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Debate Trump and Biden June 27th

I couldn’t watch it either. Too tired and didn’t want to end up upset knowing I have to wake up at 6am for my kids. I don’t even know if I want to watch anymore. It’ll probably just be a waste of my time to see what has been so obvious all of these years only to upset me. I am enjoying the recaps here. Thank you!

Ramaswamy: What the Country Witnessed Last Night Was No Accident​

Ramaswamy said Democrats likely don’t want to get another nominee too soon, which would allow for a proper vetting process and the “honeymoon phase to fade.” Swapping in another candidate near the convention date would resolve those concerns.

Ramaswamy was clear he wasn’t saying the situation would definitely unfold this way, but he went on to question why the first debate was held so early.

“This is the earliest presidential debate in American history and the first ever, to my knowledge, that has taken place before the nominating convention of either party,” he said on Fox News. “Ask yourself why they're doing it. And more importantly, ask yourself why the Democrats made it a condition of Biden debating that they place that date that early. You got to skate to where the puck is going.

It appears Ramaswamy is smart enough to be able to connect the dots...
I really did try and watch it, but I have to always try and avoid stress, especially at night, and listening to Biden lying was stressful.

I did record it so I might skim through it later this morning.

Like I said in post number 15 in this thread, Bidens performance will cause the dems to reconsider Biden, and they will use last night as a catalyst to replace him at the convention.
So does that mean he will be taken out of office before November? If so, we have cackler Harris before they get someone else to run?
The possibility of being under Newsom and also under the WHO-- I pray pray pray Jesus is coming very soon since we can see it all being set up for the Tribulation's OWG. I know the U.S. cannot be allowed to stand in order for the AC to take worldwide control, but sometimes it's soooo hard to watch. I think that's why this election is such a big deal since it hints at how quickly things may change.
That’s what I’m concerned about. Will Harris become the president or will the Democrats push for Newsom? I am distraught over my country 😞

Unless diben resigns or passes away during his term, I don't think harris will ever be president. I don't think anybody likes her. She did make a good vice-president for a nearly brain-dead president. diben looked good by comparison.
Unless diben resigns or passes away during his term, I don't think harris will ever be president. I don't think anybody likes her. She did make a good vice-president for a nearly brain-dead president. diben looked good by comparison.
Isn't Harris next in line if they take him out before the election because she is V.P? She didn't even do her border czar job didn't care and she isn't qualified any way.
The two events are not related. Democrats can take Biden out as their nominee, while still allowing him to remain in office as president until the next president is inaugurated. The situation is no different than when a sitting president is completing his second term: there is a presidential nominee who, if he or she is elected, becomes the president-elect while the old president is still in office.
The two events are not related. Democrats can take Biden out as their nominee, while still allowing him to remain in office as president until the next president is inaugurated. The situation is no different than when a sitting president is completing his second term: there is a presidential nominee who, if he or she is elected, becomes the president-elect while the old president is still in office.
The new President would come in January of 2025 so we have too much time left for Biden to do even more destruction.
When she visited the border and was interviewed by CNN, Vice President Harris made some decent comments about the border, which were being broadcast live and abruptly cut-off in mid comment to a commercial :mad:
The next broadcast, V.P. was wearing different clothes and said a couple of meaningless things, and what she said before was never aired again :mad: It's not on wayback, etc., either :mad:

I suspect "things" were "explained" to her :mad:

I think this, her recent comments about Hamas raping and something needing to be done, and a couple other less-like-the-current-DFL party line comments (more like women's issues from a compassionate instead of radical or don't care view) are why TPTB haven't let (or sent) President Biden home. I think they're afraid they can't control her :lol:

It would be funny (and a big poke in the eye of TPTB) if, in spite of everything TPTB did or tried, Vice President Harris ended up Acting President or President, and did something(s) good. Path of least resistance/most harm to DFL (or GOP) if they won't go along might be under banner/umbrella of women and children's issues :lol:

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou: