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Where Can the Church Be Found in the Book of Revelation?

By Tim Moore for
Christ in Prophecy
March 15, 2022

***Excerpt from article:
"Our beloved Bridegroom has no intention of beating up His Bride just before gathering her to His father’s house."***

That’s a very good question because it relates to our expectation of the imminent Rapture of the Church — meaning all who are saved and collectively called the Bride of Christ. I offer three clues regarding the absence of the Church during the Tribulation.

First, the book opens stating that it is the “Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants” (1:1). In verse 4 John addresses seven churches in Asia, and of course chapters 2 and 3 consist of Jesus’ dictated letters.

Jesus’ messages to those individual churches echo down the centuries to us today. The churches themselves are representative of different types of churches and offer a prophetic overview of the Church age as it has progressed over the past 2000 years.

Then, at the beginning of chapter 4, the scene shifts. John, who was on the island of Patmos, heard a voice that called (or raptured) him up to heaven. He was “immediately” transported in the Spirit to the throne room of God. The next 14 chapters describe the Tribulation period in great detail, but there is no mention of the Church — by name or by description.

Article continues:

Then, at the beginning of chapter 4, the scene shifts. John, who was on the island of Patmos, heard a voice that called (or raptured) him up to heaven. He was “immediately” transported in the Spirit to the throne room of God. The next 14 chapters describe the Tribulation period in great detail, but there is no mention of the Church — by name or by description.
Thanks for this encouraging article :hug: