Yes...but I think maybe God wants the downfall of America and is using the liberal leftest democrats to accomplish it. Of course the timing coincides with Americas rejection of God. Coincides with America forcing by law the approval of that which is an abomination to God, the alphabet perverts. Coincides, I believe, with America needing to be taken out of the picture as a world player forcing Israel to stand alone, which in turn forces her back to God.
Does America think it can get away with what it is doing and God won't judge her? And nations are judged in time, not eternity.
Plus, Americas love affair with 'diversity' which is straight out of hell, and counter productive to God's purpose. But is in line with Satan's purpose. And I'm not talking about the Church. I'm talking abut the nation.
So, I will vote, but I am not hopeful in the outcome. The left has showed it's hand and the degree it will go to stop Trump or any conservative President. And this election is huge.
My opinion.