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Hamas militant group has started a war that ‘Israel will win,’ defense minister says

Israel Hits Senior Hamas Commanders in Rafah​

Earlier this evening, an IAF aircraft, in an IDF and ISA intelligence-based strike, eliminated the terrorist Yassin Rabia, the Commander of Hamas’ leadership in Judea and Samaria, as well as Khaled Nagar, a senior official in Hamas’ Judea and Samaria wing.

The strike was carried out in the area of Tal as Sultan, in northwest Rafah, based on precise intelligence.

Hamas’ Judea and Samaria wing is responsible for the planning, funding, and carrying out of terror attacks throughout Judea and Samaria and within Israel.

The terrorist Yassin Rabia managed the entirety of Hamas’ terrorist activity in Judea and Samaria, transferred funds to terror targets and planned Hamas terror attacks throughout Judea and Samaria. In the past, Rabia carried out numerous murderous terror attacks, including in 2001 and 2002, in which IDF soldiers were killed.


Hamas Suddenly Begs for Ceasefire, with Israeli Attack on Rafah Looming​

International media reported Monday evening local time that Hamas had suddenly declared that it had accepted the Egyptian and Qatari terms for a temporary ceasefire, after holding out for weeks against agreeing to a deal with Israel.

But Israeli officials reportedly said that Hamas was “agreeing” to terms that Israel had not proposed or accepted.

The sudden urgency may have had everything to do with Israel’s pending attack, as thousands of Palestinian civilians began leaving Rafah, a strategic town on the Egyptian border and the last place in Gaza Israel has not fully entered.

Finish the job, Israel, and then deal with Hezbollah and Lebanon.
Exactly! Now is not the time to quit!

Israel Takes Gaza-Egypt Border, Destroys Tunnels in Rafah​

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) secured control of the entire length of the Gaza-Egypt border on Wednesday, known as the Philadelphi Corridor, and discovered some 20 tunnels nearby, as it continued military operations in Rafah.

The IDF also discovered a massive, 1.5-kilometer tunnel complex filled with weapons and other facilities for housing Hamas military operations.

Our troops have located dozens of launchers along the corridor, loaded and ready to fire rockets, and launch pits from which Hamas fired rockets and mortars into Israeli territory. Hamas exploited the Philadelphi Corridor, using it to build this infrastructure just dozens of meters from the border with Egypt so that we would not strike them. This infrastructure was located between 10 and 40 meters from the border, specifically so that Israel would not strike near the fence with Egypt. I remind you that in recent weeks, Hamas has fired about seventy rockets and mortars from the Rafah area.

‏So far, our troops have located about 20 tunnels in the Philadelphi Corridor area. We are investigating these tunnels and neutralizing them. In parallel, the troops continue to conduct operations. These operations are carried out based on intelligence information regarding specific locations in the area.


IDF Exposes Secret Egypt-Gaza Bridge in Rafah Operation​

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operation in Rafah has exposed the existence of a secret overpass between Egypt and Gaza, which Hamas could use to import anything without international supervision, according to the Jerusalem Post.

[Egypt] enables an entire industry of smuggling tunnels from its territory to the territory of the Gaza Strip and, in practice, constitutes the organization’s “oxygen pipe” and a main source of illegal weapons, ammunition, and prohibited materials that enabled the establishment of “Deep Gaza.”

The highlight was the existence of an overpass between Egypt and Gaza – the Salah al-Din crossing that was used for the movement of goods from Egypt to the Gaza Strip without any Israeli or international supervision. It was not widely publicized and operated in addition to the famous Rafah crossing.

Apparently, the economy of the tunnels/goods/crossings and the industry that developed on Egyptian soil contributed quite a bit to the quiet that Egypt asked to preserve in the Sinai Peninsula, and hence the Egyptian interest in not eliminating it, as Egypt knew how to do in many other cases.


8 IDF soldiers killed in Rafah explosion​

The soldiers were killed by an explosion inside a Namer armored combat engineering vehicle.

On Saturday, 8 IDF soldiers were killed in an explosion in Rafah in southern Gaza, the deadliest incident in six months.


Half of Hamas in Rafah beaten, IDF will gain full control in two weeks​

The IDF also revealed that the houses and tunnels in Rafah had new kinds of defenses and boobytraps, with some houses having video surveillance in each room of the given house to facilitate ambushes.

The IDF on Monday said that its Division 162 has defeated half of Hamas’s battalions in Rafah, including killing at least 550 terrorists, as well as destroyed around 200 tunnel shafts, and eliminated the terror group’s last major rocket inventory.

Further, the IDF said that within a couple of weeks it would likely be in control of all of Rafah and that the final battles with the remaining two Hamas battalions in parts of Tel al-Sultan and the eastern part of Shabura are already underway.


Netanyahu: Intense Rafah fighting almost over, Hezbollah battle is next​

The intense part of the military operation in Rafah is almost over, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday night, explaining that the next goal is to bring an end to Hezbollah’s attacks along the country’s northern border.

“The intense phase of the war is about to end in Rafah,” after which the IDF will “continue mowing the grass all the time. We will not give up. We hit them hard,” Netanyahu said in a wide-ranging interview with Channel 14.

Once the IDF completes its intense fighting in Rafah, “we will face north,” Netanyahu said, amid heightened expectation that the IDF is set to launch a military campaign in Lebanon to oust Hezbollah from the territory on Israel’s border to stop its persistent attacks.

Israel, he said, is open to a diplomatic resolution to the Hezbollah threat, but he stressed, “It must be on our terms.”

Quite a bit of 2 Faced action there on the part of Egypt.
The Sinai, Red Sea, and Suez Canal are the source of a LOT of hard currency from international tourism and trade. From an economic standpoint, Egypt has a lot to lose if the Sinai becomes "problematic."

The Multinational Forces and Observers (MFO) (established by Camp David Accords), of which the U.S. has always been a major participant, is there. What information they had, when, and what they did with it :noidea:

Virtually all of the Gulf of Eilat (aka Gulf of Aquaba), which is the part of the Red Sea on the east side of the Sinai/west side of Jordan and Saudi, on both sides, is protected marine/reef life sanctuary, although there is some shipping. It took a lot of work for the various countries to come to agreements about the environment, and a lot of it was actually unilateral decisions made by the countries about their own reefs and waters. The SCUBA there is some of the best in the world :)

When I was there, the Sinai wasn't built up like it is now.
And MFO headquarters was at North Camp, near Rafah and Mediterranean, not down south [sigh]

IDF kill dozens of terrorists hiding in UNRWA schools, increase attacks in Shejaia​

The IDF began activity in the area of Shejaia, located in northern Gaza, and killed dozens of terrorists operating who were hiding in United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) schools, the military said on Friday morning.

According to the IDF, intelligence indicated the presence of terrorists and terrorist infrastructure in the area, resulting in their activity both above and below ground. Troops began their activity during the day and started to conduct targeted raids overnight.

Armed forces found dozens of terrorists hiding in UNRWA schools and eliminated the facilities along with other Hamas terrorist infrastructures.

By the way, did anyone notice during the debate last night that one of the moderators --in introducing a question about how the candidates would bring peace to the Middle East-- said that in retaliation for the attacks by Hamas, Israel had "killed thousands of Palestinians"? And nobody challenged that lie. Of course I shouldn't have expected Biden to, but I thought Trump might.

(As I have said in another thread, I purposely didn't watch the debate last night; however I caught about 1 minute of it on YouTube and it was during that minute that the above statement was made. I almost threw something through my TV.)
By the way, did anyone notice during the debate last night that one of the moderators --in introducing a question about how the candidates would bring peace to the Middle East-- said that in retaliation for the attacks by Hamas, Israel had "killed thousands of Palestinians"? And nobody challenged that lie. Of course I shouldn't have expected Biden to, but I thought Trump might.

(As I have said in another thread, I purposely didn't watch the debate last night; however I caught about 1 minute of it on YouTube and it was during that minute that the above statement was made. I almost threw something through my TV.)

That's why we have Packer bricks (very lightweight sponge bricks with Packers logo that can't hurt the TV) :lol:

Maybe we need Bible bricks or prayer bricks or exorcism bricks, etc. to throw at the TV today. Everything has gotten so :puke:
That's why we have Packer bricks (very lightweight sponge bricks with Packers logo that can't hurt the TV) :lol:

Maybe we need Bible bricks or prayer bricks or exorcism bricks, etc. to throw at the TV today. Everything has gotten so :puke:
I see a wonderful business opportunity there sister for anyone wanting to explore that idea! Partly joking, partly not. Maybe I'll make some for personal use, some kitchen sponges and a sharpie marker should do it, and I can keep a tasteful porcelain bowl full ready to heave at the TV.
I see a wonderful business opportunity there sister for anyone wanting to explore that idea! Partly joking, partly not. Maybe I'll make some for personal use, some kitchen sponges and a sharpie marker should do it, and I can keep a tasteful porcelain bowl full ready to heave at the TV.
Kitchen sponges will do damage. You need the super lightweight pieces of foam.

IDF Discovers Hamas, Islamic Jihad Command Center at UNRWA HQ​

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) discovered a command center this week used by Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists within the Gaza City headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

Israel has long insisted that UNRWA supports terrorism in general, and maintains that several UNRWA employees participated directly in the October 7 terror attack. Terrorists have repeatedly used UNRWA facilities to launch attacks and store weapons.


'Dismantling Hamas from within': IDF uncovers trove of Hamas secrets​

The IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) have uncovered a treasure trove of Hamas intelligence, consisting of stacks of documents, files, and computers, including guidelines on what to do if someone is suspected of being part of the LGBTQ community and a phrasebook of Hebrew words to help terrorists communicate in Hebrew, which included phrases such as "Take off your clothes."

Among the findings were operational tables, equipment lists, classified maps, and instructions on what to do if captured, leading to the conclusion that Hamas's military wing has transformed into a professional army right under the nose of Israeli intelligence.

"The amount of intelligence accumulated so far in the hands of Shin Bet and Military Intelligence allows us to dismantle Hamas from within," said a senior security official exposed to the heaps of documents.

This is a very interesting article that details a lot of the intelligence that Israel has obtained about hamas and hamas operations. It's long, but very educational.

'Dismantling Hamas from within': IDF uncovers trove of Hamas secrets​

The IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) have uncovered a treasure trove of Hamas intelligence, consisting of stacks of documents, files, and computers, including guidelines on what to do if someone is suspected of being part of the LGBTQ community and a phrasebook of Hebrew words to help terrorists communicate in Hebrew, which included phrases such as "Take off your clothes."

Among the findings were operational tables, equipment lists, classified maps, and instructions on what to do if captured, leading to the conclusion that Hamas's military wing has transformed into a professional army right under the nose of Israeli intelligence.

"The amount of intelligence accumulated so far in the hands of Shin Bet and Military Intelligence allows us to dismantle Hamas from within," said a senior security official exposed to the heaps of documents.

This is a very interesting article that details a lot of the intelligence that Israel has obtained about hamas and hamas operations. It's long, but very educational.
:thankyou: for posting this