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What do you think of this?

Does anyone really believe your vote is going to matter?

Democrats have made it clear they will do anything to sway the election.

From voter fraud to weaponizing the judicial system, to assassination, to giving illegal immigrants the right to vote. They have made it clear... a conservative will not be elected anymore in the U.S.

Does anyone really believe your vote is going to matter?

Democrats have made it clear they will do anything to sway the election.

From voter fraud to weaponizing the judicial system, to assassination, to giving illegal immigrants the right to vote. They have made it clear... a conservative will not be elected anymore in the U.S.

You are most likely right but I’m going to vote anyway. God could put Trump in there again. Who knows? We will see.
Folks, Donald Trump did NOT say what ABC News and others are suggesting he said. I watched that entire speech. In context all he was saying was he needs the Christian vote to win this time so that he can get in office and fix the major problems in America-- border, security, economy, industry, the legal system. Once he's done that, America will be fine and if Christians don't want to vote in the future that's fine because their vote won't be needed in future elections because America will have been returned to law and order and fair and proper elections. That's what he was saying. He was not in any way suggesting that he would eliminate elections in some way. This is a classic case of a small portion of a speech or interview being taken out of its context in order to raise gears or denigrate the speaker. The left is very good at that.
Does anyone really believe your vote is going to matter?

Democrats have made it clear they will do anything to sway the election.

From voter fraud to weaponizing the judicial system, to assassination, to giving illegal immigrants the right to vote. They have made it clear... a conservative will not be elected anymore in the U.S.

If it were solely up to mankind, I would agree. But by the grace of God and through His power I believe that we will get a proper election this time. And that is the context of what Donald Trump is speaking about in the thread starter clip. And once in power he has said he will be fix our electoral system so that it can never be corrupted again.
Folks, Donald Trump did NOT say what ABC News and others are suggesting he said. I watched that entire speech. In context all he was saying was he needs the Christian vote to win this time so that he can get in office and fix the major problems in America-- border, security, economy, industry, the legal system. Once he's done that, America will be fine and if Christians don't want to vote in the future that's fine because their vote won't be needed in future elections because America will have been returned to law and order and fair and proper elections. That's what he was saying. He was not in any way suggesting that he would eliminate elections in some way. This is a classic case of a small portion of a speech or interview being taken out of its context in order to raise gears or denigrate the speaker. The left is very good at that.

Same kind of thing as taking a Bible verse out of context (deliberately) [sigh]
If it were solely up to mankind, I would agree. But by the grace of God and through His power I believe that we will get a proper election this time. And that is the context of what Donald Trump is speaking about in the thread starter clip. And once in power he has said he will be fix our electoral system so that it can never be corrupted again.

Of course God can, if He wants to. Perhaps God is finished with His purpose for America. Trump won't have the ability to fix America. He will be to busy fighting the democrats in the legal arena.

And, just because the first assassination failed, doesn't mean there won't be more.

I don't see anything wrong with the electoral system.

Folks, Donald Trump did NOT say what ABC News and others are suggesting he said. I watched that entire speech. In context all he was saying was he needs the Christian vote to win this time so that he can get in office and fix the major problems in America-- border, security, economy, industry, the legal system. Once he's done that, America will be fine and if Christians don't want to vote in the future that's fine because their vote won't be needed in future elections because America will have been returned to law and order and fair and proper elections. That's what he was saying. He was not in any way suggesting that he would eliminate elections in some way. This is a classic case of a small portion of a speech or interview being taken out of its context in order to raise gears or denigrate the speaker. The left is very good at that.
Thanks so much for clarifying this. That makes total sense, as it should. I did not see the whole speech and I just know that my Mom is going to mention it when I go over there.
I just hate the media.
I do wish he would be more thoughtful and measured when he speaks. Knowing the media takes every sound bite and makes a big deal out of it. He has an uproarious sense of humor too which people don’t understand either. Or don’t want to understand.
That's the important thing, too. It's what all the eyes are seeing, and ears are listening to: the bites and bits. Context is more or less a dead thing today. All anyone on the left or perhaps a moderate/undecided will hear from that clip is "Seeeee! We told you he's trying to install himself as a permanent dictator!". One way or another, I think this is his last bid for the White House. If he loses and dares to run again, I'd wager he'll have zero momentum. The luster would surely have worn off by a third bid, but hey, it is current day, so who knows. Can you imagine doing all this again with the same names in your mouth four years from now and for a total of 12 whopping years?