allowing for ambassadors to be exchanged.

If Trump had won his second term 4 years ago, Saudi Arabia was expected to sign onto the AA without any such conditions that Boulos has cleverly tossed into the mix.

The REASON the Trump Peace Plan was rejected and this alternative was quickly proposed by the Arabs, was to AVOID losing land in the West Bank aka Judea and Samaria. That area was being carved up and the Arabs knew they would forfeit claims on large sections permanently so they quickly proposed this Abe Accords and said they'd sign on as long as the Peace Plan got shelved.

HOPEFULLY Trump doesn't cave to this nonsense. The reason he did carve up Israeli land for peace in his previous Peace Deal was to create a different approach to land for peace and a 2 state settlement. But make no mistake, it still gave away land that belongs to Israel and land that was stolen from them.

Boulos is not a good addition to the team.

Makes me wonder if he encouraged his son to go after Trumps other daughter knowing she would be the way to her father's heart as he loves all his children very much in spite of how her mother pointedly raised her in California far away from Trumps New York and Florida home base. An easy target to manipulate and create an opening into Trumps inner family circle.
Great points and observations Margery. In some ways I find it fairly ironic that the fate of prophetic Israel is so in the hands of a family with issues from the USA, the Trump family. That in and of itself is like, wow...lol.

So like on one hand I wonder how much of the deal of the century might have been a way to get the Abraham Accords all along. I have noticed in other "random" reporting that Trump is somewhat known for the strategy of: looking like he wants (a) but really for the sake of getting (b). And this noticed outside the middle east issues. Just saying in general.

The other way this strikes me in some ways odd (although of course is understandable) is the great concern expressed with what happens in relation to the Trump family and Israel. Because, generally, the kind of table set I look at that I come to when considering the middle east is never really what volatility goes with the Trump family so much. As wondering how God shapes the middle east for what looks like escalating Ez 38 theme lineups. But wow, there is not only such a human face on it...that human face just happens to be the 1st American family. A country most in the watcher world thought would fade away into irrelevance. Now, instead, there is this one core family that has as much potential radioactive ways concerning it as the state of Israel itself. To me, this is super mind blowing...lol. Because now instead of, "America fades explaining why its not apparently in the Ez 38 voices like Saudi Arabis is." We have, "The Trump family voices concerning Israeli have never been such a concern as they now are." Another way of saying that in my vernacular might be: How to super size American presence in Israeli prophecy potentially.

Of course this heightened focus on the Trump family could also lead to America tanking down the line. But for now, the escalation has been going in the exact opposite direction of roads watcher views thought Ez 38 potentially to be about. And in a day and time where the watcher world would want to downplay America in prophesy (because God doesn't need America to secure Israel type of ideas), instead what we are getting is an America with fries (the Trump family), lol. And in some ways it is rather playful to see all this play out to some extent in how it might.

I think it is actually heartwarning that the story of middle east tension be so much about a fireside family chat and outdoor late night bbq. The metaphors of the Trump dynasty upon the middle east in some ways kind of brings into focus a cozy, cuddle and spoon worthy soap opera marathon night. Like in some ways the thoughts I have on this are in full flight rejection mode of the utter gravity magnetically strong arming such a ground level social mood upon this. Like this for me is almost too raw...lol. I'm use to undoing thoughts that gravitate toward how my eschatology mounts up--and failsafe system built in I reckon. So, even to venture to consider what is being looked at in this article, for me, is almost embarrassingly too raw for me to allow myself even to consider. If that might make sense?

But in any event, on some levels of course I am encouraged that these kinds of concerns are taking place. We know Saudi Arabia will find a way to neutralize with Israeli should we be in the exact location we tend to understand eschatologically we might be. I recall Uturn on JDF used to say all the time that he thought that Saudi Arabia would best be the governor over the Palestine. Uturn almost insisted like that would have to happen. Well that and maybe a blend of SA and Qatar + Jordan? 7 or 8 months ago it was presumed that the Saudi normalization might still move forward and I remember Uturn chopping at the bit of some arrangement to manage Palestine outside of Israeli borders to have occured. So yeah It's hard to say what path may come. It would seem since Saudi Arabia is so central in where they eventually end up prophetically, that a one state solution might hold. For a while I was thinking it might go in that direction. Perhaps it can. But wow that would be amazing to see that AND and Saudi normalization. Not sure how that would work though.

. . . . .

In general the different approach I would take to looking at the middle east is like a silhouette approach. Like seeing what might be coming into place to fulfill prophecy later. So as I got confused just barrowing your @Margery take on the article, the question kept coming up in me: "So what is a trap?" And, "What to see that means what?" lol. If that question sounds confused, yeah...I kind of am. So...this forced me to have to read the article...lol. I was hoping to just skip a long the water surface here. So now that I read it...

Ahhh...I see. First off, I am really glad this article is pretrib. Amen. That's a good sign. But what threw me for a loop was what I mentioned above without even reading the article. And that would be the interesting day and age we have where it seems that for some reasons there is this watcher view on things mode that tends to seem to build and construct within narratives the beautiful art of story with some intriguing plot agenda. I studied deeply the art of creative writing. So maybe that is why it stands out to me like that. I just knew that if in my early college days I needed to take English as a Second Language courses for me to even understand how to write, lol, I should probably get really familiar with writing in general. So I tried. But I never thought creative writing would ever be a mode of prophetic evaluation. lol. I just find that pretty odd. A path I would have never chosen on purpose. And had I, well I would have also sought psychological help...because that to me would have been a bozo approach to eschatology. Yet, now that it seems we are here, it makes all the sense in the world in a way. Because the ability to detect "story" in themes is kind of a given staple for me. No expert by far. But I just go there on auto pilot.

So I said all that to say this: What the author of this article seems to do (as seems to be a huge trend in the watcher community) is construct story themes that present a problem for the watcher community to find cause in. I mean I understand a mess is totally dropped in our laps. And who is to say what is THE best approach, amen. Far be it from me to overly try. But to me, this article (as endearing your comments are dear sister from how it struck you are--and they are super endearing and wonderfully presented) seems to be about the skill of incerting plots for the watcher community to...solve? in a sense? I'm trying to get my head around it. Because to me it just seems odd that we might be looking at conditions that might do this or that or the other thing. But if like we are this close to end times...it really can only go one way. The way Providence would have it. So maybe its just me and I am too story minded for my own good. This is probably happening. But the sense that there is this trap is unusual to me. I mean I see it. And its cool to notice. Even better, that you put such lovely heart in sussing out the things you point out. And the awesome heart of @dlcv in bringing it to us to check out. It's always good to see what various trends are being considered. Amen.

But I feel like I might be missing something. Because just in general the way I look at the middle east is not so much like a story plot unfolding as much as a providential theme refining. I guess in that sense I am far too prone to just chill while the dust clears. And see what is left standing. But this article approach seems to invoke of a sense of theater in the middle east that I guess makes the story more mysterious? I just feel like I am missing something. It does seem the concerns the article has is intriguing. But I'm not sure on what level to process that with. Because whatever happens, trap or not trap, it goes one way. And we just get to find that out. I'm not sure if it makes sense what I am asking. Forgive me if this is kinda thick. I'm just not tracking as much these days I reckon.

But what does stand out in the article where I would differ is what to me would seem to be a potential blind spot. And this would only matter if the blind spot noticed is actually relevant. If not, then there is no blind spot. But what this author seems to do is try and balance out over zeal with Trump with practicality. Which is a noble gesture. Amen. So that is quite the opposite of a blind spot I can get behind. Amen. But the blind spot for me would be in this: "If we have not even got to the tribulaiton yet, how is what Trump is doing now relevant for a war 7 years into the tribulation?" Armegeddon does not occur at the beginning of the tribulation. Nor in the middle. It occurs at the end. Way after 7 years of 3 huge cycle judgements. So how is it that what we are looking at today has approaching relevance to 7 years in an era so different than the age of grace that we track 7 years into the future to develop plot lines in the middle east for today? To me that is just way into the future. The guy has his convictions. Amen. Its just that for me the blind spot is like what happens between our events in the age of grace and Armegeddon are kind of night and day. To me there is too much data in-between those two periods to even dare consider a narrative that brings Armegeddon into view. So to me the blind spot might be Ez 38. I was thinking he might hit on that.

So if Ez 38 is what is slowly forming, it might make sense why skipping that and overlaying it with Armegeddon might be a way to look at prophecy in like a "busy work" fashion. But it would just seem too far afield to have traction. Now if Ez 38 is not in play and other things go down, the mystery is more valid. But I would still not try to stretch out so far into Armegeddon when the tribulation is not even in play yet. Perhaps its the excitement? Which is cool and awesome to see. And be a part of. If Ez 38 is a blind spot then mazel tov. I reckon its supposed to be? I mean we are talking about prophecy. So it stands to reason it be hidden to some great degree. But when I look at the middle east it has Ez 38 written all up one side and down the other. What might I be missing here? I'm sincerely asking. Not in fear of foregoing my perspective. But typically I find solace in understanding the views of the watcher trends even if I don't see it the same way. But on this one, i'm kind of lost a bit. Hope that makes sense. Well whatever might be helpful i'd appreciate. I always love to see as much as I can as others might percieve. Because I think understanding the views of others is actually more important than understanding my own views too much. I don't really trust my views all that much...lol. Although I do tend to land there. So this might be a helpful exercise. :) Blessings.

6 Jan - 8 Jan 2025​

Bible Prophecy Update, It’s All About To Fall, Sunday, January 5th 2025​

Pastor JD has a word of warning concerning the New Year in 2025 from Revelation 14:8-12 then offers a word of encouragement for those who are born-again believers in Jesus Christ.


EXCLUSIVE: Celeste Solum - The End Game, Synthetic Biology EXPOSED!!!​

In one of the most important interviews ever conducted by Zeee Media, Celeste Solum joins us to expose the totality of the agenda surrounding nanotechnology being embedded into humans, animals and plant life to destroy and replace all biological lifeforms from God's natural creation with synthetic biology.

INTERVIEW "Just the Inserts" — Vetting Pharma & BigMed for Yourself & Others​

Like many, Alexandra was reluctant to heed warnings from friends and family. And like many, vaccine injury got her attention. How do we educate ourselves and fight the fear and arguments from authority? Alexandra has an answer.

HMPV Virus Outbreak in China – The New China Virus of 2025​

The keyword in this news break: “No Vaccines Yet.”


Christian Opposition to Vaccination in History​

A great scandal within the history of Christianity is the advocacy or indifference of many Christians to vaccination.

Bill Gates unleashes plan for new series of gene-based injections that will target Africa​

Global depopulation agenda moves forward

Waking Up From the Dream of Biotechnology​

The dream of biotechnology is a new age of health, happiness and human achievement.

"Toward a Post-human World" - Video Produced by Patrick Wood Warns Of Our Post Human Future and New "Beautiful Souls" Music Video By David Ralle About Human Technocratic Enslavement​

Patrick Wood sent me his excellent new 4 minute video. It raises the alarm about technocracy, synthetic biology, the COVID19 bioweapons as the modality of changing humanity towards the post human world.

Medical doctor: 'Pandemic preparedness’ industry ‘like arsonists running the fire department’​

Biden created another layer of federal bureaucracy when he created the permanent Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy. Will Trump abolish this freedom-killing monster? Don't bank on it.

They Really Do Want To Reduce The Population​

There is a clear consensus among the global elite that overpopulation is the primary cause of the most important problems that our world is facing today.


9 Jan - 12 Jan 2025​

The Rapture: Wildcard for 2025​

As another year begins, many battle-weary saints wonder if this will be the year they meet Jesus in the air. Many of us entered 2024 with high hopes that He would come for us soon, or perhaps by its end.

2025 Last-Days Dementia :: By Terry James​

Fear is on the rise in America and the world at the beginning of 2025.

An End of the Year No One Could Have Anticipated :: By Jan Markell​

As we head into the new year, several stories transpired at the end of 2024 that we weren’t expecting.

Kingdom Economy: Tithing the Poor to Feed the Rich - Chino Ross - Episode 248 Research Podcast​

John and Chino begin by discussing the controversial topic of tithing in religious organizations, particularly within evangelical and Pentecostal movements. John shares personal experiences of giving significant amounts of money to churches that lacked transparency, contrasting this with the more open financial practices of non-cult organizations

Is The New Apostolic Reformation Counterfeit Christianity?​

The New Apostolic Reformation is a movement that started in the 1980’s in California, but has reached a global audience. Centered in churches like Bethel Church in Redding, CA and IHOP in Kansas City, Kansas, the NAR has spread like wildfire. However, many of the NAR’s teachings seem more than just aberrations from historic Christianity, some may even warrant the term “heresy.”


USA, Canada, Mexico & Greenland Union Was Decided 20 Years Ago​

Old school researchers would have already known this years ago. Share this with your newbie truther friends in case they haven't got the memo.

Is Trump Pursuing Technocracy’s Dream To Create The Great American Technate?​

Well, nobody saw this coming. In one fell swoop, President Trump has just traced out Technocracy’s mystery map of the North American Technate, which stretched from Greenland to just beyond Panama. This far exceeds George W. Bush’s failed attempt to create the North American Union in 2005-2006 to merge the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.

Israeli officials warn of potential war with Türkiye​

Ankara-backed Syrian proxies could be even more dangerous than a stand-off with Iran, a security commission has said

Shape The Future" European Commission Transhumanistic Plan Presentation - Its Happening NOW​

Dr Geanina Hagima from Romania sent me this presentation outlining the Transhumanistic Plan of the European Commission. This is the global technocratic gameplan. Nanotechnology is the key to this convergence. Please read carefully.


13 Jan - 15 Jan 2025​

Bible Prophecy Update, Why It’s Getting Even Stranger, Sunday, January 12th, 2025​

Pastor JD explains that the reason why everything happening in the world today is getting stranger is because the pre-tribulation rapture is getting closer.


Andy Woods | Is 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Apostasy or Rapture? | 2024​

From Annual Pre-Trib Study Group Conference

Richard Schmidt | Artificial Intelligence: Transhumanism and the De-Evolution of Democracy | 2024​

From Annual Pre-Trib Study Group Conference

As We Draw Near To The Return Of Christ, This Is Not The Time For Complacency In The Church​

However, as the new year dawned, I saw in the verse below an understanding of why so many people today cling to their hope of a return to normality rather than what Jesus says about their only sure hope for the perilous days in which we live


Churches Lockdown to Comply with "Green" Prohibitions​

So-called "Christianity" yields to the dominant religion.

China: New virus outbreak could spread in the world​

Remember the last scam started in china.

5 red flags you are talking to a scammer. How to avoid scammers​

How to tell if you're being scammed. Learn how to spot a scam.

Bill Gates Quietly Awarded $9.5 Million to University to Make H5N1 Bird Flu Transmissible to Humans​

The Bill Gates Foundation awarded the University of Wisconsin–Madison a $9.5 million grant to conduct research on making the H5N1 virus transmissible to humans and other mammals.

Your Bank Despises You​

Dr. Vernon Coleman shares his experience of being interrogated by bank staff when trying to withdraw his own money, highlighting the increasing difficulty and humiliation of banking in person.

Turbo Cancer After Covid Injections​

The Covid injections cause aggressive turbo cancers en masse: A mega-thread showcasing the overwhelming evidence of an unthinkable horror that will touch us all.

US Government Admits That Anomalous Health Incidents Could Be Caused By Directed Energy Weapons​

There have been some very interesting news recently regarding directed energy weapons and targeting of humans.


13 Jan - 15 Jan 2025​

Bible Prophecy Update, Why It’s Getting Even Stranger, Sunday, January 12th, 2025​

Pastor JD explains that the reason why everything happening in the world today is getting stranger is because the pre-tribulation rapture is getting closer.


Andy Woods | Is 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Apostasy or Rapture? | 2024​

From Annual Pre-Trib Study Group Conference

Richard Schmidt | Artificial Intelligence: Transhumanism and the De-Evolution of Democracy | 2024​

From Annual Pre-Trib Study Group Conference

As We Draw Near To The Return Of Christ, This Is Not The Time For Complacency In The Church​

However, as the new year dawned, I saw in the verse below an understanding of why so many people today cling to their hope of a return to normality rather than what Jesus says about their only sure hope for the perilous days in which we live


Churches Lockdown to Comply with "Green" Prohibitions​

So-called "Christianity" yields to the dominant religion.

China: New virus outbreak could spread in the world​

Remember the last scam started in china.

5 red flags you are talking to a scammer. How to avoid scammers​

How to tell if you're being scammed. Learn how to spot a scam.

Bill Gates Quietly Awarded $9.5 Million to University to Make H5N1 Bird Flu Transmissible to Humans​

The Bill Gates Foundation awarded the University of Wisconsin–Madison a $9.5 million grant to conduct research on making the H5N1 virus transmissible to humans and other mammals.

Your Bank Despises You​

Dr. Vernon Coleman shares his experience of being interrogated by bank staff when trying to withdraw his own money, highlighting the increasing difficulty and humiliation of banking in person.is

Turbo Cancer After Covid Injections​

The Covid injections cause aggressive turbo cancers en masse: A mega-thread showcasing the overwhelming evidence of an unthinkable horror that will touch us all.

US Government Admits That Anomalous Health Incidents Could Be Caused By Directed Energy Weapons​

There have been some very interesting news recently regarding directed energy weapons and targeting of humans.

Yes, thanks brother for the Andy Woods latest :)

Also, I know I guy who is targeted and his mate affirmed issues related. He goes to a church I used to go to. But in general the church is not all that aware of this phenomenon. 5 years ago I checked out gangstalking on YouTube and it gave 500k hits. 5 years ago. Something is going on. Blessings.

16 Jan - 18 Jan 2025​

Mark Hitchcock | The Gog-Magog War: Current Stage-Setting | 2024​

Pre-Trib Study Group 2024

Randall Price | Rebuilding the Temple as an End-Time Sign | 2024​

Pre-Trib Study Group 2024

1118. Do You Need a Reason to Study Bible Prophecy?​

Bob Sullivan and Dr. Hixson discuss some reasons every Christian should study Bible prophecy.

Forced Revivals: Emotional Excess and Spiritual Ecstasy in the NAR​

Weaponized Religion: From Christian Identity to the NAR

Rapture: Answering the Critics :: By Terry James​

Author’s note: This article was written a number of years ago. It is lengthy in comparison to articles normally presented in this forum.

Revelation 15: Victory and the Golden Vials :: By Mark A. Becker​

Revelation 15 is the shortest of the 22 chapters of Revelation, and the events therein are set for the conclusion of the Tribulation.


The New Standard: Bitcoin To Replace Gold?​

A lot of talk surrounding Bitcoin as Putin is looking to embrace it as Russia begins a mass transition into the digital ruble CDBC and Trump looks to create the US Bitcoin reserve...

Dead Internet: Meta Unleashes Interactive AI Profiles​

The dead internet theory has been around for a long time but it seems to be proving true as Mark Zuckerberg is flooding Facebook & Instagram with interactive AI profiles...

United Nations renews push for globalized digital marking system to deal with 'emergencies'​

Regardless of who's occupying the White House, the global beast system marches forward. Don't be caught in the camp of 'irrational exuberance' or you will be deceived


Smart meters are "dangerously insecure," according to researcher Netanel Rubin – who claimed the gear uses weak encryption, relies on easily pwned protocols, and can be programmed to explode.

161 Years Ago, A Farmer Warned Us About The Dangers Of AI – And He Was Right!​

On June 13th, 1863, The Press newspaper of Christchurch, New Zealand published an ominous letter that warned that machines would eventually become more intelligent and more powerful than humans.

Alert! “Super Toxic” Smoke From The California Fires Could Cause Respiratory Problems For Millions Of Americans​

More than 20 million people live in Southern California, but even those living hundreds of miles away could potentially develop serious respiratory problems as a result of breathing in this smoke.

Smart Cities: Rise of the Billionaires & Fall of the Middle Class​

“Smart cities are the intelligent cities of positivity and happy-energy, not the junkyards of technologies but of diversity, love, life, beauty, dignity, freedom, tolerance, and equality.” Dr Amit Ray

TECHNOCRATIC SMART CITIES ARE HERE: ROBO-VILLE Top secret ‘living lab’ robot city of the future built near volcano will welcome first human residents​

We are in the acceleration phase of information. As I have reported on the technocratic plan of “Aftershock” - inventions and technological process are now exponentially exploding, reaching an acceleration velocity that is planned to overwhelm the vast majority of individuals to even comprehend reality any more.


Here I gonna talk about this next week big event:

20–24 January 2025​

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting​

'Collaboration for the Intelligent Age'
The Annual Meeting 2025 convenes global leaders to address key global and regional challenges. These include responding to geopolitical shocks, stimulating growth to improve living standards, and stewarding a just and inclusive energy transition.

I let know hear what Santa Klaus and WEF has to say, and leave you to examine and link to bible prophecy, OK?

The Intelligent Age: A time for cooperation​

Almost a decade ago, in 2016, I coined the term the Fourth Industrial Revolution. I could see a world where the fusion of our physical, digital and biological realities would transform industries and societies. This revolution, I knew, had the potential to fundamentally change all aspects of our lives.

The ‘Intelligent Age’ has arrived. This is how it can accelerate SDG progress​

With just five full years left to meet the 169 targets of the 17 SDGs, progress is – even to the most optimistic – falling far short.

Food and Water Systems in the Intelligent Age​

Water, essential to the world’s food supply, is increasingly at risk, with food systems representing 72% of freshwater withdrawals worldwide. An integrated view of interconnected data from both food and water can unlock sustainable solutions addressing this growing risk.

Why composite AI in the Intelligent Age leads us to a people-centred future​

As we enter the Intelligent Age, a period defined by interconnected technologies and adaptive artificial intelligence (AI) systems, it is clear that AI's future will be collaborative.

Intelligent Age

They call themselves intelligent, the pinnacle of "evolution".

But God scoffs at them:

For‭ the wrath‭ of God‭ is revealed‭‭ from‭ heaven‭ against‭ all‭ ungodliness‭ and‭ unrighteousness‭ of men‭, who hold‭‭ the truth‭ in‭ unrighteousness‭;‭ ‭Because‭ that which may be known‭ of God‭ is‭‭ manifest‭ in‭ them‭; for‭ God‭ hath shewed‭‭ ‭it‭ unto them‭.‭ ‭For‭ the invisible things‭ of him‭ from‭ the creation‭ of the world‭ are clearly seen‭‭, being understood‭‭ by the things that are made‭, ‭even‭‭ his‭ eternal‭ power‭ and‭ Godhead‭; so‭ that they‭ are‭‭ without excuse‭:‭ ‭Because‭ that, when they knew‭‭ God‭, they glorified‭‭ ‭him‭ not‭ as‭ God‭, neither‭ were thankful‭‭; but‭ became vain‭‭ in‭ their‭ imaginations‭, and‭ their‭ foolish‭ heart‭ was darkened‭‭.‭ ‭Professing‭ themselves‭‭ to be‭‭ wise‭, they became fools‭‭,‭ ‭And‭ changed‭‭ the glory‭ of the uncorruptible‭ God‭ into‭ an image‭ made like‭ to corruptible‭ man‭, and‭ to birds‭, and‭ fourfooted beasts‭, and‭ creeping things‭.‭ ‭Wherefore‭ God‭ also‭ gave‭‭ them‭ up‭‭ to‭ uncleanness‭ through‭ the lusts‭ of their own‭ hearts‭, to dishonour‭‭ their own‭ bodies‭ between‭ themselves‭:‭ ‭Who‭ changed‭‭ the truth‭ of God‭ into‭ a lie‭, and‭ worshipped‭‭ and‭ served‭‭ the creature‭ more than‭ the Creator‭‭, who‭ is‭‭ blessed‭ for‭ ever‭. Amen‭.‭

19 Jan - 22 Jan 2025​

Bible Prophecy Update, Man’s Plan God’s Plan, Sunday, January 19th, 2025​

Pastor JD contrasts the plan of man ending in destruction and damnation with the plan of God ending in redemption and salvation.

There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. Prov 14:12


Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars | Full Document Read​

NASA War Documents Detail Depopulation - Deborah Tavares -Trevor Coppola​

Back in the 90's, NASA documented the depopulation of America in the year 2025.



Mirrored from Wheat N’ Tares

The Iron & Clay Kingdom--Part 2​

Modern Revivals: Move of God or Human Emotion?​

Jon Tyson - Can God Do More Miracles Outside of the United States - Ken Yates​

Jon Tyson, lead pastor of Church of the City New York, teaches that more miracles occur outside of the United States than within the United States. Does a lack of faith in the United States explain why there are not more miracles within the United States. Ken Yates of the Grace Evangelical Society examines this claim and whether it can be supported by the Bible.

Death Camps, Hard Labor, Abductions, Executions And Burned Churches – 380 Million Christians Are Facing “High Levels Of Persecution”​

Are you willing to die for what you believe? This is a question that hundreds of millions of Christians have to ask themselves every single day.

One Million Moms urges Christians to boycott 'Upside-Down Kingdom Bible,' citing 'woke theology' concerns​

Conservative advocacy group One Million Mom has launched a campaign opposing Zondervan’s newly released NIV Upside-Down Kingdom Bible: Think Deeply/Love Widely, claiming the study Bible promotes "woke theology" and undermines traditional biblical interpretations.

Vaccine Research: The Berean Spirit versus Blind Trust​

When it comes to obedience to God regarding vaccines, research (of material uncorrupted by Big Pharma propaganda) is necessary; as is a consideration of biblical ethics. The Berean Spirit is crucial to fulfilling the Sixth Commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.”



Siri & Glimstad Attorney, Catherine Ybarra, Esq., presents ICAN’s assessment of the science behind geoengineering and transmissible vaccines. Discover the lengths the research team went to, to uncover the government agencies involved in current and future weather modification, and a few surprising discoveries they made along the way.

Is The Blockchain Secure Geordie Rose DWAVE (9 years ago)​

The “Monkey Wrench” Sabotage Of America Begs For An Authoritarian Response​

Instead, you would coordinate and encourage thousands of smaller acts of sabotage that go largely unnoticed by the population until infrastructure breaks down and the country is in ruins.

It's all a game: Both 'sides' serve the same master, which is a Luciferian beast system driven by technocracy and AI​

Americans have been deceived into thinking in terms of Democrat-Republican with one 'side' being good, the other evil. The two 'sides' play good cop-bad cop with a common goal of advancing the system.


19 Jan - 22 Jan 2025​

Bible Prophecy Update, Man’s Plan God’s Plan, Sunday, January 19th, 2025​

Pastor JD contrasts the plan of man ending in destruction and damnation with the plan of God ending in redemption and salvation.

There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. Prov 14:12


Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars | Full Document Read​

NASA War Documents Detail Depopulation - Deborah Tavares -Trevor Coppola​

Back in the 90's, NASA documented the depopulation of America in the year 2025.



Mirrored from Wheat N’ Tares

The Iron & Clay Kingdom--Part 2​

Modern Revivals: Move of God or Human Emotion?​

Jon Tyson - Can God Do More Miracles Outside of the United States - Ken Yates​

Jon Tyson, lead pastor of Church of the City New York, teaches that more miracles occur outside of the United States than within the United States. Does a lack of faith in the United States explain why there are not more miracles within the United States. Ken Yates of the Grace Evangelical Society examines this claim and whether it can be supported by the Bible.

Death Camps, Hard Labor, Abductions, Executions And Burned Churches – 380 Million Christians Are Facing “High Levels Of Persecution”​

Are you willing to die for what you believe? This is a question that hundreds of millions of Christians have to ask themselves every single day.

One Million Moms urges Christians to boycott 'Upside-Down Kingdom Bible,' citing 'woke theology' concerns​

Conservative advocacy group One Million Mom has launched a campaign opposing Zondervan’s newly released NIV Upside-Down Kingdom Bible: Think Deeply/Love Widely, claiming the study Bible promotes "woke theology" and undermines traditional biblical interpretations.

Vaccine Research: The Berean Spirit versus Blind Trust​

When it comes to obedience to God regarding vaccines, research (of material uncorrupted by Big Pharma propaganda) is necessary; as is a consideration of biblical ethics. The Berean Spirit is crucial to fulfilling the Sixth Commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.”



Siri & Glimstad Attorney, Catherine Ybarra, Esq., presents ICAN’s assessment of the science behind geoengineering and transmissible vaccines. Discover the lengths the research team went to, to uncover the government agencies involved in current and future weather modification, and a few surprising discoveries they made along the way.

Is The Blockchain Secure Geordie Rose DWAVE (9 years ago)​

The “Monkey Wrench” Sabotage Of America Begs For An Authoritarian Response​

Instead, you would coordinate and encourage thousands of smaller acts of sabotage that go largely unnoticed by the population until infrastructure breaks down and the country is in ruins.

It's all a game: Both 'sides' serve the same master, which is a Luciferian beast system driven by technocracy and AI​

Americans have been deceived into thinking in terms of Democrat-Republican with one 'side' being good, the other evil. The two 'sides' play good cop-bad cop with a common goal of advancing the system.

Did JD preach again how he believes the military used a direct energy laser to start the LA fires, and the previous fires in Hawaii?

IMO, it’s sad a pastor feels the need to push one extreme conspiracy theory after another, yet sandwiched in between solid gospel.
Did JD preach again how he believes the military used a direct energy laser to start the LA fires, and the previous fires in Hawaii?

IMO, it’s sad a pastor feels the need to push one extreme conspiracy theory after another, yet sandwiched in between solid gospel.
I understand the concern brother. I have concerns related. Amen.

But one thing that did come to mind during the LA fires is Gavin Newsome's little shoulder back and forth dance in glee over the land opportunities in relation to his speaking with Hawaiin Governor Josh Green (the belolved Lahaina fire majestrate). Kinda spooky but good social artifact to perhaps how see a little bit more how gansta government has become perhaps. I believe JD can take concerns into the next county and at times certainly overstate. But it was an interesting vibe for me that there does seem to be something up...based on Gavin's little shoulder dance zeal (in all of our faces) when it comes to LA land future.

From 2:21 to 3:00


23 Jan - 25 Jan 2025​

These Present Perilous Times :: By Terry James​

It does seem that Paul was permitted to look at some kind of prophecy jumbotron screen and see directly into this present hour. Certainly, we’ve witnessed and/or endured much during these volatile times that we could use to make the case that the great apostle’s words here project for our spiritual understanding of God’s dire prophecy for the end of the age.

Signs and Seasons Pointing to Jesus :: By Randy Nettles​

The definition of a sign is “an object or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else to follow.”

Why Israel Will Likely Strike Iran’s Nuclear Sites :: By Bill Salus​

Don’t be surprised to wake up one nearby morning to this sort of headline, “Israel Conducts Pre-emptive Strikes Against Iran’s Nuclear Sites.

Question: Why do so many focus on Trump and America in regard to Israel?​

Why do so many focus on President Trump and America in regards to Israel? I am expecting all nations to turn against Israel, but others seem to think America is the answer to Israel’s problems. I have quite a few of your books (Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon) and have been getting your newsletter for many years.

California’s Wildfires, A Calamity Of Whose Making?​

As the fires rage in the Los Angeles area, the casting of blame continues unabated. Die-hard environmentalists insist that climate change is the primary culprit. Those making such a claim overlook the vast array of other factors that have contributed to the ongoing disaster.


Welcoming Remarks and Special Address - Davos AM25​

Speakers: Karin Keller-Sutter, Klaus Schwab, Børge Brende
Let Santa Klaus tell us what is Intelligent Age....

Stargate & AI mRNA: Dystopian HELL! - Karen Kingston​

Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston joins Maria Zeee to discuss concerns around President Trump's announcement of Stargate - with CIA players and AI mRNA, this can quickly result in a complete AI police state dystopian hell.

Trump's Stargate Project and the UK's Digital Push: Digital Serfdom for Both Sides of the Pond - UKC​

UK Column News


Herzog no longer pushes two-state solution, says ‘Oct. 7 was a wake-up call’​

The Israeli president said the idea of leaving territories to prepare for a Palestinian state is “not realistic at all. It doesn’t make sense to Israelis.”

Mind Control? Scientists Have Discovered How To Use Nanoparticles To Remotely Control Behavior!​

We live at a time when technology is increasing at a faster pace than we have ever seen before in all of human history. But is humanity equipped to handle the extremely bizarre technology that we are now developing?

Project 'Stargate' is upon us: Trump to invest $500 billion in new U.S. data centers to boost the power of artificial intelligence​

Is Trump being used to build out the superstructure of a digital system that could later be weaponized by some future ruler? Just as 5G and Warp Speed were weaponized?

Trump throws his weight behind new generation of mRNA gene-therapy injections, for cancer and other diseases​

Project 'Stargate' explains why Trump never backtracked from his disastrous Operation Warp Speed: President OKs control grid and mRNA shots on 2nd day in office.

Trump joins tech oligarchs Larry Ellison and Sam Altman to launch ‘Stargate,’ featuring AI control grid and mRNA ‘vaccines’ for countless diseases​

Trump wasted no time giving us the long-awaited follow-up to Operation 'Warp Speed' during his first term.

Transhumanist Technocracy Marches On - mRNA Cancer Vaccines, AI Stargate​

After yesterdays great news of WHO exit, the AI Stargate announcement of mRNA cancer vaccines that can be created by AI in 48 hours surfaces by Larry Ellison of Oracle.

Will Mark Carney be appointed as Canada’s next Prime Minister to push forward with the Globalists’ project of turning Canada into a Technate?​

This is for you @Margery, do you want Canada to be 51st state of USA or status quo???

Thanks brother. Always interesting. In the Question: Why do so many focus on Trump and America in regard to Israel? It sounds like the video content creator links Armageddon to somewhat downplay current potential of America today concerning Israel. Seeing that at Armageddon all nations will be against Israel at the end anyway, does not seem exactly reason why America may not have a role for Israel today. Aside from the temple, there is Ez 38 potential. It just stands to reason that if America lends any help to Israel in our day, that can be a way to establish peace and safety for them...setting potentially an Ez 38 condition...irrespective a 3rd temple. Just a thought. Blessings.

27 Jan - 29 Jan 2025​

Bible Prophecy Update, Why 2025 Is Starting So Ominously, Sunday, January 26th, 2025​

Pastor JD explains why 2025 is starting the way it is by connecting vetted documentation written decades ago with the prophecies in the Bible warning us in advance.


Michael Vlach | How Jesus Fulfills the Old Testament | 2024​

Pre-Trib Study Group 2024

Grafted In: Separation Of Church & Israel​

This increasing movement happening in the church involving Christians having to abide by the old law is a form of a Replacement Theology... The church and Israel are two different entities and Christ's sacrifice and resurrection fulfilled the old law...

Divided Land: Will There Be A Two State Solution?​

So much talk and policy regarding splitting Jerusalem into two in order to appease the Muslims and for Israel to normalize ties with Saudi Arabia... Is this something that can happen? Will it happen? Has it already happened?

5 Perils Facing President Trump​

Last Monday, we watched as Donald Trump again became President of the United States. Optimism abounds; many believe he can change the disastrous, vile, and anti-biblical policies of the previous administration before it’s too late to avert the Lord’s wrath and/or the end of America.

Breaking Faith: Scriptural Warning Against Ecumenism :: By Joe Hawkins,ThD​

In recent years, the ecumenical movement has gained unprecedented momentum as faith leaders and influential figures worldwide advocate for unity among religions. The driving message of this movement is one of tolerance, peace, and coexistence, but it also comes with the assertion that there are multiple paths to heaven. A claim that directly contradicts the foundational teachings of biblical Christianity.


MAHA Infiltration, mRNA & AI Medicine - Dr. Mary Talley Bowden​

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden joins Maria Zeee to discuss concerns around MAHA infiltration, moving the goal posts from the desperate need to end use of mRNA to lesser goals like food dye. Dr. Bowden also discusses the attacks on RFK Jr., as well as the announcement of Project Stargate, AI mRNA and the destructive move towards AI medicine.

WEF 2020: The Internet Of Bodies Is Here - Recent Advancements In The Internet of Things Are Transforming The Human Body Into A New Technology Platform​

The simple scientific fact that synthetic biology and nanotechnology exists, as well as the written and declared intentions of the transhumanist technocrats and the military has been ignored.

5 Super Creepy New Technologies That Should Chill All Of Us To The Core​

Technology is advancing at an exponential rate, but we have very little ability to control it if something goes horribly wrong.

Stargate, Part I: Trump's $500bn Venture Promises a Golden Age of AI​

Billionaire Masayoshi Son believes that his 'emotional relationship' with AI, specifically his 'top advisor' ChatGPT, will usher in the BIRTH OF SUPERHUMAN. Son leads Trump's Stargate venture.

Canada's Policy Horizons For The Biodigital Convergence And 2025 Is The Tipping Point For Klaus Schwab's 4th Industrial Revolution That Changes What It Is To Be Human​

Dr. Geanina Hagima brought my attention to this document which outlines the technocratic transhumanist future of Canada - that is being implemented globally.

Cancer "vaccines" and AI?​

Digital Identification, biometrics, IoT (IoE) and quantum finance are all based on this toxic nanotechnology, so they will want to inject this stuff at any cost - under the pretext of a new pandemic, as a cancer treatment vaccine or whatever. Or at least instill it as a PCR test

HHS Gives Moderna $590 Million To Produce MRNA Bird Flu Vaccine, As Georgia Halts Poultry Sales Due To Infection​

“mRNA technology will complement existing vaccine technology, allowing us to move faster and better target emerging viruses to protect Americans’ against future pandemics.”

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30 Jan - 1 Feb 2025​


Ray Mondragon | The Essence of Sound Biblical Hermeneutics: Grammatical-Historical-Contextual | 2024​

This is very important video to watch as it will help you for life in Bible Study, from Pre-Trib Study Group 2024


Paul Wilkinson | The Beautiful Simplicity of the Rapture—A Gypsy Testimony | 2024​

Confessions of a Former Deliverance Minister: NAR Witchcraft Exposed!​

Extracted from Our Stories: An Interview With Mystika Silverberg - Episode 176 Branham Research

Paul Cain and Bob Jones: Prophetic Insight or Resurrecting Branhamism?​

Extracted from Mike Bickle and IHOP Sex Scandal - Episode 113 William Branham Historical Research Podcast

The Next Generation Is Ready to Accept the Antichrist — Here's Why​

The Bible foretells a time when a powerful and charismatic global leader will rise to dominance, demanding absolute loyalty (mark of the beast) and ruling with unchecked authority. Known as the Antichrist, this figure will captivate the world with promises of peace and progress

Signs that Demand a Verdict​

Just as the proof of Jesus’ resurrection and the Bible’s integrity leads us to an inescapable conclusion, so the evidence that we live of the last days demonstrates the nearness of the Lord’s intervention in the world.


Shocking Revelations: Tycoon's Plan to Plunge Your Wages into Oblivion!​

Wage Apocalypse?Mark Andreessen, the tech visionary behind Netscape, openly admits that AI's ultimate goal is to "crash everyone's wages,"
setting the stage for an economic utopia where only the elite flourish.

StarGate is About Replacing Human Jobs with AI​

Republican bill to allow AI to prescribe drugs

You Can’t Vaccinate Against Cancer​

Are vaccines the solution to every problem? Many tech junkies, investors, politicians and public health officials seem to think so.


Predictive Prog Cartoon

The Rise of the Immortal Dictator: What Will AI Mean for Freedom and Government?​

The Deep State is about to go turbocharged.

Unaddressed Issues after WHO Withdrawal​

The executive order also leaves much unaddressed, namely the substantive issues that have changed the WHO and international public health over the past decade.


3 Feb - 5 Feb 2025​

Bible Prophecy Update, This Evil World’s House Of Cards Will Crash Down, Sunday, February 2nd, 2025​

Pastor JD talks about being settled in our hearts concerning the world’s plans being subject to the Word of God, because Bible prophecy tells us it will come crashing down.

When God Delays Answering Prayer - Prayer Meeting – Tuesday, February 4th, 2025​

Pastor JD, in a brief message prior to all-church prayer, explains why it is that often times God will deem it necessary to delay the answer to our prayers.


1132. Top Ten False Gospels Hanging Around Your Church​

Gregg Jackson returns to discuss ten false gospels plaguing the church today.

Robert Thurman | The Identity of the Seven-Sealed Scroll in Revelation 5 | 2024​

Pre-Trib Study Group 2024

Plagiarism and False Supernatural Claims: How William Branham FAKED A Revival​

Taken from Stolen Revelation: William Branham's Plagiarization - Episode 52 Branham Historical Research Podcast


Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda – (2022) – Dr. Andy Wakefield – Robert F Kennedy Jr​

The Worldwide Fertility Rate has dropped OVER 60% since 1960. Fertility Rates are now at a Record Low.

Edward Dowd: "Stargate", Announced by President Trump is All Smoke and Mirrors​

Source: Sense Receptor


Hope & Tivon are back with an incredible presentation. In part one we expose the AI tracking and tracing hellscape known as Project Stargate which may well be viewed as Trump's biggest betrayal of MAGA and MAHA to date.

Are They Positioning Themselves For A Pre-Determined Scenario In Which There Will Be A Massive Stock Market Crash?​

Do they know something that we do not? All of a sudden, hedge funds are betting billions of dollars that the stock market is going to crash.

71% of Israelis oppose Palestinian state, even if it means forfeiting Saudi normalization​

A majority of Israelis polled said they would reject Saudi normalization if it requires the establishment of a Palestinian state.

THE COVID DOSSIER: A Record of Military and Intelligence Coordination of the Global COVID Event​

Compiled by independent researchers Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova
