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Debate Trump and Biden June 27th

I saw that the right to select which podium to use is a big deal, right or left. Anyone know why?

Also happy Trump gets to have the last word. :yeah:
I am making a joke maybe Biden thinks that his party which is called the left is right as in their political views. I agree Trump gets the last word, and we know he speaks eloquently more than I can say for our current president.
I saw that the right to select which podium to use is a big deal, right or left. Anyone know why?

I've no idea myself. But found this:

Why Biden Chose the Audience’s Right Side for Debate Night​

With Biden correctly picking tails, he chose to debate from the Atlanta stage’s left side—a decision that may be more consequential than most think.

That’s because, in a setting that involves two figures, viewers are inherently drawn to the right, experts say, which is where Biden will be displayed on millions of TV screens across the country. That positioning will likely earn Biden an extra chunk of eyeball time by default, assuming viewers can break away from Trump’s repeated antics and interruptions.

The extra attention to screens’ right is a phenomena that’s been cited as the reason nearly every late-night TV host, from Jimmy Fallon to Steve Allen, have been positioned to the right of their guests in each interview, and it’s likely why Biden’s camp prioritized stage positioning over choosing the order of closing statements. The White House did not immediately respond to questions sent by The Daily Beast on the reasoning behind Biden’s choice.

I've no idea myself. But found this:

Why Biden Chose the Audience’s Right Side for Debate Night​

With Biden correctly picking tails, he chose to debate from the Atlanta stage’s left side—a decision that may be more consequential than most think.

That’s because, in a setting that involves two figures, viewers are inherently drawn to the right, experts say, which is where Biden will be displayed on millions of TV screens across the country. That positioning will likely earn Biden an extra chunk of eyeball time by default, assuming viewers can break away from Trump’s repeated antics and interruptions.

The extra attention to screens’ right is a phenomena that’s been cited as the reason nearly every late-night TV host, from Jimmy Fallon to Steve Allen, have been positioned to the right of their guests in each interview, and it’s likely why Biden’s camp prioritized stage positioning over choosing the order of closing statements. The White House did not immediately respond to questions sent by The Daily Beast on the reasoning behind Biden’s choice.

I would base it on how well the person answers the questions not where they are seated. Trump is a much more intelligent speaker, and maybe some people have told him to watch how he speaks to Biden. I have heard some people don't like his personality, and I heard someone say it is the political views that really counts. Not everyone will like a person.
I would base it on how well the person answers the questions not where they are seated. Trump is a much more intelligent speaker, and maybe some people have told him to watch how he speaks to Biden. I have heard some people don't like his personality, and I heard someone say it is the political views that really counts. Not everyone will like a person.

Apparently people tend to go to the right without realizing it... Something that happens subconsciously.
Just imagine for a moment, a child. He or she (sorry, but really not at all sorry ye nonbinary ilk) just going along, licking ice cream cones, watching cartoons. They smile at various stimulus and their parents or siblings just like you and I used to do. And then that very same being gradually or perhaps even rapidly grew up into something that wanted control of so many others. They wanted it so bad that they potentially gave up their souls just to try and exercise their will on the underclass or maybe even compete with other "elites".

It always threw me a bit, and I do not demonize children, but to see them grow into monsters. Some monsters you are called by society to kill or to shackle for a period of years if not a lifetime. Others claw and bite long beyond their sell by date. But to think, you go from watching Looney Tunes to becoming the Looney Tune and potentially laying waste to thousands if not millions of people. Remarkable, that trajectory. To think, we vote for them in ignorance, or we vote against them in what we imagine is justice if you can feature that with a straight face. It's really something.

But really, what I came to say was this: Don't forget to call Joe 3-0-3-3-0!
It's possible that that's the planned end game for this debate..

President Harris until January?
Would DFL allow her to head the ticket, or would they bring in Michelle or someone else(s)?

A couple of things Vice President Harris has said over the years lead me to think she has more on the ball than people think, knows when to keep her mouth shut, and she might not be as puppetish as TPTB would like. Even if she only got the months that are left on President Biden's term, whether she didn't run, or ran and lost, I think it would be far better for her and the country than President Biden sticking it out (or being forced by TPTB to remain). I think it would be a kindness to let President Biden go home and enjoy whatever lucid time he has left with his family, and age and die privately, instead of being sujected to public ridicule, which he is probably at least somewhat aware of. Just the time and physical demands of the Presidency, especially with limited time to take care of himself and obtain needed sleep, must be wreeking havoc on his brain and body. Every President has aged dramaticly while in office, due to stress and insufficient sleep, including the far younger President Kennedy.

Eric Trump: My Father Not Just Debating Biden, He’s Going to Be Debating CNN​

Eric Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump, said on this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that his father had to debate both President Joe Biden and CNN on Thursday.

Trump said, “Make no mistake, this is still CNN, right? This is Jake Tapper. Jake Tapper has compared my father to Hitler before, right? Jake Tapper is a guy who would yell at his control room, saying turn this man off. I don’t want to hear what he says when my father’s giving press conferences. I can’t tell you who these people are. You know who they are, and you’ve seen them before. I saw them as I walked into a courtroom every day where they’re sitting there with grins on their face. I mean, just ear-to-ear smiles, right? So understand that he’s not just going to be debating Joe Biden. He’s going to be debating CNN.”

He continued, “And you better believe that Biden’s gonna be getting a lot of, you know, a free pass, and, you know, you better believe that they’re, you know, gonna hit my father.”

Trump added, “I’m comfortable with my father. He’s got the right message. He’s got the love of America behind him, and he’s going to do, he’s going to do awesome. He always does.”


Eric Trump: My Father Not Just Debating Biden, He’s Going to Be Debating CNN​

Eric Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump, said on this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that his father had to debate both President Joe Biden and CNN on Thursday.

Trump said, “Make no mistake, this is still CNN, right? This is Jake Tapper. Jake Tapper has compared my father to Hitler before, right? Jake Tapper is a guy who would yell at his control room, saying turn this man off. I don’t want to hear what he says when my father’s giving press conferences. I can’t tell you who these people are. You know who they are, and you’ve seen them before. I saw them as I walked into a courtroom every day where they’re sitting there with grins on their face. I mean, just ear-to-ear smiles, right? So understand that he’s not just going to be debating Joe Biden. He’s going to be debating CNN.”

He continued, “And you better believe that Biden’s gonna be getting a lot of, you know, a free pass, and, you know, you better believe that they’re, you know, gonna hit my father.”

Trump added, “I’m comfortable with my father. He’s got the right message. He’s got the love of America behind him, and he’s going to do, he’s going to do awesome. He always does.”

The anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are partial because they are Democrats. There are people/Democrats that are turning against Biden because of what he has done to the economy and our unsafe open border. Abbott has done a lot for Texas with the wire he had put up to keep illegal immigrants out.
Objectionable and unbiased reporting by the MSM is hard to come by. They are a part of the leftist socialist marxist political machine. Democrats of the 80's and prior are dating rabid socialist marxist globalist leftist liberals and still vote party lines over what is better for our country and what needs to be done to stop the systematic destruction of our free republic. Tapper and Bash are no friends of objective and unbiased reporting.