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Debate Trump and Biden June 27th

It has been an interesting few days. What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

I think Biden has to agree to step down (?), and I don't think Dr. Jill will let him out of denial, greed, pride, whatever. I think there are probably some rough meetings going on.

The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth be silent before Him. Habakkuk 2:20

The best thing that could possibly happen is all these people who have been lying and cheating would come under sure conviction, repent, and call on the Lord to be saved. Sometimes God has to knock you down so you look up, as Andy Woods often says. :pray:
So I have been watching a lot of video clips on YouTube regarding the Presidential debate last Thursday. What is most upsetting to me is the lack of knowledge that most Americans have. Today it finally took a host from England to set the record straight on something we all should know. It has been said to be the biggest problem that Trump has regarding getting votes, as most Americans are against it. What is that? Getting rid of the federal law that forces all states to allow for abortion.

Here are the two lies that are stated in one sentence.
If Trump is elected he will make a federal law restricting a woman's right to do what she decides to do with her own body.

I expect that on this Christian forum you realize that a baby is not a part of a woman's body and you recognize that lie. The lie you may not recognize is that Trump does not want to make a federal law regarding abortion at all, but just to repeal the federal law that abortion must be allowed in every state. You see Roe versus Wade was not about abortion being illegal on the federal level as it never was. Each state had the right to decide what their law would be. Roe versus Wade caused the federal government to force every state to allow for abortion.

So to be clear the whole abortion argument is not about women's rights or for the federal government to restrict abortion. Each state would be allowed to decide that for themselves. It really bothers me that even those on the right who support Trump let those on the left get away with this lie. It is said so often without dispute I bet most believe that Trump does plan to make a federal law against abortion.

If what I have stated is new to you, please inform this point to anyone that states the lie in your presence.

We are in very sad times. 😞
Goodboy.....you are spot on....but I can't help but think that the lack of knowledge is actually reprobation, willful ignorance, and full and absolute rebellion. Critical thought is lost on the world's majority but there really isn't an excuse on many things. Murdering babies in the womb is not a hard thing to understand/realize. Voting in a socialist marxist to a Constitutional republic capitalist nation is not a hard thing to understand/realize. Allowing children to determine their gender, to choose to be butchered or chemically altered, and be groomed/hunted by LBGTQ+ is not a hard thing to understand/realize. Leaving a major national border open to ANYONE on the planet without vetting is not a hard thing to understand/realize. Not calling for the complete destruction of a terrorist organization that invades, rapes, murders, kidnaps babies up to elderly is not a hard thing to understand.