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Video: Heart issues skyrocketing in military, US Navy medic says


A United States Navy Medical Service Corps whistleblower recently disclosed information from the Department of Defense that reportedly shows a major increase in military pilots with heart-related issues after the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination.

Navy Medical Service Corps Lt. Ted Macie, who is an active-duty officer, a Navy health administrator, and a medical recruiter, shared the information Monday in a video on X, formerly Twitter. Macie presented his claims over concerns that have repeatedly been emphasized by his wife, Mara Macie, who is currently running for Florida’s 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

In his video, Ted Macie claimed that the U.S. military has experienced a major increase in heart-related issues with helicopter and fixed-wing pilots. Macie claimed that Defense Department data shows a 937% increase in heart failure, a 152% increase in cardiomyopathy, a 69% increase in ischemic heart disease, a 62% increase in pulmonary heart disease, a 36% increase in hypertensive disease, and a 63% increase in other forms of heart disease compared to the five-year average before 2022.


The legitimate medical literature which I have been reading --which TPTB have been trying (increasingly unsuccessfully) to keep hidden-- shows heart-related issues are one --but certainly not the only one-- of the main results of the experimental mRNA pseudo-vaccines that have been falsely touted as safe. VAERS and other international data stores confirm heart related issues are among the most dangerous side effects in the short and middle term. But these data stores cannot reveal the long term effects. For this we need continuing biological research. Reading this material leads to shocking information.

Big Pharma and the regulators (who appear to actually be part of Big Pharma) are the problem. For example, on February 11, 2022 this analysis of VAERS data (https://lawrencemazzuckelli.substack.com/p/for-every-dose-there-is-a-response) was published, showing serious side effects of the "vaccines". So VAERS did do precisely what VAERS was intended to do -- provide an early warning of potential problems. Unfortunately CDC chose to ignore it. WHY???

As has been wisely said many times: follow the money.

According to multiple research studies, the Covid mRNA non-vaccines do NOTHING that we have been assured they do, yet have introduced an unproven and not-fully tested biological component into the human body that has already resulted in a significant number of deaths and serious medical conditions. What we still don't know is whether it has also possibly destroyed the future health of a significant portion of the human race. The problem is that the research was nowhere near completed at the time of the release of these "vaccines" and therefore nobody knows for sure what they are doing biologically in the human body. The one thing that continuing research is revealing is that they are nowhere near as safe as TPTB assures its they are. Nowhere near. And evidence its beginning to show that they are actually --in some cases at least-- altering a person's DNA...with unknown results.

I'm not trying to scare anybody, but the truth is the truth. Big Pharma lied to us. Our regulators lied to us. And our governments either lied to us or are themselves victims of the previous two groups and passed on to us what they themselves had been told, not realizing it was based on profit-focused lies. And to make matters worse, when respected medical experts and researchers began to speak up, TPTB used social media to ban them, shutting down the truth, labeling those who managed to speak out as crackpots. Forget, independent doctors who ignored the government rules and tried to treat their patients according to the best information available to them had their medical licenses revoked, saying the majority of medical professionals to fall into line.

The more I read, the more I am convinced that this entire thing will go down in future history books as the greatest scam and the greatest crime ever perpetrated against humanity.

As to my family and you and your families, I comfort myself with the knowledge that God is in control of everything in a Christian's life and therefore we need not fear ANY outcome while on this earth. God WILL protect us and provide for our needs. And regardless of the individual road ahead of each of us, He WILL walk it with us, strengthening us and ensuring our safe arrival at our earthly journey's end. Glory to His Name! Thank you, Lord.