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Pfizer, FDA docs show both lied about vaccine safety.

Yes, I have yet to read a study that was completed within standards, to include long term studies. Most what people read are opinion pieces, or from far left or right sites, not always reliable.
I highly recommend Dr Jessica Rose's substack as a gathering place for pure research. Dr Byram W. Bridle and Dr Paul Elias Alexander's medical substacks are also highly informative. Simply go to substack.com and search for those people's names to find their substack.
Yes, I have yet to read a study that was completed within standards, to include long term studies. Most what people read are opinion pieces, or from far left or right sites, not always reliable.

VIDEO RELEASE Sen. Ron Johnson COVID-19: A Second Opinion Panel Garners Over 800,000 Views in 24 Hours

January 25, 2022​

This is a panel of experts, Doctors, Virologists, and including the inventer on the spike protein mRNA.

This is not far right or left. It's called a second opinion because of the lies made about Covid and it's vaccines. A medical second opinion. Not personal opinions of non experts.

I encourage you to watch this panel discussion.
It may answer some questions.


VIDEO RELEASE Sen. Ron Johnson COVID-19: A Second Opinion Panel Garners Over 800,000 Views in 24 Hours

January 25, 2022​

This is a panel of experts, Doctors, Virologists, and including the inventer on the spike protein mRNA.

This is not far right or left. It's called a second opinion because of the lies made about Covid and it's vaccines. A medical second opinion. Not personal opinions of non experts.

I encourage you to watch this panel discussion.
It may answer some questions.

I dont watch any of these anymore. They could be 100 percent correct, but I simply dont trust most info released in regards to covid. I know most previous info was wrong, but as I always try and do, I moved on, and concentrate my energy on the positives in the world.
All we can do as we move on is pray we don't make the same mistakes in believing everything we hear and use discernment when fear mongering is being used to get people to submit over what is being used to deceive.

This entire plandemic was a diabolical scheme to push an agenda and it took a lot for the Truth to come out

Too many lives have been lost, not with the Covid, but the planned "vaccines" being used to kill the vulnerable and uninformed.

This is not opinion. It is fact.
Information is out there if one is interested in looking for it.

If it wasn't true, the government wouldn't be admitting the problems with the vaccines because too many have suddenly died, After being injected, and it is not a coincidence.

Everyone has a right to look the other way and not believe it or accept it

But some people do want to know.

We are in the last days. It is not a surprise that iniquity is rampant.
There's a reason God's judging the world.
And Jesus warned not to be deceived.

We are the light of the world as believers, and are obligated to shed light on darkness.

This whole Covid and the planned so called remedy for it, is wicked to the core and must be exposed as darkness.

I leave this as my last comment on this subject.
From an email from Dr. Jessica Rose today:

The increase in reporting rates of autoimmune disorders and MS in the context of the modified mRNA COVID-19 injectable products is obvious so the question is: Are these increases due to aberrant protein production?

The fact that off-target proteins are being produced is very concerning. Molecular mimicry hotspots in the spike protein have already been discovered with autoimmune potential in the context of thrombocytopenia. [11] A TQLPP motif in the spike protein shares similar antibody binding properties to the human protein thrombopoietin. Antibodies cross-reacting with thrombopoietin may induce thrombocytopenia, a condition observed in COVID-19 patients. [12]

In light of these new findings by Mulroney el al., it is clear that these products require recall and investigation. Any idea of ‘future mRNA-based therapeutics’ should be deferred indefinitely.

It is indeed curious that the manufacturers had every opportunity and resource to assess the dangers of off-target protein production for subsequent illumination and potential amelioration of potential AEs, including autoimmunity, prior to injecting billions of people, but did not exploit these opportunities. Clinical trials for these products should have spanned many generations to ensure the actual safety of these products.
11] Nunez-Castilla, J.; Stebliankin, V.; Baral, P.; Balbin, C.A.; Sobhan, M.; Cickovski, T.; Mondal, A.M.; Narasimhan, G.; Chapagain, P.; Mathee, K.; et al. Potential Autoimmunity Resulting from Molecular Mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Human Proteins. Viruses 2022, 14, 1415. https://doi.org/10.3390/v14071415

[12] Bhattacharjee S, Banerjee M. Immune Thrombocytopenia Secondary to COVID-19: a Systematic Review. SN Compr Clin Med. 2020;2(11):2048-2058. doi: 10.1007/s42399-020-00521-8. Epub 2020 Sep 19. PMID: 32984764; PMCID: PMC7501509
This whole Covid and the planned so called remedy for it, is wicked to the core and must be exposed as darkness.
Absolutely. And many legitimate medical professionals are doing that. The best we can do is make their info widely available. Then people can do their own research if they want to. Many, however, since what is done is done, will simply trust God with their health and that of their loved ones. There is, after all, nothing else they can do. The evil -- both the virus and the vaccines-- have been unleashed. There is no stuffing them back in the bottle.

I have to think God permitted this at this time for His purposes of causing as many people as possible to lose faith in worldly authorities and securities and turn to Him as He finishes up this Age. Those who refuse will, unfortunately, suffer what is to come. Hopefully that will bring them to Christ.
Absolutely. And many legitimate medical professionals are doing that. The best we can do is make their info widely available. Then people can do their own research if they want to. Many, however, since what is done is done, will simply trust God with their health and that of their loved ones. There is, after all, nothing else they can do. The evil -- both the virus and the vaccines-- have been unleashed. There is no stuffing them back in the bottle.

I have to think God permitted this at this time for His purposes of causing as many people as possible to lose faith in worldly authorities and securities and turn to Him as He finishes up this Age. Those who refuse will, unfortunately, suffer what is to come. Hopefully that will bring them to Christ.
All I need to know, is will I soon start glowing in the dark because I took the jab…..O.o:)
The best we can do is make their info widely available. Then people can do their own research if they want to. Many, however, since what is done is done, will simply trust God with their health and that of their loved ones. There is, after all, nothing else they can do. The evil -- both the virus and the vaccines-- have been unleashed. There is no stuffing them back in the bottle.
Yes! I already know the whole covid event was simply evil.

My main point was too many people believe their “source” is the one truth out there. However, for every negative study you can find a positive study on the same subject. Thats why I say why bother, I know it's was all bad how it was handled.

I have learned over the last 7 years that stress is the worst thing for anyone who has even minor cognitive issues. Why pile it on reading through dozens of reports, and trying to decipher which one is legit? Or focus only on negative news stories?

Whatever comes our way, no matter how bad it gets, the end results for the church will be same - We win.

I truly try and focus on the positives that still exist for now.
Yes! I already know the whole covid event was simply evil.

My main point was too many people believe their “source” is the one truth out there. However, for every negative study you can find a positive study on the same subject. Thats why I say why bother, I know it's was all bad how it was handled.

I have learned over the last 7 years that stress is the worst thing for anyone who has even minor cognitive issues. Why pile it on reading through dozens of reports, and trying to decipher which one is legit? Or focus only on negative news stories?

Whatever comes our way, no matter how bad it gets, the end results for the church will be same - We win.

I truly try and focus on the positives that still exist for now.
I agree…it’s all I can do to study my Bible, watch some prophecy updates and keep up with Israel. My intercessory prayer life could be much better so I’m trying to work on that. So much to think about. My aunt sends me articles and videos but I just don’t want to expend the energy on them. It’s all water under the bridge now.
This last (for-profit, all-about-the-money) hospital brouhaha with my Dad, I noticed docs are recommending stopping, and sometimes withdrawing, the newer, high-priced blood thinners from older patients (not Dad, he was on warfarin). Guess the jab didn't kill enough, so take away the good blood thinners, and sometimes all the blood thinners, so more get the clots from the spike protein, etc. These are the same people the government was insisting get vaccinated first and most frequently.

Docs were pushing hard for me to not authorize treatment for Dad, too. The ER doc was the absolute worst. One of the ICU docs that came in the weekend through the time Dad died seemed to be acting like a hatchet man, too. The oldest ICU doc and I had a good discussion and he respected my Dad's wishes. Maybe he knows he may soon be My biggest weapon to advocate for Dad, other than Jesus, was Dad's medical directive.

At least now I can freely make my own choice about the jab, without having to consider anyone else's wishes/demands :hyper:

I've had four, but not the latest, and I think no more. Never had it that I know of, O+

I'm actually a lot more concerned about the flu. And people, who don't wash their hands in the restroom :mad:
And jerks, who refuse to honor a polite request to socially distance, and sometimes tell me to put on a mask. The last one was coughing, not covering his cough, and obviously had a fever :mad:
treatment for Dad, too. The ER doc was the absolI think no more. Never had it that I know of, O+

I'm actually a lot more concerned about the flu. And people, who don't wash their hands in the restroom :mad:
And jerks, who refuse to honor a polite request to socially distance, and sometimes tell me to put on a mask. The last one was coughing, not covering his cough, and obviously had a fever :mad:
I get so annoyed at people walking around in the store hacking and coughing and not even trying to cover their mouth. You’d think they would have more consideration for people after all what happened but they don’t.
It’s one reason why I’m perfectly OK with urgent cares and ERs requesting that sick, coughing people wear masks in the waiting room. People go in for one thing but then leave with the flu after catching it from someone hacking right next to them.
This last (for-profit, all-about-the-money) hospital brouhaha with my Dad, I noticed docs are recommending stopping, and sometimes withdrawing, the newer, high-priced blood thinners from older patients (not Dad, he was on warfarin). Guess the jab didn't kill enough, so take away the good blood thinners, and sometimes all the blood thinners, so more get the clots from the spike protein, etc. These are the same people the government was insisting get vaccinated first and most frequently.

The money aspect of the whole mess bothers me a whole lot more than the mRNA shots. The collusion between the govmint and those who'd taken the hypocratic oath... The huge monetary incentives... I'll never trust our health care system as I have in the past. I'm sure there are good and honest practitioners out there... but they'll have to earn my trust, they won't have it from the onset.
I get so annoyed at people walking around in the store hacking and coughing and not even trying to cover their mouth. You’d think they would have more consideration for people after all what happened but they don’t.
It’s one reason why I’m perfectly OK with urgent cares and ERs requesting that sick, coughing people wear masks in the waiting room. People go in for one thing but then leave with the flu after catching it from someone hacking right next to them.
Some places have sick separated from injured/not contagious waiting rooms or areas of waiting rooms. Some also separate out children because they're giant germ factories.
Wish it were like this everywhere.
Next time they do something it will probably be another unprecedented thing, and it will be just as confusing. People won’t submit in another pandemic like the last one, and they know it.
That's one reason I think the next big thing might be the economic meltdown. We've seen the Trump Peace Plan unveiled, followed by the plague, then the breakdown of laws with the election fraud. Each move they make results in a backlash that makes it harder to do it all again. I think the next thing is monetary. Or perhaps some neutron bombs (small tactical nukes) in Ukraine. (I'm an optimist, I just can't help it)

Because of the wording in the Olivet Discourse as well as Luke 17 I think those next 2 come AFTER the Rapture (told y'all I'm optimistic)

2 Reasons:

1; because the people of the time are buying and selling, marrying and giving in marriage, planting fields before the Lord comes to take us. IF that was at the end of the Trib, it would be anything but normal. Barry Stagner the other day on Jan Markell pointed out that Babylon is done for in Revelation BEFORE the Second Coming- the voice of the bridegroom is heard no more yet that happens before the Second Coming. Just 2 reasons I think that part of the Olivet discourse isn't quite the same time frame as the other bits.

2; because Paul mentions the ones left behind talking about peace and security THEN sudden destruction comes upon them and they shall not escape.

But I could be dead wrong. :lol:

I loved a book by the late PJ O'Rourke titled: All the Trouble in the World: The Lighter Side of Overpopulation, Famine, Ecological Disaster, Ethnic Hatred, Plague, and Poverty written back in 1995. In which he both outlined, and skewered the plans of the elite and what would become known as the "woke". He didn't mention global warming much because it was still recovering from the Global Cooling scare that didn't happen in the 70s. I let go of it, and I should buy it again for my kindle.

The chapter on overpopulation was titled Not enough of ME, and WAY TOO MUCH OF YOU!!! And he NAILED the attitude of the depopulation agenda folks. Long before Bill Gates had a foundation, long before Fauci had invested in Chinese labs or in big Pharma. Long before the Georgia Guidestones were carved out. Long before 911 and the Muslim Terror. He was right and he did it with humour.

Some places have sick separated from injured/not contagious waiting rooms or areas of waiting rooms. Some also separate out children because they're giant germ factories.
Wish it were like this everywhere.
That's how our emergency dept here is set up. The very upset kids, psychiatric emergencies and people with autism also have access to a quiet room to de-escalate tensions.
@Margery When you feel up to it — my cousin said she has been reading “studies” that those who received the mRNA jab are shedding “particles” everywhere, which affects even those of us who didn’t take the jab. Is there any truth to this? Not that I care much, because we are so close to leaving this rock anyway. But I’d like to have a good measure of truth to wall up my mind, and in my responses to her. I tried to google it myself, and of course the fact checkers have debunked the whole thing, saying it’s only live virus vaccines that cause shedding. I figure that is probably true, but I’d rather hear it from other than them.
All I know about Covid I learned from my wife a RN who is still on the frontlines of healthcare. I thought I was going to make it through the whole thing without getting it.

I’m O+ blood type. Everyone around us was getting it. My daughter who is a school teacher got it first. She lives 2 hours away. She stayed isolated free from us until she was deemed to be Covid negative.

One of my best friends lost 7 family members, including his mother and father. Our hospital where my wife worked was overcrowded. They had patients in the hallways.

My wife works in radiology so every radiological test that was taken on Covid positive patients she was exposed to. She would come home from work and take her scrubs and shoes off outside the front door and place them in a plastic bag. We kept spray bottles of alcohol and spayed everything down.

I was taking a biologic for arthritis, that I quit taking because it wiped out my immune system. We made it through most of the pandemic when my son who was in college and was still living with us caught it. Both of my kids had caught it and both had mild cold like symptoms.

My wife wasn’t going to take the vaccines, decided to take them. She was the last employee in Radiology to take them. I wasn’t going to take them either. After my wife took them I decided to take them.

A couple months after taking them I caught Covid. The first five days were up and down with mild fevers and cold symptoms. Then the night of my sixth day I went to bed and woke up almost unable to breathe. I got my wife to take me to the ER. They admitted me and for the first time I received oxygen. I asked the doctors to do everything possible to keep me off the ventilator. The majority of the patients going on the vent didn’t make it.

After the pandemic was supposedly declared over.almost a year later I caught it again. This time I told my doctor to keep me out of the hospital. With aggressive treatment he did that.

Three months ago, long after it was over the mask mandates gone etc.. my wife finally caught it for her first time. A week later I was gifted round three of Covid for me.

I had the first three vaccines. I’ve had Covid three times. That I know of this is the only thing I’ve been vaccinated against that I still caught.

I told my doctor, I’m not taking anymore of their Covid vaccines. He said he was not either and would no longer be offering them to his patients.

I believe this virus will be with us and continue to mutate until Jesus comes back.